Mutant Madness?

Once you start growing your own food you’ll find it very hard to go back to buying it again. It’s just better in every way.

I was sick for a long time and made huge changes in my life food was a big part of the change…

Plants are looking awesome too!


Yea. I eat mostly beans and vegetables that I grow myself. It costs less than $ 200 dollars a year for me to eat very good. :upside_down_face:


Definitely a huge cost saving too that’s the bonus to it all

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let’s do it. update time. @Upstate (thought you’d like to see the Aceh)

Aceh beauties plugging along in flower. day 30

to pollinate them i have had the toughest time deciding which male to use…

one is a feral jelly (jellybreath bx1 x dooligah f2) and 3 are pine tar dooligah.

all 4 have quality traits so it’s likely i’ll just all 4. very eager to see them begin dropping pollen. hurry up fellas!

here’s the clones and a slower ptd that limped along this whole time… been :thinking: about which to keep and what to do this summer…

as much as i wanted to do an abc run i think with these plants i have here i really need to focus on the other mutants as well. i would like to keep my outdoor runs to mutants only (for obvious reasons) and then run my f1s and other regular cannabis strains indoors throughout the winter months.

these are the plants at location 2. we have ptd #2 (biggest male) along with 2 feral jelly females and 3 ptd females. the photo with my hand is the ptd female and she seems like she’s going to be exceptionally large when she finishes. i can’t wait to run her outdoors this year for consuming. she has that really strong pine funkyness which is quite acrid but still pungent. it’s probably the best of the bunch but time will tell :upside_down_face: the feral jelly female is extremely fast and resinous so the variation i’ll have to play with in these plants alone… honestly i don’t want to run any of my other abc types after running these. props to @lilmanbigplan. :pray: it’s going to be tough sprouting the Aceh f1s compared to the ptd f2s from the my large ptd female. it’s one of the reasons i’m backing out of my huge abc run this year. i really don’t need 14 different abc types to sort through when these are so brilliant.

as for what mutants to grow this summer… i can’t decide haha. i’ll probably start something as soon as the ptd males start dusting and then use that tent for the seedlings, whichever they may be.


Hey @crunkyeah . Looking good man. :grin: Those Aceh Are great ! The mutants are plugging along too. These are what I have left from the ABC x Freakshow cross that I made. I culled everything that looked normal. They are small and my hand shakes bad so the pics suck. :angry:


thanks! really cool to see your abc x freakshow cross. it looks like you have a couple abc types and a freak type. abc and freakshow have been really tough to ‘combine’ i think you have to sort through like 500+ of those same seeds to find perfect blends (in the leaf). it will be really cool to see which habits and traits they take on!

i appreciate your sharing. don’t worry about the blurry photos. just our ability to see them should make us content. if not, tough. right? :wink:

edit * when i really look at them, dang they’re looking healthy! good work


Personally, I would use pollen from one strain rather than mixing them. Otherwise, you’ll never know what you have. Just my two cents. :grinning:


yeah i think as they continue to get closer to dropping pollen i think i’ve selected my favorite from the bunch. definitely looks like he might carry larger flowers because the pollen sacs he started pushing out :eyes: wow. structure seems good and he carries the largest leaf among the males i have the joy of growing. smell is very strongly pine with some undertones of ‘something else’ lol. flower set seems to be the largest as well so lots of good things about him ^^


This male here looks great, good point from @PineTarBastard might be worth keeping the males from the same variety if you want to know exactly what your seeds will be. But I’m sure whatever you do will work out great


Looks great. Could you pollinate the Aceh with an ABC that has very thin leaves? Make the offspring have single, very small thin leaves and the whole plant could just be branches and buds…

I’m trying to make ABC clones this year, how did you make those? Sorry if you’ve already explained this before. I might just cut a branch off and put it in a cup of water until it makes roots .

I’m just starting my ABC seedlings now and I’m excited because they are flowering immediately, only a few sets of leaves and 6 weeks old and they have purple buds.

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ABC autoflower


hey guys it’s update time!! i’ve been ill with a nasty flu which has put me down for the count for about 8 days now. i’m finally feeling human again so here we are.

first, @Water - when it comes to breeding with ABC you will find there are hundreds of different expressions when you really start going growing more of them. none of the pine tar dooligah males have ‘skinny’ leaves. the Aceh on the other hand very much do! if there’s any sort of dominance to the landrace sativa it should lend to many ‘skinny’ type ABC plants in the f2 generation. with these plants i definitely wish i could speed them up without losing the magical effects they often carry.

as far as clones go, i simply cut off a small branch near the base of the plant (one that hasn’t gone sturdy yet) and then prepare it like a regular clone and put it into my aero-cloner. sometimes i dip them in water and then in rooting powder but this time i didn’t and they still rooted in about 3 weeks time. hope this info helps you out! your abc autoflower looks lovely! i hope it has a good taste to it and good effects! such wonderful little plants :slightly_smiling_face:

ok now plant updates! they will be short but sweet with a bit of some commentary haha.

we have the pine tar dooligah males which have essentially love-dusted all 5 females with extreme prejudice. ptds unusually took about 3.5 weeks to begin letting pollen out. i’m sure they will continue to flower for several weeks but since i have such a successful pollination on the few days i was able to ‘get them together’ i’m going to clip them so i can germinate all my plants for the garden as well as more mutants!!! clones still need to be rooted but i’ll only be keeping a few of the females. i’ve been waiting to make sure that pollination over at location 2 has gone well enough where i don’t feel it’s necessary to keep any males. i’ll likely get out there today or tomorrow and can update further on that front.

i do know i want to do an extensive hunt on the rest of my dooligah beans (in search of a true dooligah male to breed with ptd1) as well as an extensive hunt through my mnogolistka seeds i made in early 2023. it’s crazy to me it’s already been more than a year since that project!

likely be spending this summer growing veggies, hunting a stellar mnogolistka female for breeding, and then finding a good male for ptd1 f1s over in location 2. in the fall i’ll go through my dragonsblood seeds and find a bleeding male to breed into said mnogolistka keeper. 2025 will be a year of freaks and webbed types. of course anything can change from now and then but that’s my plan for now :upside_down_face:

stay tuned for updates on location 2!


Matey I’m loving this grow journal . Awesome job


Looking good @crunkyeah . I finally got my little plants into the sunshine. :grin: Spring is finally here. :rainbow:


This is such an awesome thread

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holy smokes i can’t believe how time flies…

short and sweet this time. lots going on.

veg - nothing too exciting. a new modern hybrid for smoke. probably run the abc types outdoors for smoking. going to start all my ‘garden mutants’ indoors in the next day or so. should be fun this year!

Aceh (seeded) - day 62 of flower. in ~2 more weeks i’ll drop back to 11/13 to encourage them to finish. they’re starting to put out the second flush of new flowers so i have a good feeling that seeds will be mostly mature in a few weeks.

pine tar dooligah and feral jelly. they smell and look fantastic. these Dooligah hybrids are the real deal mutants. i hope anyone who’s interested in growing them connect with @lilmanbigplan when he does his release in the next couple months. if you’d like more information about his Dooligah hybrids you can find a bunch of info here: Dooligah GIANT ABC

real excited to try these. can’t wait to get them outdoors here in the north. while they seem like wonderful fine plants indoors, i think the maximum expression comes from the great outdoors. the Aussie growers putting out some fantastic flowers makes mine feel a little lacking :sweat_smile:

edit in the next couple of days i’m going to plant clones and start my summer seedlings. i’ll post some photos once complete.


Very cool to see! The Aceh is so interesting! And those Dooligah hybrids look like nice selections


Man what about all the lovely abc variants give them so love too….


Hey man are you on bin chickens server? Js wondering how you got your hands on doogliahs, also if you aren’t I assume asking around in the server would get you your “pure” doogliahs nevermind js realised bincchickens on this forum lol


Check out these mutants I have, same seed, 2 different phenos