Mushrooms - DIY, spores, etc 🍄 (Part 1)

Yea I figured I would need to get some desiccant too. The oven at 170 was too high, I didn’t even let them dry all the way and they were coming out blackened. Using just a fan or my dehumidifier blew spores all over, that or I was just tired and eyes were getting itchy from that lol. So until I get a dehydrator, this will have to do to get them mostly dry.


I’ve always just dried mine by putting them onto a baking tray underneath my grow tent exhaust. They’re typically crispy after 24-48 hours and then into jars with dessicant packs they go!


use some redneck engineering and go old school. Lay a box fan face down across something to hold it a couple feet of the floor. lay some mesh down then the shrooms. drape a sheet under the fan to catch the spores. The dehydrator is nice and something I had prior to growing, but I did have to buy extra trays for it.


I was thinking about that, venting the exhaust into a drying box


It works wonders.

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Sure glad I didn’t bulk spawn the rice this came from!


So I didn’t take any pics of the third tub harvest, even thought it had the biggest mushroom yet lol. All three tubs have been soaked and lids put back in to get them going again.
But this is what I have dried so far from the first two boxes. The smaller dark pile is the first batch I tried to dry in the oven :persevere:

Unfortunately the Cordyceps sinensis silkworms didn’t colonize all the way, and then the mycelium just seemed to have melted away and they are now just slimy. The hornworms looks like they’re colonizing from thr inside, but I’m not seeing but a few parts turning white under the skin.

Nothing changing on the C. Militaris bin, still looks the same so far. They’re kept at 60-62F right now so I’m expecting slower growth (on a already slow growing mushroom). The next batch of Militaris LC should be done to use on the pupa I have, and to do some Militaris grows in mason jars.
In the mean time, I’ve just left and forgotten about the original Petri dishes I started with the cordyceps. The mycelium has almost completely filled the volume of the dish and is trying to bust out, there’s a tiny air pocket against the lid still :sweat_smile:

In the mean time, I have two rice bags started with more Z strain LC I made, just because. As long as they’re good, I’ll be using them both for one shoebox.

Fingers crossed, I’m getting a culture from someone that was cloned from a batch of these. But I hear it’s unstable, as in doesn’t always grow out this color, and slow growing.


Questions on consuming. What’s the best way you’ve found. I have a hard time choking down dried shrooms, especially in larger quantities (2.5 - 5+ grams). Would blending into a smoothie work? Other thoughts?


Into drinks, capsules, foods, make a tea, extract, what ever as long as it get inside you


Sooooo close lol getting that good growth on today… already alot bigger than this morning when I left for work


Oh man, I’m jealous of y’all right now.

The only thing I’ve got going right now is a few jars of spawn and a few agar transfers in various stages, like these:


If I had to pick if I was transferring slants to other dishes

That other one could use a bit more to show something definitive.

Mostly I’m jealous of you… You get to mess around with the more in depth stuffs lol


You don’t have to use a pressure cooker to sterilize you can use a double boiler plenty of youtube videos on this. I sterilize in my oven 225* for 90 mins` works like a charm. Peace :slightly_smiling_face:


Ya do that with birdseed and it doesnt sprout?

For bulk methods you need better sterilization than an oven


Yes works well for PF cakes, brown rice, popcorn, agar and LC. Which will work fine for growing everything honestly. But the nutrient rich grains that are usually cheap and kinda dirty (feed quality) really should/need to be done hotter, and even then it’s 90min to two hours in a PC. So to steam it in a pot, it’s need to go for 4-6 hours.

I’m loving the work growing and culturing on agar and LC as much as the actual fruiting. Just need to get some jars going for the next batch of cordyceps and full broke boi tek for the next double grows until I get a PC. Even then… I have a ton of brown rice… why bother with other grains lol.


I only use pint wide mouth with rye flour and fine vermiculite usually four to six at a time. I screw grains every time` doesn’t matter if they come in a bag pre-sterilized. Jars work for me. I have contaminated many a batch since dabbling this last year. The oven does work for my style. Peace.


Well for sure, yea… grain flours like rye and brown rice flours have ultimate success on steam and oven sterilization.

Used many times for pf tek, works wonders


Interesting, thanks for the suggestions!

I plan on doing transfers from those this weekend, and using anything left over that looks clean enough to do a “blenderless liquid inoculation” on a few jars.

Speaking of which, after doing the transfers I cut up the agar that the cultures above were transferred from and dropped it into a jar of brown rice. It looks a bit weird, but it’s interesting:


While I can usually just crunch them up without issue, sometimes I catch that harsh flavor and gag. So here are my 3 go to methods:

Lemon Tek
My favorite way to get to the tripping part quickly as it mimics what your stomach acid does when you ingest. Grind up my dose and soak in about 1cup of lemon or lime juice for 20min. Don’t let them soak much longer as it starts to break down the active component and you don’t want that. Then I strain out the pulp with a cheese cloth or old tshirt into a 16oz drinking glass, add 1tbsp of simple syrup and fill the rest with water, stir and fucking chug fast because it is still heinous.

Peanut Butter
I always fast for at least 6hrs prior to taking a proper dose so my stomach isn’t trying to work with other foods, but a peanut butter sandwich is an exception I’ll make because it masks the flavor of the shrooms very well. Add some chocolate syrup if you need something else. Break the shrooms into smaller pieces and it’s like you’re eating a weird crunchy PB sandwich.

Flaming Hot Cheetos
Was the best tip I’ve ever been given, the texture is similar enough to get over that hurdle, and the flaming hot powder kills all your tastebuds for several minutes so you don’t have to worry about tasting them.

The main thing is just don’t do anything too heavy, filling, or takes more than a couple minutes to crush as you don’t want your stomach fighting with other foods to process them slowing down the start or making the trip lighter as you miss the point where more won’t help increase the intensity of the trip. If a PB sandwich fills your bird stomach up, do one of the other methods.


LOL! :rofl: