Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)


Gave the tub a bit of bottom watering and a good misting, and it soaked it all up. Hoping for a good second flush.

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Sweet :smiley:

I’m in love with how quickly mycelium colonizes. Really fascinating stuff.


Getting my monkey mycology kit together. So easy a monkey with a syringe can do it, from mini sealed agars, to LC, to grain/in-vitro fruiting jars.

If this was any other culture I’d be very concerned, but it’s it only growth on it. either I only added clean solution to agar and this is some funky mold, or this is Morel mycelium from the two drops I added after shaking up the syringe as best as I could.

Day 6 update on shoebox


Getting closer


Two days later…


Day 9
This is the same box that I’ve been posting, it’s the furthest along of the three. A couple days ago I unlatched one side of the lid to allow some air exchange to promote fruiting, and it’s made that side grow much faster.

The remaining cordyceps bin is fully colonized and really thick, so I put it to light to start fruiting it as well. I stuck the bin into a fruiting chamber to keep contamination out, so it’s kinda hard to see it. I’m doing that one in the basement where it’s still closer to 60F (55-68f seems ideal). Now that it’s under lights (12/12 cycle :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) it should turn orange in the next couple days.

Didn’t take any update pics of the Sinensis projects, but the preserved silkworms are all about 75% encased in mycelium, and the one hornworm I can somewhat see looks like it’s getting colonized from the inside out. I’m starting to see areas that look like there’s some white masses starting to protrude from parts of the body.
The hornworm that I allowed to pupate need to be stuck in the fridge, hope they survive it for the next week or so while I make up another batch of Militaris LC, I kinda forgot to save some for them when I inoculated the bins :sweat_smile:. But the next batch of LC is going to be more “legit”, making my own solution in one of the modified mansion jars, and I have a magnetic stir plate that should be here tomorrow.


I havent done a PC run in awhile. Been itching to start again.

The only spores ive been messing with lately are Koji.

I inoculated Soy Beans and Wheat Berries with Koji spores and once fully colonized they went into a jar of salt water to ferment for 1-3 years for great Soy Sauce!


Wow. That’s a heck of a home fermentation project!


Cordyceps Militaris bin color is changing, looks like a clean colonization to me.

The sinensis project is crawling along
The pasteurized packs of silkworms

Two hornworm that are against the side of the container, I believe they’re getting colonized as well

Hornworm pupas I’m going to keep in the fridge, and I have some more that I’m waiting to pupate. I’ll have to keep them dormant until I am ready to inoculate them. I’m starting the next batch of Militaris liquid culture for the injection, just got the a magnetic stir plate (more toys :laughing:).


Loving your cordy project @seamonkey84


I’m doing more reading on the fruiting conditions for sinensis. Based on a publication I’m reading, after it’s fully colonized, it’s a like 15-20 weeks in the fridge at 1/2 the atmosphere of sea level.

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My first pins!




My second flush is underway, but although the pins are all pretty fat, they’re a little fucky too.


I’m not experienced enough to know what’s causing the dark stripes and overall strange appearance of these, and searching is not really helping either.

But I have plenty of backup, should I need to toss this tub. My clone cultures are doing well, with only one showing contamination (the one I opened outside the SAB), the liquid cultures seem to be doing well, and I made up another twenty agar plates for doing transfers.


Strainaholic in me is itching… must find


Striping is more just mushroom stretch marks, overall fattness of them is that they’re the second flush… You’ll usually get less fruits and occasionally a monster mush or two


Bigger every time I look at them lol



Yeah, that exponential growth is amazing eh?

Looking good!


That’s a relief! Thanks for the input, much appreciated.

They’re definitely fatter this time. Almost every one looks fatter than what I saw on the first flush.

Even the side pins look thicker, lol


I’m going to be doing a new grow soon as my stash dwindled quickly with all the gifting I did to friends this past year. For anyone just jumping in, Uncle Ben/Spiderman Tek is a great way to get started with little equipment. It’s how I got going before moving over to proper grains and pressure cookers.