Mutant Madness?

Update time:

Mostly focused on the Aceh x Malawi F1 cross. I have 2 sets of clones going, one in a new style of NFT, and one in dirt.



NFT system isn’t complete yet. I’m actually switching to a 5 gal bucket and a smaller airlift pump so I can utilize fluid dynamics better. In the future I will likely switch to a system where roots lay on a flat surface like a gutter instead of a pvc tube.


A gaggle of them here, mutants and landrace hybrids

Aceh ladies, all 5. 5th is in on the other side of the garden, kind of hard to see but she’s there too.

And onto the MUTATIONS which everyone loves :star_struck:

Menthol Skunk and V9 Tiger





Oh and my bad, this next one isn’t a mutant, but she’s one heck of a plant. Too bad she don’t want to flower in time here up north.

I believe this is a Double Jam x Drunken Bastard F1 but I’m not positive. Since the DJ mom went like 118 days or something it doesn’t surprise me. It’s also possible it’s a Lagkitan but I kind of doubt it from the stem rubs.


They All LOOK nice… especially the Mutants

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Agreed :+1:t3::100:


Good to see you Gary. Hope you’re doing well.

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Thanks for the support everyone. Busy time of the year. I’ll keep it short and sweet.

All my outdoor plants have been harvested except for the Sumatran Aceh which have just begun to look like flowering ladies. I might harvest these tops but I might just let them go and see if the plant can survive until spring. They’ve endured 3 days now of below-freezing temps, and surprisingly don’t look at bad as I thought they would. If suddenly we got sunny and warm temps I believe they’d snap back.

I don’t really have any photos of my harvest this year as all plants came down at different times. I do have some photos that I took before chop so I’ll post those.

Double rainbow :rainbow:

GIANT PUR PUR (F2) - Absolutely loved this plant and her pink pistils but I wish she would have been a higher yielding pheno. Outdoors she wasn’t nearly as productive as indoors. I suspect some hybridizing with modern strains would improve it quite a bit.

DRUNKEN BASTARD (F3) - This plant is the hidden gem of the garden this year. Indoors she was a fine plant producing decent flowers. Outdoors however she made an additional cannabinoid that makes the high extremely cerebral and soaring. Of all the plants I’ve harvested this season this one will be the first to get smoked, I have no doubts. The blueberry terpenes are absolutely delightful and the “cloud 9” style effects.

MENTHOL SKUNK (F3) - This was similar to the DB in that outdoors this plant was much better than indoors. The menthol taste REALLY comes through and it’s heavenly to me. I can also taste the subtle BerryFreak terpenes underneath the pungent menthol smell. I wasn’t able to taste that before. This is easily the highest yielding plant I grew this year.

V9 TIGER (F3?) - This plant kind of shocked me. I didn’t think it would be so low yielding compared to her siblings. The variegation seemed to diminish as flowering progressed. I was able to observe variegated flowers that changed colors due to cold night time temps, they were purple, pink, and shades of crimson.

Tentazione bud, nice and frosty.

Average Malawi bud and tray. I think that’s like 4 branches from 1 plant :grin: Each plant yield is 3x what you see in the tray.

Even though I culled males I do have some F1 seeds as well as some Devil’s Malawi F2. Real happy to have them. Outdoor seeds seem to be much healthier looking than my indoor seeds. Here’s a small sample size for reference.

So this is all current. Now for the future… :grin:

Here’s the veg plants:

Been too busy to eradicate all the damn aphids but reckoning day is coming! I have all the supplies now I just need to brew it and spray & trim them. There are 5 Aceh females, 5 Malawi females, and 2 Malawi males. I’m 95% certain I will take 1 male and flower the Aceh with him in the very near future. After my hydro run I will do a bud run on the 5 Malawi females indoors. This should bring me into March/April with an easy plant routine so I’m prepared for next year!

Here’s the hydro run so far:

Lots of aphid problems with these, but I do see lots of pollinations which I have to assume is bug transfer because the males don’t seem to want to release pollen (when being attacked anyways). Additionally you can see I’ve got some nutrition problems to sort out. Turns out using a completely new way to do things results in growing pains. :wink: Generally I’m very pleased with the growth I see daily as well as flower development.


Those were truly some amazing shots. You’ve done well with those mutants, crunkyeah!
I am in awe.


Thanks bud! I appreciate it. I do have some smoke reports I’ll post tonight and then I’ll post some updates tomorrow.

Been able to sample them all now. Most scents and flavors are woody and a little bit of citrus/pine. The high is very cerebral and if this had more THC in it would be completely wicked to smoke. It’s not strong in terms of THC content but the high is definitely strong. I would guess my specimen would top out at 17% on a formal test. I do have one particular female which is so strongly scented of dill that it’s hard to believe it’s cannabis. This particular female imbues the consumer with a musical ear. Music just sounds 10000x better under the influence of this female. Good news is, I was able to separate around 20 seeds from this female. Bad news is, the rest of the seeds are mixed in with the other females. Whoops :man_shrugging:

Couple notes: I cannot seem to notice the presence of THC-V in these specimen from smoking them. The duration from smoking each of my females is around 2-3 hours. I also find zero raciness with them. I was hoping for a bit more zip with these but I expect there’s some :fire: in the F2s.

This is the only mutant so far I haven’t really been able to enjoy quality flowers from until now. Before I get into the report I need to mention that I flowered and made F1s with 2 clones of this female earlier this year. I wondered if it was the aphids that made yields (usable flower and seeds) terrible. Turns out, it’s just a very leafy and small flower plant. I didn’t win the genetic lottery with my variegated specimen. Anyhow the abysmal yields are going to make up with it such a vibrant floral taste that you just can’t get enough of. All the dessert strains have nothing on this lady. The flowers might as well smell like some tropical flower for all I’m concerned. Another note is that outdoors in my location the variegation seemed to diminish the further into flowering the plant progressed. It’s hardly recognizable on the finished flowers in my opinion. I’ll try to get some photos as I can.

Anyways, the smoke is quite cerebral but a lot more mellow. I would guess there’s some CBN, CBD, CBG, etc because of how mellow it is. It’s really pleasant though. Duration of the high lasts 2-3 hours. No comedown at all. Very relaxing and enjoyable strain.

Before binning my Tentazione sultan run I was able to nab a clone from each of the 3 females I got. Once rooted I buried them in the garden outside. None of the 3 really amounted to much of anything, maybe 15g total. The thing is though… grown outdoors the resin on this plant is actually insane to me. I can’t smoke a single bowl of this stuff without it clogging my glass bubbler. FYI between EVERY SINGLE BOWL I clean my bubbler out. There’s so much stuff in this strain I’m half tempted to light up green bud like a dab and see how that works out. Trying to smoke it in a joint I end up burning my fingers with molten hot resin as it pours out of the cherry. I really can’t say enough how potent this strain is. I could smoke 3-4 bowls of every other strain I have back-to-back but this one I can only finish 1 bowl and I’m completely done for 12 hours. It’s actually borderline uncomfortable, and I like my THC. Fortunately I have found a few Tentazione x Devil’s Malawi F1 in these buds which is a nice little surprise.

I’ve commented on how amazing this line is from cannaresearchco. I can’t say enough good things about it. It’s a potent mutant unlike the DB, GPP, V9T, etc. This one is more similar to the Tentazione than the other mutants. Grown outdoors the Menthol and Skunk tastes come in a bit clearer but I am also aware of the subtle Berry notes which I wasn’t able to taste from the same female indoors. The high is completely relaxing but still narcotic level strong. I would smoke 2 bowls of this stuff and be done for 10-12 hours.

Posted reports on the smoke before but the thing I have to point out here is that grown under natural sunlight she got WAY more potent than when I ran her indoors. There’s something so cerebral about this female that it reminds me of a landrace sativa. It’s actually kind of funny because indoors it seemed to be a lot more resinous but outdoors grown under sunlight it seems less resinous but stronger smoke?! I should mention that the blueberry terpene profile is extra clear with this lady and it’s the most sublime flavor I’ve experienced. Menthol is outstanding, floral is outstanding, blueberry though… it’s on a different level for me. I should also mention that I cannot stop eating blueberries if presented to me :wink:

A couple things with this one… the red/pink pistils are not recognizable once the flower matures so it’s not as magnificent as I would have hoped! Indoors this plant performed MUCH MUCH better than outdoors. Similarly to DB though, the sunlight definitely improved her vs my 730w LEDs. The taste and scent is very similar to the V9 Tiger profile but it’s not quite as strong in the floral sense. They’re both about equally as smelly, and very similar in profile. The high is also very very close. I honestly can’t tell the difference between them when smoking them. They’re both quite wonderful.

Before I close this post I should mention I’ve changed plans a wee bit. After seeing the Aceh plants flower and realize how large these plants are I decided it would be an absolute shame to not breed them with a mutant. I’ve chosen ABC to find a proper male for the Aceh females. Seeds are soaking!


Update time:
Flowering ladies before aphid treatment:

After topping, treatment, and removing of spent males:

I just have to say these Aceh are insanely large plants. Had I known how much stretching they would do I would have installed a screen beforehand! Ah well… I have the clone moms still so I can give them another go when the ABC male is ready.

Here are the Aceh clone moms in veg with a fresh haircut and after aphid treatment:

Here are the Malawi clone moms after treatment and trim:

I have 1 Malawi male not pictured which I plan on throwing in the flowering tent on the floor so I can have another pollination attempt on the ladies already flowering. I see seeds developing but since I already have enough F2s I see no reason to flower the male in a concurrent run, especially if this last male dumps a bit of pollen in the next week or so.

Here’s one of the worst views of the infestation I could nab before it got dark:

On my favorite Aceh female no less :grin:

Last bit of info to report, all Aceh specimen have hollow stems! Not sure if that’s a good sign but some may say yes so I thought I’d include it.

Until next time…


Dam, bug infested… I hate when that happens

Aceh x ABC, Now we’re talking!

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So how Many mutant strains are there besides these Four
1… ABC
2… FreakShow
3… DucksFoot
4… Lanceolate (single leaflet)
5… SWAG (webbed leaf smooth on the edges)


There are more…
Depends what you call a mutant.
There are strains that have variegated leaves, that some call mutants.
Look up Kalyseeds, there are others but I can’t remember the names.
I remember seeing something about cannabis/hop mutant varieties but I can’t find it in my book marks? :face_with_monocle: :upside_down_face:

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Like this place in EU

No it was a different site, and it was in a different language other then English.


Mnogolistka and Variegations are the only mutants I would add to your list. That’s pretty much it.

Various mutant x mutant hybrids have started to make appearances now too, which is quite interesting!

The way I put it is this:
1… ABC
2… Freakshow
3… Webbed (duck) serrated
4… Webbed (SWAG) non-serrated
5… Lanceolate (Pur Pur) serrated
6… Lanceolate (SWAG) non-serrated
7… Mnogolistka (Multileaf)
8… Variegation (albinism)

From what I’ve read about hops/hemp hybrids is that they’re extremely difficult to set seeds. Males will drop what seems to be fertile pollen and females don’t form seeds properly. Seems to be the kind of thing for labs only imo. Hobbyists haven’t managed anything on that front. Really cool plants though!

I think that’s Kalyseeds original site before they combined with Terpyz. The original site was in either Dutch or German if I remember correctly.


Yeah could be. It was one of those languages.


. @chronix … Funny you mentioned variegated and serrated leaves. I have an older cross from @TestOfOath that is doing mutant type stuff. Deformed leaves and some are variegated

variegated :joy::rofl: I also have a cross that I made that throws heavily serrated leaves. :+1::+1::v:


Nice I love mutants, there so cool …how do they smoke…


Thanks for the info.

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My buddy just sent me these pics of his 1989 Biker Skunk. Interesting leaf mutation!