Mutant Madness?

Here are pics of the PAB at F3 taken in 2021.



Dang , that’s a photo for the Anniversary celebration :confetti_ball:


update time! but first…

@Magu - thanks for sharing! those ducks look healthy and i’m sure they will turn into fine specimen! as an ibl i did see a lot of uniformity. expect to see the pink pistils and redder hues in the male’s pollen sacs. truly a fun cultivar to grow! let’s gooo!!!

@beanboy - hey beanboy! welcome to OG. first off, i’m thrilled you decided to come to our mutant thread to say hi. those feral fuel abc look like fine little plants so far. i’ll be eager to see them as they come along.

@PineTarBastard -

if you haven’t made the thread already it’s not necessary that you do so. while this is the thread i post in, i feel this is a forum ‘for the people’ so i want to encourage anyone who wants to post anything mutant related to do so in this thread. the way i see it, the more of us gathered in one place the easier it will be to share and discuss the various mutations. this isn’t my thread this is just where i like to post my updates ^^ in the very near future i plan on moving into a different platform, but i’ve been saying that for about 18 months now too so :upside_down_face:

as far as the PAB goes… i’m really shocked at the variety and wonderful looking flowers they produce! i hope you’re able to get the strain exactly where you want in with version 2.0! those are some fantastic looking flowers for any plant but on an ABC frame, they sparkle with trichome ‘gold’. thanks for sharing.

@Hashpants - that is a lovely looking pheno of a freak :grin: hopefully it will grow as large as the cousins nearby.

thanks again everyone for sharing your mutants here. it gives me a lot of joy knowing that this path i’m walking on, others find interest in. i do have to get some seeds out to peeps and i feel a bit guilty about that. my life is crazy lately. anyways, onward in the name of creation!

first off, a couple photos out at location 2. i’ll take the photos myself as they become larger and give us more to see.

outdoor photo is mnogolistka. indoor is tentazione f2. both varieties are starting to finally fill out after a harsh cold start to this season. all males at location 2 will be pulled, indoors and out. i plan on cloning them and keeping the best of each to enjoy the flower from. unfortunately one mnogo did not make it.

location 1 indoors:

here we have Terpyz’ Variegated Delight f1. i will refer to them from this post onward as ‘gringo limon’ or just ‘gringo’. i like calling them gringo as opposed to ‘gpp / giant pur pur’ to note their south american heritage, and the fact that i come from a white family.

for growth characteristics i have to say there’s something off about this strain. nearly all specimens exhibited this really leggy growth in the stem. some of them even ‘snapped’ themselves and fell over! here’s a few examples.

i do not know the cause of this effect. for what it’s worth i think all the plants will eventually pull through. anyone know what causes this? i have kept 100% of the environmental aspects the same as all my previous grows.

the odd trifoliate / triploid couple. unfortunately the smaller one seems to be really stunted (probably genetic) and it had the worst luck with the stem issue. i have buried them in deeper containers and water less frequently than previous grows to remedy the situation, but ultimately these are in His hands now.

top left one seems to be the largest leaf so far, so i see massive gringo leaves in my future. :grin: still a bit too soon to pick favorites but this one might be leading the pack!

location 1 outdoors:

do you see them?

at dusk; still hard to make out. cover crop mix does very well to hide them.

with them all spread out it’s kind of tough to get a good photo of all the plants. they need to triple in size before photos become impressive. so here are some close-ups of selected individuals.

hyperion fem

pine tar dooligah #1

pine tar dooligah #8

tk dooligah female

hoping this one is a boy…

either way, i have some other large leaf specimen, and all seem to have good structure, growth, and terpenes so far. very eager to see f2s from these plants in my seed vault!

keep it mutating folks!


Cape Goat. my sometimes fern mix. it’s jr mint x mac1 x lemon cello x pineapple express. last one is a jr mint x mac1 x pe.


I know the abc is hard to clone, but i am trying with my Turbo KLoner, only fresh water PH is 5.8


what makes them hard to clone?

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Backside shot,6’ tomato cage on the right

Finished baking and sowed 25 Feakshow X Banana Daddy IBL (auto) F1s, Gonna make as many F2s as i can to give out and work on.( F1s available with stipulations)


I really do not know. I have just read that they are hard to clone. This is my first time trying to clone these plant creatures.


i made a cutting recently when i was topping my biggest abc ferral fuel,so lets see how well it roots :wink:



I didn’t want to sidetrack the current topic of another thread or this thread really, so I wasn’t sure were to post this question. Given this thread was your baby I thought I’d direct it here.

In the thread (breeding question) you mentioned a cross of Siberian x Colombian showing semi autoflowering traits in the F1 generation. Was this an age dependent expression or a photo sensitivity expression (E.g. what people are refering to as fast versions)?

By the way, kick ass to see you running those Pur Pur. Lanceolate expressions are very interesting. Was a disappointing day when i learned Terpyz stopped shipping to America.


Yeah I haven’t been able to clone abc,s either but on the other hand freakshow is the easiest strain to clone


Your freakshow is getting really big. I have a freakshow female and I’m hoping 1 of my berry freaks are make so I can lots of seeds with her


lovin’ all the activity in the thread folks ^^

@synapse57 - that’s awesome you found the ‘fern’ expression too! your plants look wonderful! welcome to the mutant corner of OG :grin:

@anonymous510 - actually i find abc to be as easy to clone as any other strain if your cloning methods are spot on. when i have taken clones of my abc plants i leave the central new growth, the newest full fan leaves, and then i remove the rest. similar to a regular strain where you might cut the ends of the leaves off to make them all fit. you have a lot of extra leaf material on some of those abc and sometimes they don’t focus on roots if they have too many leaves. food for thought. also when taking clones, you want to take one from near the bottom of the plant where the stem is firm / bendable but not hard. those will root the best. this rule applies for all canna ^^ hope it helps you!

@PsillyRabbit - your freak is a monster at this point. i’ve seen some large freaks before but i think yours definitely is the largest by far! looks like you’ve been keeping her in veg with night-time interuptions…? when you going to let her flower? :grin: truly exciting to see! thanks for sharing!

@Monst3rbean -

i’m not sure i fully understand the question. you would likely have a range of both expressions in that particular example’s f1 population. btw i’m happy you brought it here that way i could answer to the best of my knowledge without rubbing anyone else wrong on another thread. not here to offend anyone, just to learn like everyone else.

if we took siberian [auto] x colombian [photo] there will be a bell curve of possible expressions in flowering time and sexual maturation. if enough seeds are sprouted, you could potentially find a ‘fast’ version of the long-flower and a photo version of a short flowering strain, both in male and female versions of the same pheno. the possibilities are literally endless depending on how you select them.

if you had another question or i didn’t understand your original question, fire away :upside_down_face:


mnogolistka at 47N loving life.


food for thought;

been discussing breeding and thinking about breeding tables quite a bit lately. this assumes one knows how to line-breed and the dualistic nature thereof. this goes beyond that…

in breeding mutants, due to the recessive nature of them, we must take the line to f2 if we seek to find mutants with dna from non-mutant cannabis lines. it’s from these lines we’ll find things like more potency, better growth habits, yields, and so on. however, there is a different way which we’ve stumbled upon in the last several years and it’s not discussed much online. that is, to take 2 strains which are already like-mutant and breed them together. this does a couple of subtle things which aren’t noticeable until one really delves into it.

first, all f1 children will be mutants! this is exciting because in the f1 generation you’ll be able to select for dominant expressions (normally the best).

secondly, all f2 children will also be mutants! this is where things get super interesting. we have the variability offered in f2 form with 100% abc types. in this generation we can select the recessive phenotypes again, which should be an ‘outstanding’ individual. also, if anyone regular phenotypes are going to show up, it will be interesting to see what the expression is on a plant that rejects the abc mutation from 2 mutated parents.

third, once you go to f3 with this as far as the mutation is concerned the strain is ‘pseudo-ibl’ it’s not ibl by definition but you’re talking 5+ generations of mutant-bred.

this revelation has only occurred to me while growing @lilmanbigplan’s pt dooligah and tk dooligah lines. i can’t thank you enough brother :pray: it’s got my future plans all goofed up because i wanted to line breed all my mutants into ibl ‘status’ before outcrossing them but now… i’m thinking i may just work all the various lines i have together before i begin outcrossing. being able to release any filial generation and it be 100% mutant seems a lot more appealing than line-breeding 6 different mutant lines from a business perspective.

events in my private life are pushing me to become a seed vendor before i’m ready, so this may be the way the future unfolds.

p.s. – if anyone hadn’t noticed this modality of thinking applies to auto strains, “purps”, and other possible genetic oddities.


This is a really good thought, I think ABC and other mutants will help breeder’s improve general breeding knowledge and techniques.

Seeing the TK Dooligah structure in your garden has made me want to revisit Dooligah hybrids that involve more pure heirloom ABC eg (TK X Pure ABC) F3 X Dooligah

Giant pure ABC plants have been found within the population by the guy who preserved it all these years. Combined with modern genetics it could be the winning ticket :tickets:



what a monster! that’s abc?? simply marvelous!


Sure is, probably a distant relative to the Dooligah.

I’ll see if I can get any more pictures


When people refer to genetics being autoflowering or semi auto flowering, I assume they are referring to the flowering phase being dependent or influenced by age.

I’ve come to know this as a recessive trait.

With fast versions “i refer to as photo sensitive”. They respond more sensitively to decreases in light cycles. In a natural setting, quickly switching to flower after the summer solstice. Not as dramatic of a change needed as typical photo dependent lines do.

If you were simply using the cross theoretically as an example for the bell curve, I get that.

If it was a cross you ran, I was curious what traits expressed in the first filial generation you were referring to as autoflowering.

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