Mutant Madness?

I’ve got a friend on another forum that made me a zig zag seed sorter from plans that I had, since my health issues would not allow me to make my own. I have not had the opportunity to use it yet but hope to soon. He can make them and ship them for wayyyy less than what zig zag wants for them :v:t4:


@ix3u - Thanks! V9 Tiger will be flowered in about 4 more days. We should see more splendor soon. I appreciate your support.

@MoBilly - Can’t wait! It’s been about 10 days. I hope you have nothing but good results to report with your gnarly babies.

@Big_Yelow - Welcome to the land of mutant cannabis! It’s quite the fun journey when you can get your hands on them. I have several varieties I could get you started with. I’ll message you privately later.

@repins - I’d be interested in getting connected with that guy! I have designed my own seed sorter out of PVC pipe that I haven’t used yet. In the next few days I hope to have the time to test the thing and if it works I’ll post pictures and results. If not I’ll likely look to buy a unit that people will stand by.

For everyone else – everything is going well, just very busy at this time of year. Spring is just around the bend so that means work ramps back up and I do have plans for a garden this year. As far as my canna plants go, I will limit myself quite a bit this year. Last year I believe I had 47 plants at one time and it got to be a bit much. If I do have outdoor plants, they’re going to be mutants. Which ones I still have yet to decide…

Next photos will come in about 4 days when flowering kicks off for the V9T Tiger outcross. The Black Rose are showing me they should provide excellent traits in this pairing. Would really like to be able to take the purple buds and put them on a variegated plant!

As far as the other mutants go… they’re getting too big for their current homes. It may be soon and I will be kicking them outside… even if they do freeze a bit for the first month they’re outside.


Never knew there was so many “Established” mutant strains,it’s cool

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@killabud - I will give you a rundown of all the mutant cannabis strains I know of!

First off we have the webbed cannabis! This is as far as I know the first largely known cannabis mutant. Originally called Duckfoot as far as I could tell, because leaves would resemble the same general shape of a Duck’s foot. No one seems to know where this plant originates from but it does appear like a small amount of them have been cultivated in Hawaii, USA which they call Hawaiian Duckfoot. As far as I’m aware this is a full blown indica. Growth traits seem to resemble hash plants in my opinion. Plants seem to be moderately potent with sativa effects.

Second we have Australian Bastard Cannabis (or ABC). This is a landrace sativa which is unique next to other landraces and also other cannabis. It’s thought to have originated in Australia from selected cultivars worked for decades there without outside influence. This is the second mutant to surface in the cannabis world, as far as I know. This is a mild plant and must be outbred to potent strains and heavy selections done to find the most potent specimen. Most consider this plant too weak for any meaningful endeavors.

Third and fourth, we have the SWAG type leaf created by Dr Kaly as well as the Giant Pur Pur mutation. Dr Kaly worked those strains for decades to produce consistent mutants in the lanceolate varieties and SWAG leaf types. You can find out all about their history by visiting the website. I don’t know when each variety became available to the world but I thank Dr Kaly in spirit every day for blessing the world with these plants. All of Dr Kaly plants seem to be selected well, and most of them have trace amounts of CBD which is nice in my opinion. The THC seems to kick too so no complaints from me at all. Also a final tidbit if anyone hates trimming the lanceolate varieties are the most easy plant to trim in your whole life. It’s seriously magical for that trait.

Next we have the Mnogolistka (dubbed Multileaf) which comes from the Ukraine/Russia. It’s tough sometimes to find certain information regarding this mutation from where it comes but we do know it was made available around 2015. It seems like it has had a difficult time finding it’s way into the the world remaining mostly available in Russia. Plants seem to be rather large and very robust. Flowering times on these are quick being a plant from the North. I find the effects to be mostly indica myself. Potency is good too but I fear the plants I have are Multileaf x ABC hybrids which have been selected for the Multileaf and not ABC. I’m almost 100% certain of this.

Finally in 2018 Freakshow surfaced and has really taken over in terms of mutants. I see many more freaks than I do of the other mutations for sure. Freakshow produces good flowers so it’s easy to see why so many people want to try them. Fortunately for the world we also got gifted with the BerryFreak/Menthol Skunk lines in ADDITION to the Freakshow. I’ve made it real clear in several posts I think Freakshow is a waste next to the son’s work. BerryFreak is truly something special. I’ve smoked all kinds of bud now and there’s something special about her flowers. The feeling you get from smoking her is just awesome! I have 29% bud and sometimes I wish I still had some BerryFreak left.

A couple of honorable mentions. (while not mutants they’re still really unique traits)

  • Dr Grinspoon flowers - while the plant isn’t mutated the flower formation is one that’s really uncommon…forms a string of pearls along a vine-like stem structure
  • Variegated plants - this is a mutation where the green pigment in some leaves is missing. Some variegated plants are green on green, some are yellow and green (like my V9 Tiger) and some are albino. This mutation can be found in several SWAG kaly lines but variegated plants exist in regular cannabis too.
  • 3 finger plants - this is a landrace traits uncommon even to the area where they’re from (Myanmar) where leaves will not grow more than 3 or 5 fingers, no matter how big the plant becomes. A lot of the time this comes with a very irregular and wild growth pattern.
  • Purple plants - this is a rare trait mostly observed among landraces where the entire plant takes on a purple hue. Leaves, stems, buds, everything becomes purple almost black. Photos are nearly nonexistent but there’s a couple floating around.

Later I’ll post an update to my plants and my plans for now. Everything has changed again. Really good stuff coming!


Awesome write up! Thanks

And i’ll definitely be following here,looking forward to seeing more freaks and mutants!

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Update time. As nicer weather is starting to come with springtime many changes have been happening! As my plants are growing larger and larger I’ve decided to kick most of them outside. A couple nights have been near freezing and some of the winds they’ve already endured have been 45mph gusts. Nothing unusual for our weather but for plants it makes things impossible to grow. A couple of my larger moms have been given haircuts so many times it was nearly impossible to keep them 5-6 inches below the light. Each time I would trim it would only take 2 days for them to grow back into the light, hence the reasoning for kicking all the plants outside. Well after a couple of days I noticed several of them were showing the wear worse than the others, so those ones came back inside.

The ones I brought in are my Tentazione(s), as well as the V9 Tiger that is the smallest of the 3. They seem to be doing well after bringing them inside. They aren’t quite big enough to handle the outdoors or it’s just a bit early for them. They all seem to survive the winds but the Tentazione and the one V9 Tiger just don’t seem to like the cold during night time. Later in the season they’ll be fine but for now they need to build a bit more resilience before going outside. Note: ALL of the other mutants seem to both tolerate the cold, and thrive despite it. Here they are:

In addition to the veg plants I also still have 3 Black Rose and 2 V9 Tiger in veg mode. I have debated kicking the V9 Tiger outside and idk what I’m going to do with the V9 Tiger. They definitely would not survive the winds as big as they are; they would draw attention to me in a negative manner without doubt. The reason I haven’t flowered these is because upon transplanting them I discovered they were infested with spidermites! So I treated them but I can see I need to do several rounds of treatment more before I would feel comfortable flowering them. Here they are with a special shot of both V9 Tiger clones.

What will likely end up happening is that everything might go in a greenhouse I construct in the coming weeks and everything grows big big during the summer. I will do clones on everything and do the seed runs both indoors and outdoors. I’m also gearing up to making the switch to 100% organic, making my own worms/castings and compost. I am hoping that a switch to organic provides my plants with the resilience to ward off any pests in the future. Might take me a couple of years to really develop the soil and build it up to being excellent full cycle soil. As is, it grows everything well but we do have a bit too much sand. If you don’t hoe it every cycle of plants it will get too compacted to grow plants in.

I’m thinking by July or August I will likely sprout 20 sativas to work over the winter. There won’t be a whole lot of posting in the next couple of months other than veg photo updates of hopefully beautiful lush mutants as I try to make the most money possible in this season of work.


I said that I would post some pictures of my two Supafreak babies.

Wild looking or what!?


Those are awesome! Certainly wouldn’t be able to tell that was cannabis from the street.

Yeah @HumblePie420 , I’ve never seen anything like this.
Sorry about the lights. I tried to compensate for them but the color is off a little. Next time I’ll turn the big lights off and use a flash.


Beautifully weird! Thanks for sharing

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@MoBilly - Thanks for sharing your freaks! It looks like you have some interesting expressions in the leaves. Really cool! I hope they’ve really taken off since those photos.

It’s been a while, time to update! Been extremely busy the last couple months. The next 6 will be about the same, busy busy…

I’ll keep things short and sweet. I have 2 sets of flowering plants right now. The first are two V9 Tiger (same plant, each is a clone of the mom) which have been pollinated by a Black Rose IBL male. I have since removed him and now watch the seeds develop! Here they are:

At the other location we have BerryFreak mixed in with 9 Tentazione. The main plan for these is just seeds and finding the good females. Pretty excited to see these develop because they’re very similar to the Invictus I’ve grown previously. Smells are very loud and the plants seem to be a bit more robust. Here they are:

I have taken clones from each Tentazione specimen so hopefully once this seed run is done I can do a bud run with the females.

The rest of my plants I have kicked outside. It does seem like I have a bit to learn. I don’t have any organic nutrition except the dirt from the garden. Additionally it seems like at least half of them are attempting to flower. My hope is that in the next month as we get closer to summer solstice that they reveg and stay stable.

V9 Tiger mom:

Drunken Bastard F3:

Menthol Skunk (same plant, both are clones):

Multileaf (Mnogolistka):

Giant Pur Pur:


Really digging that Berryfreak mix look. Don’t get me wrong, those others make me envious as well! What a great mix of mutants you’ve wrangled up over there


That V9 tiger is the shit, visually, i love the variegation. Craziest looking weed plant ever, but im sure you are gonna be onto something even crazier eventually!


@feloniousmonk , check this thread out here ! I think @crunkyeah has got what you’re looking for here , I know once I get caught up , lol which probably be a couple years lol but I’m coming to him for some of his mutants ! For sure , killer work BTW

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Dude I have had a peek behind the flap of @crunkyeah’s grow tent once when I first got started on OG and yes, if I’ve got a Freak Show this guy brought the whole circus.

The variegated duckfoot is truly wild. I wonder if you end up with stripey buds? or if it’s just on the leaves.

I am watching the BerryFreak with great interest. I recently detected some pineapple smells in the lastest FreakShow stem rub. Adding blueberry to that melange is a stroke of genius.

I’ve noticed that reduced surface area on the leaves made them a bit slow to get started, do you see the same thing @crunkyeah? I wonder if the variegated leaves are bad at photosynthesis due to reduced chlorophyll.


I’ve only seen it one other strain and her crosses is the F13 @mahakala has done a bit of work with it and he has done some testing or read some research on it I’m not sure which but it doesn’t inhibit cannabinoid production hopefully he will drop some knowledge on the subject:)


Hey guys! Thanks for the comments and questions.

Actually so far it’s been a bizarre ride into flowering. First off I have 2 V9 Tiger flowering, and after really thinking about it, one of them is the original taproot mom and the other is a clone. I don’t know which is which, but I suspect the denser of the two is the taproot mom. It has larger buds on it and they are indeed variegated but my specimen doesn’t seem to have very large flower bracts because there’s only maybe 5-6 seeds forming on each ‘cola’. The other one is really quite large now and has branches all over the place. The buds are fairly small but they too are variegated. I’m a bit embarrassed to show them because they’re covered in aphids. Unfortunately with my work schedule and planting a garden they’ve only been watered once a day for weeks now. It seems to prefer less water more frequently and doesn’t care for salt-based nutrition at all.

I’m finding the one I threw outside and went organic seems MUCH much healthier.

For me, under artificial light I would say the yellow parts of the leaf contain very little chlorophyll. It makes it very difficult for the plant to proceed at the level of regular plants. They also do seem to be a bit picky in terms of nutrition, but I’ve only had this one extremely variegated plant so it’s hard for me to say definitively how they are.

Anyways I just wanted to post a little update here. The Tentazione and BerryFreak began flowering on May 12. BerryFreak had already kind of started flowering outdoors anyways. Well, turns out 7 of the 10 specimen are male. Yay… $22/seed males… I hope you can sense my excitement…

So I decided to pull 3 of the smaller males which didn’t seem as impressive in trichome/terpene production and replace them with the Tentazione female I had kept and a Menthol Skunk clone. It was also kind of flowering just like BerryFreak so I figured why not… I want the F1 seeds anyways.

Here’s some photos of ~day 10 of flowering. Keep in mind MS and BF were already starting to flower.

I did take clones and everything is progressing there. Already planted 2 of them. Will keep 3 females and the best male. Will likely ditch the male but I didn’t want to cull him just in case I need him later. This cultivar has very thick roots and seems to be very ‘weed-like’… every aspect of it seems strong. Even the unrooted clones have a strong odor to them. The leaves are nice and healthy and the stems are very firm.

Onward, we have some Snowhigh Devil’s Malawi seeds I decided to germinate. These will likely be open pollinated to F2 as well as hitting the Tentazione females, and possibly a clone from each mutant.
I’m going to have to figure out how to do a seed run with all the Malawi (12) as well as the 8 plants I want a stout male to pollinate. Here’s the seeds in a shot glass:

Since this photo I believe 5 have sprouted tails. I have faith all will germinate!


Australian cannabis seedlings outdoors

The last plant is australian with buds pollinated by the legitimo vine and theres a few seeds forming


My mutant amd the clone from topping it . I’m going to preserve it with a seal coating. :smiley:

Awesome :+1::sunglasses:


@Water Great job on those bastards. I wish you success on your hop bastards.