Mutant Madness?

What strain is that?


It’s a mystery seed out of a bag 2 of them


Mutation on a mutant


@Faaska - yep i’m on there but regrettably i haven’t posted or done much. been too busy lately to do much forum stuff, hence the delay between my postings. i’ll try to do that more as i get the fresh batch of mutants into the ground. i hope you’re able to get your hands on some dooligah lineage! they’re wonderful abc-type mutants!

@Flower.agedee - really interesting mutations you have on those unknown bag seeds. i wonder if perhaps they were the result of herms (fem?). if they were feminized that might be why they grow a few ‘funky’ things. have they grown out of this or continue the habit? really interesting nonetheless! thanks for sharing ^^

@breadwinner - i’ve noticed freakshow tends to carry a ‘bud on petiole’ trait occasionally. real cool that you found one! freak leaves can be processed for excellent hash/rosin. those little buds will be exceptional in terms of potency. i’ve only experienced 1 plant like that in my life but it was real cool to see. thanks for sharing ^^

for everyone, it’s update time!

here’s this year’s batch getting ready for nice enough weather to go in the garden… soon :star_struck:
on the left tray you have tk dooligah (20) and the top 6 regular ones in that tray are tentazione f2. the entire right tray is mnogolistka x abc f2 (i believe). unfortunately there’s 1 casualty out of those so 31 in total. i’ll probably cull the round leaf types in search of the multileaf types. so far about 25% seem ‘multi’.

it’s real cool to see the difference in terms of speed and vigor between all these since they were germinated at the same time. the tentazione are clearly the biggest, with multi being slightly behind, and the abc types growing extremely fast for abc.

here we have what’s left of the clones and veg stuff i’ve decided to save. there are 2 feral jelly females, 2 pine tar dooligah females, and 1 pine tar dooligah male (the one with the biggest leaves). the regular canna plant there is hyperion and she’s going to be for flower. the plan for the ptd/fj is to do another seed run since i don’t have f1s or f2s with the larger male. all his pollen was reserved for the Aceh plants and so far they seem to make large seeds, so i’d like to give this male a shot at the abc females too.

as for the Aceh here they are. unfortunately about a month back i fell ill with a strong flu and it kept me from keeping the aphids off these ladies. fortunately seeds are nearly complete on most of the females. i have harvested about 100 seeds about a week ago and it shocked me how fast the seeds were mature from pollination. these probably have at most a couple weeks left. i’ll start harvesting upper branches daily as i see seeds are ready. they are heavenly scented now. i can’t even put into words.

it sounds like another few weeks on the abc types over at location 2 but i’ve been meaning to get over there and see how seeds are forming. if i do i’ll post the update photos here.

this is what has consumed a large majority of my time lately - figuring out how aquaponics systems can be made and work. my plan is to switch my canna operation to being primarily outdoors with a huge focus on all things organic and move the aquaponic system indoors so that i might feed myself consistently from my indoor garden. what this means for my indoor canna growing abilities i do not yet know but i know i need the experience of growing food with fish waste. there’s some real magic here. i’ll have to have some outstanding results to show for my efforts but i believe this is the future. it will be glorious!


Nice grow matey here’s a pic of my

Tk dooligah


They are females from what I understand and they still are growing the weird leaves, I’ll post a pic once I get home

update time:

things are crazy over here. might be homeless in the near future but i’ll be praying it doesn’t come to that. maybe change will be a good thing given some time.

the new batch are growing fine after some time under the sun. i’ve settled on the most vigorous of the bunch to keep going. i would keep them all if i could but i need to be prudent and realize that i might have to dump them all at any given time if things don’t turn out right. kind of bummed about it all but i’m going to be doing my hardest to make sure i stay on track and keep one foot moving in front of the other.

group shot:


tk dooligah:

the plan:

  • pine tar dooligah male will pollinate the 2 feral jelly females and the big pine tar dooligah lady this summer via light dep. i’ll carry them daily between outside and then in the tent with carbon scrubber for dark time. this will begin as soon as the Aceh plants are completely harvested. more on that later.
  • i’m keeping the mnogolistka (18) for my location and sending the tk dooligah (14) over to location 2. at both locations the plants will be planted into the ground.
  • the tentazione and hyperion are purely for flower so they’ll tag in there somewhere too. i’ll have to cull the males but hoping for at least 2 females from the tentazione. the hyperion is feminized so no worries there.

moving into the future beyond this season, heck who knows. i hope i’m able to continue making more mutants…

Aceh plants have been insane in terms of seed generation this run. some of the plants had seeds completely ready in only 23 days! since then i would say 80% of the plants are nearing completion. i’ve been trying to harvest the upper branches every few days as the seeds are about popping out of the calyxes. there’s really not much to look at since i’ve been trimming them so much. they look a bit ragged right now.

instead i’ll say that I got to sample the smoke from this batch after removing all the seeds and leaf matter and i have to say it’s 10x better than the last time i grew them. the high has a racy paranoia which sets on in the first 15 minutes but after that you’ll have like 8-10 hours of a really strong blissful high. it’s extremely pure in it’s effect. it’s not super potent but the high is so pure you find your limit extremely quickly. i couldn’t do more than a full bowl of the stuff and normally i’ll smoke 2-3 bowls of the same thing to ‘sample’ it. basically you get to a point where your brain can’t handle getting any more high. you can’t get stoned on the stuff it basically sends you to the moon in a comfortable bliss. there’s no ‘down’ to it at all. definitely won’t be smoking this stuff and taking a nap or sitting on the couch. it also has this endearing effect where nature becomes a bit more enjoyable, and sunlight feels a little better on the skin.

as for smell and taste it’s very similar to double jam, except this has a bit more funk to it rather than being 100% tropical. it’s like 90% tropical and 10% earthy/hashy/skunky. the taste carries over exceptionally well. terpenes i would consider to be stronger in the Aceh than the double jam. i can say without a shadow of a doubt these plants would have been 10x better grown under the sun and in enough soil to actually thrive. 3 gallon pots and only 6’ of headroom was about 1/3rd the space each one of these plants wanted. they want to get big regardless of what you want them to do.

i’ll try to post a photo of some of the Aceh x PTD seeds once i get them all cleaned and sorted (might take a few weeks).

over at location 2 there’s a couple feral jelly females, and 3 pine tar dooligah f1s all pollinated by the largest ptd male in the bunch. seeds are formed and they’re well on their way but i think a couple more weeks are needed. with the crazy in my own life i haven’t had a chance to get out to location 2. here’s how they look so far:

i’m really happy with these abc mutants and i can’t thank @lilmanbigplan enough for getting these genetics to me. i hope our collaborations on these fine plants brings them to greater heights than we could ever imagine.


I hope all goes well for you mate.

Awesome looking plants! I can’t wait to see what the TK Dooligah does in the ground!

The high on the Aceh sounds amazing! SE Asian genetics can hold some serious potential with the effects they offer


Looking Great, Hope things go well and in your favor… :green_heart: :green_heart:


smoke report:

feral jelly 1 (f2) - these buds grind up into the finest green powder just loaded with terpenes and trichomes! this plant yielded better than her sister but unfortunately pollination was quite poor. most of the seeds are extremely small and there’s not a whole lot of them, couple hundred good ones maybe… but the smoke on this plant is quite phenomenal! it’s got the mellow abc notes to it but there’s a forefront of hard hitting nutty and piney rankness. it’s hard to describe a mellow strain as potent but here we are :upside_down_face:
random tidbit - this plant was a test with the vertical screen. i have to say it was freaking awesome to handle the plant once it got settled into the screen, and i did an extremely poor job of that in my opinion. it’s just too convenient to snip the central stem and remove the root base. the stand allows you to sit next to it on a stool or chair and trim all the leaves off without having to hold it. it’s freaking awesome. moving forward i want to make more of these screens and test them on different cultivars, mutant and regular.

feral jelly 3 (f2) - this plant has absolutely monster buds with flower formations very reminiscent of modern cultivars. it yielded in total about half of her sister which is kind of disappointing but at the same time a blessing because these seeds are a bit more plentiful and they’re dark regular sized seeds. this one is extremely potent with not much of any of the abc smells or effects. it’s got a strong cannabis smell and taste to it but it also has this really rich nutty flavor with quite a bit of sweetness to it. i’ve never sampled jellybreath but i think this particular plant leaned heavily towards that parent.

pine tar dooligah 1 - my personal favorite of this bunch. the plant was a balanced mixture above average in all ways in my opinion. while it didn’t yield excessively large buds the buds themselves are loaded with tons of nice dark regular sized seeds. the plant had the best structure of all this round. trimming was a breeze and the smoke is absolutely divine! smell and taste is mostly pine with a rich nutty flavor to it. after exhale i noticed there’s a little bit of minty aftertaste. the high is the perfect blend between whoa this is strong but being mellow at the same time. i smoke a lot (3-4g daily) and not even the feral jelly have made my eyes red but this lady has! definitely one of those plants that enhances every aspect of music. it’s a super well blended effect and i’m thrilled i still have her in veg.

pine tar dooligah 6 & 7 - there’s really not a whole lot to say they’re very similar to ptd1 except both of these ladies exhibited typical small and branchy abc structure. seeds seem to be decently sized but a bit smaller than ptd1.

i also have to say after sampling several abc varieties now they all have this odd quality of clumping together and forming a really hot cherry when you spark a bowl. the smoke is always really clean and there’s not much in the way of ash once you smoke everything the bowl has to offer. i’ve found abc strains store very well, and they typically taste good all the way to the end of the bowl, regardless of the terpene profile.

all of these plants were seeded and i have to say they are extremely good in effect. i could only imagine how good they would be if flowered without males.

edit harvested at 71 days, pollination occurred days 23-32


Love the smoke and grow report matey. Not many smoke reports on abc crosses glad to hear your opinions on them :grinning::grinning::grinning:


So awesome to read such a detailed report!


Here’s the ABC autoflower today

It is planted in the ground, it has mostly just branches and buds with a few tiny leaves. I wonder will this plant grow to full size while continuing to make buds?

I germinated my seedlings all together in a few small containers. I’m going to separate these once they are about 1 foot tall.

this has worked in the past. There’s also a few basil seedlings and acacia seedlings in there, I’m going to let them grow together with the ABC.

I planted a few seedlings into ground in the succulent garden and they are doing well.

This is 4 seedlings planted about one inch apart, they are 1-2ft tall now.^^^

I notice the difference between the subterfuge and ABC landrace is that the subterfuge stem is very smooth and textured like a succulent plant, it feels similar to plastic. Meanwhile the landrace stem has some vertical lines and it is less flexible, stronger scented, more similar to cannabis, it feels rough like rope.

I’m trying to create completely unscented plants and I’m selecting the succulent-stem plants as the favorites, out of a mix of subterfuge and landrace hybrids. I also like the flexible plants with bending branches like a willow tree. The subterfuge has had that quality, especially when I grow them in partial shade.

So far my none of my seedlings have the completely round, circle leaves that my old subterfuge had. I’m hoping when the plants mature I get a few circle leaf plants. If anyone has seeds for a round leaf subterfuge maybe we could trade someday. That leaf shape is my favorite, it looks like oregano.


One more thing to share. My genetically modified tobacco is not recognizable by the plant identification app. It choses Swiss chard as the most likely identification.

Testing ABC in plant ID app and it comes up with some similar looking plants, not cannabis.


Did you make your own ABC Auto, if so what generation is it on. Looks so F%#$ing Cool… :grinning:


Thanks, This is the third generation that has flowered automatically. I’ve been growing mutant plants for 6 years total. I made the autoflower from ABC that were germinated outside, selecting the ones that flowered immediately after sprouting as seedlings.

Starting the seedlings outside when the mornings are cold is what made mine flower early. Then when the mornings are warm by mid May, the flowering plant starts growing larger and it keeps making buds , and the leaves are noticeably smaller and fewer leaves. The autoflower plants end up a bit smaller than the photo period plants, so far.


@Water - really cool to see your project. i think the tale might be more incredible than readers here would believe. genetically, abc is such an interesting plant to work with. there’s so much variation within the leaf shape itself. the fact that you’ve been able to turn it into an automatic strain is really impressive. i didn’t think that was even possible from this cultivar!

your findings on seedlings being cold in the morning correlates a lot into what i’m seeing with my plants as well. they seem to want to flower when i take them from indoor to outdoor. even if the night cycle here is less than 12 hours, i’m still getting flowering responses on the clones i’ve kept over winter. again, thanks for sharing your findings!

i don’t even know what to think about the gmo tobacco. it looks real healthy though so kudos! :grin:

here’s a couple photos of my seedlings right now. once the weather turns nice (60F+ nights instead of high 30s like now…) they’ll be going into the ground outside.

mnogolistka x abc f2 (will keep 10 spiky phenos)

tk dooligah f1

big one is hyperion (fem) and the little ones are tentazione f2 i made last year. these are just for flower - going to cull the males.


My keeper of 6 drunken bastards, the other 5 were so much less vigorous and/or died in stress testing. It’s fairly fragrant in veg, so I’m guessing it’s a girl :crossed_fingers: I have a widow x berryfreak x duck hybrid keeper that may have to meet her.

Any thoughts on how that would go lead wise. Would I need to F2 before seeing at mutations?

@crunkyeah fancy a trade for beans from your favorite and plant? Or anyone else with some abc hybrid beans :v:


Nice, Keep Up the Excellent work… :grinning:


it looks lovely! if i had to guess i would say female as well, but ya never know until flip.

typically yep. i’ve only seen 1 f1 mutant from an outcross. it’s extremely rare. in the f2 though at least 20% will be abc type.

as far as a trade goes, gladly. DM me and we’ll go from there!