Mutant Madness?

she 170 days from seed :laughing: :grin: :sweat_smile:
She got light interruption up until the 4th of July. She is over 7’ and not my largest plant. :upside_down_face: :rabbit:


i share a similar view of ‘autos’ but since i have to grow one i try to just regurgitate what i’ve read on autos elsewhere on the internet.

my understanding of autos is thus - once mature flowers will begin to bloom regardless of light cycle. some people call this age dependent but i personally think that confuses the notion. once mature, flowers bloom. simple as that. “age dependent” means we know the criteria to be depended on. no one knows exactly when that age will come. we simply wait to see preflowers as a sign of maturity.

with f1s, this is my understanding of the trait. when you take an auto and cross with a photo, the ‘auto’ genes should be present in all specimen. taking that f1 generation to f2 will result in auto and photo phenotypes regardless of the selection. however, if you select specimen which have the ‘fast flower’ trait the process of finding the auto trait ‘complete’ in f2 will be easier. from my understanding a f1 with the fast flower trait won’t flower under a veg cycle but as soon as any changes in the light cycle occur they will flower fervently.

the pictograph i drew was merely for conveying my thoughts; nothing real-world.

i will say, i have my hands on some ukranian autos which are actually dominant for the flower trait. f1s will show up full-auto. i plan on working these at some point. it’s tough growing regular plants when there’s so many mutants to grow :sweat_smile:

@PsillyRabbit - amazing. keep on keeping on :grin:


Strange to hear this about the F1 and F2 recessive expressions.

Just recently I finished growing out a handful of Berry Freak plants which did not express. They were direct from shape shifters son and some of his initial works involving the parents of freakshow.

I wanted pinnate so I naturally f2’d 4 of these ladies, I had a Dooligah’ male that I used on the 5th lady.

I assumed I would be able to use these f2’s and find the traits I was looking for… however I recently popped half the seeds I made… and not one showed an obvious pinnate…

However the F1 Dooligah’ outcross tray had several heavy serrated showers.

Both trays are in the photo… I have since selected my heavy serrated Dooligah outcrosses and they are grooving in their own pots. I do have an early picture which displays a shower.

So I was dumb founded and thought maybe I had mislabeled my berry freak male… But I have a feeling the pinnate genes are still just hiding in the bunch. But wild to read what you’ve found. Helps me make some heads and tails with what’s going on here.


@Soiltech - what i think may have happened is that you caught one of the v1 versions where the v2 type [ fern / pinnate ] is only about 25%. this filial generation was f3. there was a release (which my berryfreak came from) where the seeds were pinnate but for some odd reason the seeds were all duds. like a sterile female or something. i’m not sure how many packs got out but i’m sure i got one because in the process of making the f4s (which i also bought) they also released some of the ‘correct’ f3s. the original berryfreak had the bear logo on it while the new packaging was in glass vials with wax seals. the berryfreak lady i fell in love with was one of 15 seeds that barely struggled through germination. i recall one other tried to germinate but the roots were all messed up and it died shortly after splitting open.

anyhow my suspicion is that you got the v1 and didn’t get lucky with a pinnate phenotype and so when you bred them together you actually made f4s instead of f1s. i’m 98% certain this is what happened. with the dooligah outcross if you have any that have real heavy serrations those will be the ones you will want to take to f2.

if if were me i would try to find a pinnate phenotype and go from there rather than trying to find it via breeding. i’m not saying it’s impossible but i think you’ll find that in your particular situation the dooligah genetics is going to cover up any potential pinnate types you might find. they’ll be extreme outliers because the abc leafset will also be present in that f2 generation.

with freakshow lines it seems that the leaf mutation tends to carry in the females, so unless you have a pinnate female, the chances of you being able to find one are slim. if you had a berryfreak male which wasn’t freaky looking then unfortunately you don’t have that set of chromosomes in your f4s.

i have some berryfreak f5 which i’m sure will produce pinnate plants. shout out if you want some. i need to get seeds to a few peeps on here anyhow…

                 Duckweb IBL


the abc ferral fuel tip cutting rooted very well, i dindnt even take off any leaves or did any trimming. :slight_smile:


How did you end up using your 1 in 15? Did any more out of that pack express?

This is the pack pictured, the seeds were in plastic viles inside this bag - I had popped the last of them on the previous indoor run.

Super gracious of your seed offer, any beans are always warmly welcomed to my collection. However I believe @middleman stepped up real quick to address my lack of pinnate. :laughing: If I’m not mistaken I’ve got a pack already on route of some seeds which should express.

No pinnate to be found in my ‘f2’s’ or at least I thought I had made f2. (I won’t be taking them any further unless there is a full pinnate in my remaining ‘f2’ - still have about 80 or so). However there is at least 5 good serrations on the Dooligah outcross - all of which I’ve up potted with intentions to take to f2.

I’ve also got some real cool mutant crosses going in the swamp - I may keep you updated here on this thread if you don’t mind.


@Magu - those duckweb are looking lovely! any signs of preflower maturity yet? my plants are starting to notice the shortening day lengths, curious is all.

@beanboy - glad to hear they are rooting well! the aero-rooters really are a good way to go.

@Soiltech - so that looks like an original release but you got the bx1. i got the original release of v2. v1 is the heavily serrated phenotypes and v2 are the pinnate ones. the bx1 seemed like they should have had more pinnate specimen but from what i’ve seen it’s rare they showed up. i’m thrilled middleman was able to get you some berryfreak as he’s the one who did the repro for OG’ers!

let me comb the archives for a photo of her in early veg. i haven’t seen a pinnate plant express like her and i’ve grown almost a dozen since. she was truly unique.

as to what i did with her, i kept her around for almost 2.5 yrs. i did 3 outcrosses to her…

berryfreak f3 x invictus f1
berryfreak f3 x tentazione f1
berryfreak f3 x drunken bastard f3

yes yes please do share them here! this is a thread for all who love mutants; not just mine.

here’s some of the photos… still looking for one in specific

bottom one in the second photo. the other 3 were supafreak.

berryfreak is the largest one in the second photo. still miss her… :cry:

she just grew better than the others, better leaf shape, better terps, just all around better…

what i really miss…

aha! this is the one… a clone of berryfreak with a clone of ‘rocky’ my favorite drunken bastard male. really large structure, very abundant pollinator, and the wonderful blueberry terpenes he was bred for. every now and then i get a real itch to germinate the f1s…

the other crosses were made to improve her potency while trying to isolate her genome specifically compared to other freak lines.


I beleive I can see one is a male and one is a female. :crossed_fingers:


my freakshow female from @THCeed kept her small so I can breed with her. It’s just a ball of branches . I have 3 smaller berry freaks from @middleman hoping 1 is a male to make seeds with for outdoors . Truly love this strain .


Nice job, looking great.


Cheers matey. Looking forward to seeing yours at harvest


That makes 2 of us. :wink:


Thanks for sharing that. I was wondering what the original australian plants looked like. That is amazing, it looks like bamboo. I wonder how old that plant is? Maybe can you get more pictures of that?


I have a few australian plants with the same wood type of texture on the trunk. About 4 feet tall right now.


time for a little update but first…

@Magu - excellent! when i ran the duckweb i found the males will show some pink/red hues on the pollen sacs in addition to the ladies. i’m sure you’ll be delighted with them! my duckweb girl was very good at setting seed and her flowers are nice. nothing outstanding by modern standards but it’s got a nice uplifting sativa vibe to her.

@Billybob - your freak is indeed a little ball of green craziness haha. i love it! very healthy. best of luck with a berryfreak male!

@Water - that’s incredible that your central stem got that big on a 4ft plant! i’ve got a couple regular plants in the garden this year and they’re nowhere near that thick and we can get some gusty winds frequently. you must be a good caretaker for them to express like that ^^

me on the other hand… i’ve always had issues dialing in canna nutrition. there’s always some minor issue. i think ultimately it comes down to laziness and the depth of my wallet. bought bulk nutrients a while back and never got it quite right with them and now it’s either spend more money or use what i have. so i use what i have! i’m just grateful that once the roots reach the earth in the garden nature fills in most of the gaps.

location 1, indoors:

gringo limon - a few of the funky ones that the stem wasn’t too strong those have shriveled up and died. 2 more continue to hold on but i’m not holding my breath for them. looks like around 25 which will make it to maturation. 3 of them are really deformed [swag?] and show signs of variegation but i don’t find them appealing, at all. it seems like a few others are throwing extra points on new leaves so they’ll probably end up as webbed varieties.

the lanceolate leaf type will be selected and the others probably flowered for consumption, swag and web males to be culled. really only looking for the best gpp-type male/female duo. in a perfect world, both will develop green-on-green variegations but again, not holding my breath for that.

location 1, outdoors:

love these weeds. literally can’t see them unless you’re close. even from a distance they just look like overgrown weeds. :heart_eyes:

a couple close-ups but… well you be the judge…

signs of preflower are beginning! out of the 15 seeds popped, it seems like 5 carry the large leafset. fortunately for me it seems i do have a couple males and at least 1 female. tomorrow i’ll clean my clone box out and take clones!

my one regular plant this season [hyperion fem]:

you know i’ll be cloning her too :eyes:

location 2, indoors:

here we have 6 tentazione f2. flower run so culling the males soon. flower to begin in a week or so.

location 2, outdoors:

looks like at least 3 of the specimen are nice little plants so far! if there’s a male in the bunch he has a photoperiod flowering time and seeds will definitely be made. if not, i’ll be taking clones from the largest 3 individuals to maintain later.

clones to be kept:

  • ptd female
  • tkd female
  • tkd male
  • mnogo female
  • hyperion female

once the gringo start to become sexually mature and the clones are planted and continue growing, i’ll probably germinate some dragonsblood for my mnogo outcross. unfortunately it’s the mutant line that will need the most work done by me compared to the others. the reason is because it’s so new to the scene nobody has had a chance to outcross it and make it better. it’s in the stage right now where everyone wants it pure because nobody has it to begin with. i would really like to do a sultan breeding plan with every mutant by a dragonsblood red sap male. so it’s entirely likely that i germinate some menthol skunk or berryfreak in addition to the dragonsblood. otherwise i’d have my bases covered with the clones. it’s still a long ways out yet but that’s my general goal.

i can also say i will be moving over to another platform to share my updates because chiefly, i’m tired of posting photos. i prefer to take a short video where it’s easy for me to upload and update everyone in a fraction of the time it takes me to take good photos, and then type out the actual update. video > photo and time saved = win-win. everyone will know when it happens :wink: and how to find the channel of course!


Good day y’all. Here’s a few pics I took last weekend.
First up is @crunkyeah ’s BerryFreak. She’s really beginning to stretch out.

Followed by @middleman ’s SupaFreak

Here’s a PineTarDooligah from @lilmanbigplan. I flowered her in my flower closet for a mini repro this spring and then revegged her and planted her outside a week ago. I’m hoping she has enough time to grow out a bit before she flowers.

And my PineTarBastard second generation backcross(to PTK). I placed her outside fairly early as I wanted to grow her big and tall. She had other ideas and went straight into flowering. As I was also doing an open pollination on my PAB2.0s at the time, she got pregnant and never had a chance to do much else. I’ll be chopping her in a week or two.

And here’s the last of the PAB2.0s. She was the last one to be put outside. Her brothers were finishing up pollinating when she was planted outside, so I had to hand pollinate and she didn’t have many pistils at the time. I’m not sure if she’ll produce many seeds. She sure is pretty to look at. I’ll be chopping her in a couple of weeks as well.

My last pic is not a mutant, but is part of the PAB2.0 project. She’s an auto NorthernLightsMalawi double backcross. I’m using my auto Northern LightsMalawi double backcross to outcross the PurpleAutoBastards. I planted a bunch, but she is the sole survivor and was also present for the PAB2.0 open pollination.

That’s all folks. :grinning:


VERY< BERRY < NICE :smiley:


2 of my Cape Goat seedlings.


just got them in today going into a soak after I get done eating!! Should be a good cross with my devil cream auto and my purple lemon thai photo🤞