Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Most on shroomery are advocating the standard SAB anyway. Itā€™s just annoying that any wiggling of a Petri dish lid will let contamination in unless itā€™s in a sterile environment. Doing everything with injection ports makes it so you donā€™t really have to do the work in a SAB, but of course cloning tissue samples from a mush should be done in one so the sample doesnā€™t get contaminated as soon as itā€™s been exposed.


This literally brought tears to my eyes. Iā€™m feeling so very grateful right now.

Iā€™m a bit scared of taking a real trip for the first time in thirty years, what with my anxiety and illness, but Iā€™m gonna make myself do it eventually.

"The boundary dissolution is alarming to the ego. It doesnā€™t like that feeling and it tells you that you are dying.

Psychedelic voyagers have to learn to just when that red switch goes on, you just reach out and turn it off. You say, oh no its set wrong, Iā€™m not dying, but it tells you that you are dying because the ego very strongly identifies with the equilibrium of physical body.

And as the physical body begins to slide into the intoxication, the ego is saying, whatā€™s happening Here! Wait a minute! Iā€™m losing coherencyā€¦ This is not Good! You made a mistake! JOE ! JOE! We need help Joe! Its coming aparā€¦
Chill, chill its going to be alright. So you have to discipline yourself that way.

That the dissolving of the ego which is the dissolving of this maladaptive behaviour pattern that has made our sexual and social politics so complicated. In other words, the ego is not a good thing. Its existence in each one of us is so expressed a form is a symptom of neurosis. Cultural neurosisā€¦ and the psychedelic dissolves the ego, but the ego protests noisily while this is going on.

And people who are very ego dependant, if they have a psychedelic experience they usually only have one, and then they say ā€˜well that was like going nuts, I hated it, I just hated, it was just awfulā€™. Because they are very strongly identified with the ego.

Another person who isnā€™t so strongly identified with the ego, could look at the identical experience and say that it was a wonderful liberation, it was just the quintessence of freedom and light and openness.

So when I say that we are pathological and that we need to take strong medicine to fix ourselves. I donā€™t mean the kind of medicine where you canā€™t feel it working. I mean the kind of medicine where you CAN feel it working."

Terence McKenna (Lecture)


Currently I am in discussion with members on one forum on my language. They all are on agar line. Spores to agar, sectoring, isolationā€¦
Then they advice new members who never heard about hiphae, primordiaā€¦ This tek, that tek, this agar recepie, fruiting chambersā€¦
And I said ok, but why not to try easier approach. To make MS solution and inoculate few jars. If it works you have greater chance to find superior genetic for agar and isolation if you want
If it doesnt work try with agar
Funny thing is that this is small forum and im only one who constantly present my workā€¦ I use MS, grow in buckets with nylon cover and have less problems and contaminations then others do
And Im idiot there
This is new project. If it works, two jars go to grow for prints and eventualy cloning. And one for g2g
Only reason why i want monoculture is that i can do different approaches of growing and get clear comparison


Put them in a ziplock bag. Just open it in your SAB. I never wrapped mine.


Thatā€™s a pretty good reason, imo :+1:


Lol I hate myself

However lol, a few more days and into the shoebox with some coco it goes


When you take multiple prints from one cap, how long have you holding a cap on foil for each print?


Ah hell, I think Iā€™m going to start the two bags I prepped. I was going to use the rice bags later once I get to another strain going, but the Zstrain LC is getting tested and is basically ready to go. Since this is an isolated culture, Iā€™ll have a good gauge of mixed grains vs rice when they fruit out.


Iā€™m not the right person to ask since this was literally my first time, so I hope someone with experience times in, but I left the caps for six hours for the first print and twenty four hours for the second. I could have easily gotten a third, Iā€™m sure.


Quite a departure from the old ways, eh? :laughing:

When I spawned my tub, I dropped all of the ā€œuncolonizedā€ grains from the rice bags into a plastic container with a hole in the lid covered in micropore tape, topped it off with more brown rice, and give it all a good shake to mix it up.

If it looks good after colonization, itā€™s going to be split into about fifteen more bags. The condensation has me a bit nervous, but itā€™s also in a fairly cold area so I hope itā€™s just temperature differential.


Well heck. My master started smelling a little gassy today, which Iā€™m pretty sure isnā€™t normal. I guess I might be learning how to use a spore print a little sooner than expected.

But Iā€™m getting another small flush off that little experimental tray:

And the main tub appears to be colonizing nicely

EDIT: Actually, I think Iā€™m going to try to make some LC syringes today, since Iā€™ve already got everything I need on hand. Iā€™m a bit skeptical of this method, but I donā€™t see any reason not to try it, lol. If it fails, I still have my spore prints.


Now I just need to pasteurize some CVG!


This is my first try at it. Taking the right steps in keeping things clean, it can be very easy if you get the right products. Nowadays thereā€™s pre made grain bags like the one I used, just inject the culture into the bag with a sterile syringe (or spores if your canā€™t help it). Biggest issue is contamination, everything needs to be sterilized, and getting spores/cultures from a trusted source that is clean makes all the difference. Once the grains are fully colonized like that bag, then itā€™s a lot less prone to getting contam/infected, then you mix with so Coco coir and let it colonize again, then get ready to fruit it. Thereā€™s lots of videos on YouTube nowadays ok growing mushrooms in general.


I suspect itā€™s much like growing cannabis or brewing beer in that itā€™s fairly easy to achieve halfway decent beginner results if you read enough about how to do it, but requires some experience to really excel at.

But I say that as someone with almost no experience, soā€¦

I did harvest this little guy just now, though :laughing:

Gonna harvest a few more in a few hours.




Honestly depends on the beginner and how much they chose to read, absorb, and follow directions and moderate sterile procedureā€¦ I still know people that have been trying forever and canā€™t grow.


Need to apply a heavy dose of LITFA, touching and messing with it uncessisarily can contaminate. Holes and tears can happen


Ugh. First attempt at creating a liquid culture with a needle biopsy, and my hands are not very steady apparently. I did manage to get a small sliver in each syringe though.

At 8% sugar, it will be interesting to see whether this works.

I also cut a very tiny piece to put in a container of brown rice, and one to put into the container containing the rest of the juice.

Hopefully one or more of those things will work, lol.

Thinking of ordering some agar plates to test them on when the time comes.


Go to a Asian market and look for telephone brand agar, I got 25g packs for less than $2, mix in a sugar source and youā€™re good to go. Iā€™m doing the No pour agar tek and putting them into 4oz jars with injection ports so I donā€™t even need to open them or use a SAB/hood

I attempted to clone a gold oyster I bought at the grocery store. I took three samples from the center of the thickest piece I had. Two looks like theyā€™re just getting rotted and growing bacteria. One has less bacteria and is getting kinda fuzzy, so hope I get some mycelium from that one to transfer.