Mutant Madness?

I guess I better get on growing the ones I have then. My first run will be just for seed increase.


Awww man, those mutants look amazing! At first I wasn’t too into them but now that I’ve got a few grows under my belt, they’re calling to me! So glad I found this thread.


@middleman - You have some BerryFreak seeds too? Did you get the V2 by chance? The V1 has a typical mutant expression (only 25% or so). In my tentative planning for outside in 2024 I have considered doing a BerryFreak & Menthol Skunk repro at one location and a Duckweb repro at the other.

@HumblePie420 - Thanks for the kind words! They’re definitely what I would consider the next step in growing. Haven’t really grown 'till you’ve grown a mutant, imo. :slight_smile: I hope you’re able to enjoy them the way that I do. I will say that the mutants are a lot trickier to dial down and get right. Nutrition for them is a bit of an unexplored map. I use Jack’s 3-2-1 for my nutrition and you can see from my photos my plants aren’t 100% healthy. The non-mutants under this same regimen seem to look incredible. This summer I will be exploring supersoil for them; at the very least organic tea brews.

Lastly, a lot of mutants have wildly fluctuating flower structures so be prepared to meet all kinds of new and interesting plants in your journey!


Thanks so much for the heads up! Now I’m intrigued! I grow in soil using organic dry amendments so we’ll see how it all plays out.


Pretty sure it’s the V1. I remember you asked me before, but I thought you said the V2 was better.

I got them from Hembra about two years ago along with Supafreak.


@HumblePie420 - I might check and see if you have any threads to see what plants you grow look like. I will say the more I see the more I think organic is king. If you wanna drop any photos here feel free! Of course I’ll let everyone know on here how my journey into organics develops. I like the JADAM/KNF idea generally so we’ll see what I can come up with locally.

@middleman - Ahh yeah… I remember now! Stoner memory sometimes :roll_eyes:

Did you get one pack? One thing I noticed about Canna Research Co is that they were generous with seeds. I bought 3 packs of BF V2 which were only supposed to have 12 seeds each. I ended up with like 51 I think out of those 3 packs so you may find you have like 15 of them if you bought just 1 pack.

Might be a pleasant surprise if you haven’t checked them yet.


I don’t have any threads yet actually since I’m growing out other peoples seeds, I just post on their thread. I’ll be posting more soon since I’ll be testing for a couple of members here.

I have the BF V2 as well but only 1 pack. I haven’t checked my pack either to see if they have been generous with me as well lol. When I do grow them out, I’ll post them here my friend.


Ah you have to see if you have more than 12 seeds! I would be willing to bet if you got the ones in the glass bottles with the wax on top then you have more than 12 seeds.

Good to know others grabbed onto these when they were available!


Alright time for the photos everyone wants to see. But! First some conjecture!

Aphids took over on the seeded Multileaf plants :frowning: When I say took over I mean they really took over. So yesterday I took them all out in freezing winds and sprayed them with a soap solution. After that I completely submerged them all in warm clean water to try and rinse off all the crap and dead aphid bodies. I’m actually really glad I did this even though I damaged M5 a little bit. It revealed to me that M3 has a clearly superior frame. See here:

M5 is the one that got damaged a bit. The stem tore in half where two of the branches connect together. I used an old dried out stem with a couple of sturdy branches on it. I highly recommend any grower who needs stakes to keep up their plants… keep the main stalk from your chopped plants and turn them into stakes for later! Anyways M3 still in the middle and you can see she’s the only one that remained upright after being dunked in water. The other two flopped over, so I moved them about 18 inches closer to the light. Fingers crossed all the seeds are fine! If not, I still have them in veg mode.

M1 closeup. Very odd structure for the flowers if you ask me. They’re kind of like sativa flowers in a way. Really strange.

Here we have my M3 queen. She seems to have the best structure of the 3 and looks the best after the abuse.

M5. Tried to show how nasty the aphids are. All those are dead now and they shake off if you touch them but shaking the branch won’t free all that crap off there. This plant I actually didn’t dunk I poured water on it and it didn’t get as clean.

M5 aerial view. Still very impressive flower structure.

M1 again. You can clearly see the difference in flower type to her sisters.

Can’t wait to breed this lady later this year! I’ve decided this one is the one I will breed with Devil’s Malawi. Her progeny are going to be miraculous I just have the feeling!

As you can see the parents aren’t caring much for the ~30 inches of vertical height. They want more. I can’t keep cutting them back they’re getting too big. I may have to begin bonsai soon so they’re manageable until I’ve found them a suitable male in the Tentazione. I’ve also considered taking another clone from each and ‘starting over’ with the new clones. I need to do something so I’ll likely post my solution a week or so after I’ve done it :wink:

Here we have the 3 Black Rose specimen looking just awesome. These are reeking already. I haven’t rubbed them but they seem awesome. Now the one specimen which looks like it’s variegated… it may be. I can’t tell if it’s just some weird nutrient thing or if it’s really a subtle variegation. Secretly I hope it is variegated and that it’s also a male. These Black Rose I plan on breeding with V9 Tiger as soon as the Multileaf run gets done so my fingers are crossed for good things there! The odd one is also about 2 inches taller than the other two. I did want to point out that my Jack’s 3-2-1 formula is doing these justice! It’s curious how the mutants are semi-lacking while the regular ones seem thriving.

Here we see the M3 and M5 rooted clones starting to take to dirt. On the right are the Black Rose.

Can’t see the Black Rose on the right but we have the V9 Tiger clones into proper plants now, as well as all of the MS clones. To think I took these clones from plants 2 weeks into flower is kinda cool! M3 and M5 were taken on the day of flowering so nothing special from the clones there.

Lastly I also have 7 Tentazione which are planted and the other 4 aren’t far behind. 1 or two of them have started shedding the shell. I would imagine in a week or two I’ll be able to take a photo of something other than dirt. :stuck_out_tongue: Can’t wait to see what these offer! I was blown away by the Invictus which share genetics with the Tentazione. Should be good!


It’s been long due time for an update. Got a few things goin I’m really excited for. Let’s get into it.

First off, my battle with aphids continues. To top it off I think I have gnats now because the little buggers flying around every time I do anything with my plants. I’ve been doing a lot of research lately because of this:

Can’t work in the snow for my current career choice so I’ve been doing a lot of research to make up for it. One of the things I’ve noticed is that the salt based nutrients do ‘ok’ to grow my mutants but all of them have needed help in the nutrition department. The only ones which have done exceedingly well on my Jack’s formula are the BerryFreak & Menthol Skunk. Another thing I’ve learned lately; as above, so below.

The bonsai method is great and all but my veg plants are becoming too large to keep trimming back over and over. They’re just taking over the lights in the matter of a couple days after trimming. I can’t really increase the pot size either even though some of them are drastically rootbound. When I give them more dirt it also increases their height. It’s a dilemma I’m noticing; I almost need another large veg space to keep moms and dads. Additionally I think organic is the best way moving forward. I forsee a lot more success with organic nutrition rather than salt-based nutes in inert media.

One of the other things I’ve spent a lot of time researching is a seed sorting machine (winnower). I watched a couple of demos of the “zig-zag” seed sorter online and I was really impressed! The amount of time it would save me would be in the hundreds of hours at the moment. Once I harvest the upcoming Mnogolitska I will have like ~20 strains of seeds that need sorting. When some of them have thousands of good F1 seeds in several ounces of bud…that’s a ton of time to do things manually. Basically what made me decide I needed to design my own one of these things is I seen some hemp seed sifted that would have taken me 6+ hours to sort happen by the machines in about 45 seconds. I’ll probably test a couple versions until I find something that works easily.

Enough gab time for photos:
top veg:

bottom veg:

As you can see, things are really crazy. I will do some trimming and transplanting where I can. I’m going to be removing a couple of the Menthol Skunk because MS1 is the clear winner to me after smoking a bit from each female. The taste, high, ,yield, everything it’s just all there. I can tell the MS1 pheno was taken a bit too early too. I needed to give that particular pheno the 75 days that her sister (BerryFreak) also likes.

Here we have the beautiful Black Rose that I’m hoping is a male on the right and almost hiding under him is the Mnogolitska female I’ve chosen to keep and breed with! Unfortunately she needs sprayed to help with freaking aphids but she’s doing well now and accustomed to dirt.

Here are the other two Black Rose (I suspect female) next to the larger guy. The tall one is easily 4" taller than the small ones. For this reason I believe the tall one is a male. For an IBL and such a wonderful plant so far, I would think things should be easy with this one. I’m actually really thrilled because the tall one has signs that it’s going to throw naturally purple pollen sacs regardless of temperature. The signs are there but difficult to photograph.

Here we have the Tentazione seedlings. It seems one of them is kind of a runt. I’m really tempted to cull it but honestly since the seeds were so expensive I’m willing to give it a shot. The last AFC pack I grew out (Invictus) I grew 13 specimen and only found 2 males. All of the females were stable. So with this pack when I only got 11 seeds to begin with I was kind of mad. Now 1 of the seeds did something funky and wrapped the emerging taproot around the seed holding it shut… really bizarre. So the result is 9 normal seedlings and one runt. Really hoping for at least one male because this strain is supposedly able to get to 32% THC. I will make F2s with as many Tentazione females as possible, as well as making BerryFreak and Menthol Skunk F1s. It seems the Apple Fritter side of the cross isn’t as robust to me. The Invictus seedlings as I recall were a bit better than these seem so far. Really excited to see how they develop.

Lastly we have the 3 flowering Mnogolitska babies left. I’m kind of ashamed how they look. To me they look terrible from the aphid population that I just couldn’t contain. The good news is the soldier bug army has come in to help out. There’s easily about 100 of them in there and I haven’t purchased any for months so this is all born out of the aphid explosion and a few remaining ladybugs who have kept the population alive.

One thing I have found really interesting is that this mutant is behaving very similarly to my Double Jam sativa in terms of how it’s flowering. I noticed they weren’t drinking much water about a week ago which is really odd to me because they’re quite heavy plants for the tiny ass pots I have them in. I really should have put them into 3 gallons of dirt. Anyways I decided to switch to plain water and then all of a sudden they started drinking a bit more and now all of them have thrown out a few new pistils. I’m relieved because this late flowering boost makes it seem to me like these females are ‘normal’ and not semi-auto.

I’ve looked to see if I can see any developed seeds yet, so far nothing really that makes me think they’re ready. I’ll probably give them a couple more weeks of plain water to see what they do. FYI these are on day 47 from flip to 12/12 and just over 4 weeks since pollination began.

That’s all for now.


I love it can’t get enough of it


Update time.

I still battle with my aphid problem and it seems I’ve got gnats now to boot. Cut the larger plants back like literally 85% and now things are much happier it seems! I’m sure I have more work to do but what else is new?

Veg tent upper: (2x V9 Tiger clones, 2x Menthol Skunk(MS1) clones, & 3x Black rose)

It seems I have 2 Black Rose males and 1 female! Perfect for my plans! I will have a female so I know what the line looks like and both males can pollinate the V9 Tiger clones when the Mnogolitska finish making seeds. It’s very difficult to see the V9 Tiger clones in this photo but I’ll be sure to include more of them in the next update. I may up-pot them soon along with the Black Rose in preparation for flowering.

Veg tent lower:

As you can see I kind of butchered the moms. I hope by the time they get big enough to trim again I can throw them outside. I will likely take 3x clones from each one though. More on that later. The second photo is my favorite Mnogolitska (M3) specimen. It’s just at the stage before it’s going to start throwing the ‘Multileaf’ trait on all her leaves. M1 is the one with the broken branch (experiment). M5 is the one on the lower right in the first photo.

Here are the lovely Tentazione! They are already getting stinky and looking fresh. You can see there’s one that lagged behind on the lower right. Initially I thought cull it but my instincts to keep plants alive kicked in and now it’s coming back. It’s easily going to be 2-3 weeks late compared to the others but it’s ok. It was an expensive seed so it’s worth the gift of life to me. Plus the other ones look so lovely how could I not give it a chance?!

When in such a dry environment like mine I need to use a humidity dome because seeds in my experience have a difficult time germinating in super dry environments. Humidity domes work well if you can keep them from forming droplets of water on the developing cotyledons. With that little seedling I’m 98% sure the water droplet formed right on top of the developing leaf. Because of this it stunted the plants growth until it formed enough root mass to be able to ‘force’ new nodes from that same spot since it’s just a new seedling. It has begun growing it’s first true leaves though. Onward and upward little fella!

To me these just look awful with the aphid problem. The one least affected is M3 so that one will be selected as the keeper. I’m not going to make the mistake of culling one of these plants though and regretting not keeping more specimen for variety. More on that later. Good news is that I see some developed seeds on these plants. Bad news is I don’t see nearly as many as I had hoped. Maybe I should have left the males in there longer but they were just coated with aphids much worse than these girls. Who knows…

I did have an issue a few weeks ago where I noticed they were not drinking flowering nutes at all. Switched to a 50/50 mix of veg nutes (to promote nutrition in developing seeds) and they started drinking normally again. I recently switched lights from 12/12 down to 11/13 so I’ll give them like 3-4 days of ‘finish’ nutes and then I’ll give them plain water for another week then I’ll cull them for the V9 Tiger x Black Rose F1 cross.

So here’s the part of the post where I go over the ‘more on that later’ bits. My plans for the summer…

I haven’t figured out exactly how with the amount of clones and whatnot but I’ve kind of done a full change with my plans for 2023 (imagine that lol). I’m still moving forward with the 5 crosses I want but I’m only doing so at a pace which is realistic (over the next 4-5 years instead of 18-36 months). In that light I want 2023 to be mainly about 2 crosses… the V9 Tiger x Black Rose cross as well as the Menthol Skunk x Tentazione cross. I’ve decided to sultan breed the Tentazione to all the mutants. At my second location I do the seed run indoors, and the flower run outdoors. Will get the Tentazione sex tested in about 10 days I imagine. That way I know how many males I have.

I mentioned earlier I will be taking clones of each mutant before kicking them outside. I will keep one of each alive for another sultan breed with a sativa of some kind. I haven’t decided which yet though… that will likely be a project in 2024 for me.

Personal goals for 2023’s outdoor season include going full organic with a lot more emphasis on my food garden. I’m likely to get about a dozen chickens if I can get something going here soon for a coop. I want to experiment with electroculture and see if it’s some new age BS or if there’s some application for cannabis as well. I’ll likely start making KNF teas and compost teas from local materials I can find for free.

Lots of good stuff coming…


Always busy around there :slight_smile:
With the moms, you could do like bonsai people and cut the roots back too. It makes space in the same pot for new soil and roots. Plants want to be proportional with whats growing up top vs roots below. So when you only cut the top there is explosion of regrowth to even out(partly why I advise not to cut roots before revegging). I think I would let them recover a little and as the new branches start to grow from the remaining nodes, I’d cut it back up top again to where theres not much left up top, then either at the same time or after a brief recovery I’d cut the roots back and replace the media. You’ll end up with smaller plants that are growing slower and just have fatter trunks(why bonzia have such cool trunks). I should have took pics of a cake I had recently. Flowered her twice and she had vegged a lot. Was looking quite “bonsiaish” with her thick trunk, but was never allowed to get large. And she is a plant that prefers to get large, so she was great practice for manipulating growth. I got food on her trunk to many times tho, so if your gonna keep them super long its something to be careful of. Eventually it rots/eats at the base of the trunk.
I had just pmed ya anyway about other random stuff, but thought other people might wanna see my opinions on that part :slight_smile:
Some day I gotta get some big trays like that. My spaces are always covered with trays from seed trays. So rectangles all over the place. Urs looks classier hehehe


Oh jeeze I hadn’t even noticed you commented here! Too funny :rofl:
As far as bonsai goes I have definitely come to understand they need new dirt to expand into as well. Moving forward it’s likely I’ll give my plants a lot more dirt below. As above, so below. Tiny pots aren’t doing them justice! Thanks for sharing too btw.

Whew it’s update time.

Life’s been crazy… only going to get crazier from here. Hopefully the plants get better as I learn and grow with them.

I have harvested the Mnogolitska females and have harvested the seeds. By the end they were completely covered with aphids and quite atrocious to look at really. That’s why I don’t have any final photos for them. Either way they all got really resinous at the end. After pulling them and letting them dry out I have removed all the leaf and stem material (well 95%) so I’m just left with bud shake and seeds. I did take the time to pull out a couple hundred seeds by hand so everyone could see what the seeds look like.

As far as the bud goes it has this absolutely intoxicating smell. It’s like beeswax, lotion, lemon balm, and skunk all wrapped into one. All 3 females smell quite similar. Once I get my method down for seed sorting I will smoke a few bowls of the shake and report back on effects and taste.

Next up for flower is the V9 Tiger x Black Rose F1 run!

Everything is lookin a bit better now! Need to repot them into the pots they’re sitting on in about a week. I have a few nute things to sort out with them first it appears…

Lastly we have veg mode plants. Upper tier:

Lower tier:

As you can see things are progressing well for everyone.

10x Tentazione
2x Menthol Skunk
1x BerryFreak
1x Giant Pur Pur
1x Drunken Bastard
1x V9 Tiger
3x Mnogolitska

FLOWER: ** these are in veg mode I want them to get bigger
3x Black Rose
2x V9 Tiger

Soon I will send off for sex testing on the Tentazione. In about a month’s time I will flower the Tentazione males to pollinate every mutant in a glorious F1 seed run. It’s highly likely that the females will go outside for the season. I’m also really really tempted on keeping a clone of each going for another round of F1s but with a completely different male. Haven’t decided if that male is going to be a mutant or very select non-mutant but I have a while to think about it.

I have mutant males available from pretty much every mutant line I could want if I choose to germinate them… the only problem is which to germinate when you have so many? Additionally I’ve been really itching to germinate the DragonsBlood Hashplant V2 seeds I acquired recently. The thought of blending my mutants with a red-sap male sounds excellent!

If people want I could list all my mutant seeds and see what sounds good. The thought of a Giant Pur Pur x ABC hybrid sounds fun… haven’t seen one of those yet. Could be fun?


Nice work!! Man there’s so much variation in plant structure in your garden. Epic


I’ve just begun my journey into the land of mutant strains. My Supafreaks are gnarly looking babies!
Fun stuff!


@lilmanbigplan - Thanks! This year I think will be mostly about making the F1 hybrids with them that I desire. Should be a fun journey to combine some modern poly-hybrids with the mutants. I’m hoping vigor improves! As mutant growers I think we can all agree they need some more vigor.

@MoBilly - I’m thrilled to see more people joining the mutant movement! If you feel up to it you can share your photos here for others to see. I would like this thread to one day contain most of the world’s information on mutants. The more the merrier! :grin:


Nice collection of freaks you’ve got going! I love the V9 Tiger, always sucker for variegated plants!

I’ll be sure to post a few pictures of them.


I’m fairly new to the mutants we’ll never grew any but for some reason the are getting my attention

I’m glad this thread is here

Where can I find seeds of mutants or is it just random seed find I want to get some i think it would be very cool to grow them