Mutant Madness?

Pine Tar Bastard (above)
Pine Tar Dooligah (below)


Nice, whats the smell like, and smoke


WOW! Very cool stuff happening! Thanks for sharing pictures of your beautiful bastard freaks!


On the Pine Tar Dooligah is a syrupy lime (some say mango) and a bit of pine funkness.

Effects are good, sativa like smoke. Uplifting and decent potency


These look amazing :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: i


wow :sunglasses: we mutating OG up in here :grin:

update time on my plants and then i’ll answer a couple questions/comments! we’ll start off with the mutants, feral jelly (3) and pine tar dooligah (8):

a handful of these are exceptionally fast growing and very large. in terms of vigor they compare closely to regular strains. they’re extremely smelly, and so far i see excellent breeding qualities compared to traditional abc. the node spacing is 10x better, and the branching seems more conducive to modern growing. they don’t have the bush structure they tend to have a more tree-like structure with strong side branching and a strong central stem. anyone who’s grown a handful of abc knows the central stem trait is a tough one to lock down!

next we have the clones!

can’t recall exactly how long these have been in there but they’re rooting readily as any other strain i’ve grown and rooted. my clone box isn’t connected to any kind of air filtration and this batch of clones is very smelly. they’ve cause me a little grief because the smell triggers my appetite regardless of my stomach’s contents so they do cause me to snack a little more than i should haha…

hats off to lilmanbigplan and PineTarBastard for breaking open the genome on these fine plants. both contributions are what made these plants are what they are today. i’m extremely honored to be able to work with these plants and make more. :pray: one mutant lover to another; thank you guys from the depths of my soul.

next we have the ladies that i plan to breed the pine tar dooligah into! (Sumatran Aceh)

these are growing 4-6" daily. very soon i need to figure out a screen system for them. the good thing is, they’re extremely limber. if i break any limbs it’s my own fault :joy:

last but not least i wanted to post a photo of 85-90% of the Aceh x Malawi f1s i created on the seed run before this one:

i have reason to believe that the new batch of seeds will likely be double or triple what i achieved with the Malawi males. these ladies don’t have to share space this time. :wink:


Very nice. Are you the ABC cloning king. Everything looking very good…


@crunkyeah you are “The Man”. :+1: Those are the largest ABC plants that I have ever seen. The Sumatrans are pretty awesome too. I would also like to thank @lilmanbigplan and @PineTarBastard for all the work and time that they have invested in these genetics. All three of you are true visionaries. :fire:


ah i forgot to answer questions! cannabis sometimes :yum:

it seems quite a few! there’s a ton of people lurking now with some cool plants doing their own things and i’m so happy they are out there doing their thing. i know of a couple dozen people scattered about now who are consistently breeding mutants. here on OG specifically? maybe 6 or 8. breeding mutants is my life’s passion. that’s all i can say.

awesome is just scratching the surface :wink: they truly are :star_struck:

without lab testing it’s tough to tell what are the strongest strains around. i will say in general freakshow is very resinous. the dooligah plants seem great as well! additionally middleman is a good breeder and grower. your pairing sounds delightful! should produce abc types when you breed them so that’s real exciting too. if you want to post photos here when you get them going we would be delighted to see them.

thank you :joy: it will be even nicer to distribute seeds created by these plants to people when they’re ready! i wouldn’t say i’m the cloning king anyhow. sometimes it doesn’t work and some plants just don’t want to root. some of it may be grower error but :man_shrugging: i make do with what i have. it’s been extremely fruitful in any case.

the future for mutants is bright my friends. :sun_with_face:


The Xavier Institute up in here.


I need to dig through my pictures from this year to post some mature plants, but I wanted to say I really liked the mutant I grew from @middleman, the (Trainwreck x GG4 RIL) x ABC “tall one”. Very interesting aromatics, some strong mintiness up front with a little carrot and acetone with a mustyness like mugwort. The high was pleasant as well, reminded me of somewhere between a more clear OG Kush and Trainwreck.

As for the other mutants I grew last year?

The Freaks of Dank freakshow had a high I would describe as “evil cookies” …potent, but not for me. Aromatics and resin content was very good, though I got one of the more fuel / permanent marker heavy phenos.

The Acer x Pablo BX #7 duckfoots all had a similar haze hybrid type high, with the main difference being level of dopamine heaviness / coldness / meanness. Out of the three females, only one of them had the feeling of warmth and love that came in waves as described in the Acer 1 effects. The aromatics on all of them were similar, a mix of green woodiness, butter, some light dried peach and lychee notes. The benefit of these hybrids over the Acer 1 seems to be earlier/shorter flowering time, chance of increased resin content, but the tradeoff from the seeds I’ve tried is you get some unpleasant chemotypes.

All of these were impulsively planted too late in the season, a mistake I will not be making this year. So far the only mutant I’ve decided to grow this year is the Acer 1 duckfoot, hoping that I will be able to find a phenotype that finishes on time outdoors at 42N and has the warm chemotype. The Drunken Bastard described upthread sounded like one I want to try at some point, but I already have too many choices to make what to plant this year :sweat_smile:


Man, I have never heard of most of those plants, I need to do a lot of research. The mutant world is a lot bigger than I had thought, :nerd_face:

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Just ordered these

Blueberry Bastard F4
(Drunken Bastard F3 #19 x Blueberry Dragon Fire Bx2 #8) x (Blueberry Dragon Fire Bx2 #24 x Drunken Bastard F3 #7)

Our goal with this cross was something with Blueberry Dragon Fire’s blueberry/skunky terps, but maintaining the ABC leaf shape.

Using the strongest tallest BBDF male we found in the bx2 hunt, we paired him with our #19 DB female that was the only one we found without that citrus scent.

We then did the reverse of this finding the tallest BBDF female exhibiting that strong blueberry and skunk smell, pairing her with our DB #7 male.

These 2 lines were then crossed to create the f1 seed stock. That original seed stock was hunted by our good friend Deemu, selecting the best pair that had only the blueberry terps, without those citrus undertones.

Crossing these 2 for the f2 line, we began to see the ABC leaf shape again. Anything that did not have the ABC leaf shape was culled.

The remaining 70 plants were allowed to finish naturally outdoors, open pollinating.

We then took the seeds from this open pollination indoors to hunt over the winter, culling any remaining non ABC leaf phenos, and removing any citrus smelling laggards.

We have tested this F4 line outdoors all of 2023 and are very happy with the results.

Again just like with Drunken Bastard, If your looking for a massive yield, or huge plants these are not for you. They are extremely short stocky plants that grow wider than they do tall, although they are a bit taller than the original Drunken Bastard.

The unique ABC leaf shape is fully stable and all phenos will show as such.

Flowering time :

Indoor: 74 - 80 days

Outdoor: October 15th

• Yield: Average

• THC: 23-25%

• CBD: 2%

• Terpenes: Blueberry, Candy, Fuel and Melons, with Skunky/Musky undertones.

Regular Seeds


Freaks of Dank
( ((Mac1 caps cut x freakshow #31-m) x (rare dankness#1 x freakshow #31-m)) x (freakshow #11 x (rare dankness#1 x freakshow #31-m)) ) x freakshow#31-m

This one has been a long time coming. It took quite a few revisions to fully stabilize the terps and leaf structure.

First crossing Cap’s cut to an original freakshow male, and using the same male to pollinate our Rare Dankness #1 cut. These 2 lines were hunted for over a year to find the right partners . We wanted a strong fuel and floral scent and we finally found it. The male from the RD1xFS line was used in a subsequent backcross to stabilize the leaf structure.

This cross maintains the Freakshow leaf structure and all phenos are fully stable with the desired Freakshow leaves.

She is a slow vegging plant, so make sure you account for that. Also very slow to feed in veg and overwatering will slow her down even more.

Very cold weather tolerant, Frosts do not bother this girl once in flower whatsoever.

Extreme PM and mold resistance makes this girl shine for growing outdoors.

Note: As with freakshow, this cross maintained the strange round white seeds. They are not immature, that’s just part of the mutation

• Flowering time: 78-84 days

Outdoor: October 15th

• Yield: Average

•Outdoor: Large

• CBD 1-2%

• THC 22-27%

• Terpenes: Fuel, Rotten Fruit/Mango, Floral, with earthy and black cherry undertones

Regular Seeds


Probably do the Blueberry bastard in lieu of the Sobriety Check Point to create some more seeds :man_shrugging:t4:
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :poop:


Gotta try n keep the freaks going

I’m working with the ones with high THC don’t look like weed :wink:


@middleman you know I’ve got your six :+1:t4:


You’re awesome brother. I need to get back to some mutant stuff. Come Springtime I will. I’m in a holding pattern right now


update time!

at my second location - two feral jelly and five pine tar dooligah! switched to 12/12 on feb 18, repotted on feb 22/23. a few aphids on them but they’re doing fantastic. very smelly and wonderful. one thing about these… they’re definitely not discreet at all. anyone who knows cannabis’ smell will know what these are. food for thought.

at my location i switched my veg tent into a second flower tent. we have a feral jelly female, and what i think are a pine tar male and female, the biggest of their sex. going to make f2s with the pine tar female, f1s with feral jelly (which should be 100% abc f1s), collect pollen, and most importantly (to me) is making f1s with the Aceh beauties.

feb 14, 11 days after flip to 12/12 light cycle. they were growing 6-8" daily. growing out of control.

feb 17, installation of the screen. most of the plants were almost 2m (~6ft) tall before the screen. afterwards, much more manageable.

feb 21, still showing how crazy they are

feb 23, 20 days into 12/12.

i have some major trimming and training to do yet. flowers are getting to the point where pollination is going to be plenty fruitful :sun_with_face: just waiting on the pine tar dooligah male to give them some love dusting.

after sampling the last run of Aceh and seeing the smells coming from the dooligah children i’m extremely positive about these being some very helpful plants for many people. i can’t wait to share them with everyone. of course that’s a few years out… but good stuff along the way!

p.s. i recently found out i have a terrible gluten allergy i’ve had for probably two decades now and never knew. it’s caused havoc in my life. i will never quit growing cannabis but i am going to focus a lot more on growing food this year so, there’s that.


Sounds like my kinda plant :drooling_face::drooling_face::v:


Have to love those mutants, yes the will smell it and ask… Why do they smell like weed, strange… :smiley:

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Looking good @crunkyeah . Hey let me ask a question while I am thinking about it. Does anyone know of any plants that look like ABC ?