Mutant Madness?

@Romanoweed - I purchased these from MPG. Here’s the description:

“Regarding Honey, we were deeply honoured to be supplied this signature family heirloom
strain. It’s a testament to the bond our brand has built with the supplier.
Honey is a unique & sublime unicorn strain, so named, because that’s exactly what it
tastes like- honey, we can see why it’s so named & you will when you grow it.
From observations of locally cropped plants grown in well spaced rows. The standard
Honey plant grows into a multi-branched tower about 8 feet tall & 3’-4’ wide if left untopped
or trained. It develops a stout trunk that often doesn’t begin branching until it’s well above
the ground. This could be caused by close plantings or a natural evolution by the strain
itself to create an air movement space between soil & foliage, to reduce potential
overheating by allowing an area for the mountain breeze to cool the soil surface.
Besides Honey’s delightful, sweet, namesake, base flavours she presents multitude subtle
tastes-variously Cardamon, Lemon, Cinnamon bark, dessert spices & Allspice, right
through to heavier threads of ripe tropical fruit & it’s signature musk, jungle fruit & beeswax
terpene profile.
Florally, Honey produces the densest, tightest nuggets we have ever seen a Sativa
produce. Even a close bud trim leaves lumpy large nugget clusters which are hard &
rounded, incredibly dense, usually curing to matte Lemon yellow, with rum coloured pistils.
The photo below shows it all.
This strain is one of the most spectacular Asian landrace strains we’ve ever encounteredit is unique. Besides its soothing, blissful, gently dreamy/trippy high, it is a sensory joy to
smoke & visually struts stunning bag appeal also.
Like many of the unique traits that Kampuchea’s diverse climate & soil types have
moulded into her Cannabis strains, Honey is largely mold & pest resistant, hardy & drought
Further to that, she produces comparatively large harvests in soils with little or no
amendments. The limestone substrate covered by volcanic rich soils lying deep & dark,
purple-red on the lower terraces & slopes of the hills & mountains surrounding the
Kampot-Kep region, courtesy of our local, still active volcano, Mt Bokor, produce
specimens that are truly something to behold in size, & without doubt, unique quality.
We could throw superlatives about the incredible qualities in the Honey genotype for
pages, but why do so, when for less than half the asking price of many unstable, F1, lucky
dip polyhybrids on the market, we can offer you a multi generationally bred cultivar that we
guarantee will outperform them, in far less demanding mediums?
Honey did come at a premium cost; but it’s a family heirloom & worth every cent. We can
promise this strain is one you’ll either wish you’d bought more of or bitterly regret missing
out on. We’ve never had a complaint, & now we lay before you, one of the greatest
[Cambodian] landrace strains it has ever been our privilege to offer.”
Here’s the photo that accompanies it:


ah from the Rabbit guy or how he was called… yeah, ok. thanks

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@crunkyeah A real Honey Pot. :rofl:

Oh jeeze it’s been too long since an update! Things have been so crazy with harvest season I really don’t know where to begin.

I left off with chopping the Invictus and getting ready to start pulling outdoor plants. Well I still have 3 Invictus to trim and process (2 of them seeded). I don’t want to say weights right now but it’s definitely good. The biggest thing though is this plant woke me up to what good weed is. It’s easily 2 tiers above everything else I’ve ever smoked. I’ve had “lab tested legal bud” at 31% THC and this puts that to shame. The high is much better, not only offering the THC buzz we all want, but also therapeutic cannabinoids. The sleep I’ve gotten after I end my day with an Invictus bowl… it’s heavenly. This is the ONLY strain I’ve ever smoked which improves my sleep. I wake up with a little buzz and I just feel great. At the cost of sounding like a complete hypocrite this plant has changed my views 100% moving forward on what I should do with my strains. I’ve completely changed my plans moving forward. I will not divulge those plans so if I change my mind, again, I don’t sound stupid, again :wink:

Now onto some of the things happening right now… at my offsite location I still have my DB11 female. She’s the only plant left there. She’s easily 7+ feet tall by now, and now that night temps are cold… she’s showing some signs of purpling. I will 100% get a photo before she gets chopped. All of the other outdoor plants at my offgrid site have been pulled. They are: BerryFreak x2, Invictus x2, Blueberry Muffin x2, and a Duckweb. They’re hanging right now and I will begin processing them soon.

Additionally here I also have my Lagkitan and all the mutants which are coming up fast on the end of their days. I have no idea where the seed production process is on most of them. I sure hope they’ve had long enough to develop the seeds though. There are 2 plants which I will try to let go as long as possible. They are my Lagkitan (slow flowering pheno) and my Giant Pur Pur. Everything else is getting chopped tomorrow. There’s a lot of plants out there so rather than list all of them I’m just going to say there’s only going to be 2 left after tomorrow. Photo time:

So again, only the two tallest (female) plants will remain. Here’s a really cool photo of the DB male after he’s finished.

You can tell how the cold front has moved in by how much fog is coming off the river near us. Won’t be long and we’ll have our first snow storm at this rate. Frost on the grass every morning now.

Here’s 2 Quack Bastards which both turned purple! These are both seeded. They smell great too for being a plant with ‘stealth’ smell.

Here’s my GPP female. She was throwing out pink pistils left and right a few weeks ago. I am really liking what I’m seeing with this lady. Her smell is also really good too. Can’t wait to run this one indoors to see it really perform! I feel like she just got a late start this year. Not being planted into the ground didn’t help anything. Next year we’ll be ready!

Next we have my BerryFreak lady. I should have taken photos off the offgrid ones because they put mine to shame in terms of size. Still looking and smelling amazing though!

Here’s just the Lagkitan:

There’s a ton still not in this update and all I can say is :man_shrugging: it’s a work in progress.

As far as the indoor ones go, I’m still battling freaking spider mites but everything is progressing nicely. All the clones have taken (minus L1) so I’ve got a lot of things ready to happen once things settle down from harvest season. Throughout this winter I plan on primarily making F1s for next year, as well as finding my keepers of each mutant variety. So far I’m still waiting on a couple varieties. I still need to flower Menthol Skunk, V9 Tiger, and Multileaf. After those are flowered I’ll have a better idea of what I need to do with my plants.

I’ll post pictures of the inside ones once I get to a point where I can actively try to treat the spidermites. Right now I have them coated in sulfur powder to prevent them from moving actively. They’re pretty dormant until I wash off the sulfur. I’m thinking I’m going to use neem oil on them while I order some beneficial mites to come in and save my plants. Once I get trimming one day… lol


Decided I should be decent enough to post pictures of everything. The veg tent doesn’t look super right now but it’s a work in progress.


5x Menthol Skunk (3 suspect males and 2 suspect females)
5x Multileaf
2x Giant Pur Pur (same clone)
2x Drunken Bastard female (same clone)
1x Duckweb
11x Lagkitan


1x V9 Tiger (suspect female)
1x BerryFreak
2x Invictus
1x Imperium X
1x Double Jam
2x SubterFreak

Last photos for this update are the incredible Multileaf babies! There is one which stands out as the most vigorous and it looks like it may have the ‘traditional Mnogolistka’ leaf. It’s my favorite of the bunch :star_struck:


Just catching up on your badass mutant thread! I am a mutant aficionado too!

Still just in the 30’s post wise, so I got a bunch more to read, but not gonna skip to the current/end…

Future Dirtron: remember to ask about DocGrinspoon!

Live shot of some OD Freakshow…
(Not the best pic, nor the most pampered plants for that matter, but these gals are trucks! Smoke will still be awesome! I am getting the “berry” terps out of two, including the one featured in the closeup. Versus the pine/spice that I consider the classic FS terps.



@Dirtron - Welcome to my little corner here! Your FS look amazing! Where did you source yours from? I never got a pine/spice smell in any of the varieties I’ve grown so far. Yours appear to have a similar structure to my BerryFreak for sure. Very beautiful ladies you have there!

As far as Dr. Grinspoon goes, I never flowered that plant out. I should have. Still have a few seeds of it so I could give it another shot in the future if I ever find enough space for all my dream projects haha…

I’ll be curious to see what you think when you get to the end!


Mini update!
The Invictus (indoor) have been completely processed! It took around 4 hours to trim each small plant and the couple of larger ones took anywhere between 5-6 hours. When I sit down and trim I do it like work, not stopping until completion. So it does take a while to get through them all. I’m sure anyone who’s trimmed large quantities of plants by themselves knows this pain. It’s bittersweet to harvest so much good quality weed and have to trim it all by yourself.

Now I have the daunting task of trimming the outdoor plants and removing the seeds from them. I have 7 hanging right now with like… idk… 28-29 plants still to chop? Some of them aren’t big at all but I still have to remove seeds from all of them. It will take some time so I probably won’t mention it in future updates until it’s completed.

Tomorrow I will do basic upkeep on my veg plants, like trimming, repotting, removing spider mites etc. I may or may not post pictures of them before I hit them with neem oil. They seem to be building nests on top of the sulfur they despise, so obviously this stuff isn’t toxic to this variety. I hope the neem oil doesn’t damage my babies too much. That’s my only worry. If anyone has used neem oil before I could really appreciate any info on how it affects the bugs and more importantly your plants. These plants aren’t exactly well developed. They’re still in a semi-fragile stage after being planted from cloning. I can’t trim too much leaves or damage them much. I worry that the neem oil may harm the lagging specimens.

Anyways enough blabbing, you want to see the bounty!

I’m going to take photos of most of the outdoor plants before they come down but here’s a teaser of Giant Pur Pur:

That’s all for now.


Awesome. I’ve been wanting to see someone grow these. After seeing what some of the F2 freakshow cross looked like, it seems like that round leafed oddball male can produce some weird things. It looks like they are getting going now. There should be extra spikes on that big one soon.
And nice looking buds on the freakshows dirtron. You guys got chunkier budded versions than mine for sure. Its nice to know they can grow like that, so its not the mutation making mine loose and ugly :slight_smile:


They are definitely starting to look like fine little plants now!
Here’s a couple of updates taken a few moments ago…

The extra fingers are starting to show. :grin:

Last photo of most of these plants. Many of them are already hanging.


Everything is looking stellar! You’ve got wonderful colors in those plants.
As for your mite problem, i would hold off on using neem oil on any plant that’s been treated with sulfur. I believe it might harm the plant.

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Haha too late… I hit them pretty good with it yesterday. I have confidence my plants will pull through. I put them outside overnight to get nice and cold. I hope now the coast is clear for the bug problem but either way I’m going to bring them back inside and buy some beneficial mites to see if I can’t contain the problem completely now. I’m half tempted to cull a bunch of the plants and just keep the most desired ones. Idk… we’ll see in a couple of days. I may transplant some of them into larger containers today.

Here’s a few photos:

Some of the plants were getting pretty infested by the mites.

Yikes. :rage:


Dang! That last picture is mitey scary! :japanese_ogre:


I didn’t take any photos of it this morning as I put the plants back into their spots but I can say that little nest is completely gone.

So far the plants look ok. We’ll see in a few days how rough they are.

Gotta show my favorite Multileaf!


This. Has been. The. Absolute. Most FASCINATING thread I’ve seen on OG. Not only are there rare landraces, there’s endless types of gorgeous looking mutants that look more like flower bushes then cannabis. Didn’t even know man, unbelievable looking plants, and amazing skills to find/create such exotic plants. Why aren’t more growers dabbling in this???


I second that!

Been looking into drunken bastard and Freakshow mainly because I think they’d be perfect for a guerrilla grow. But after seeing this thread I’m fascinated by the huge variety of mutations beyond those two.

@crunkyeah you have an impressive collection brother.
I’m going to place a chair right here an continue to watch your progress.


Thanks for the support! It’s posts/comments like these that make me want to continue with my plan (to release every mutant as a ‘worked’ version sometime in the future).

@Hempire420 - Since I’ve grown both varieties I will say that the only ‘stealth’ mutant to me is ABC. All of the other varieties have qualities of cannabis which can’t be hidden. First off, none of them can hide once they begin to start flowering. Anyone who’s seen a cannabis flower at all stages of flower can easily tell. Secondly, aside from ABC all of the mutant strains I’ve grown have been quite smelly. At least with ABC you have to agitate the plant for the smell to come off (my experience).

In my opinion the guys over there working on the THC hops hybrid are going down a much better ‘stealth’ route. I haven’t flowered this beauty yet (don’t even know sex) but I would say this is another which looks like a traditional houseplant than cannabis. It too, has it’s own tells.

If this plant looks rough it’s because it’s infested with spidermites in this photo :rage:


It’s time for an update!

Where to begin… all of the outdoor plants at both locations (offgrid and local) have been harvested save for the Lagkitan. Last I checked seeds weren’t ready so regardless of the weather situation I’m going to let them go as long as possible. I will chop them when they’re covered in snow or frozen, whichever comes first. A good majority of the specimens were hermaphroditic in this location. I believe I had 6 true females, and all the males hermed. Maybe under their natural environment they would express themselves more fully.

Regrettably I’ve decided to not pursue this line anymore so I’ve culled all the clones that I had saved. I think the big letdown was not finding a scorpion pheno. It’s not that I couldn’t find one if I made seeds…it’s just too much work for me personally to pursue when I’m so passionate about my mutants. Anyways, here’s the Lagkitan that remain (1 herm in this bunch I decided to let it do whatever).

As far as all the outside mutants and everything I had… I can say that the only specimens which really did well are one of the GPP webbed variety (highest yielding by far) and the Quack Bastard. Everything else is highly seeded (which I’m grateful for). There’s really not much in the way for photos since they weren’t super special in my opinion. Every good photo has already been posted. I need to redesign my outdoor space next year so that the plants get 100% of the sun but they’re sheltered from our nasty winds here.

Ok so when we move to indoors we have a ton of other drastic changes. First off, the Invictus strain has totally changed my thinking for what I need in my mutants. What I mean is… once you have a strain that hits really hard and has absolutely awesome taste/effects…it’s really tough to go back to a lesser THC strain. I want to smoke twice as much landrace and pretty much everything other than the Invictus. It’s just simply better than everything else. And the thing is… all 9 specimens have been better across the board. What this means for my mutants is I must find a good strong male to make them all better!

Originally I had ideas to breed each one of my mutants to a male of a different cultivar (to keep them all unique). Invictus totally changed my ideas here. I need to find another male like the Invictus male. I’ve decided to use a ‘sister’ strain made with the same male. Instead of Invictus I plan on finding a good Tentazione(TZ) specimen. Both are AFC strains if inquiring minds want to research them.

With this new idea now I have 5 main mutant types that I wish to hybridize and make more potent with a Tentazione male. These 5 are: BerryFreak, Drunken Bastard, Giant Pur Pur, V9 Tiger, and Multileaf. I do not yet know the sex of the Multileaf or V9 Tiger. Here’s the 5 (2 of GPP):

M1 is my selection from this batch just based on vigor and stem rub and well it’s the Multileaf I was looking for! The other ones are ok I guess but I’m really only interested in M1! After the first photo I chopped off the top 1/2 of the plant so it’s like M2 now. I can say the stems are definitely hollow with this individual so I’m stoked about that! Whether male or female I’m thrilled to have such a wonderful specimen of this variety.
Here’s the other specimens if curious eyes want to see:

So my plan this winter is to make sure I have some Tentazione specimen to match up with my mutants. If M1 and V9T end up being male, I want to have a banger TZ female who’s just nasty strong and maybe purple too. I’ll find a TZ male for BF, GPP, and DB. I really just hope that all the mutant specimen I have are female and I can find a good TZ male, but we’ll see if that’s in the cards…

Last photo we have here is the Menthol Skunk:

I’m hoping to get these into the flower tent and repotted now that all plants have kicked the spidermites! I will take clones as flowering begins and I’ll defoliate them like crazy. If I end up working with both BerryFreak and Menthol Skunk well then we’ll see at the end which one ends up better. Should be a fun experiment between strains!

Last but not least I have to say I’ve got a pretty cool thing going on at my offgrid location this winter. We’re doing an indoor seed run! The sultan is Drunken Bastard. He will be pollinating (8 total):
Invictus (2 way different phenos)
SubterFreak (2 different phenos)
Drunken Bastard #11 (clone)
Imperium X
Double Jam

If a SF turns out male I will likely bring over one of the GPP clones to replace them.

I think that’s all for now. As the 5 get bigger I will post more photos of them individually. They’re all beautiful and unique in their own way!


Sorry the Lagkitan didn’t work out they way you wanted. I know you were pretty excited about those.
Your new plan sounds good. More direct.
I like that you are not afraid to cull things that don’t work out and change course. I think good things will come from that.

Anyway, just my opinions.

Another good update.


As far as the Lagkitan goes, I realized this reality may come to fruition when they TLT told me the occurrence is 1 in 20 specimens exhibiting the scorpion phenotype. Good news is, according to the email I received, they plan on releasing a more worked line in 2023.

Thanks for the kind words and support. It means a lot!