Mutant Madness?

Howdy y’all, I believe the DuckWeb is a hybrid @wallyduck made with his Ducksfoot crossed to the Hawaiian Webbed Indica from TheFlyinHaWyn. I believe they traded on the original Overgrow. What a trip! Now we’re here on the reiteration of Overgrow and seeing members growing the DuckWeb that was born out of that trade decades later! That’s so awesome!

Absolutely gorgeous plants @Magu. Those are some special genetics you’re working with. Many blessings and much love


That would be cool if true, but from what I understand DuckWeb is a Inbreed line from Afghanistan taken to Hawaii in the 1950’s. Which would be much older than OG. Here is some images of Olympic Seeds DuckWeb offerings.


Howdy @Tao, thanks for pointing this out. I wouldn’t want to mislead or confuse anyone purposely. I noticed as well on Icmag the listed breeder is Olympic seeds for the plant @Magu is running.

Since the picture you post says 1950 IBL I’ve got to imagine the seeds are supposedly to be from a population outside of @wallyduck’s work with similar traits.

I think there’s shared ancestry between the Ducksfoot Wallyduck worked and the Webbed Indica in Hawaii by way of surfers traveling for waves. Does anyone know if the Webbed Indica in Hawaii was ever called Ducksfoot or if that reference name came about in Australia?

Whatever the genetics are, they look very good. I’m contemplating purchasing a pack for myself. Does anyone know if they’re currently in stock or how to purchase them from the most authorized retailer or breeder direct? How much they cost? It’s displaying two very desirable traits in my opinion, the webbed lead and the pink pistils. Apologies for the confusion with my earlier misinformed reply. Many blessings and much love


Hello @Sbeanonnamellow its all good.
There is another Ducks Foot from Hawaii that was sold by H.B.K. Genetics. They stated that their Ducksfoot was not from Wally, but from a family in Hawaii . Olympic Seeds said that HBG’s ducksfoot did not look like theirs and was not a pure ducsfoot. But who really knows?

The DuckWeb is available at SeedsForMe’s website for $110 a pack.


I have been collecting some of the Ducks Foot reproductions and crosses to work with eventually.
Here is an image of what I have so far.


This is all very interesting. :thinking: It would seem that the “ ducksfoot “ mutation is more widespread than I had thought. It would be very helpfull to know if this genetic expresion is linked to other genetic characteristics.


Cape Goat. Jr Mint MAC1 x Lemoncello x Pineapple Express. and Pineapple Chunk x Pineapple Express.

Extra leaflets, like there’s 2 whole extra leaves on that fern looking leaf, with the mini leaflets. That’s more of a Jr Mint trait. The leaves are from the Pineapple Express.

I wanted some Pineapple Express last year… got some seeds… grew them out… got pollen everywhere. been growing out my seeds, and finding this interesting stuff. The I read that PE was used to create Freakshow.

These leaves are both from Male plants. but I crossed the fern leaf stuff into my whole Pineapple Express cross grow. There’s Apex, sour diesel, strawberry haze, gmo, mixed nutz, pineapple chunk, jr mint mac1, jr mint bbc mac1. plants are about 4 weeks into flowering. I can see the seeds forming. It’ll be a fun phenohunt this winter, looking for ferns.


Wow @synapse57 that sounds like an awesome project. Please keep us posted on your progress.


i once found this mutation in ferral Hemp in Germany ^^ the population had creeper phenos too and a lot turned purple in fall.


Olympic has these photos from Phylo attached to the seed listing, but I wasn’t able to locate the report in the Phylo network.

Puamanaohana said, Phylos Bioscience Genome sequencing show us that Hawaiian Duckfoot is one of the most ancient strains in their entire database.

Again I couldn’t find this in the Phylo network. :man_shrugging:

However, I did find this test report from may 2019. Ducksfoot from Triple C Genetics.
Triple C Genetics - Duckfoot Genotype Report (

It reports the genotypes being common. But having no relatives in their database.

I thought this was weird. If multiple Ducksfoot lines were being tested, wouldn’t they show up as relatives? Is it posible these are the same line from diferent sources or just an older report prior to others being tested :man_shrugging:


maybe they are very distantly related only …

i remember speaking with folks about that many years ago ,
they need not be closely related to have that trait , it shows up in cannabis sometimes,
but is or was just not that common …

the hawaiin web or webbed indica i got in the early 2000s didnt seem related at all to the more sativa type of webbed plant(ducksfoot) i had ,
this was one of the reasons i was keen to swap with old seakay 2 ,
the plants were almost opposites , i thought they might compliment each other , as they did ,
the hybrid was excellent … and had webbed leaf …

who first called it ducksfoot is the question i guess ,
the guy we got it from , who lived down the road , and we got a mixed bag of webbed plants , and pinnate leaf shaped ones , had called it ducksfoot , i have no idea where that name came from before him , but we live in an isolated part of australia , so perhaps it was named here …


this f1 freakshow hybrid had a funky lil blip

Anyone know if there is any major differences using the male freakshow for the gene as opposed to the mother?


I was alway told , that roughly 80% of genetics come from the mother. With that in mind I would think the mother would be best. But freakshow is a bit different than regular strains :v: maybe someone has a more definitive answer.


as far as i know the freakshow trait occurs primarily in the females. breeding with a fern male has resulted in people losing the mutation.

what ends up happening if a freak female is used… f1 will segregate themselves into “kinda freaky” and regular. the regular plants will always be female, and the freakier ones will be male. the way genetics work, each f1 will always be a carrier but only by proper selection will the mutation express in f2. in the males it tends to be quite recessive. several of the leaf traits also influence the males’ flowers; and not in a desirable fashion.

copy/pasted info btw, i do not yet know from personal experience.


thats what i was afraid of. i started this cross with a male freakshow x auto
i selected 3 plants that are loaded with f2s but also crossed it back to a female freakshow incase i dont get the ruff 12% out of 100 that im aiming for


good call on the backcross. should help if you’re trying to find the pinnate expression again!

how did you determine 12% is your hit rate?


the dude that made a autofreak cross said thats what his ratio was ruffly

also checks out as far as mendela is concerned

  • 25% of the plants will be aa (autoflowering).
  • 25% of the plants will be ff (freaky leaves).
  • 12.5% (1/8) of the plants will be aaff: autoflowering with freaky leaves.
  • 37.5% (3/8) of the plants will be aaF_: autoflowering with normal leaves.
  • 12.5% (1/8) of the plants will be A_ff: photoperiod with freaky leaves.
  • 37.5% (3/8) of the plants will be A_F_: photoperiod with normal leaves.

did you get the freaky auto off strainly? that’s the only place i’ve ever seen an auto-freak. interestingly when i read the listing i determined his work to use a freaky male. this is probably why his results are only 12.5%. as i recall he almost lost the mutation too since only a couple specimen showed up as autoflowering individuals. the f3 generation’s results are the reason i did not want to have the genetics in my vault.

the ideal freak breeding scenario… … [well there’s 2 really] …

pinnate female x pinnate male - regardless of genotype if both parents are mutant, the f1 should be too.

pinnate female x regular male - f1 should segregate into male [freaky] and female [regular]. any combination of two such individuals should allow for 25% of the f2 generation to be mutant [as opposed to 12.5%].

i believe he sold as ‘auto freakshow f4’ but i might be mistaken.

edit i do have to say that each mutant seems to be different in this regard… mnogolistka for example seems to carry in the males first.


I never bought the “Superior autofreak”
feck… well i also crossed my f1s back to the original banana daddy ibl auto used to make the f1s.
so worst case scenario_ i start all over again lol :rolls eyes:

wish me luck ill be popping the 100 f2s and Bxs in about 6 weeks


Here’s @crunkyeah’s BerryFreak

And here’s @middleman’s SupaFreak

Both have been lightly dusted with a little bit of pollen from LemonThai. :partying_face: