Mutant Madness?

Here are my plants now and they are making seeds



Are the purple ABC is it because its cold weather, or because its drying

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Yes purple color from the cold, there is frost at night and I use a blanket to protect the plants. The ABC in the warm greenhouse is mostly green still some with purple and red .


Very Nice…

Hey guys, time for an update… but first an answer to queries!

@BIGJ - After looking at your photos in much more detail I do think the mutations you’ve experienced with those plants are due to nutrient imbalances. It may have a variegated sport, but it looks like it’s going to regrow normally. Let us know if it changes! Could be useful for documenting.

@Estacionsj -

Glad you’re enamored with them too :grinning: I have found them all to be quite enjoyable even if they aren’t all real potent. Some of them are incredible and some more mild but they’re all enjoyable!

Here’s a Giant Pur Pur I harvested outdoors this year!

The photo on the left is when pistils were red and the photo on the right is last photo before chop.

@ChinookKing -
So cool that he has a cut of '89 Biker Skunk still! I was born in '90 so it’s real cool to me that a plant line exists from before I was born! I also have some '70s Colombian Gold for that same reason… :stuck_out_tongue: I wonder if that one will also develop little buds on the central part of the stem. I’ve seen that a couple times with other plants that throw that odd leaflet. I find it fascinating but I do wonder if there’s a possibility that it’s from inbreeding? It’s tough to say that with your friends plant in particular because of how healthy and vigorous it appears. Thanks for sharing!

@Water - Wow it’s crazy to me how those ABC have done! My ABC hybrid endured a snowstorm and an extended few days of bitter cold but your leaves have turned almost purple! Real cool. I suspect with the frost you have it was probably a bit harsher than we have here. Basically for us it’s all fine until the first real snowstorm, and when it comes the plants have no hope. It looks like you have plenty of seeds on the way so there’s plenty more awesome plants in your future. :wink: Also thanks for sharing!

Alright so here’s my update lol… had real qualms with wanting to continue this journey. The more I learn the more I think this is a waste of my time, not necessarily for you guys (the world) but for me. I have found that with the modernization and legalization of cannabis that the inherent demand for it is much lower than I had hoped it would be. I had delusions that my family would come to me instead of a majority of the money they spend at a dispensary going into taxes. I don’t care about the money for me I care about saving it for them. Alas, the picture I had hasn’t developed over the last several years I’ve done this, and I have at least 7 regular tokers in my family. I produce much more than I consume, and I have been wanting to quit for a while anyways.

I’m not quitting this journey probably ever, but I may evolve it in such a way where it benefits me. I just don’t know how yet. I want to sell my seeds but I’m not sure I would be able to sell enough to justify the efforts, considering I don’t want to charge $10+ per seed. I like the idea of $1 per seed but trying to find a way to make money at that with shipping and packaging and someone’s profit margin seems daunting, then I think about legalities and I get nauseous lol.

In all likelihood I’ll probably remove myself from this platform and attempt to create my own, whether it’s through a blog, or website with store front, idk… something. I don’t like the idea of using social media because you’re subject to their terms. Anyhow, just thought I should mention that.

Next I’ll mention my future plans. I have decided on 6 mutant crosses I will work until F4. This will be my cannabis-life’s work. Each line will be unique and will retain the leaf shape of that mutant’s type. I am not interested in mixing them until later in life when I have a lot of experience breeding and selecting. As a guppy I think I should expect to learn how to breed successfully over the next decade at least. Anyways before I begin my work on each line I want to do several crosses that people could work if they wanted. I like the idea of sultan breeding each female mutant with a male from a couple different lines… one potent, one autoflower dominant, one ‘bleeder’ male, and so on. That way the world could have it’s choice to work them as they see fit. If I ever needed a voice from the community it is now. Is selling seeds worth my time? If so, am I being unreasonable by thinking I could offer them for so little?

Anyways time for photos…
In veg:

Here are the 5 Sumatran Aceh along with a couple crimson clover plants in a pot. I didn’t have the heart to let them die outside due to the weather. Maybe when I don’t have anymore room I’ll compost it. It tried to flower a bit but doesn’t seem to want to. Idk what the deal is with clover but I would bet putting it in my 12/12 tent might help? Idk :man_shrugging:

Here are the new mutants! Shoutout to @lilmanbigplan for hooking me up with these! Those on the left are Pine Tar Dooligahs and those on the right are (JellyBreathBX1 x Dooligah) F2s. They were germinated a week before the others that’s why they’re further along. The plan is to select the best male from this ABC batch and breed him into each Aceh! If the creator wills it, the Aceh will stay in veg and I can manage them well enough to give the male time to develop.

Here’s the flowering Aceh clones (only 4) and 4 Malawi clones, seeded. I also have M2 male in there that I decided to let pollinate another round since I managed to remove 98% of the aphid population. The Aceh are such long flowering that I figure having more seeds is probably better than having more smoke. In hindsight, I should have made a screen because it’s not realistic for plants to have a tube-like root system and still stay upright. Future designs will incorporate a scrog screen so I can train the plants better.

Here are the Devil’s Malawi females ready to go into flowering. 3g pots, and I expect them to get quite a bit bigger. These will be flowered without a male so ironically it will be the first time I get to experience them seed-free. :sweat_smile:

If I could ask for any help, I need to know how I could serve my readers/viewers best… not exactly sure how to ask what I could do but… what can I do? lol


7-8 weeks from seed

roughly 6mo old now - Aceh clone moms

Aceh flowering - day 85 switched to 11/13. probably another month before most seeds are mature.

next up will be the outcross between Sumatran “Banda Aceh” and the abc type - pine tar dooligah.


Looking so freaky…

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got out to my second location, here’s the Malawi clones in flower. day 40 so far. probably another month on these too.

75% power

25% power - this is my first run of Osmocote brand plant food. so far the plants seem happy and fruitful.

happy holidays all.


veg Aceh:

they really begging for more root and veg space; they will get it soon.

pine tar dooligah and feral jelly:

unfortunately got thrips and some kind of root aphid or some bugs, these too are ready for ‘more’

flower Aceh:

day 101. some new pistils, but generally they’re almost done. all of the calyxes where the tip has turned brown contains a stout little seed. i will give them a couple more weeks so the most immature seeds have a chance, but realistically i could harvest now and be content. hundreds of f1 seeds with the Malawi male so offspring should be good plants.


Still looks like an incredible dream in here crunk. Keep it up!


update time, some cool things going on!

decided i’m dead set on this being my first mutant cross - TLT’s Sumatran Aceh mixed with feral jelly f2 and pine tar dooligah f1. I have the space to do both crosses, so it will be exciting to see what the abc males can do with the Aceh genetics mixed in.

as far the Aceh… oh my… where to begin. well… i’ve already sampled 1 branch of one of the females, and i have to say it’s my favorite smoke to date. the exhilarating sativa high combined with the fruity earthy landrace terpenes are absolutely divine. it has that raciness or paranoia inducing feeling very shortly after inhalation. that quickly subsides into the most introspective and surreal high i’ve ever experienced. unfortunately it doesn’t seem to come with enhanced visuals or audio. it’s just an absolutely incredible high which will last for roughly 6 hours. on the ‘come down’ it’s a soothing relaxing peaceful bliss. each time i smoked this lady was in the evening and by the morning when i awoke i could still feel 25% of the effects. i tried to smoke too much of this to see if the ceiling has a limit, and no… you’ll green out :face_vomiting: before you stop getting higher. it’s really incredible stuff. it’s the reason i’ve decided to line breed it.

to the indigenous peoples’ of Sumatra, i humbly thank you :pray: your plants are divine.

so here’s the last few photos I took of the Aceh before they came down:

i wanted to show a couple of root balls so everyone could see, they weren’t too big. what you can’t see is that they were almost too big for the pvc pipes (3"). another week and i may have had plugging issues from the roots. also, the net cups actually started digging into the stems which i hadn’t realized. another thing is… all 4 females aggressively started to flower again even after a month on 11/13. these are truly a long flower strain. at day 110-113 throwing out all kinds of new pistils. i took them down because 95% of the seeds are mature, so it’s ready for the next step!

but first,

this is all the limbs of the Aceh sitting in a tote. kept them in there so i don’t lose seeds! these are pollinated with the best Malawi male. i expect seeds to be extremely vigorous and to hopefully contain the best traits from both lines. if anyone wants to grow some of these i will probably look for some testers soon. i’ll have thousands of f1s which i won’t have time for because i’ll be working the abc crosses in the near future.

here we have all the veg plants in the flower tent so they can all stretch a bit more. i’ll take clones as soon as i get a second to breathe lol… still have to clean both tents out and transplant everything. a wee bit of work :sweat_smile:

in location 2 i have some Malawi females (5) finishing up here in another week or two. seeing a little more foxtailing indoors than they did outdoors. i don’t have any good pics at the moment but i’ll be getting some this weekend when i check on them.


Looking good. :star_struck: I was considering running some Malawi outdoors this summer. I look forward to your smoke report on them.


Nice Report, Excellent Job. :smiley:

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@anonymous510 - thanks for the encouragement! i appreciate you.

@PineTarBastard - if you want to grow some of my f2s i’d be delighted to send you a few coinflips!!

as far as a smoke report well here goes…

i had 7 unique females out of the batch of 12. one of them was very strongly dill scented and flavored. one on the minty side, and some with some terpenes i can only describe as “Malawi”. it’s this landrace herb type smell. as the plants grow they smell like sand and sunlight. it’s a difficult thing because they’re so subtle yet so loud at the same time. it’s not like a super pungent skunky smell which reminds you of skunk bud, it’s this landrace vibe which smells more like herbs than like canna. i swear though, it’s almost impossible to describe what they smell like other than ‘African’ or ‘Malawi’. it’s a thing of it’s own and they’re amazing!

the effects are where these plants truly shine. in some individuals the enhancement of musical tones is profound. i don’t find the buds to have a spiritual/introspective/feel-good effect but they literally make you HIGH HIGH HIGH. there’s absolutely 0 ‘stone’ here. it’s all up and up. focusing becomes a bit easier. the high lasts between 3-5 hours. not as long as some longer flowering sativas but it’s definitely not in the same realm as legal buds. as far as potency goes, yeah buddy it’s there! i can smoke a 25% thc legal bud and smoking this directly after will cut through that lame high with ease. i don’t believe any of my ladies got above 21% so it’s a testament to strong pot not necessarily being strong in THC.

i can confirm that Malawi vigor breeds dominant with these. they’re very robust.

if anyone would like to grow some of mine, let me know.


update time:
Malawi ladies came down jan 27th. yields are lower than anticipated but this run was an experiment of Osmocote as a plant food, as well as seeing the differences between expressions between indoors & outdoors. indoors i blasted them with light (1500+ umol), so some foxtailing is prevalent. flowers seem dense, and flavors and smells are close. i’ll reserve judgment for after sampling. last note here, the best lady was the best indoors and out. they were taken on day 74.

with those chopped, now my only plants are 15 in veg.

these ones need some work (transplanting/cloning) before i can initiate flowering. once that’s complete, i’ll initiate a flowering cycle on the Aceh moms with a pine tar dooligah male. soon, very soon.


@Magu & @luxton - wanted to show ya guys what i got goin on in the mutant thread :wink: soon you’ll see some of my aquaponic stuff here as i’m able to incorporate the nutrition for my mutant projects.

for those who have never seen the stuff :wink: ~5" in about 24 hrs. fun fun!

so while seed chucking the Aceh i noticed i had rubbed some skin off! i put some liquid bandage on here so you can see it easier. if i had kept going it would have removed enough skin to draw blood. there’s something special within these plants. on that note i was able to smoke several bowls while seed chucking and… this stuff is seriously special. the high lasts at least 10 hours, and no i’m not joking. it’s something else, in the best way :grin: paranoia inducing for the first 15 minutes then it’s bliss for 10 hours.

Snowhigh seeds - Devil’s Malawi F1 - might not look like the best but let me tell you, it is. just a couple of buds i pulled out to enjoy this weekend.

today marks day 1 of flower. in a week or 2 once they start throwing pistils i’ll throw in the biggest pine tar dooligah male in the mix for my seed run. in a couple of days i’ll build a pvc screen to train them heavily and try to keep them under the screen for this run. really eager for these seeds. it will be an extremely fun experiment to sort through them and find the Aceh phenotypes with abc leaves. of course that’s 2 generations from these plants so… some work to do :wink:

here’s the abc types - pine tar dooligah (f1) and feral jelly (f2):

in another week these will get sent to location 2 for flowering. males will be removed, so i can test the females.

ptd and fj clones. once i know the sex of all of them and all these are rooted, i’ll select the best male and 2 best females for my outdoor summer run this year. this cloner i’ve had for several years now and has easily paid itself off 10x times now. i believe it was $130 and i’ve rooted easily a hundred plants by now. my neoprene plugs are starting to show their age. if i had to put a value on it i’d say this cloner increased output on my whole setup by 5 or 6 times.

in march i’ll likely germinate another 100 or so abc seeds from all the sources i’ve acquired so far. the plan will be to have the best ptd male sultan breed into every possible abc-type female i have. i do plan on removing all males except him. additionally i will probably sprout a few non-mutant fem lines for variety.


Does anyone have pictures of a successful duckfoot x freakshow hybrid? Like what post# it looks like i see some on #29.
Do auto freaks exists out there yet ?


Wow, you’re noticing that much of a difference with the rooter, eh?? I’m tossing up building one vs buying it… I think the included foam inserts kinda make it cheaper to go the pre-made route…


@crunkyeah . Great thread. I have a few abc x freakshow going but they are very small. My tiny led light only keeps them alive but spring is coming. :grin:


Any Pictures, show them Freaks @Magu