Mutant Madness?

Is… is that Morning Glory? Or is it some weird thing I haven’t heard of? If it does cross, holy shit. The mutant Tobacco experiment looks dope too. Interesting work, for sure.

I’ve got a weird one for ya too. This darn smooth leaf ABC is just stunning though.
Sorry for the potato phone quality. I may have dropped mine in the salmo river at shambhala.


Yes ipomea vine, morning glory, I have a few of my own hybrid varieties. The plant grows in nature along the west coast, I collected the wild seeds

^^ at a park

I have been growing morning glory vines to anchor my other plants to the ground, the vines provide stability.


I’m hoping your variety is much more laid back than mine. Mine is white with purple stripes, and it attempts to strangle and kill everything. Even Trees.

Here are a few pictures demonstrating how it picked another flower once. I’d be terrified to let that thing near my plants. :sweat_smile:

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We had an impressive storm last night. The wind laid over one of my Supafreaks all the way to the dirt but I tied it up to a post. I’m thinking that it’ll live but dang it. I believe that it’s just about to drop pollen. What do you all think?

The other one is tucked away in an old mobile home so it’s fine and has similar flowers.


Yep. Expect pollen soon.


I was just posting this on your thread and saw that you posted over here @middleman . lol

Soon though… Cool.
Thanks again for these. I’ll be growing out the rest of the beans come Spring.


Wow looks like a party goin’ on here while I’ve been busy.

@Water - Do you find any problems with vining plants holding on too tightly to the canna plants? I had a Kajari melon that was literally choking 3 plants trying to spread out. I find one they really gets 3-4 wraps of a tendril around a leaf or stem and they really start tugging and pulling on the cannabis plants.

Also the tobacco and other experiments are pretty cool! I hope you have some success with the hybridizing of them! It will be real neat to see where you end up with it, good or bad. I also like the idea of your open pollination. Should provide you with tons of stuff for next year :grin:

@Cadizzles - That’s quite the couple of specimens you have there! Are they both similar in traits? It hardly resembles cannabis to me even being a mutant junky :wink: have you treated those plants with anything? They look quite happy to me!

@insaneyanish - Sounds like the vines we would have growing naturally here. I’ve never heard of a vine being ‘tamable’ around these parts! I normally try to find where they enter the ground and pull them up from the roots as best I can… hardy damn plants… cannabis could learn a thing or two…

@Mobilly - That male looks awesome! You’re bound to get a lot of pollen off him! I’m sure his brother will be doing work too. Don’t worry too much about the wind knocking her over. If ya think about it, it’s probably the best thing to happen. A plant laying on it’s side during a strong storm will likely fare better than one whipping around with the wind. I don’t see any damage that would be of great concern so just let him keep goin’. I’m sure pollen dumping is just around the corner the way he looks.

Everyone - Not much to report in terms of new stuff except… I cloned all the Aceh (except the runt) and also cloned all Malawi. Here they are:

Real excited to get these into a seed run! Outdoor specimens will show me sex and hopefully let me select some keepers. Indoors I will do the seed run from Oct-Dec. I have to say I have been excited for my mutants but nothing has prepared me for the Aceh and Malawi… I’m in love :heart_eyes:


Thanks man. I didn’t make it out there today but I’ve been checking on him regularly. I can see it through my window and it seems you are right. He is still looking good. If I’m able to walk around tomorrow I’ll know for sure.

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I just got in from checking out my boys. We have pollen @middleman and @crunkyeah!


@crunkyeah Honestly no I haven’t done anything. They are both from the Australian bastard cannabis family of mutants, but the smooth leaf is new to me too. This was just a lucky happenstance via the punnet square lottery.

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I trim the vines or prune the leaves often, yes the vines grow faster than anything else. I removed my one non-mutant cannabis today, now all of my plants are Mutant, looks like parsley or basil, and there is no smell. Even my flowering Australian mutant cannabis have no smell, that’s the best trait of this variety in my opinion


@Water - I have mixed feelings about the stealth of ABC. Sometimes I like the smell they give off when I water them. The Bastards don’t really smell and imo that’s one of the most pleasing aspects of cannabis. At least the flowers aren’t dull :grin:

Looks like some seeds are incoming if you let that male dump pollen. Exciting times ahead!

I suppose I could throw up an update now…

The mutants:



This is 2 plants here… not sure what they are 100% but I believe they are Lagkitan…

I should also mention that in my private life I’ve had some really drastic changes the past month or so. All of my plans for the future have changed. I don’t know what this will mean for my garden but life has a way of making certain things a priority and certain things a luxury. I hope cannabis can continue to be a priority for me, but only time will tell.


Time for an update!

Malawi ladies… culled the males since I have rooted clones of each specimen. I will do an open pollination indoors to round out the end of the year.

This one is my favorite Malawi lady, #5. A couple heads taller than me now.

Sumatran Aceh… I believe all to be female, but they aren’t quite ready to show yet.

The 5th Aceh… I believe/hope this one is a male.

Drunken Bastard lady really starting to kick off flowering.

V9 Tiger, I’m kind of perplexed why it’s not really flowering yet.

Menthol Skunk - poor lady has really taken a beating from the winds but she still appears to be flowering nicely!

Giant Pur Pur - similar to V9 Tiger these do not want to trigger yet it seems

The bunch of them lined up in the garden. Growing indoors is going to be tough after growing them this way… it’s obvious to me that cannabis/hemp is an excellent plant to grow outdoors not only for its flowers/pollen but also its capability to fertilize earth with its carbon footprint.

I should also mention that these plants have endured some fairly cold temperatures now. Got down to 45 here the other night.


Great job matey loving the variety of your strains

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Things got a little chaotic since my last update so I’ll just focus on the mutants for this one.

Two of the Acer x Pablo BX #7s duckfoots are early flowering females. One was male, which I culled. There is another plant hiding between the two of them which was chewed down by rabbits which still has not expressed sex but is the most aromatic of the bunch. Not sure how much of that is plant hormones and how much of that is natural flowering tendency because of the bad timing. All of them have a woody stem rub with a hint of anise/licorice but this one was the strongest anise/licorice note. A warning to anyone growing the Acer lines, rabbits love to eat these more than any other hemp plant I’ve grown.

The Freaks of Dank from 7 East Genetics were a lot happier out in the sun. The only male (culled) did something I’ve never seen a cannabis plant do. Stem borers rotted the top half of the stem and the plant grew a new shoot from inside of the rotted stem! Pictured is the largest female, has a sweet fuel stem rub. Topped it to extend flowering a little.

Finally @middleman’s (TW x GG4 RIL) x ABC crosses. I was a little worried that I wouldn’t do these plants justice but i ended up with a male and female plant that expressed the taller more vigorous phenotypes. All plants expressed ABC leaf type. I wish I had been able to start them earlier in the season, because I bet they would have gotten huge given more time. I am not going to cull the male on this one because they both have this lovely mugwort/artemisia stem rub and I want to preserve those aromatics. Still figuring out the logistics but it will happen.

9/14 MINI-UPDATE: The rabbit topped Acer x Pablo BX #7 plant with the strong anise/licorice stem rub has shown female preflowers.


@Billybob - Thanks for the support! I’m going to try and keep it interesting moving into the future as I make my crazy mutant hybrids.

@holygroveseed - Wow I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had issues with rabbits. I’ve got dozens of rabbits around my house but they don’t seem to care for my plants at all. They seem to steer clear of the garden too which I find odd but it might be worthwhile to grow something also that rabbits don’t like and then put it near your plants? Food for thought! Sorry to hear about the bunnies though. When I get around to planting my Acer 1 I will keep an eye on the bunnies.

As far as Freaks of Dank goes it’s good to see that 7 East did well breeding with Freakshow. It can be a hardy plant once it’s well established. Seems to tolerate cold well and provide healthy yields for a mutant. We’ll see once flowers fully develop how well they did! Looks good so far though :slight_smile:

Flowering is kicking off in stages now. Some plants are showing really early, some are just kicking off, some aren’t showing yet, and some are already harvested!

I’ve harvested all the outdoor plants I put out for flowering when the light hadn’t hit summer equinox. Basically this just amounted to the 3 Mnogolistka plants I hit with Black Rose IBL pollen in April or May of this year. Harvested a few dozen seeds from each Mnogolistka lady and let them enjoy nature all summer. They all pretty much reflowered when August came around and they started noticing decreasing light hours. I must say it’s really nice to try them unseeded, it’s a really different flavor profile than anything else I’ve ever smoked. To me it smells like beeswax with slight lemon or floral hints. I quite enjoy it. It’s a real frontal lobe kind of high; very mellow. Not to say that it’s weak. Smoke a little too much and you just wanna chill. Very good evening smoke for me. :yum:

I’m rounding out the end of 2023 with 2 seed runs: one with a Malawi male and Aceh females (“F1”) & one with Malawi males and females (“F2”). I’m really excited to make the F1 seeds. I would like to make sure I get the plants large enough to have a large supply of seed to sort through when I can get to them. It will likely be 3 or 4 years but that’s kind of why I want to make a large supply.

Here’s the clones I will be making seed with:

This is 5 Aceh (believe to be all female now) and 1 Malawi male (my favorite for smell, flowering time, and structure)

Here we have 9 Malawi. 3 males and 6 females. I didn’t want to bottleneck the strain but at the F1 generation they aren’t ‘very’ different. All seem to smell similar, males and females. The variance seems to be in onset of flowering and not much more. Only one specimen (female) seems to be displaying signs of stress due to our cold nights. The hunt at F2 will show any outliers in the cross from Snowhigh, but that will be a while until I get to those! (if ever)

Here are the donor plants the clones came from, starting with the Aceh:

As pricy as these were I regret not buying 10 more… I love these plants. I wish I had time to explore them more but since the land is known for herms I would rather search the F1 progeny who are crossed with stable Malawi pollen. Two specimen want to throw out 11 finger leaves which I absolutely enjoy but unfortunately this cultivar does not favor cold nights. You can see in the yellowing of the leaves on most of them.

Here’s the Malawi females. Most of them are starting to really develop calyxes now. My favorite (#5) is now the second tallest lady but she’s just incredible. I really regret planting them so close. Live and learn.

Drunken Bastard starting to really develop now. I’m guessing she will be done by end of Oct, weather permitting.

Giant Pur Pur starting to throw calyxes and pistils. If the buds start showing pink pistils I may take a couple close-ups as they develop which I’ll put into my next update. I’m really expecting to see at least a few with this particular phenotype. If I saw them indoors I should be able to see them under natural sunlight as well.

Poor Menthol Skunk… used to be side-by-side with V9 Tiger but heavy winds have made her lean behind the Tiger… she’s really producing well though! I wish she would have gotten a bit taller in veg but wish in one hand and poop in the other… which fills faster… Anyways I’m really excited to see her develop and finish!

This dang plant… I can’t do it justice in photos. In person it’s absolutely wonderous to look at. It’s truly a mutant plant. Every which angle looks amazing but on photographs only the photogenic spots turn out good, like the ones I tried to take. When you’re looking at it from 360 degrees and from different vantage points, it’s quite something to look at. A couple people have seen it now who don’t grow canna and they said it was beautiful so I have to give some kudos to Kalyseeds and Terpyz who have developed the V9 Tiger and offered it to the world. Incredible plant outdoors. Indoors she is a mess!

Last but not least we have 2 of the 3 Tentazione females. They really aren’t doing much and for sure don’t like the cold nights. I hope they really get good in the coming weeks because it’s nice to have variety again ^^ the 3rd female I’ve debated on pulling out of the ground because she really doesn’t like cold and she’s rougher than her sisters…

As for my future plans, 2024 will be all about making more mutant seeds and offering them for reasonable prices, but at a pace which I can manage. Right now everything seems a blur… life going by so fast… I’m also going to be making some pretty drastic changes to my indoor growing environment. I want to make the switch to vertical orientation growing. Additionally I may also experiment with NFT or hydro to test my skills as a grower and designer of such systems. Might be interesting to see how different landrace and mutant cultivars respond to such systems as well. :man_shrugging: :thinking:

Lots of exciting stuff in the future. I’m branching out and working with new people to create new things! Should be good for humanity because I want to share.


I am bummed I lost 3 plants to caterpillars I had to cut off most of the buds. It became foggy and cold outside, and all of a sudden caterpillars appeared in huge numbers. I should have remembered this happened in the past, oh well.

I am going to try to revegetate the plants I had to cut in half. I have a 2 year old abc plant that revegetated and bloomed second time, so maybe its not a total loss here. I am fighting the caterpillars off with organic bug spray, it’s working and I am hoping I will still get plenty of seeds from these remaining plants. The seeds need a few more weeks probably ready in october.

the healthiest plant are the 2 ABC that sprouted in the succulent garden next to the aloe.


Hopefully everything bounces back quickly for you. I’ve never had to deal with catapillers and Hopefully won’t have too.


Dang that’s a bummer. That’s quite unfortunate to hear about the caterpillars! Hopefully you’re able to find a more long term solution when the ‘caterpillar bloom’ happens every year.

Really cool to hear about your 2 yr old ABC that’s flowered a couple times already! I have heard that plants lose potency after several flowering cycles on the same plant. Never tested the theory but I can see reason in both sides, for and against. I hope you document their progress here! Your ABC plants generally look really healthy to me. I would expect as long as weather is nice that they’ll rebound fine as long as the caterpillars stay off of them.