Mutant Madness?

It topped itself two main shoots, and three blade leafs all over, it’s bushing out. Haven’t even topped it yet.


If it continues I might make her a mom plant. Seems fitting


Yeah, still in veg, I have a backup rooted, at a good size, and am about to flip one of them.


Wow this looks awesome haha… so fat thanks for sharing


Those grape pupil x devil’s malawi f1’s look awesome! I can hardly wait to get home and pop my first ABC… A little late in the game but luckily I get plenty of sunshine where I live.


thanks for the support every-one!

@Pawsfodocaws - just an observation, a lot of fems tend to be freaky in the early stages of life but as they get bigger and more mature they’ll turn ‘normal’. keep us posted if she stays a mutant!

@Acro - i’ll be sending a dm before the weekend is over.

@Low.Poly - we were talking about bringing them indoors and doing a light dep program to flower them in the coming weeks. i guess it depends on how much headway i make in terms of putting up my aquaponics setup before the plants don’t have any indoor flowering space. should be interesting ^^

here’s the pine tar dooligah females i didn’t photo before:

one more of the seedlings because they happen to really like good weather (imagine that!)


Ya ill keep yall posted!


all the smaller regular plants to be moved to location 2 soon. the singular plant is hyperion from afc seeds. she’s lovely now. smells similar to her sister but i can’t be certain by how much because of the time between growing them.

seven multileaf (bottom left) will move to location 2 as well. fifteen tk dooligah, two pt dooligah, and a feral jelly in the small circular pot. to be planted in the garden soon.

got an itch to do more … :crazy_face:


Looking forward to your outdoor season this year. I have a 2 foot tall Tk dooligah with weirder leaves than normal . Hoping it’s a female. Did you make any seeds with the menthol skunk or drunken bastard ? Cheers Bob


I’m growing a couple of freaks this summer
First up is Berry Freak from @crunkyeah

And a SupaFreak from @middleman

They both began flowering immediately, but look to me like they’re now revegging.


I also have an open pollination of P.A.B.2.0s going. Most of them should be done at the end of the month.

They were transplanted at the first sign of sex. Some of them adapted to transplantation better than others.


Looking great matey. lots of variation of smells. ?


Thank you. Yes, lots of nice smells, but I wouldn’t know how to describe them. :grinning:


Hopefully they revenge and give you a second harvest in September


check her out :rofl: crazy eh


alright time for an update with a few changes

first, i’ve cut the feral jelly and are enjoying the little bit of bud they produced. literally a couple bowls but it’s ok cause the up and coming are glorious. the feral jelly are also highly resinous and the effects are wonderful from both females.

tentazione f2 (six of them) and multileaf f2 (seven of them) are now at location 2.

here they are before…

here are the multileaf planted in tilled ground:

let’s see if the season shows them favor. should be fun!

the next time we see the tentazione i will likely know the genders of them. i was thinking about making f3s with them but i think i will remove the males. i have so many more f2s that i can go through it’s just a matter of germinating them.

here we have the tk dooligah (all 15). the 4 in the circular containers i’ve selected to be the ones i want to breed with primarily. one is a male and the other 3 are female! they all smell wonderfully as well. each female is slightly different from her sisters and the male is kind of in the middle.

one particular female seems like she might be like the original dooligah dad? exciting stuff!

the leaves are particularly large and there are tons of fingers coming from the central stem. she does seem to be the shortest of the bunch so far but we’ll see if the internode distance increases a bit.

here’s the special 4 tk dooligah. male is top one. middle left is the big leaf female, middle right is the tallest female, and the bottom one has an interesting leaf structure that doesn’t remind me of any abc type i’ve grown yet. the fingers seem more webbed and funky.

i love all the plant photos everyone. keep them coming!

i’ll post more photos when i can get these into the ground… storming a bit lately and it’s not fun planting in the rain or when it’s cold out.

consider this a mini-update…


so i’ll call this the second part of the mini-update…

11 tk dooligah… waiting for nice weather to get planted in the garden

the other 4 tk dooligah. i brought them inside temporarily because of storms… these are the ‘pick of the litter’ as i see them. bringing them inside is to hopefully help them grow in veg so i can clone them all. the ones outside aren’t growing any lateral branches and i don’t feel like topping them when nature is brutal enough…

hyperion and two pine tar dooligah… initially i planned on flowering these indoors for flower asap but i think i’ll let nature do them this year.

hyperion close-up.

ptd8, bushy abc structure through and through

ptd1, my favorite of the bunch. note this is a ptd1 clone while ptd8 is the original plant.

ok so this is the part of the update that’s bulk of the update. this aquaponic project has been very taxing on me trying to figure out the design. basically i’m trying to have half of the system outside of the grow tent and having the half that grows the canna, in a tent. i need to figure out plumbing, and structural support. if all that isn’t challenging enough (the more i get into it the easier it gets) i also need to figure out how to breed successfully utilizing such a system. i would like to be able to sprout and pheno hunt and that’s a huge design concern compared to several 5 gal dwc buckets plumbed together.

here you can see this little feral jelly clone (chopped now) in relation to the size of the whole bin. in my mind it’s just not practical to grow cannabis with these shallow bins. root crops and food might be fine but i think cannabis (as i like to grow them) gets a bit too big for these bins.

i have a few things to move around in the spot i want to put the system, so it might be a couple more weeks until i get some fish and get the cycling process going. i was going to let it cycle organically but i think i’ll spend a few bucks and get a ‘kick-start’ bottle so nitrates should start building right away (weeks vs 6-9 months).

next update i should have a new batch of seedlings if all goes well. it’ll be a long shot but maybe just maybe i’ll also have some goldfish in a tank!


Yup, for sure… I’ve tried a lot of different setups… Grow in shallow bed… Grow in a bed inside a vertical pvc pipe to allow for added strength (worked, but weak ass plants with a 4-5" pipe)… A shallow bed with another small bin on top with more media… Currently, I have 1 and 3 gallon pots sitting on a shallow bed and I’m really happy with it, although I would like to figure out a way to air gap them so the plant roots don’t get right down into the shallow bed.

A pic from a few days ago showing the bag pots on the shallow beds… Seems to work well :metal:

Good luck man!! :ok_hand::metal::grin:


I thought I wasn’t going to grow any mutants this year but here I am soaking 7 Acer 1 duckfoot seeds in peroxide :rofl:


check out my outdoor freakshow grow!