Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

Cheers dude. Will look in to how to do that. Many thanks for the response


Starting to get really annoyed with broken seals :rage:. The parafil sealing my test plate has some hole in it. Not sure if this is was from when I did the initial sealing, or if it developed over the week from some temp fluctuations. The two spots of mold I see are right in line with those holes, so I still consider this a good test.

But good news is my grain bag is basically completely colonized, I can prob mix to bulk in the next day or two.

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Wow, I totally feel like Iā€™m newb trolling the shroomery. Putting up points of logic and asking a question, and laughing at the responses Iā€™m getting. Really hating on the rice bag tek there, but everyone just brings up issues that are user error or not following instructions. I bring up the bags I prepped with silicone, I asked whatā€™s the difference between them and a bigger injectable grain bag, with all best practices being followed. Got some silly responses.

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That place is kind of toxic, imo. Iā€™ve had an account there for a while, but Iā€™ve never made a single post. Some of those people have some really strange ideas, too.

I donā€™t regret remaining a lurker :laughing:


It used to be a great place to learnā€¦ 15 years ago it was go toā€¦

Like most places, it gets overrun by dingus users who think they know everything and flame those that donā€™t think like they do.

Howeverā€¦ My UB bag is looking nice lol


I read that whole thread just now, and have seen others like it. Iā€™m a bit mystified why people get so bent out of shape about other people using pre-cooked rice bags, to be honest.

Reminds me a bit of the people who will argue endlessly that the only good way to get into growing mushrooms is to start with agar. Itā€™s definitely not the best way for every person. Yeah, I get the benefits and Iā€™m sold on how it can increase your chances of success by allowing you to better ensure that your spawn is uncontaminated etc, but thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going down that road before trying something simpler and Iā€™m not even going to bother enumerating the reasons for why thatā€™s not the path for me because I simply donā€™t feel like they need any justification. I want to work on isolating a good culture someday, and Iā€™m sure I would find the process fascinating. I might not ever get there though, and thatā€™s okay with me.

I understand that multi-spore syringe straight to grain carries a higher risk of contamination, and mss to over-hydrated and over-cooked low quality rice might be even more risky. Iā€™m okay with that. I guess itā€™s got a bit of a ā€œghettoā€ image in a lot of peopleā€™s minds, and Iā€™m okay with that too.

But no matter how much they might deride the methods and materials I used, I got some mushrooms out of it already, and am on track to get much more.

Hey, it worked. And continues to work. Iā€™m getting ready to g2g another dozen bags of pre-cooked rice in the next couple of days, got two tubs spawned and colonizing, got spore prints made, and got to give a friend some much-needed medicine.

Anyone who wants to deride me for how I did that can straight up kiss my whole ass :wink:

Edit: Oh! I gave half of my bags of fully colonized Uncle Benā€™s and two 5lb bags of pre-sterilized substrate I got from Etsy to my buddy, so he can grow his own medicine. Heā€™s got it all set up, and it looks like itā€™s taking off. I feel really really good about that!


Iā€™m MS all the way ā€¦ Sure I could clone to agar or use it to trasfer but itā€™s always worked for me. Itā€™s when people started their ā€œonly real growers use agarā€ that I quit with the shroomery. Bitch Iā€™ve been growing mushrooms since before you could babble the words agar lol tell me Iā€™m wrong


Iā€™ve seen so many great MS grows in the time Iā€™ve been reading up on this stuff that I just canā€™t accept that itā€™s not one of a hundred valid ways to do a great grow :wink:


Multispore inoculation to wild bird seed, then to cocoā€¦ Iā€™ve always said even pinset is more related to even environment more than sectoring fast moving cluster prone mycelium


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about!

Nice :smiley:


And I do this 98% of the timeā€¦ Sure, you have a couple jars of substrate contam out of 20ā€¦ But this is whatā€™s leftā€¦ Survival of the fittest, not letā€™s make whatever we think is fit mycelium survive lol


I hope to have a harvest like that some day.

Iā€™m still learning about the environment and surface conditions and other factors that help get there, and Iā€™m fully enjoying the journey.


That was like 3qts colonized seed and 2 qts coco in a 6qt plastic shoeboxā€¦ But honestly, after itā€™s mixed and topped, make it as even as possibleā€¦ Iā€™ve always ocdā€™d my casing laters and it always pays off pretty well

Over the years Iā€™ve modified my fruiting chamber to help grow in an environment I would call suitable vs shotgun fruiting chambers or monotubsā€¦ it works for me and thatā€™s what matters


Gonna make that my Shroomery sig, lol


I believe mine still has something to do with bulking to manureā€¦ Human manureā€¦ Was an old post from a member I made my sig



I am kind of a geek and think working with Agar is fascinating, but Iā€™m definitely seeing the frustration with contamination. I just went through and double checked the plates I have going, had to add another layer of parafilm to a few plates that had tiny holes along the film. Iā€™m actually going to do some no pour Agar in 4oz jars with modified lids, that way I donā€™t need to open them. Samples can be added or taken with just a needle through the injection port. Only need to have a needle biopsy type sample really (look up Josex poke).
Oh, last night, I made an inoculation loop, flamed it, then used it to take sample of my LCs to test on Agar. The LCs should be ready by the time the agars show if itā€™s clean or not. I also took some cordyceps sinensis LC directly from the syringe I was sent, and used a insulin syringe to inject roughly .1cc into each preserved silkworm in the package, and also into 5 mature live hornworms that are just about to pupate. I am waiting for roughly 8 other hornworms to pupate, then im going to put some Militaris into them.


I canā€™t wait to see what happens


Man, Iā€™m still just reading about the process of growing my own mushrooms, havenā€™t even tried yet (soon, though), but you are so right. Youā€™d think motherfuckers who are expanding their minds with psychedelics and whatever would be a little less pissy, kinda weird that thatā€™s not the case. Iā€™m not a big IG dude, but I do log on occasionally. I follow Paul Stamets and his last post was fucking FASCINATING. But every comment was like,ā€I dare say good sir that this hypothesis is,ā€ blahblahblah whatever whatever. Seems like the mushroom growers are a little too obsessed with one-upping each other and proving how ā€œscientificā€ they are haha.

Whatever. No big deal. Iā€™m not worried about impressing anybody, either, but it is very odd (to me, anyway) what dicks a lot of them are haha.


I just got a bunch of swabs, scalpels, syringes, large guage sharps, and other assorted supplies from a buddy in the medical field, and Iā€™m considering ordering some agar plates on Etsy.

I read that thread on the Josex poke and thought it looked interesting, but I wanna go back and reread it now :wink:

I only have an SAB to work with, but Iā€™d like to try making a clone next harvest anyways. Iā€™ll never be able to afford a flow hood or FFU, but maybe Iā€™ll get lucky and itā€™ll work anyways.