Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Awesome, good to know! I’ll save that little chart, thanks!


Oh, dear… I guess the topic of black agar is verboten on Shroomery. Just saw a thread where some dude got thoroughly attacked for the apparently unforgivable crime of asking questions about it, with half of them assuming without evidence that he got the idea from some YouTube personality they all hate. They then proceeded to direct all the hate they had for said YouTube personality to the person asking the question.

I guess I better not mention it over there, eh? Sheesh. I saw some black plates for sale on Etsy, thought they looked cool, and decided to try to make my own. I had no idea it was such a hot button topic, lol.

What a bunch of asshats.


This. This is what I was talking about. Iamyou and nube turned me on to that site, with the warning that, like,”Don’t you dare ask questions!” So I’ve been checking it out and been like,”Damn… They weren’t lying.” I haven’t asked any questions, haven’t even participated at all, just been reading, but still… You see that shit and kinda get like,”Fuck this…”

I think it’s interesting (kind of) that they directed their rage about a YouTube person at the poster. I mean, I haven’t even been eating any shrooms lately at all, but I have been, like,”The internet’s stupid…” Again, you’d think that people who were doing their best to expand their minds would kind of realize how stupid YouTube is. Or maybe not. I dunno haha.


It’s like taking to a brick wall when talking about anything but their accepted teks and Methods. The uncle Ben thread just got locked “proactively” to prevent the flaming from continuing. I made a point to say I haven’t used a 90sec rice bag yet, but I Put up points of logic and saying don’t blame a bag of rice for user error or bad practices.
If you follow all the best practices like using a SAB, testing your spores/LC, don’t inject too much fluid, it’s the same as any pre sterilized grain bag, only it’s not see through all the way around. Yes it has its drawbacks, and if your steam sterilizing stuff like agar and LC, then you can steam sterilize a BRF cake or poor boi tek some rice or popcorn. But you can also buy stuff pre made and save money on grain bags and go with rice bags. Putting some silicone on the bag to inject through will prevent issues like that piece of tape at the injection point (directly against the rice) getting moist and letting stuff grow through it.


Well, they do also blast anyone using premade grain bags, so… :wink:

If I keep going, and it’s now fairly obvious to me that I will, I’ll eventually start doing my own grain prep and other stuff, but given my situation I really felt like I needed to try a couple of super easy things first, and it just so happened that using a rice bag was the first thing that worked. I got lucky.

Now I’ve had a couple of tiny flushes, got a full tub pinning, set up a friend whose tub is pinning, and am starting to get pretty excited about learning more.

Seems like a perfectly reasonable path to me. Surely not ideal, but it worked. One of many valid approaches.

I really think it would be great if they could point out how to maximize your chances to be successful using methods they feel are less than ideal, rather than the approach I’ve seen so far.

Educate rather than attack, like how a lot of the Overgrow community does it :+1:

Edited to add: I will give that site credit for having a ton of info available if you’re willing to spend the time finding it. I’ve learned a ton just reading threads and not asking questions.


Cambodian MS solutions on wheat grain.
I shook them after taking pictures

Against all recommendations and good practices, I have injected several ml in LC

The filter was made of 2.5 ml syringe, polyfill and micropora tape. To break mycelium, I formed an isolated wire in some ball


I find the mushroom thing interesting as I had some good time in the 80’s with some. Maybe one day again. But for now I came across this article today that I found interesting.


thinking about getting into growing mushrooms ive already done some research and all i really need to know is where to get some spore syringes or spore prints


I got mine from Sporeworks, but there are whole lists of places that are trustworthy and reliable on Shroomery, Reddit, or pretty much anywhere that the topic is widely discussed.


i looked on sporeworks and they had some species i hadn’t heard about before and good prices too i think im gonna check out some subreddits and see where they get there spores from but anyways thanks for listing some resources for me :pray:


This little chonker amuses me. It was the first pin, and is significantly fatter than all the rest.

I didn’t know why until I looked at it from a different angle :laughing:

Thinking about cloning it… Not because I think it’ll be anything special, but just because it ought to be easy to get a biopsy from the inside of the stipe and I want the practice.



Nice :+1:

How do those containers work for you? Is it relatively the same workload and relatively similar yields?

Was thinking about doing some shoebox-style containers soon, so small containers are of particular interest to me :wink:


They do pretty well. Less space but should still get an ounce or so… This longer breadpan should be interesting.

I may need to get someore bags going to do a shoebox or two lol


Is that pure coco coir you are using? For a second I thought that was an ice cube tray, does anyone remember those?


Daily progressions
Just over 24hrs after mixing

24hr after above pic

As a note, double up on your parafilm, fold a wider piece in half then wrap. I’ve had several plates that this has happened to. Not sure if it’s drying out, bad roll or what ever. Im also going to stick them into ziplocks.

Doesn’t help that I have them stacked and the parafilm wants to stick to each other, so a little bit of movement in the lid likely happens when I pick them up to check them. The bag will stop all that anyway.


It is yea…


Do you have a tek for it? This is where it falls apart for me.


Just boil some water, add coco, let it expand and cool, squeeze out excess water and mix in

Really all I’ve ever done lol


There’s a bunch more, too. I’m looking forward to narrowing down the genetics to something that flushes more evenly, lol.