Mutant Madness?

@anthormap - Agreed! It’s also crazy how unique they are next to each other. They literally look like different plants, while still being cannabis. Kind of reminds me about race in humans. We can all look different and be different but we’re still all the same.

@PineTarBastard - Thanks! The round-leaf ones I could agree with but idk about the traditional-leaf. I have chosen to just work with the traditional-leaf for now.

@PetalPowerseed - Thank you! I like to think they’re beautiful because their caretaker isn’t. They display all my beautiful qualities and hide my ugly ones. :wink:

Update time:
Things are progressing as well as I could hope. In the 4x4 I have like 6 different plants all seeded from the same Drunken Bastard male. There really isn’t much to see except plants fully loaded with seed. Since there’s nothing too special to see, I will reserve photos for harvesting. I can say that the Invictus girls were equally as impressive as their siblings. You can see photos of those earlier in the thread. The new ones look exactly like those did. Fortunately one of the Invictus seems to be a very aggressively large plant, so the seeds should be promising. A large DB specimen combined with a very large 27-30% THC strain, yes please!

In the 5x3 I have GPP and Menthol Skunk in the last leg of their life. The Giant Pur Pur girl on the left has a very large and pronounced internode spacing, but unfortunately it doesn’t look like this pheno also got the XXL flowers. Additionally she’s also slightly unstable and did herm on me a bit. It looks like I’ll have maybe 50-100 S1 from her. MS1 is the clear standout from the MS specimen. She’s much larger than her sisters and much more productive. MS2-4 are nearly identical with MS2 being the only oddball. For one, the clone just died on me after rooting, and the flower structure is different from the others. She’s also the heaviest of the bunch with one of her main colas almost touching the ground now. I will remove her in a day or two as most pistils have turned amber. Oddly enough, Menthol Skunk flowers more like BerryFreak in that the phenos I have are around 70-75 days maturity. The flowering time that comes with MS descriptions is 55-65 days. MS1 is the only pheno that fits that timeframe. I have decided that the terpenes that come off Menthol Skunk are superior to those of BerryFreak. Both are 110% awesome but MS wins in my book due to the subtle menthol flavor permeating that wonderful earthy berry bliss. Either way, both will be a part of my breeding projects.

Here’s some photos of these beautiful ladies! (keep in mind they’re STILL infested with spidermites and aphids):

As you can see, pretty much everything is falling over due to weight. Wish I would have known how heavy they would get! I would have scrogged them…

GPP female. Very susceptible to aphids this one. Fortunately the ladybug army has helped quite a bit!

You can see some of the aphid damage to GPP due to the strange colorations on the fan leaves. Additionally there’s ladybug larvae all over it.

MS buds getting too heavy to be supported by these stems! This cultivar definitely needs support into late flowering.

And lastly we have the veg plants which also need a disclaimer of sorts. I have removed the round-leaf Multis. It seemed to me that the recessive traditional Mnogolistka (Multileaf) leaf needs to be isolated and secured. You can find a variety of ABC crosses on the internet by now but there’s nothing out there for traditional Multi. For this reason I want to stabilize and insure that these beautiful little plants do not get lost to time. I have also planted clones from the Menthol skunk moms currently flowering. The only one which died on me was MS2. I intend on using MS1 for breeding projects UNLESS somehow MS3 or MS4’s flowers are just superb. As of now though, the best traits lie in the genetics of MS1. I also have 2 clones of V9T which I’m super happy are thriving and doing well. It seems my fears for this plants’ clone-ability were unwarranted. The variegation also passes, so I’m excited to see what this plant offers!

M1 is a rooted clone from the M1 I had from the first batch of seeds. M5 is the oddball of the group, and M2 (top left) was the tallest before I topped them all. M3 (bottom left) is my favorite for how perfect the Multileaf expression is. It’s beautiful. Smells are all lemony with a subtle beebalm flavor, with a slightly skunky myrcene smell.

The two V9T clones looking lovely! MS1(x2), MS3, MS4. I should note that everything on the top shelf has been topped other than the V9T and MS1 clones.

Lastly we have the P1 generation:

BerryFreak on the right still suffers pretty bad from spidermites. It’s looking really rough after I trimmed 80% of the healthy green growth off her. Otherwise I would say all the plants seem healthy. Spider mites and aphids are mostly gone in the veg tent. BerryFreak seems to be the only one afflicted by spidermites. I hope I can breed spidermite resistance into her!

Before I wrap up this update I want to divulge my plans for 2023 at least.
My flowering plants right now will finish up the first 10 days of Jan. Most of the seeded plants will finish around the same time, with the exception of my DJ lady which will easily go another month past the others.
My main focus for 2023 is to make seed stock of the various crosses I want to do. During the early part of the year, I will be doing a Multileaf repro. I do not yet know the sex of all my specimens but I do hope I have at least 1 male and 1 female! While the Multileaf seed run is going on, I will germinate the Tentazione in preparation for the sultan run with all the mutants. Tentatively I’m looking at Jan-Mar for the Multileaf run and Mar-May for the Tentazione sultan run. I plan on crossing Tentazione to each mutant line, as well as a couple choice Tentazione females to make F2s.
The latter part of 2023 is still up in the air but I know 100% I’m ready to commit to this initial outcrossing. I can’t say for certain if I will want to maintain the P1 generation after the F1s are made. That is a big decision for lots of contemplation. Additionally, I could also go back through each mutant line and make more seeds. Lastly, a thought; the more expensive food gets, the more I want to dial back on cannabis and ramp up on farming. I have plans for a chicken coop and all kinds of veggies/herbs next year!


Did you ever find what you were looking for in the filipino landrace, lagkitan? Those were some cool looking plants, very unique.


I did not. This is a topic I wanted to include in my previous post, but decided not to. Those plants did gift me with thousands of seeds to go through to find this elusive Scorpion pheno, but I did not see one in any of my expressions of Lagkitan.

For those inquiring on a smoke report I can say that they’re worth exploring. The high is much more cerebral and introspective than even my Double Jam F4. It’s really comfortable feeling. The smoke is light and smooth, even for seeded bud. I am highly tempted to gift 80% of the seed stock to OG’ers but I have a few personal life things I need to do before I can commit to gifting them away.

The silver lining to this whole situation for me is, TLT released a creation called Double Scorpion. Apparently it’s a Punto Rojo pearl-pheno male crossed to the infamous Lagkitan scorpion pheno. As much as I hate buying more overpriced seeds, I think I will pull the trigger in early 2023. The thing for me is, it’s an F1 super-hybrid technically. I can work it to F2 and feel assured I will find one in the F2 generation which matches what I’m looking for!

In the perfect world scenario I would like to have an outcrossing for each mutant ‘species’ if you will. For example:
------- POTENT ------------------------------------ CBD ---------------------------------------- LANDRACE
Freak x Tentazione ------------------------- Freak x CBD ---------------------- Freak x Double Scorpion F3
Bastard x Tentazione --------------------- Bastard x CBD ------------------ Bastard x Double Scorpion F3
Tiger x Tentazione -------------------------- Tiger x CBD ------------------------ Tiger x Double Scorpion F3
Pur Pur x Tentazione --------------------- Pur Pur x CBD ------------------- Pur Pur x Double Scorpion F3
Multi x Tentazione --------------------------- Multi x CBD ------------------------ Multi x Double Scorpion F3

This might be biting off a bit more than I can chew but a man has to have dreams. Moving forward it’s extremely likely that I create the Potent and CBD crosses this year and then spend a couple years on the Double Scorpion project where I could revisit each P1 mutant. It’s something that’s been on my mind but honestly with how much work is going to go into each F1 pairing…my ideas may be over the top. We’ll see what I can accomplish in my private life over 2023 to see if this is a feasible goal or not.


That is a good plan! Ambitious, pioneering work, i really think these plants have a place in the landscapes of the future when weed is completely destigmatized and gardening has replaced baseball as america’s favorite pastime, lol, never understood baseball, maybewe can have both.


Hey dude, I think you’re on to something, we can turn the diamond and outfield into rows and flip the roofs off the dugouts to make massive beds. Potted plants and seedlings at varying levels with varying light in the bleachers. That would be one hell of a grow


I’ve always thought baseball would be a much more exciting sport with tigers walking the base lines… and we all know cats like to explore pot plants. I think I’m having a brilliant idea here. Stoned tiger baseball, anyone?!


Grow some Bats! Hehehe.


I tell ya what. If the world turns to apocalypse I’m staking my claim in an abandoned stadium of some kind. Block off the entrances/exits and you have a relatively safe place to fortify. Having rows and rows of gardens in each row of seats sounds wonderful. The amount of space a stadium could provide… would be crazy for growers. I wonder how much food we could actually grow in a stadium :thinking:

Dangit peoples! Now all I can think about are ultra refined hydro setups utilizing geometry to harness the sun most effectively. Got me down another rabbit hole… love it haha…

My brain can’t :rofl: mistakes will be made.


Happy 2023 all! This new year will bring exciting plants to my garden, as well as beginning the journey of creating my very own super mutants!

So first off, I can say that I totally understand why seed prices are the way they are! It’s soo tedious of a process compared to just bud runs. Separating the seeds is truly a time-consuming endeavor. I would have never guessed I would spend so much time separating seeds from buds. That said, I kind of enjoy it. Nothing like holding a few thousand seeds knowing there’s some magic in there.

Before I get rambling, let’s get into it. First off, my flower run for GPP and Menthol Skunk has completed. I pulled them at Day 62. Secondly, my seed run for a bunch of different stuff is almost done. I have I think 3 more plants which will get a couple more weeks for seeds to develop. The rest are chopped and drying. Lastly, my veg plants are still fighting bugs, so I’m really going to focus hard on the next 2 weeks of removing all the aphids and spider mites before the next run.

I will give smoke reports as the GPP and MS start drying out and getting cured. Menthol Skunk appears to me to be vastly superior in every way compared to Freakshow/Supafreak released by Humboldt Seed Co. The smells are insanely strong, menthol with earthy berry sweetness. Or maybe it’s earthy berry sweetness with menthol undertones. Either way it’s sublime. The GPP smells like oak barrel and slightly floral.

Here’s some photos:

Those are all main colas from each respective Menthol Skunk specimen. All turned out amazing in terms of resin content and terpenes.

Here’s an Invictus female who has been pollinated by my DB male. This plant is very high yielding, and purple to boot. I took 3 clones from the bottom of the plant and I’m trying to root them for fun. If I get it to root and reveg, I’ll use it for breeding.

Apologies for not wet trimming for better photos. I’m ill with a chest cold at the moment so it’s going to take me a few days to get in gear for trimming.

I don’t have many photos of the seeded plants because there’s nothing super special to look at. That said, here’s the one I was most excited for. Double Jam pollinated by Drunken Bastard! The interesting thing about this plant is… she’s done making seeds! It went 105 days without seed, and with seed she’s done after day 63?! Without even doing anything those seeds popped out on their own. To me this is a clear sign she was done.

I won’t show any veg pics for now since nothing has changed really. In the first few weeks of 2023 I will get all my mutants looking amazing and ready for the next flower run. Until then, I will be trimming haha.


i wouldn’t mind paying for some of your mutant genetics :smile: :smile:


@anhthormap - Thanks for the sentiment. It helps moving forward knowing that there’s desire (a market) for my seeds. I’ve decided to let forum people in on the action without cost, as a thanks of seeing me grow from the beginning. The rest of the world can pay full retail, but those who have been with me since the beginning will get early access. Of course this is likely years down the road, but a man has to start somewhere. Thank you for joining me.

Update time:
My plants have decided my plans for me a little bit for the beginning of 2023. The Multileaf have gotten bigger, and been transplanted into 1/2 gal containers. I also threw them in the flower tent so they have maximum room to get big. This will be the smallest pot container I’ve ever flowered in. I do not intend on transplanting them again. The reason for my haste on this one is that unfortunately a couple of males have started flowering under 18 hours of light. After growing this strain for a while now, my theory is that these are pure Mnogolistka, and the traditional males also have alleles for autoflowering. Out of 22 seeds, I had 6 duds, 6 traditional, and the other 10 were round-leaf. Out of the 6 traditional, 3 males and 3 females. All 3 males exhibited auto signs; beginning to flower under 18 hours of light. Another theory is that due to the auto-alleles present in the males, I do not expect flowering to be more than 8-9 weeks. I’ve heard this strain can be extremely fast, so I’m hoping the 1/2 gal containers are enough to see them through. Unfortunately they did get root bound a little bit before transplanting, so I’m hoping that doesn’t affect things too much.

So long story short, the Multileaf have initiated flowering as of today. Tomorrow will be day 1 of flower. I’ve also decided to throw a couple of the Menthol Skunk clones and maybe even the V9T mom, for a ‘fun’ F1 outcross.

For now, I’ll just show ya some pictures of everything. Btw, I have been spraying for bugs and my plants have been quite appreciative! I’m starting to win the battle. So much work to do though when you consider I have like 15 plants I’m having to take outside and spray in cold weather, every other day. Anyways here we go:

From left to right, you have M1, M2, and M3. M1 is a clone from the mom I have in veg. M2 is a male. M3 is actually my favorite specimen from the bunch.

Here we have M4 and M5. M4 is another male. M5 is kind of the odd-ball of the group. It resembles a traditional leaf, but it’s a bit sharper and slightly different.

M2 male. Those are showing under 18 hours remember.

M4 male. Sorry his flowers are kind of harder to see. This guy started flowering before the other. In an attempt to slow him down, I took a couple of the more developed tops, hoping it would create more branches in the coming weeks. Unfortunately it looks like both males want to kick off regardless of what I want them to do, so rather than fight them… I just decided to initiate flowering. My hope is, both males will provide enough pollen to give me thousands of seeds to work with, between all 3 females.

Either way, I do plan on cloning both M3 and M5. I will pick the best female of the 3, even though I’m liking M3 initially. In the next series you’ll see the Menthol Skunk & V9T clones transplanted and put in with them.

Here’s what the veg plants/clones look like now:

V9T on the left, MS1 is both the bottom clones. MS3 is the middle top, and MS4 is the top right.

BF, V9T, M1, GPP, and DB. GPP is pretty much hidden by M1 in this photo but there’s nothing really special to see.

Random — Relatively speaking, compared to the past 2 years of my growing… right now feels very slow. My plans for the spring/summer of 2023 are ever-changing. I can’t decide with 100% certainty what I want to do. At the moment I’m sitting on at least a year’s worth of herb. I am beginning to get into breeding, having just harvested my first successful seed crop. I easily have 10k seeds to sprout now. So I’m at this weird crossroads where I need to pick a path, and start running. On one hand, I have all these mutant crosses I want to do. On another hand, I want to do those same crosses with different males. For example I would like a BerryFreak x Tentazione F1 AND a BerryFreak x Cherry Wine (CBD-only) F1.

The tricky part is, I could make tons of F1 outcrosses. All the F1 seeds will be normal. I can only work a certain percentage of them however. Since each mutant cross has to be worked to at least F2, it’s going to take a ton of time. While my inner child gets giddy over the thought of all these potential F1 pairings, it’s not really practical for my space constraints.

What’s likely to happen, is that I will sprout the Tentazione and move forward with the potent outcross. At this point, I plan on letting the ‘mother’ plants go. Then moving forward, for each desired outcross I want, I will sprout the non-mutant and mutants at the same time. This would allow me to make all the outcrosses I truly want, without sacrificing anything from my plants. The only issue I may run into here, is that the seeds may be 5-7 years old by the time I get to work on them. That’s why this is such a tricky situation. I have this time limit imposed on me by the seed stock I have. Additionally, I can’t just sprout everything because I don’t have enough room to flower every outcross separately.

Last random tidbit. Anyone who’s followed my thread for a bit knows I tried to find a purple scorpion phenotype of Lagkitan landrace sativa. Recently TLT has released an F1 pairing with such a female, in addition to a pearl-string pheno male found in a Punto Rojo line. They call this Double Scorpion. In my mind, this is just like another mutant. It needs to be worked to F2 to find those recessive pearl-phenos. You can bet your bottom dollar I had to acquire some of these.

Because I really enjoyed how the Lagkitan performed, I would like to throw the Double Scorpion into my list of desired mutant plants. What hinders me from landrace breeding initially is that intersex traits are more common. I don’t want to begin work breeding with a landrace until I’ve got some breeding experience. I feel like beginning with a landrace is a setup for disaster (even if my mutants did theoretically stabilize them).

As you can see, lots going on in my brain but for my plants things are progressing much more naturally. Until next time…


You could freeze half your seeds if your worried about long term viability for long term projects.
I often veg under 24h lights, and had no problems keeping multileaf from flowering. I even let them go to long on 12/12 to sex them, and had to reveg the whole room. It took 24h light to make it happen, but they did all eventually flip back to veg. They might have some of the weird genes that make some varieties kind of auto like, but I’m confident they don’t actually have legit auto genes. You could test it by taking a clone and keeping it under 24h to see if it stops flowering. Or I might have more info eventually if i pop the devil cream autoXmultileaf seeds. Not sure when thats going to happen tho.


Thanks for the info! As far as the Multi having auto genes, I can’t say with 100% certainty because I’ve never grown autos before. All I know for certain is that the males are beginning to flower under 18/6. I don’t have the guts to run them on 18/6 and see how far those males will go, so I decided to flip to flower. I’ve heard some semi autos will preflower hard, but until you drop back to 12/12 they’ll just keep preflowering. As mentioned, I’ve never delved into autos so I don’t know for sure.

With your new information what I’ll do is take clones of all specimens, male and female. I’ll keep those on 24/0 for rooting. Once roots are established I’ll throw them into a separate area for veg 24/0. If my seed run is successful, I’ll probably keep the clones and throw them outside this summer. Might do a back-to-back seed run too.

Either way I’m so thrilled to be growing these! They have a really nice lip balm/beeswax aroma to them. All the growth is super dark green and lush. The plants themselves have a very robust root system. Probably the fastest roots of all the mutants I’ve grown. That kinda makes me wonder too if there’s auto genes in there. I would imagine ruderalis plants have the most productive roots because they have to perform in like 90-120 days or less from seed.

EDIT - As far as the seeds go, I’m not necessarily worried about the seeds that I’m creating. I’m a bit more worried for some of the seed stock for mutants that I have… I don’t know if it’s from 2018 or 2021 or when. Shouldn’t be a huge deal because my innate environment here is good for seed storage. At some point when I get all my F1 crosses I want to bury about 10k seeds in my backyard 6 feet down as a seed capsule. All in due time.


Update time! I will begin with photos and then transition into smoke reports and plans.

First off we have the flowering Mnogolistka (Multileaf).

Easily the smallest plants I’ve flowered yet. I believe the males are auto-flowering. The reason I suspect them is that I’ve never had any strain begin flowering under my veg lights at 18/6. I looked back at when I germinated them, and it was on November 2 so they’ve been alive 76 days now. While I do think it’s a little fast… I did let them get quite root bound which I typically do for my parent plants. I had no idea the males would begin flowering under 18/6, so that kind of threw my plans off… or did it??

M1 clone, thankfully starting to kick into flowering. I actually can’t believe how she went from dark vibrant green to being potash deficient in like 2 days. They’ll really sucking up the nutrients it seems.

M2 male. He seems to be the taller of the bunch. He seems like he’s going to start dropping pollen soon… I hope the females are far enough along to accept pollen. I will install some muffin forms tomorrow to attempt to capture some of the pollen. I want as many seeds as possible.

M3, my personal favorite specimen of the group. Her traditional Mnogolistka leaves are just beautiful. It seems her growth structure is much shorter than M1 sister, so variation should be good between the females.

M4 male. He seems to be plugging right along behind the M2. He does seem to be a little shorter/slower than M2 but I’m hoping between the two males that I’m getting some good genetics being passed on.

M5 female. It’s the most interesting specimen of the group. The leaves are a lot more ‘spiky’. The plant in general just seems like a ‘spiky traditional leaf’.

Between all 3 females and both males, I hope the offspring will provide some good plants to work with moving forward. Additionally I’m also trying to root some clones I took off M2-5. I didn’t take one from M1 because I still have a M1 clone donor.

The interesting thing is, the male clones did not have any preflowers on them when I clipped them off. I’ve kept these clones on 24/0 in an attempt to get these clones to root. If they do root, I will maintain them on 24/0 until they are large enough to flower alongside my other mutants.

If these do not root, I will attempt to reveg the plants to take another crack at it. More on that later.

Next we have the veg plants. Everything looks fairly clean from bugs now that I’ve kept on top of spraying. Just used a dawn dish soap + tap water mixture.

Menthol Skunk clones. Both of the bottom clones are the same which is interesting.

V9 Tiger clones. Such a pretty plant in my opinion!

Drunken Bastard female

M1 donor on the left, GPP female behind her. GPP is kind of a monster plant even in veg.

Berryfreak female on the left, V9 Tiger donor behind her.

Ok so let’s do some reports. I’ve been processing all my outdoor stuff from last season. I need to figure out some way to remove 100% of the plant material from my seeds. So tough to get every little bit. Either way, I’ve accumulated about 200-300g of shake/trim that I’ve processed for edibles. I have begin delving into the world of edibles/tinctures so it’s likely I may start posting photos of cannabis-infused food that I make.

V9 Tiger is a smooth fruity/woody smell and it’s a bit more on the mild side in terms of high. The effects are very relaxing, so the presence of CBD is easy for me to tell with this one. That said, the head high from what THC is in there is really soothing. It feels more indica in nature to me, with a bit more effects on the body than the mind.

Giant Pur Pur is nearly the same thing if you ask me. I could not tell the difference between a V9T bowl and a GPP bowl. Neither could my family. The GPP specimen I kept has some CBD but I suspect it’s a minor cannabinoid, not one of the specimen which is CBD dominant. My GPP female is quite resinous and sticky.

Menthol Skunk has me speechless in terms of flavor, effects, everything. I believe they mis-named this strain. It should be Menthol Berry. It’s not very skunky, but the menthol/mint with the earthy berry undertones… I can’t explain how wonderful this it to me. BerryFreak was my previous favorite. This has clearly dominated the competition to me. It’s my favorite my far. The only drawback I’ve found to it, the strain seems to make my appetite amplify. Most strains don’t make me hungry but this one definitely does. Additionally I find I’m always thirsty after I smoke it. The high is beautiful. It has the traditional up-high from it’s sativa lineage. It’s quite potent, and grinds well. It’s very sticky and pleasant all the way until the last hit. I don’t find much of a come-down after the 2-ish hours the high lasts. If I keep smoking it I just get higher and higher. I haven’t found where it plateaus. I would smoke myself sick on this thing before it levels out I feel like. Truly wonderful medicine.

In about a week or so I should have photos of the GPP/MS harvest results. My drying environment is subject to outside temps so they’ve been drying in almost freezing weather; true cold cure. They’ve been drying for a couple weeks and are nearing the point of curing.

Last part of this post, I want to go over my plans for early 2023. Since the Mnogolistka males are so fast, I would be absolutely silly not to do a sultan cross with them. Since I’m so far north (47N) if I want to grow outdoors, using fast strains are a no-brainer. The Multileaf has the potential of reducing my other mutants flowering times as well as creating new mutants! Can’t think of a reason not to do this cross if I’m able…

I’ve decided that it’s not practical to make 30+ F1 creations, so I’ve selected several different mutant crosses I will breed with a non-mutant to create my own mutants to offer the world. I have selected 6 crosses, which should be much easier for me to manage in terms of practical breeding. By the time I’m done making F1 outcrosses with my mutants I should have like 10-12 outcrosses which could last me the rest of my lifetime in terms of breeding cool plants.

Here are the six crosses my heart is set on at the moment:
Menthol Skunk x Mint Trip - want to find a REALLY minty/menthol Freakshow style plant
ABC (vine pheno) x Cherry Wine CBD - want to create a CBD ABC plant for medicinal exploration
Giant Pur Pur x Double Scorpion*** - want to introduce the ‘Giant’ genes to a Scorpion pheno sativa
V9 Tiger x Black Rose - want to introduce purple genetics into a variegated plant… want to see those buds!
Mnogolistka x Devil’s Malawi*** - want to blend the two strains well
AD17 Blueberry x Blueberry BX3 - blueberry mutant, need I say more??

*** Both the Double Scorpion and Devil’s Malawi are F1 strains. In order to create the ideal breeding partners… ideally I will want to work each until F3 or F4 BEFORE crossing to the mutants. It is possible I find some F2 specimen but I may have to wait until F4 until I find uniformity.

I’ve decided to work my mutant lines in this fashion because I will be able to work each cross, one by one. Thinking about trying to keep a mutant alive for several years ‘waiting’ for breeding seems silly. The cross I’ve selected to be first is V9 Tiger x Black Rose. The reason for this is that I do not have any V9 Tiger seeds left, so of all my mutants it’s the only one that’s really precious.

TLDR; I’ll be doing the Multileaf (Mnogolistka) repro. When that finishes I’m going to try a sultan seed run with Multileaf. To round out the summer season I want to do V9 Tiger x Black Rose. The fall of 2023 will likely be Double Scorpion F1 → F2. As always my plans aren’t set in stone.


Update time.

The Mnogolistka (Multileaf) males have let all their pollen loose. I have removed them as the aphids were getting a bit crazy on them and they released 95% of their pollen. The females suffer a bit too so when I water I try to kill as many with my fingers as possible. I’m afraid to spray the plants while they’re flowering since I’m relying on them for the seed increase. Here’s what the 3 seeded females look like now.

M1 - sorry it’s blurry. This specimen seems taller but I’m not sure it will make decent buds. It’s just much different from it’s sisters. It is a clone too so that might make a difference.

M3 - my personal favorite of the bunch. Starting to see visible trichomes all over.

M5 - the zany girl. Unfortunately this one seems to be a bit more susceptible to aphids.

Since I’m going for seed I’m just going to help them as much as I can daily and let them produce seeds for me.

Here’s the clones:

As you can see the males continued flowering even under 24/0. I did switch the lights back to 18/6 a week ago because it seemed like the girls wanted some sleep time. They started looking dreary. A few days later they all looked 10000x better. I fully believe after growing this strain that plants need sleep just like we do. There’s good root growth on all of them. I will likely plant the females tomorrow and switch the males back to 24/0 in hopes they eventually revert back to veg mode. I’m highly skeptical though… I believe it’s autoflowering in the males. I mean these males flowered under like 3 weeks of 24/0 so if that’s not saying something idk what is. I did dust pollen on the females so it should be fun experiment to see the seeds develop under 18/6.

I plan on keeping the 3 females around until my Devil’s Malawi have been germinated and are ready to flower. I’ll take cuts of each and likely flower them outside during the summer. The extreme speed of this strain makes me think it will work perfectly outside at my latitude. It may be possible I get a variety of F1 crosses with Mnogolistka in addition to my desired cross with Devil’s Malawi. Time will tell on that one.

Been a while since ya seen the veg plants:

Left to right we have two V9 Tiger clones on the left. The front 2 freaks are Menthol Skunk #1, and behind them are #3 and #4. #4 is the clear winner to me in terms of smoked bud. She’s wicked strong and has the best taste of any bud I’ve ever smoked. It’s divine.

One seems highly variegated and the other seems only slightly so. Curious thing that variegation. I wonder if it’s possible to clone them in such a way which removes the variegation. I really hope not. See how one clone is really yellow and the bottom one is mostly green? What’s with that?? It’s the same plant… so odd.

Here we have three Black Rose seedlings. Hoping one of those is a boy. Will be doing a V9T x Black Rose cross as soon as these are big enough to flower. If all are female it will definitely mess up my schedule a bit but if it happens then it was meant to be.

Left to right: BerryFreak, V9 Tiger (mom), Giant Pur Pur(back), M1 (in front) and then Drunken Bastard on the right.

A few notes:
GPP smoke report - After smoking more of this wonderful lady I can say it’s definitely a 1:1 THC:CBD strain. I have pleasantly found that among strains I’ve grown the ones with CBD in them are much better for my body in terms of smoking. It’s difficult to explain in just a few sentences but I fully believe a lot of the modern hybrids which are THC-only varieties are really missing out on the benefits of cannabis. Whenever I smoke my different varieties with the few people I know, they’re always amazed at how different my stuff makes them feel compared to dispensary (legal) buds. I feel like in the retail industry where testing is mandatory, people are drawn to the strains with the highest numbers but they don’t realize how much benefit there is to be has for cultivars with minor cannabinoids and not so much THC in them.

Anyways the GPP has a very wonderful fruity and slightly woody taste. It’s very sticky and the buds have a pretty good foxtailing situation going on. The wonderful thing is they’re quite dense so after grinding up a few good chunks of flower I’m finding that even though the buds don’t look huge, they’re actually decently high yielding. Also, the lanceolate leaves are the easiest damn leaves in the world to trim. I can’t even describe how easy it is. It’s a dream.

I’ve also completed with my F1 sultan seed run. I don’t really have a whole lot of photos because it was such a pain to cut the plants down. In addition to that we’ve removed the tent and will do everything ‘open’ with future runs. The next run planned is a Black Rose sultan run, primarily for the V9TxBR cross, but the others would be nice to have. When I’m completely done seed sorting I’ll make a post dedicated entirely to the seeds I’ve created.


Time for an update but you’ll have to wait another day for photos! This post is mainly informational anyways. I’ll try to keep it as brief as possible.

After much consideration I have a semi-rigid plan for 2023 and early 2024. I don’t like to plan too far ahead since we’re not even into growing season where I’m at for several more months. Anyways I’ve been really stuck on this idea of 5 different mutant lines. They are:

  • V9 Tiger x Black Rose IBL
  • Menthol Skunk x Mint Trip
  • Multileaf x Devil’s Malawi
  • ABC x Cherry Wine CBD
  • GPP x Double Scorpion

After much consideration of the male in the cross, I’ve decided not to pursue a Mint Trip male. Instead I’ve elected to go with the potent Tentazione from AFC seeds. There are several reasons for this, but mostly it comes down to what I’m looking for in my final plants. Tentazione should provide a large frame and robust genetics for my mutants. I’ve got 11 seeds soaking (bastards shorted me a $33 seed! :imp: ).

In addition to this conclusion, I’ve also decided that I want to do a proper search for the best ABC and GPP specimens to breed with before planning those runs. In that light, here’s my current plans for 2023 and early 2024. Keep in mind I have 2 separate locations about 13 miles apart. I will be doing outdoor and indoor runs at both locations as needed.

  • Q1 2023: Mnogolistka (repro) repro - indoors
    V9 Tiger x Black Rose F1 immediately after
  • Q2 2023: Tentazione sultan run - indoors, mostly F1 but I do want to have a couple females for F2s.
  • Outdoors location 1: ABC Seed run = ABC Special + original ABC + American Bastard Red + Drunken Bastard — ABC Special male will be the sultan and all the other males will be culled. Hoping for huge seed increase with max diversity.
  • Outdoors location 2: GPP Seed run = GPP HK F2 + GPP Blue Kush + Giant Crusader + Crusader Kush + AD17 — GPP Blue Kush male will be the sultan and all other males culled. In this variety any non-lanceolate phenos will be culled as well. This is a seed increase for GPP lines.
  • Q4 2023: Mnogolistka x Devil’s Malawi - indoors location 1
  • Q4 2023: Devil’s Malawi F2 - indoors location 2
  • Q1 2024: Double Scorpion F2 seed run with 4 Dr. Grinspoon (fem) for some cool F1s.

From this point I really don’t want to plan anything out because I’m a year out with these plans. Ironically enough I believe it will be another year or two until I have the ABC and GPP crosses even in my sights. It should be a fantastic journey until then Also once all five F1 crosses have been made I will begin the work of breeding the mutants out again! That should be really fun.

I’ll post pictures tomorrow. I have a fair bit of maintenance anyways for my plants.


Sounds fuckin awesome :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Hello everyone. I’m looking for something and I’m hoping you wouldn’t mind my dropping this on here. If so, please let me know and I will delete it immediately.

I was getting ready to drop some Supafreaks when my friend, that I had split my seeds with, said I needed to check my seeds. Well, two out of ten cracked and then died right off.

We had a little project planned for these, so I was hoping maybe someone here had a line on some.
Those Supafreaks are the strain we want to use because I believe it averages slightly higher in THC content than Freakshow but either would be great.
If any of you have some, or know someone else who can help me with my project, I’d be very grateful.
I’m open to trades if I have anything interesting to whomever might be able to help out.

Thank you all very much.


Sending a PM


I hope middleman can help you out with the Supafreak, MoBilly. I think I have like 5 left or something like that. They can be kind of tricky with the larger seed husk. One thing I found with them is that they have an exceptionally thick layer between the seed wall and the emerging seedling. In every single one of those ‘freak’ varieties I’ve germinated I’ve had to remove that husk for the first true leaves to emerge. One of them was particularly tricky and I pretty much tore half of the baby cotyledons off. It still managed to survive. Personally, I think those husks must be removed by humans because they’re too dang thick for the seedlings to get through. I hope this helps if you manage to find some Supafreak.

I will be making a Menthol Skunk x Tentazione F1 cross and a BerryFreak x Tentazione F1 cross starting in May. If you’d be interested in some of those F1s they’d be normal but you could take them to F2 and bring the mutants out like I will. I expect this line to be extremely potent. My Menthol Skunk keeper is at 22% THC plus or minus 3% because it’s just a phone app. I personally think it’s around the 24 mark. Tentazione should push it over the top and give it a big boost.

Personally, after growing several Freak varieties I don’t think Supafreak and Freakshow are worth much. I’ve had much much better specimens from the son’s work - BerryFreak (menthol skunk is a rare pheno of this). Problem is, they only did like 2 releases and it’s impossible to find any which aren’t going to cost a pretty penny. That’s why I want to begin my work breeding them! My fellow mutant growers need them.