Mutant Madness?

Nice looking mutants guys! Keep them coming!!

This is an update mostly as a timestamp of events for future me to not have to remember. Remember guys, when you like to smoke a lot it’s extremely helpful if you make it easy to remember stuff in the future!

So about 4 days ago now I decided to germinate all 12 of my Snowhigh Devil’s Malawi (May 25, 2023). I believe my timing and methods for germinating are on point. All 12 germinated even 2 stubborn ones I needed to pop the shell open for them to emerge. Here’s what they look like literally 5 days from pre-soak.

Here’s the mutants as of last night:


Some of my Australian seedlings have variegated leaves this now


Heck yeah! That’s awesome @Water ! Would love to see if that carries over into the progeny. Keep it up.


I haven’t shown you all any pictures of my Supafreaks in a while so here they are.

They aren’t breaking any speed records for getting big quickly but they look okay… I think. lol


Slow but steady wins dominance over planet Krypton. Keep an eye on 'em, if you aren’t careful they might eat your dog!


So thrilled to see others getting in on this mutant action!

@Water - Very impressive to see you’ve managed to get variegation into ABC. Would be awesome if you could isolate those phenos in subsequent generations! ABC is already such an odd looking plant… throwing variegation in the mix… good stuff. Kudos! :+1:

@MoBilly - Those Supafreak look wonderful if you ask me! Looks like you’re in for a ride once flowering comes :yum: they can be surprising plants in flower some of them. Does it smell pretty strongly? It looks quite healthy to me. FYI they can be kind of slow to veg and don’t need tons of nutrients.

@RatsboggleBiological - Thanks for the support on the thread. It means a lot to me.

Alright, update time!

It’s truly shocked me looking at my last post compared to now. Take a look at the Malawi seedlings:

The seedlings are full on plants now. Most of them working on the second set of 5 finger leaves, and most of them starting to smell. I don’t know what the Devil’s Tit smells like in the cross but my nose smells predominantly landrace from most of these. It’s subtle and woody but complex and something entirely different. It’s exciting to see how much they grow every day. I heard veg growth was good and it definitely is. The plan is an open pollination F2 run outdoors. I hope to take several clones from each before they start flowering and maintain them indoors.

Outdoor plants:

It might not seem like it but the plants have definitely taken their next step in life.

  • V9 Tiger now is looking like a normal plant except it’s variegated. Very healthy and smelly. Should be fun to see seedless outdoor flowers from this girl.
  • Next we have the Drunken Bastard who has decided to challenge the others for tallest plant. She’s also slowly begun flowering even though we’re nearing the longest day of the year. Due to her flowering time, I believe flowering early will be beneficial.
  • The Multileaf (Mnogolistka phenos) full on started flowering when I put them outside in early spring. Since I had the Black Rose indoors letting off mad pollen when I clipped him I decided to sprinkle a little love dust on each female. They’ll produce I think around 200-300 F1 seeds with the Black Rose male. These outdoor seeds look to be a lot better seeds than my indoor seeds from these same ladies.
  • Giant Pur Pur is definitely the biggest lady and she’s reaching for the stars. I have noticed a couple F1 seeds but nature may have claimed them. A lot of the seeds have been knocked out of the pods by the wind. GPP didn’t have many of them to begin with though as she really didn’t want to flower.
  • Lastly, we have Menthol Skunk, the loudest of the group. She’s very skunky outdoors. I hardly smell any menthol to her, but I haven’t really rubbed her for weeks now.

I was really tempted to take clones and keep these but I’ll probably just flower them out and enjoy some outdoor flowers for whatever they end up producing.

Next up we have the Tentazione F2 run as well as Menthol Skunk and BerryFreak F1s. I’m quite pleased how they’re looking.


Fan leaves are yellowing due to spider mites. Since I’m primarily focused on the seeds, I’m not too concerned with them as they stick to the leaves and avoid the sticky resinous buds.

Menthol Skunk:

Same thing with this girl except she’s less afflicted. Honestly I can’t tell anyone which my favorite is. BF has the most incredible high and sweetness to her. MS on the other hand is louder, larger, and probably the better structured plant. She had a wonderful high but it was missing the feel-good elements that BF has. Both will be good yielders even with tons of seeds in them! Very beautiful ladies making my own F1 cross!

Now we have the Tentazione females, which were only 3 in 10 seeds. All 3 seem to be pollinated which is nice!

These are ridiculously loud. They remind me an awful lot of the Invictus and not so much of the Apple Fritter from the nose smell but on the stem rub they smell a lot more like the Apple Fritter. Since Invictus is the father I’m hoping the potency the Invictus had will also be present in these Tentazione females. Also seem to be loaded with F2 seeds so I wait patiently for them to fully express their flowers and fulfill their life purpose! :innocent:


They all look awesome…but the color on the Tentazione is so interesting…is that just the lighting?


I have read that soaking seeds in a solution of caffeine from those ‘driver awake’ tablets will induce random mutations, anyone tried this to see what happens?


Good update. Thanks for posting it. I had to take a closer look at the Berry Freak to compare!

When I get home, if the F4 male is still dropping, I’ll try to collect some pollen to send when I send you seeds. No promises though.

A picture I was sent a couple days ago:



@killabud - It’s likely pollen that got caught in the resin. These ladies are extremely resinous and the one which is greener actually is about 10 days behind the other two, but she’s still chugging along so!

@slain - I would not soak any seeds in caffeine lol. That sounds like trying to drink motor oil. Probably not a good idea.

@middleman - Thanks for updating us! That male looks absolutely loaded with pollen sacs! If you can manage to snag some pollen I will surely use it on my mutants outdoors this season! I could definitely dust several lower branches and be content. No worries if not though! He looks like he’s going to start really letting loose soon. :grin: They look wonderful!


The largest of the two was the smallest when repotted. It was also put in used soil instead of new. It’s surpassed the (what was) largest one. I’d say that you are right. The one in poor soil is killing it in comparison.
I’m really bad at identification of odor but I’ll let you know what I think after I get back out there today.


Well, I kinda did a stem rub on my two Supafreaks from @middleman . The smell is rather sweet. I can’t put a finger on exactly what sort of fruit it might be but it’s a fruity sort of sweetness. That’s about all I can tell. Well, that and that I hope that smell continues to develop stronger. I grew out some Gelato that had that kind of sweetness. It was a pleasure to smoke after it got a good cure on it.


lol, no it is really a thing:


Wow I’ll have to read that article later @slain. Thanks for posting it.

@MoBilly - The scent should get quite a bit stronger as you get into flowering!


No worries, I’ve read about other mutatagens too but they all seem way more toxic. By the looks of it, caffeine causes some significant mutations that affect flowers in other plants so it might do some interesting stuff. I would expect that very few mutations will be beneficial and seed viability will plummet so it might be that 50 seeds need to get soaked/treated for only a few interesting mutations to pop up.


These are my favorite mutant plant I’ve been experimenting with the clone is actually the top of the plant that I cut off due to too many vertical branches!! I cut it off at the 6th node after it snapped back from a fimming so the clone is the fimmed top of the plant and is currently in veg stage now with so many branches


Happy I found this thread! Started some of the Acer x Pablo BX #7 from Hoku / PBLH Genetics in my living soil blend after doing a short 4 hour peroxide soak. These have a variegated duckfoot mutation and a few came up today.

I will also be growing out some of the Freaks of Dank seeds from 7 East Genetics to try to select for one with the most tropical fruit aromatics to hybridize with my MZPV line (SOA Mozambica x RSC Parvati x Cherry Wine CBD, expresses passionfruit, guava, pineapple, mango, honey, black pepper, black walnut aromas). Will post some updates in this thread as they grow.


All of the Acer x Pablo BX #7 duckfoot seeds came up! Will post another pic when they get more leaves.


@middleman and friends,
I have a question. Take a look at the largest of these two. It has bumpy leaves. The smallest one has smoother leaves. Still some bumps but just a few.

Here’s what the smallest one looks like.

Is that, possibly, a different pheno or do I have pests on it that I don’t see?

Thanks for any advice.
I’m thinking that they are doing well enough and I can’t find any bugs, but I’ve lost plants by being slow in response to pests.


I can’t say for certain, but I don’t think you have pests. I think it’s just a different expression in the leaves. They look healthy to me.

I’ve had Supafreak outside twice. The first time I didn’t have any issues. The second time, caterpillars ate them up pretty good.