Mutant Madness?

Cool looking australian leaves today. I am growing vines on some of them


In my experience the Freaks prefer organic soils, and natural sunlight. I was able to germinate and grow them under LED indoors but I can tell you my Menthol Skunk girl is a different plant outside under the sun than indoors under LEDs. I could never get a ‘canna’ smell off her without rubbing a stem or leaf. Outside she sits there and REEKS 24/7. I can’t smell any of my other plants next to her.

@Water - Lovely looking little bastards! It looks like you’ve got them really happy. Did they end up growing out of the variegation? I noticed you mentioned a while back that some were variegated but they look really green to me. It also looks like you have a bit of variation between the bastards. It would be nice if you get a variety of flower structures too. Have you shared with us what ABC variety these are? Keep up the good work! I’m sure you’ll be delighted with what these have to offer you.

Alrighty folks it’s update time… short and sweet… time permitting… (FYI I planted crimson clover in everything)


Somehow a straggler got in there when I replanted. That small seedling in the lower left pot I believed to be another Aceh but after it’s grown a bit I can tell it’s a sporty little F1 I’ve made. It’s way faster than the Aceh. I’ll probably pull it before next photo.



First time I’ve planted canna in the ground before. They look a bit rough to me. They have really starting looking good though after the past couple of days.


3 potent moms. I have to say… on salt nutrition these had aphids. With crimson clover and natural dirt, I can’t find any. These smell, really good.

I also have 5 ladies fully seeded coming down as soon as seeds are ready. I will try to get photos (and upload them) of those before chop.


2 plants have variegated leaves and the plants are growing slower and with smaller leaves than the other abc

Other plant


I’m still making my way through the old posts in this thread but breeding mutants is a lot more difficult and complicated than I thought it would be! It sounds like going forward I should focus on one mutant line for breeding but I would be happy to grow out other mutants if anyone needs testers for their seeds. Here’s a pic of the Freaks of Dank and Acer x Pablo BX#7 seedlings. One of the Acer x Pablo BX #7’s has the variegation, but in a pattern that won’t interfere with photosynthesis too much and will be very aesthetically pleasing. I am now leaning more towards working with the duckfoots since the mutation does not impair the ecological fitness of the plant in the same way the freak mutations seem to (from my limited experience growing these).


@Water - Those ABC look really nice! I could swear in the second photo in your post that’s a Quack Bastard. Looks to have the iconic ‘webbed bastard’ leaves fygtree was working on. After looking over your posts I don’t think you mentioned where you sourced your ABC from. Would you mind sharing? :slight_smile:

@holygroveseed - Breeding mutants can be complicated but it doesn’t really have to be. If you want a simple rule of thumb which should hold true for most mutants… if you use a mutant female with a regular strain and then take and make F2s from those seeds in the F2 seeds you should expect to see 25% mutants. P1 (mutant) x P2 = F1 → F1 x F1 = F2. Otherwise the best thing is (like mutant) x (like mutant) to make more mutants. Most of them are polyhybrid at this point so inbreeding them a generation or two shouldn’t hurt anything.

When you want to breed (unlike mutant) x (like mutant) that’s where things can become interesting. In the case of ABC with Duckfoot I believe it turned out where in the F2 generation 25% were webbed leaf, 25% were ABC leaf, and 50% were regular leaf. Within the 25% of ABC leaf there was only a handful that were webbed as well. If memory serves 8 specimen out of 100 were used to take Quack Bastard from F2 to F3. I grew out the F3s last year and was only able to find ABC specimens. At first I thought they might be webbed but they leaned to ABC phenos.

Generally when it comes to double recessives (combining two recessive mutants together would be…in the least) you can figure it’s 1:16 seeds which will display recessive traits from both parents in the F2 generation. If we’re trying to select for triple recessive it’s 1:52.

If you have any questions feel free to ask them. Discovery is enjoyed by all.

As far as your plants go they look wonderful! The Freaks are a bit finnicky to get started and take nutrition. They do grow a bit slower but they’re not as large of plants either.

I’ve only allowed a couple of Duckfoot varieties to grow and flower in my garden so I’m not too versed in them. Grew out Duckweb and was delighted to see her pink pistils. She grew like the indica IBL she was said to be. It looks like Acer 1 has been selected for sativa heritage having a flowering range from 11-16 wks. Crossed to Pablo I would imagine that shortens it up quite a bit. It’s hard to say how everything was BX’d though. Either way they will grow more like regular plants and take nutrition normally etc. ABC and Freakshow are odd that way.


Harvested 3 Tentazione females, BerryFreak, and Menthol Skunk. The Tentazione are extremely loud, sticky, and just… damn. One of them absolutely reeks like Invictus, but the other two seem a bit different. BerryFreak is impressive as always, being afflicted by spider mites and aphids for a majority of her life while still making a bunch of seeds. Menthol skunk was equally impressive but with a much different structure. She was a bit more upright. I would have to weigh the two to compare yields; I would imagine it’s very similar once leaves/stems removed.

First photo is Tentazione in front of the two Freaks. Second is Menthol Skunk. Third is BerryFreak. Sorry no closeups. Only so much time in a day. Seeds seem to be developed on all of them. Very grateful for another successful run :pray:


the original ducksfoot had pink pistils …


Thanks for sharing Wally! I had no idea as Ducksfoot info seems to be uncommon. I had assumed from the listing of “Duckweb IBL” that it was another recessive pheno within the Ducksfoot ‘genome’ if you will.

Can you share any details about the flowering cycle of Ducksfoot? From what I have experienced it’s an indica high on a sativa-looking structure. Density reminds me of hybrids/indicas and not trad sativas. That said, I have grown a couple webbed phenotypes of Giant Pur Pur. I’ve always been curious how they’re related.

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Honestly i have no idea what the original lineage is , but youd be right thinking it was a hybrid of sorts , ive seen some afgthani traits in the first lot of webbed plants i saw , but i dont think i was experienced with enough varieties at the time to identify some of the traits ,
at the time i was growing pure sativas , and ducksfoot beat them out of the ground by a country mile ,
indicating it was more likely a hybrid ,
add to that some of the buds were quite large and had some chunk about them ,
and some flowers tasted a little hashy , others had a coffee smell ,

the smell and taste were really strong , u could smell the plants from quite a distance , and the dried product also was quite permeating , it would stink out the house and it was hard to carry in the car ,
i made a hybrid with it and hawaiin indica and that was even more pungent , to this day likely the most pungent weed ive encountered , and very potent aswell …
one thing that really sticks with me is how the ducksfoot used to always make me smile , and give me a happy glow , you would also lick your lips quite some time later and still taste it …
a chap recently sent me some seeds he got from his dad who turns out lived near me , he got them as bagseed ,
but sounds like the ducksfoot x hawaiin indica , im itcihng to put some in to check it out , ill wait until i have a safe place to do it though …
the pink pistilled plants were the best ones i found and the trait passed into several hybrids i made …


Thanks so much for the info! Really good for future mutant aficionado’s like us to see this information. I haven’t heard anything about Afghani traits but I could understand why you think that. The internode spacing and general robustness is what makes me think “indica/Afghani”.

I can agree that taste and smell are quite strong. Quite a bit of floral notes to it if you ask my nose. I couldn’t say that they are/were smellier than anything else I’ve grown but I can say I haven’t smelled anything remotely close to that since. Next year I have plans to do a ‘webbed’ mutant sultan run. Maybe by then you can find a safe place to grow. Can never be too careful with the stinky stuff. :sweat_smile:


I grew This subterfuge hybrid to pollinate a few different abc landrace plants.

My (abc x non mutant) plants that were pollinated by the subterfuge ended up with the most webbed and round leaves.

The subterfuge pollinated by subterfuge is getting larger denser leaves, but they aren’t completely webbed.


@Water - That’s so fascinating to learn and find out! Thanks for sharing. I think as time goes on we’re going to find a lot more about mutants the more we grow with them. Would you say that the ones with landrace heritage grow faster than the subterfuge x subterfuge? More vigor etc?

@middleman - Check this out!


Can you tell the difference between the strains here? Personally, it looks like the Tentazione males all produced similar seeds in all the females they pollinated. The first photo is Menthol Skunk x Tentazione F1, second photo is BerryFreak F1s, and third is Tentazione F2s. They’re a bit darker and much much smaller.

So here’s the thing with both of the pinnate varieties. All of the seed pop out of the resin coated calyx with these beautiful tiger stripes on them. I didn’t realize this with other strains but those marking are part of a super super thin layer on the outside of the seed shell. With most strains they don’t come off. With these I have a couple of observations and I have a couple of sneaking suspicions.

Observation: A Freak bred with a regular plant makes a semi-regular seed. Here there’s a fine layer on the seed that contains all of the stripes of the seed. They are very delicate and basically just pop off with no effort. In this photo you can see the tip of the seed underneath is already exposed. No matter how many seeds I harvest I tried to preserve all the stripes, but this was a decent one.

As you can see after being rubbed off the seed underneath looks great but it’s not ‘freaky’ looking.

My theory is that maybe the male pollen affects the outcome of the seed size. Since I used a regular cannabis strain to pollinate these, they made semi-regular looking seed. To me they resemble, the seed of the Tentazione. Though, I can’t tell any difference between the BerryFreak and Menthol Skunk. They seem to be the same in terms of the seed made. BF yielded about twice as much as MS.

I’ll post more photos when I have all of the seeds harvested and sorted.



Thanks! Much much easier to see. :pray:


Interesting observations.

In a week or so, I’ll let you know how the Berry Freak seeds on my end look.


No problem :slight_smile:


This seed thing… got me perplexed, got me vexed, got me feeling some kind of way. Had to dig out the F1s from yesteryear.

The indoor vs outdoor BerryFreak look the same. What is it about this new generation that makes them different?! It’s literally the same strain but produced different looking seeds based on the father’s pollen. Hmm. :thinking: talkin out loud here…

These new polyhybrids are often F1s of F1s of F1s of more F1s, for who knows how many generations this has gone on. What if the ‘dominance’ of the Tentazione is so strong that even the seeds themselves are Tentazione dominant? It’s the only explanation I can think of. Here’s the F1s with Tentazione for comparison:



I started shucking BF v1 #1 (non pinnate) today.

This is about 1/4 of her seeds. Cleaned but not sorted yet.


Mini update:

Baby Multis:

Mama Multi: (the others I’m going to pull)

This lady already flowered in april/may that’s why there’s a lot of really old flowers that look terrible. They provided me with a bit of seed, so I’m happy. We’ll see when she finishes. The other plants are barely showing sex. It’s like preflower mode right now.


A few have caught my eye. A red stemmed female, and a couple of really beautiful males. These plants smell like Africa to me. Just like how Double Jam smelled Jamaican these smell like Malawi. Never been there but it’s in the genetics, mon. I see, feel, and smell it. Really good vibes incoming I’m sure!

Males are going to get with the Aceh :smirk: If there’s an Aceh male he we’ll be sultan bred with the Malawi too in a concurrent run. I’ll actually put off my mutant plans for 2024 a bit if this is the case. Don’t want to screw up a beautiful opportunity with some very unique plants.

Drunken Bastard F3:

Giant Pur Pur F2:

Menthol Skunk v1:

V9 Tiger F1(?):

The Mutant sisters, minus Mnogolistka mom because I don’t have room for her with the food crops and weeds goin :crazy_face:

Tentazione (one not pictured, kinda small yet):

I haven’t quite finished with the Tentazione harvest but I’m getting close. I’ll try to post photos of all the seeds when they’re sorted.

That’s all for now :slight_smile:


Mutant cannabis with vines, now the vines climbed to the top. The plants are beginning to flower. One of the variegated plants is male and flowering the fastest.

I’m going to do open pollination with all of these plants next to eachother.

The round leaf plant is female so hopefully it will cross with the variegated male. I will get a better picture of those flowers later.

Lastly, I used oryzalin on tobacco and pollinated the plant with Mutant cannabis pollen. The mutant tobacco looks like strings now. One of the more unusual mutations I’ve ever seen.