Mutant Madness?

Anyone working a ducks foot line with good results?

plants be getting bigger…

life getting crazier. photos aren’t up to date but they are up-dates. this week i’ll update to current growth. clones need planting; plants need trimming; need to take more clones… all that will come later.

location 2 outdoor:

lost one due to the dog chasing rabbits :rofl: mnogolistka.

location 2 indoor:

tentazione ladies starting to fill out; quite robust in terms of stretch and growth.

location 1 outdoor:

hyperion fem. almost as tall as me, 5’-6’ feet in diameter. loud af

ptd9 fem (i think) … you know when abc plants become large enough where it’s hard to photograph them… they’re good specimen.

what’s left of the webbed and swag gringos. rabbits like to eat anything that’s a ‘fresh’ introduction to the garden. i think they ate like 6 small seedlings?

tacky look at the garden and all my weeds hahaha… tk dooligah’s in there somewhere…

two female phenotypes of tk dooligah. big structure, big leaves, loud plants.

ok so i believe 5 of the tk dooligah are male, the rest female. this is just the photos of what i think is the ‘best male’. unfortunately he was one of the plants i decided not to clone. thus, this male will get to pollinate outdoors and the other two selected males will pollinate indoors.

location 1 indoors (kinda):

gringo, serrated type. it appears one that started off serrated has turned swag. leaves in general are becoming larger. 7 in total will take the line from f1 to f2. i have decided against using webbed or swag types to make f2s. if i wasn’t pushed out of this location so quickly i would do a bit more with this cultivar. as is, it will be a speedy rush to make seed and wherever i end up i’ll try to get established as soon as possible.

my telegram outlet is nearly complete. i need to just spend a few hours writing some commentary on each strain and a strain list of seeds i have available. i plan to have that going before september begins. my time spent on og after that will be much, much less.

so thrilled to see the mutants everyone is growing! very eager to see them all flower and produce the results we seek.

@PsillyRabbit - it seems there isn’t much info regarding the segregation of ‘regular seed’ vs ‘pinnate seed’. i tried to do a little tracking when it comes to the white seeds freaks are known for and i couldn’t come up with anything definitive. i tried to track pinnate plants which came from regular looking seed and it seemed like the better plants came from the freak-style seeds. if you do any testing on that it would be awesome if you shared! nobody knows for certain so…


Plants are looking fantastic bud :metal::ok_hand:

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Those gpp leaves r huge!!!:two_hearts: U aiming for smooth edges?

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Took a shot of this good looking plant yesterday, it is the only expressing 6 of 100 seed starts from a cross I did last winter.

Berry Freak (non expressive) x Dooligah F2

Planning to take these to f2 if all goes well with this lot.



So many freakshows and ABC’s :two_hearts::two_hearts: wheres all the ducks foot people at :pensive:!?


@Tonyww93 I’ve got some work and a variegated plant with duck and Berryfreak In it. The grandpa was a collab between Canna research co and Annunaki. It won’t express duck but it may if worked a bit.


I’ll get some more pictures of the Acer 1 duckfoot I’m growing uploaded later. 3 of the 4 are females.


I’ve been looking into the auto ducks but the THC is sooo low on the ones I’ve seen on different sites it would have to get crossed and ran


i am enjoying them very much. i have a few developments which i figured is worth a mini-update.

the gringo have presented just 2 which seem ideal. i kicked all of them outside for about a week and several of them began to show sex. 3 of them continued to exhibit the ‘floppy’ structure… they just wanted to be real droopy. i’m not sure if it’s due to the high daytime temps, wind, or genetics. either way i trellised them into my vertical screen and decided not to use them for breeding. i kept 4 individuals: an extremely large variegated male, an A+ structure female (also variegated), a second good structure female and one that did not want to show sex. all 4 specimen exhibit gpp type serrated leaves, with minor variegations.

here you can see them before i took clones. the vertical ones on the right, breeders on the left. the largest one is the boy :upside_down_face: (on the left in both photos)

on the left is a leaf from the male, on the right is a leaf from the A+ female

this is from the other female ^^

wanted to stay true to the serrated types that follow the terpene profile of the mom. most of these are a little skunky with strong lemon terps.

here’s the clones:

and the donors: [with planted clones from before]

1,tkd male
2 tkd females
2 ptd females
1 hyperion fem - this one had really chunky thick roots and very short ** note to self…
1 tentazione fem
1 mnogolistka fem - this one was most developed of the clones, grew the most, largest, etc

gringo male
2 gringo females
1 premature gringo

hyperion mom… she’s a monster. wind blew her over the other day and after propping her up with a cinder block she looks none worse for the wear. now taller than me ^^ and smellier too… hahah… :skunk:

i’ll be weeding the garden and removing tkd males outdoors before this weekend, as well as trying to get over and see how the tentazione and mnogolistka are faring over at location 2. hopefully i can update on those before the weekend.

@Soiltech - from what i understand about freaks in the f1 stage is that the freaky looking plants will typically be male and the regular looking ones will be female. has that one shown sex yet? i really like how crazy it is! tons of extra leaflets on every leaf similar to mnogolistka but still entirely different. i really think you’ll find some awesome plants in your cross. eager to see what you can cook up with the genetics! you grow some wicked looking flowers.

@Movement13 - holy smokes that thing is outstanding! looks like maybe you could give her some more ferts but wow… such fantastic leaves and she’s starting to flower :grin: i hope you took clones!


Acer 1s today. Two plants on the right are confirmed female, both have hazy, cheesy stem rubs with a little chem. Not the best description but difficult to describe beyond that. I’m hoping the bottom right may be more sativa leaning based on branching structure. Bottom left is a male, similar stem rub. Top left is undecided, though I am leaning towards male. Stem rub is a little different from the three others, with an orange citrus note that is dominant. I’ll be culling the males and pollinating them with a Markaz Baboos, Logar #9 male that reeks of sweet incensed tolulene like all the other outdoor fall pollinations.


Never seen anything like this before.

What you’re seeing in the center are weird, elongated calyxes.

The leaves had a strange curl to them as well.



possibly beet curly top virus?

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No, it’s def genetic.

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I’m curious how it’s determined to be genetic. Are there several plants in different environments exhibiting the same characteristics, are other growers of the same seeds reporting the same results ? Just curious, nothing more.


Looking good🔥 how old r they/ r they autos or photos?


That sounds like a crazy cross! Have u ran them yet?


Photoperiod, around 60 days from seed. I kept them in small seed starting cells for longer than they liked so that slowed down the growth rates a little.


berryfreak f5s with two different phenos thanks to @crunkyeah :two_hearts: :relieved: