Mutant Madness?

You have some of the coolest looking plants on OG! I love the wispy look of the Lagkitan, too bad you didnt find a keeper. The variegated plant, forget what its called? Is a stunner too!

I’ll stay tuned because i want to be here when you find the perfect one; crazy foliage, colors, disease resistance, flavors, and buzz.


V9 Tiger from Kaly seeds.

I can’t wait for that day where the mutants have all the right attributes that I’m seeking for. Might be waiting for a few years but I’ll get there eventually :grin:


Hey @crunkyeah , after much deliberation, your work has inspired me! I ordered drunken bastard seeds and freakshow pollen!(seeds out of stock)
I don’t know what to do with the pollen, can you use it on any regular strains and then hunt for the mutant? Or will that not work?? Will it mix well with the drunken bastard?


Hey @Dalorean
I’m glad I inspired you to try the mutants! Drunken Bastard is quite a unique strain. I hope you ordered enough to have some variety. It’s claimed that there’s a purple-flower pheno in there but I didn’t see it in any of my plants. Either way, I believe I found 2 recessive phenos which ended up really tall (1 male+1 female!). Currently I have them in veg that I’m about ready to flip to flower this weekend.

As far as I know, Freakshow is a recessive set of chromosomes only present in the females. The males don’t seem to pass on the gene by themselves. To recreate any mutant (or recessive) expression in progeny one must do a certain pedigree of breeding in order to maintain the recessive expression.

If you look up cubing like Mr Soul did with Cinderella 99, that’s one way of maintaining a leaf shape mutant. Nobody really does that these days but it is something we can do.

You can further inbreed a line with 2 mutants of the same batch, which should provide uniformly mutant plants in the next generation, all mutant (ex. Drunken Bastard F2 male and female from the same batch bred to make F3).

Outcrossing is quite a bit more complex but it’s still really simple once you understand it. Basically you breed the mutant to any other strain (that’s what outcrossing is). Then you take a male and female from the F1 generation and breed them together. In the F2 generation is where you will see the most phenotypic variation. Approximately 25% of the F2 will be mutants. We can select mutants from these populations to continue to F3, thus continuing the mutant leaf type. The interesting thing is, during the F1 generation all mutants will appear like normal cannabis. Since the mutant leaf type is recessive it’s impossible for it to show up in the F1 generation UNLESS they’re related somehow.

Let’s go back to Freakshow for a second. Freakshow is a new mutation which recently popped up and now we can see that if a female Freakshow is used, and pollinated with any other male, the resulting F1s will be normal except the males will have strange leaves. As far as I’m aware, male pollen does not result in these strange-leaf males in the offspring. I think it will be really interesting to see the effects of your cross, if that’s what you plan on doing. I’m fairly certain the Bastard leaf type will end up dominating, based on a couple of plants I have and a friend here on OG.

After growing several mutant varieties I have to say DB is kind of unique in terms of a plant to manage. It doesn’t grow anywhere near as fast as other varieties. They have to be like 100% healthy to be trucking along. The space they take up…nowhere near close to other varieties. I would almost run 2.5-3 plants where I would only put 1 of a normal strain. In the beginning keep the light intensity very low. They seem to grow more quickly in veg with low light. With high light intensity they just turn into tiny bushes. I also have to say that it’s not quite there yet in terms of being really good smoke. It is lovely though. If you get a real blueberry one it’s quite delightful. The piney ones are fine too but the real sweet blueberry ones… just can’t beat that sweetness!

I guess I will say with this one, you have to be patient. It grows really slow, and flower takes it’s time too. I would say it’s around 6 months to harvest from seed if you do it right. If you need any more info on them let me know.


@Dalorean if you think of it, send me a message in about two weeks. I’m super busy until then, but I may have something to offer you.


Dang @crunkyeah , so the pollen is basically useless without the freakshow female? That sucks!! I’ll just keep it in the freezer until I’m able to get seeds. I might hit my current females with it just to experiment and see what the children look like lol. Oh don’t worry I’m SUPER excited to grow the bastards, they’ll be going outside in our garden in spring if I can even wait that long. They are just fascinating looking!! That sucks that the smoke isn’t that good, but hey, autos sucked when they first started out, so the future of these is bright, and I’m sure with your work you will pave the way for just that!


I wouldn’t say the Freakshow pollen is useless. Freakshow still has desirable traits for breeding. It’s just not likely to produce more Freakshow plants, which is kind of unfortunate. Experimenting is a good thing I think! We all start somewhere. If some of us choose to breed with mutants well then we’re just not the norm that’s all.

I’m glad for you since you’re so thrilled for the DB. They are truly a wonderful cultivar. I will say that the smoke is very good. It’s just not where it needs to be to be a commercial/retail strain yet. The flowers it produces are high quality, they just lack density and take a long time to grow. I guess maybe I should phrase it to say DB is a wonderful cultivar but it lacks the production aspects of modern hybrids in order to make it competitive in today’s legal markets.

I do plan on working and breeding with all of my mutants. I plan on releasing each line on it’s own so customers may try the varieties for themselves. Then I will begin working them together to try and find the world’s best super mutant. Might take me 20 years but it sounds like a fun journey to me!


Things haven’t mellowed at all unfortunately! The weather and health issues have kept me from really delving into my trimming and seed sorting process. I have chopped every outdoor plant now and will work this week on processing all my plants. I have more than a few [image] most of them are 90% seeds but it’s great because this is an incredible learning experience for me. First outdoor run and first seed run. Lots of experiential learning here.

I have just begun another seed run this time indoors. Here’s a little pictogram showing the order of everything:
Invictus | Duckweb | Imperium X
Double Jam | Drunken Bastard (male) | Invictus
SubterFreak | Drunken Bastard (female) | Subterfreak

Really excited to get all the seeds from this little run.

Next we have the veg tent top:

Veg tent bottom:

As you can see everything looking lovely after the beneficial bug army came in and did it’s job! The top is the keepers and the bottom will be flowered as soon as I process the plants hanging in my flower tent.

Here’s some individual highlights on the keepers:


V9 Tiger: (95% sure she’s a girl!!!)

Drunken Bastard:

Giant Pur Pur:


As I get things transplanted for flowering and get the clone parents into proper long term pots I will try to update again.


Nice one, are those last pictures ‘round’ multis? If so how’s the growth rate vs ABC/DB ?


@crunkyeah Really interesting work. I’m really liking the ‘round multis’ too.
I share your thinking regarding wanting to produce more solid flowers in the bastard plants. That’s one of the reasons why i chose Pine Tar Kush for my my breeding mom. The buds get pretty solid. It’s taken 3-4 years to get to F3/F4s on on the first back cross generation, but it’s been totally worth it.
Here’s a sample pic of one of the buds i have going right now.

I bet Deep Chunk would be a good choice for a breeding mom, as it’s an IBL, it’s quick flowering and has rock solid buds. And it’d be a natural future breeding partner with the PTB(think CrippleCreek) :wink:. And @Tonygreen will hopefully be releasing Deep Chunk seeds in the near future. :crossed_fingers:


@lilmanbigplan - The second to last picture are 2 ‘normal’ multis. The last picture is 3 ‘round’ multis. The growth does seem to be faster than ABC/DB.

@PineTarBastard - Thanks for the support! What’s interesting to me about this PTB you’ve created is that you’ve been using ABC males and ‘regular’ females for this project. I’ve pondered many a night what the differences might be with an ABC female and a regular male. I’ll be doing my crosses with mutant females and regular males. Should be interesting to see where we end up in a few more years!

Your PTB flower looks amazing! If you ask me, that still has the iconic ABC flowers, but they do look a lot more dense than what I’ve seen lately. Do the branches bend under the flowers’ weight? They look really frosty! Great work.

Regarding Deep Chunk I have a partner strain selected for my Sultan. I pondered long and hard over finding a good IBL for breeding but since I’m doing a Bonsai Sultan breeding method, I would like to keep all my mutant lines different from each other. I expect a poly-hybrid to give me a bit more diversity in that regard. I haven’t been able to find a quality IBL with flowers that I just can’t live without.


Seems like a good time for an update so here we go. I’ve removed many specimens to give me room to let my keepers get really good and established so I can do some really productive clone runs.

Menthol Skunk 1-4 went into flowering along with a clone of Giant Pur Pur. They’ve been under 12/12 for about 4 days now. Here they are:

Next we have the keepers:
V9 Tiger:

Giant Pur Pur:


Drunken Bastard:


I’ve removed one specimen that was a regular one like this one because he was trying to flower. I’m searching for a keeper female with qualitative traits that I may improve and add to through breeding. In that spirit I germinated 11 more Multileaf seeds and am pleased to show most of them are plugging along!

That’s all for now! I’ll try to post photos of the offgrid setup after defoliation takes place.


Here we are again, things are moving along nicely.

4x4 flower tent: (Note the huge ABC male in the middle!)

5x3 flower tent:

Giant Pur Pur likes to get tall:

Menthol Skunk: (all 4 female…kinda wanted one male)

One of each Menthol Skunk clone: (bout a week in…another week or two and they’ll be ready to plant)

Multileaf seedlings all trucking along: (will cull all round-leaf once they get big enough)

Lastly we have the P1 generation. This is likely the only photo which exists of 5 different mutant cannabis plants:

Here I have Multileaf, a variegated Duckfoot, BerryFreak, Giant Pur Pur, and Drunken Bastard.

Here are 11 more Multileaf seedlings. I will cull the round-leaf specimen and hunt for a few more regular specimens. My large female is putting off some really nice lemon-skunk kind of terpenes, as well as having a more ideal structure for my finished work.

Anyways, onwards to divulge a little of my ever changing plans… long story short I went on a good mushroom trip and decided that I was moving much too quickly to try and make outcrosses with each mutant. I was in this mad rush like a delusional freak thinking I had to get these F1s made as soon as literally possible. The trip made me realize I have some really exceptional cultivars in my tent which a lot of people would love a cutting of… and I need to explore each one on a personal level. On top of that, there’s still mutant specimen from each variety which I’d like to explore more. Let’s take Giant Pur Pur for example. The ones I have are F2s, so we know there’s TONS of variation. I still have 30 seeds to sort through.

Moving forward I will flower all my current mutants and get to know them a bit more. By the middle of February both flowering tents should be completed. By then, I plan to have all regular Multileaf ready for flowering. In the 4x4 I plan on doing a Multileaf repro. In the 5x3 I will do all the female mutants. Then during the summer of 2023 I want to use the great outdoors to hunt through a bunch of mutant strains I have. I have about 100 mutant seeds from different varieties. It would be nice to use the great outdoors to hunt for the best females out of the bunch. If they’re better than my keepers, the keepers will get replaced.

Just so everyone knows, currently I have:
Menthol Skunk & BerryFreak (Freakshow-fern leaves)
Drunken Bastard (ABC leaves)
Giant Pur Pur (serrated single-leaflet leaves)
V9 Tiger (variegated webbed leaves)
Multileaf (Multiple leaf tips)

In the seeds yet to be sprouted I hope to find a non-serrate single-leaflet female, an ABC Special female (for breeding), and possibly a high-yield, high-CBD Giant Pur Pur female. My general idea is to use ideal mutant females and breed them with a potent strain’s male. I have considered working a couple of my non-mutant strains to F3 before working my mutant lines to F3, just for the breeding experience. But I may just say “f^*k it” and breed the plants and learn as I go.


Update time.

In the seed tent my DB male has exploded with pollen. It appears that 90% of the plants are seeded heavily, from what I can see. Unfortunately I think the timing is off with the Double Jam specimen. I will have seeds, but I’m doubtful for quantity. It’s the most important cross (to me) out of the 8 females making seeds. I guess whatever happens it’s in nature’s hands now.
Here’s the photos:

Sorry I forgot to turn the lights down on these photos… they’re looking amazing though! It’s also going to be increasingly difficult for photos as the Double Jam begins filling out most of the tent. It’s easily 2-3x every other plants’ size and it’s just getting started lol…

Next we have the non-seeded mutant run (Menthol Skunk and Giant Pur Pur). Giant Pur Pur is literally a few inches away from being my height. I’m going to have to figure something out because it’s literally about 4-5 inches off the top budsite. I moved it so it’s not directly under the light but I don’t think the flowering stretch is done on her yet.

MS2 is my favorite for smell, very menthol aroma. MS4 is my favorite for structure and leaves. I suspect the keeper is going to be MS4, having the best smells, structure, and rooting ability. Speaking of…

MS2-4 have roots going and all need about another week and they’ll be ready for planting. Just waiting for the roots to grow a bit more before planting. MS1 doesn’t look like it’s going to make it. If MS1 turns out better than her sisters I may end up revegging her. As is though, it looks like a decision will be made between MS2 and MS4. I want to like MS2 the most because of her smell, but her structure honestly looks terrible. Maybe in a few weeks time things will develop more and I’ll change my mind about which to breed with but for now I’m leaning on MS4.

Before we get into the veg plants I’ll go over the Multileaf seedlings. Fortunately I had much better germination on the second batch of Multileaf seeds. 11 for 11 but unfortunately it seems, only 2, maybe 3 specimens will end up as regular Multileaf. All the others appear like they will be round-Multileaf. Just a matter of time before I know for certain. The best specimen from batch 1 still won’t show sex preflower. I assume it’s female just for this reason, but I can’t say for certain.

And the veg plants:


Plants are looking stellar!

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them giant pur purs look like a great choice for sneaky roadside grows :grin:


Dang, time to update for sure. Let’s start with the ones everyone wants to see, flowers!
What I see:

Highlight of GPP:

As you can see, aphid infestation on this girl is quite insane. I don’t know why they like it so much but oh they do! Fortunately the ladybugs are also exploding in numbers. The watering jug I left in there last night accidently. When I looked at it today at least 2 larvae were on it, and there must have been at least 100 eggs scattered on the surface. Pretty cool to watch them multiply.

Menthol Skunk:
These smells are AMAZING. Could possibly unhinge BerryFreak as my favorite terpene profile. It’s a menthol earthy type thing, very unique. Each pheno is slightly different but they’re all roughly about the same. The biggest thing I notice though is the difference in flowers. MS1 has the flowers of BerryFreak, which I know and love. Some of the others are more like what I’ve seen from homegrown Freakshow grows.





And onto the veg plants!

Clones have been planted, and appears like they’re going to start really taking off in a week or so once they get accustomed to dirt-life.

First we have the regular Multileaf keepers. I plan on breeding these together for a seed stock increase, as well as fixing the traditional leaf a bit better. One thing you won’t know by the pictures… one of those is actually a rooted clone from the first specimen… so effectively I have 5 regular leaf Multi to play with. I do believe I have a male/female pair, so that should be fun when the time comes.

Next we have 3 Menthol Skunk clones:

MS2 got shaded out by a Multileaf clone, so I’m giving it a bit more time to develop. Roots had gone brown and growth had stopped. If I can’t bring it back, I’m not too worried. While MS2 is a really unique and cool specimen, MS1 has captured me. I find more qualitative traits in MS1 than the others, so I’m going to roll with that unless the flowers quality is vastly different from one individual to the next.

So for the next photo I’m on the fence about these… I don’t really want to run them but at the same point I don’t want to cull them either. They are the round-leaf Multis.

They’re a bit slower than the traditional Multileaf but they’re all wonderful little plants in their own rights. Actually I haven’t noticed a huge lack of vigor in this bunch. The round-leaf seems to be only slightly behind the regular-leaf in terms of size. Maybe these will be gone by the next update, maybe not.

Lastly, we have the 5 keepers on the bottom shelf.
Drunken Bastard
Multileaf #1
Giant Pur Pur
V9 Tiger
and BerryFreak


its crazy how they look like normal plants until they flower. cannabis flowers are just too unique. :grin:

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Your plants are looking great. The multileafs looks like strawberry plants to me.

beautiful .

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