Mutant Madness?


Any pictures of the ducks foot line of the seeds you have

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I haven’t grown out any of these seeds yet but there are some pictures of the strain on the seed listing here:


It Look Nice :grinning: :grinning:

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Diggin the trash can planter and your lovely ladies :metal:


Here are a couple of “Duckweb IBL”. I want to breed them into my ABC x Freakshow cross. Its getting freaky in here. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Wanted to show off some freaks and bastards :grinning:

Here’s a couple of pics of the SupaFreak:

And a couple of pics of the Berry Freak:

And a few pics of my P.A.B. 2.0s:

Before the chopping the main stem:

After the chop:

And another one:

And one more:


update time but first,

@luxton - 1" pvc unions came in this week so now i’m content moving forward in a modular way. one of the tricky design elements is the plumbing and now with these unions i have a lot more flexibility with the particular sections of the unified system. your system is running along excellently. it’s been extremely cool to watch your progress; helps to know the fruits are worth the labor.

@holygroveseed - when they get there i’m sure the wonderful people of overgrow would love to see your acer plants :upside_down_face:

@PsillyRabbit - that freak is a monster! i haven’t seen too many large mutants posted online and i’d have to say that yours definitely is the largest i’ve seen by far. kudos to you and that wonderful plant!

@Water - wow those abcs are looking marvelous! you have them at the pinnacle of health and vitality! it’s cool to see the structure.

@Magu - your cross sounds fantastic! i’ve seen the red/pink pistils found in duckweb ibl do carry over into the progeny if that’s something you were interested in. excited to see how things go!

to all who have shared mutants here, i humbly thank you :pray:

now for the update;
at location 2 things seem to be going well. i’ll get some photos for you later.

here at location 1 things are going amazingly. i seemed to have caught a nasty cold so the not-so-fun part of life interacts with the fun part of life in a way which makes life interesting. regardless of my physical state, these tk dooligah needed to be planted!

here they are before planting…

after planting… [do you see them? :grin:]

here’s a good size comparison with abc types compared to regular types. hyperion fem on the left, pt dooligah in the middle and right. while they do have plants capable of becoming large monsters most of the abc types stay relatively small in my climate. i eagerly wait for these.

idk where to put this but this is my favorite tk dooligah female. absolutely LOVE how dark and large her leaves are. she is definitely the outlier from her batch. it’s almost an entirely different plant from her siblings. i’ll be cloning all my plants once the new batch move into the veg space and leave my clone/germ box.

speaking of the new batch…
i decided to go with variegated delight by terpyz. i bought three 10-seed packs and was gifted with a few extra for a total of 33 seeds. our divine Creator saw fit to scatter about 20 of the seeds onto the lawn as i was transplanting as a way to test my resolve. i’m 95% certain i retrieved all but one seed. it also appeared like one of the seeds is a dud, so out of 33 seeds i have 31 beautiful seedlings…

the main reason for germinating these is this appears to be a variegated-gpp pheno found in cultivars grown in south america. anyone who knows the lineage of gpp knows that it’s origin lies along the russian border making gpp a fast-flower cultivar. now we don’t know a lot of the details on the lineage of the ‘gringo var lemon’ side of the cross but i was informed quite well on the workings of this cross. the male they used to make these seeds was a gpp-phenotype but it was not from the gpp cultivar. the result is that some of the progeny appear as non-serrate specimen even though both parents were serrated-gpp. additionally terpyz reports about 30% of the specimen showing variegations. from what i’m seeing in my offspring, my results are different. it seems like 25% of them appear to be ‘swag’ type and only 2 showed any signs of variegations right off the bat. i do have to mention that the gringo var lemon cultivar caught my eye because she flaunts green-on-green variegations compared to the traditional yellow-on-green or even the albino white-on-green.

now it’s too early to say with any definite clarity exactly what i have, more time is needed. i’ll post some photos later of the special couple. i’ll just say 2 of these seeds are quite special. can you spot them?


location 2 : multileaf (mnogolistka)

location 2 : tentazione f2

the odd couple:


let’s go!


Looking awesome man!!

I’m really stoked to see the “end result” of your first iteration man!! :metal::metal:

Also, thanks!! I really appreciate that :grin::metal:.


OK. I have some better pics of those “Duckweb IBL” plants. Im thinking one may be a male and one a female but I have not confirmed that. They have short internodes so they should be bushy plants.

They are growing fast ! :rainbow:


Hi there everyone beanboy from Germany here,
just blown away by your work folks! ^^

in terms of freaks i have some ferral fuel Abc’s from terpyz,
some other genetics that i got from the fse, that where labled as abc but grew out with normal pheno, but were crazy slow and small leaved in the beginning … i think its maybe an accidental mystery f1 abc x unknown cross… lets wait for f2…
and some plants that popped from12year old seeds (6 out of 100 popped, 2 survived, 1 showed cool traits)that where a mystery cross of some ferral duckfoots that i found growing randomly, between some ferral hemp, crossed with a plant from some dudes foregarden close to the ferral plants…


that p.a.b 2.0 looks like the ultimate disguise.


Damn that PAB looks great, Is it available anywhere?


GREAT Looking Plants, :heart_eyes:


With any luck, the PAB 2.0 will be available next spring/ early summer.

While the original PAB line was awesome in many ways, it had some significant shortcomings. As such, I don’t want the original PAB line to be reproduced and spread around. If, however, someone would like to outcross x2 them to their favorite autoflower(and send me some seeds when they finish), I’d be willing to share the original PAB seeds.
Just throwing that out there.


can you share some infos about the p.a.b 2.0?? how is it compare to the 1.0??


Anyone have some mutated strains they want to get crossed with an auto or want to get rid of? I have the autos if u have the seeds or pollen :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m tempted on that offer. Been thinking about starting an ABC auto project.

I’ve seen some of your posts, but could you provide a bit of background info on your PAB? E.g. genetics, sex of the seeds and undesirable traits you’re experiencing.


The Purple Auto Bastard is a poly-poly hybrid cross I made. The mom was an AutoBastard from hybridtech/CSI. The dad was a deep dark purple auto Ducksfoot that i was working on at the time. HybridTech also made the abc SUBTERFUGE#1. While SUBTERFUGE#1 was a great plant and grew very consistently like an heirloom, i found their autobastard to be a huge disappointment, especially in terms of seed quality, how difficult it was to germinate the seeds, and the never ending flowering of certain phenos(120+ days).
My ducksfoot was done in 75 days from seed, so the end product of the cross was finished in 90-100 days. With some help from @middleman, the PAB is now in F6-F7 and is more consistent, but being a poly-poly hybrid, terps, smells, and other characteristics will vary a lot. There’s a purple pheno that shows up 80-90% of the time and a green pheno that shows up 10-20% of the time. The green pheno rocks and has a great uplifting high. The purple pheno has a very melancholy high that I don’t care for. The PAB is also challenging to germinate and is prone to throw intersex flowers when stressed. @middleman was able to help mitigate the intersexism :pray:. The potency is very respectable.

The PAB 2.0 in its present form is the original PAB F6 crossed to an autoNorthernLights/Malawi bx [(autoNLM x autoNL) x autoNLM] taken to F3. I will cross it back to either the cross above or the original auto NL/Malawi. Ace’s auto NL/Malawi is an awesome line if y’all haven’t tried it. The plan for PAB2.0 is to take it to at least 75% to 88% aNLM before releasing it.
My hope with my offer is for others to use the PAB to run similar projects with their own favorite autoflowering strains. If we get enough people who want to put the work in, I’ll make a thread for people to post their projects in, as I don’t want to hijack @crunkyeah’s thread. I’m already feeling guilty posting so much here.