Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc šŸ„ (Part 1)

As noted, definitely normal for a later flushes. I got some chonks out of all my second flushes, then after a third Iā€™d bury the cakes outside and get a handful of monsters. FWIW though, thereā€™s the idea that bigger doesnā€™t mean stronger. Thereā€™s a lot of anecdotal evidence that a shroom starts with all the magic it will ever have and disperses it among the shroom as it grows, which is why pins should always be pulled and saved as they are tiny little magic bombs.


Hereā€™s the tail end of the last small grow I did

After they dried it was down to about 15% of the wet weight, but plenty for a year of medicinal and recreational use.


Oh, thatā€™s perfectly alright with me :smiley:

I honestly couldnā€™t care much less about potency right now, so long as thereā€™s enough to do microdosing effectively. Iā€™m currently working on finding the lowest effective medicinal dose. Iā€™m not looking to explore the deepest reaches of my mind just yet :wink:

But still, the part of me that remembers taking shrooms thirty years ago does want a picture of me holding a monster shroom in my hand, hehe.


Itā€™s been a while for me on this end. Just MD now. I got a little reckless with my trips trying to open doors in my subconscious youā€™re not supposed to open. Finally took just over 10g and had a really rough one. The next day I felt amazing, like I had reached the end of the journey and confronted a lot of my issues and bullshit, but I am scared to take a macro dose now because Iā€™m not sure if I closed all those doors behind me. lol


Itā€™s been like 18yrs since the last time I ate any shroom, Iā€™m growing them for the fascination and my friend wanted to try micro dosing. Also got a zip of fruits but Iā€™ve yet to try any yet lol.


I am currently on the middle approach. I often take a dose between 1.2 - 1.7 grams. It is not overhelming, I am capable of managing social situations, being with children and doing strange things. Listen to music in a different way, drum up on furniture, danceā€¦ and they along with me. It is good for them.
Walking in nature is great. The city is also interesting, I see how ridiculous it is
I like a change of perspective, the ability to connect unrelated things, notice paterns in realityā€¦
The worst dose is between micro dosing and 1.2 g. Neither here nor there


It was about that long for me before I learned how to grow. The pandemic hit me hard with depression and anxiety. So I looked for alternative forms of therapy and was doing a trip with a ramped up dose every two weeks until I got to the last one. Honestly not sure if Iā€™ll ever touch a macro dose againā€¦maybe in another 18yrs. lol


Boom, at this rate idk how big theyā€™re going to get, but this box isnā€™t growing evenly so Iā€™ll have a good gauge of time to pick I guess.

The other two boxes are fully colonized on surface, and the one I was originally focusing on and cracked the lid to is pinning now.


Are they growing bigger close to where the lid is cracked or further away. The fresh air exchange/evaporation are important to get pins and size. I usually crack the lid along the length of the tub rather than one of the ends. That said, the network does what the network does. If this was my tub I would have let the surface colonize a bit more, where you have good mycelium coverage you have good pinning. Overall though great grow, you can mist less now with fruit in the box. Give it another 24-48 before you start harvesting.


To build on my last comment, that light fuzzy growth is because of how wet it is in your tub. If you donā€™t have one already and plan on doing more grow get a fine mist sprayer. Give a couple mists just so you can see the dew drops on the surface, then wait. If thereā€™s water on the side of the tub your humidity is anywhere from good to over doing it and creating an atmosphere for mold.


I didnā€™t have the option with this box that is fully fruiting now. The rim is warped and it was getting FAE the whole time. They are growing fastest further away from the fresh air. The long side of the box that is warped is the where patch that is still brown. I only misted that box once, when I cracked one side along with having the warped rim, most of the condensation went away. I havenā€™t misted the other two at all and thereā€™s some condensation in all of them.their kids are both crack now, one I intentionally cracked ā€œearlyā€ and it did colonize faster. I was reading a tek and it said to put it into ā€œgrowingā€ (fruiting) conditions immediately after mixing to bulk, they had great results a bit faster. But
Even in the box thatā€™s is fully colonized, the pinning is starting on the end away from the cracked lid.


Some people have success with this, I never did. Had one tub with a poor harvest and two that got tossed because of mold. I let mine colonize, sealed up tub in a dark warm closet for about a week without being disturbed and build up a strong network of mycelium. I have a few uneven canopies when my FAE isnā€™t right but mostly full coverage with a few grams of pins per harvest. Then soak and drain the cake for the second flush.


Is that Mushboyā€™s thread? Iā€™m on page 334 of that thread now, although I canā€™t imagine why since the last 200 pages have been mostly people asking shit that was answered in the first post, lol.

I plan on trying a couple of shoe boxes myself as soon as I have enough spawn. Iā€™m really interested in comparing them to my frankentub :laughing:

Did some transfers today. Boy I suck at this. Iā€™m gonna do a bunch more in a few days to get in some practice.

I also put a small drop of my liquid culture onto some agar (no pics, though) just to see what there is to see. Iā€™m really hoping that it comes out clean!


Playing with agar cultures is fun. Especially when itā€™s time to start new grain jars. 2-3 little pieces colonize a jar so much quicker than a spore sticker.


Iā€™m just starting to play around with it, but it seems pretty neat so far.

Iā€™ve been lucky so far in that Iā€™ve only had one show any contamination, which is nice.

Come to think of it, Iā€™ve been pretty lucky overall in my new mushroom journey. Iā€™ve had a few failures with spawn, but have still managed to produce enough medicine to last me a little while.

I strongly believe that people should grow their own if their situation allows for it.

Whether itā€™s cannabis, actives, medicinals, or food, nothing beats homegrown!


Hard to take a pic of cordyceps though the bin


As long as you were as sterile as possible you shouldnā€™t have too many issues with agar once you get to the second set. Putting a chunk of shroom or drops from a syringe will likely bring some contam. But pour some new plates in a few days then you can cut some pieces of the good mycelium and drop them on new plates to get a clean sample. Then from there exponential math kicks in and you can keep populating plates and dropping pieces in grain jars and end up with more mushrooms than anyone needs for 3 lifetimes. Lol


If you open the contaminated plate in the SAB will there be a chance the contaminated plate could spread to your new plate?


Donā€™t ever open contaminated plates or vessels. Autoclave them first if you need to reuse the vessel or just wrap it up and toss it in the garbage if not.


Eh, Iā€™ve done it many times. The SAB is the best place to do it as any potential spore spread will be contained. Itā€™s part of the clean up process for agar. Youā€™re very, very lucky if you get a clean plate from a spore syringe and many times cloning, so if you want clean plates you have to open and transfer some of the clean mycelium to a new plate.

See above. Never open a contaminated grain container, and get rid of any cakes that are contaminated, but itā€™s par for the course when working with plates.

EDIT: Agar cleanup video, he makes note that it depends on when you catch the contam of course. You donā€™t want to open a fully developed trich plate. lol. Youā€™ll have to move to a new house if you want to keep working with fungus.