Mutant Madness?

I have F1s auto duck x auto- (carebears f4?) ( not entirely positive)
Priorities change and wont have time to run them to further select for a while. IF you wanna do the work; post em, and get me back some F2s I will consider sending some your way. Other stipulations may apply.

only 25% will be webbed.
you will need to start at least 20-30 plants to get a male and female to make f2s.If you have the time, space, gumption I would also be expecting back seeds so i can further select f2s
Send me a PM and i will send you enough for a pheno hunt.


I appreciate the offer :slightly_smiling_face: but I’ll probably hold off for now doing some runs/test for other people and trying to save some space for competitions, when I get done with my photos ill have plenty of space if u still want them ran


Pab filling in pretty quick! Topped at the 5th node was expecting kinda slow growth like most mutants but nooo :rofl:


Because most of the plants of this like express this trait to differing degrees.

This is just a very extreme case of that expression.

Most plants grow out of it by mid flower.


Might be crinkle leaf used to make the croco lines along with berry freaks from terpyz… but that’s just a guess from the way it looks

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I’ll be crossing the pab (purple auto bastard) with sts cherry brandy auto pollen and devil cream pollen for fems that way I can cross back with another if I find a good leaf structure in one. Only cuz I haven’t heard of any cherry abc crosses yet​:person_shrugging: :exploding_head:


Yes please make a cross of pab and cherry brandy. :heart_eyes: My brain is tingling.


Is there still somewhere to buy Auto Australian Bastard?


Not that I’ve seen most the autos r sold out

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That would be fire!


All depends on if I have some females going cuz I have the pollen ready :crossed_fingers: won’t know for another week or two for them to show their sex guessing that they r 60-90 days from sprout


@holygroveseed - loving those acer plants. they look like fine specimen under your care. i’ll be eager to see you work your cross and reintroduce the duck leaf type in the f2 generation!

@billdozier72 - that is quite the strange mutation there! all the females of the line do this?? what about the males? any unusual pollen sacs or is it a female-only trait? that’s very strange! is there a possibility it is a deficiency or viroid or something? the reason i ask is the fan leaves for the particular female you posted a photo of… something is up with that plant. i don’t have enough experience to say yay or nay on anything with that plant. just merely making observations.

@Tonyww93 - happy to see you have found at least one pinnate specimen! i might have to go back and see if i mixed up non-pinnate seeds with pinnate seeds because the berryfreak should have been all pinnate. :thinking: very curious… as to your abc specimen they look lovely! really cool to hear that the pab is a fast grower. i’m starting to think maybe the secret to fast growth with mutants is with ruderal genetics… another rabbit hole… hahah. also, best of luck with your pab x cherry brandy cross. we need all the mutants we can get so bring 'em on :grin:

@Kinx - i haven’t been in the market for mutants for at least a year now. i believe someone mentioned pab still being available but i wouldn’t know where to find it. i would think some prudent ‘googling’ should get you there.

for all, it’s update time…


i was going to update until i got to experience all the new ‘upgrades’ like only being able to post one photo at a time. i can’t seem to format my post like i used to be able to as well. ah well…’s loss…

anyone who wants to continue to follow my work can follow me here:
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i am moving to video content; this platform allows me to share that reasonably. hope to see you all there. i will be attempting to create several funnels to introduce my channel to the world. i have yet to decide if i’m to do that via social media or good ol’ fashion SEO and a wordpress site. either way i hope to see all of you there!


“that is quite the strange mutation there! all the females of the line do this??
what about the males? any unusual pollen sacs or is it a female-only trait? that’s very strange! is there a possibility it is a deficiency or viroid or something? the reason i ask is the fan leaves for the particular female you posted a photo of… something is up with that plant. i don’t have enough experience to say yay or nay on anything with that plant. just merely making observations.”

I’m still gaining experience with this line so I’m not completely sure the percentages but not all of the plants display this mutation. There are other plants of various strains in the same room and this line is only ones that express it. Plus, most plants grow out of it completely in the first few weeks of flower. This is the reason I don’t believe it to be a virus. I’m finishing up a complete bleach sterilization of my equipment just to be sure though.

The extreme mutation expresses itself in two main ways. Curly leaves and a strange growth through the center of the flower. The growth is very firm, as if the stalk is growing up through the bud, but the ends of the stalks have pistils protruding from the tips. Like the stalk and flowers got mixed up and combined somehow in the genetic process. This plant also hermed and the pollen sacs were the only normal looking thing on it. So, yeah, there’s def something up but I don’t think it’s contagious.


Hopefully you’ll still post here from time to time even if its one picture per post, I’ve enjoyed your plants and thoughts here. I’m not sure if I’ll be pursuing the Acer 1 x Markaz Baboos, Logar #9 line further. All depends on whether I enjoy the two Acer 1s left more than the disappointing Acer x Pablo BX #7 from last year.

As far as the male, I messed up and planted the Markaz Baboos, Logar #9 seeds in soil that didn’t drain fast enough for their liking so the male was all that survived of the pack, but has a very vigorous root system and structure indicating a more “sativa” leaning Afghan strain and the dizzying tolulene aroma which kick in when flowering starts. Have had to delay flowering twice already, so should be around mid-late September when pollination begins. Wanted to keep it simple this year with one male only. I’m most excited for the cross that comes from the male and Original Haze but I think it could definitely complement the Acer 1 if those two plants turn out well. Will try to get some pictures up of the two Acer 1 plants next week.


tentazione females chugging along. about halfway there.

mnogolistka. they have had to withstand some terrible winds. lost one actually. most have had their lower limbs ripped off.

variegated delight that for some odd reason didn’t want to stand up on their own. they can do their thing but any males will be removed.

she’s been laid over several times now, my poor hyperion lady. seems to be doing a bit better but i haven’t brainstormed a cheap solution yet. she’s fine in this position so i may just leave her but idk.

pine tar dooligah 9 got laid over too, poor girl. she’s become quite the bush ^^ quite distinct from her sibling. hopefully a little pollen touches her when things happen.

kinda tough to tell them all apart with the actual weeds :rofl:

vegging indoors. top left are hyperion and tentazione clones. moving right we have tk dooligah female, male, female, a mnogolistka female, and two female pine tar dooligahs. in the front we have the clone donors recovering from the first bit of damage in their life and their first introduction to nutrition on a schedule.

gringo selected clones. 3 females 1 male. the male is the one in the lower left. you can see which leaves i cut initially and what has grown in the cloner. all the new growth and uncut leaves are from after they got cloned.


One of the pab is male, started showing sex today


This ABC phenotype is the only plant out of 5 mutants to survive from my ABC x Freakshow cross. All the rest have died from some malady or other. I will try to pollinate it with pollen from a “ Duckweb IBL “. If that is not possible I will revegitate it and try to make some feminized seeds from it. :crossed_fingers:


This is the “ Duckweb IBL”. Its the plant on the right.

And this is what the leaves and stem from the male looked like.

I dont know the exact genetic background of these plants but Wally Duck told me that in his experience the plants with pink pistils are often more potent. :grin:


Beautiful Pink pistils !


From what I’ve gathered Duckweb is the Hawaiian Afghan heirloom. While Ducks Foot being Wally Ducks/Oz seeds Australian variation. Sick grow bud :metal: