Mutant Madness?

@Garden-Buddy - So far it has been amazing. Growth speed is off the charts. Smells are like peaches and tangerines just like they say. They’ve been truly wonderful plants to be the caretaker of. I like each and every one of them. It’s going to hurt a little bit inside to cull herms if I find any. I have hope that I was fortunate and have the pheno I’m looking for I just can’t see it yet.

I haven’t decided on a landrace x mutant or mutant x landrace cross. Primarily right now I would like to work a mutant x mutant cross. Once I know what I have with the Lagkitan I’m sure I will come to a real answer to that question. Since I don’t know anything about any of the plants I don’t want to make decisions until I see them flower.

One concern I have with landrace x mutant cross is the increased presence of intersex plants. Not only that, but I will have a huge range of diversity in F1-2 generation. I’m not sure I’m equipped to search through even 100 of a generation to find the best. I haven’t decided exactly how to approach this. Another concern I have with landraces is that I can’t work them outside in my location. A mutant x mutant cross I would be able to put outside and it would finish in time. I may be able to do outdoors this year but I’m not sure yet as it still gets cold at night here. It’s warming up though.

TLDR; I’m unsure for various reasons. I will probably decide when I see what I have in flowering.


That is the thing about breeding work without the facilities/permits to run larger(100s/1000s) populations. I’ve been hesitant to go down the breeding path, because I’m just a hobby grower and don’t feel like I could really do ‘true’ breeding, growing just a few plants at a time. Also not super up on plant genetics.

Looks like you are doing great things though! I’m really loving this thread and your detailed updates. A friend of mine has been doing crosses with abc, ducksfoot, and freakshow and made a few triple mutant plants. He said it was like 1 in 200 plants. Also, pretty sure the guy that bred freakshow was working on a smaller scale then sold it to Humboldt seed co.

Larger sifts could maybe be organized through this forum, but that would take a lot of time and energy and progress would probably be slow and frustrating.

The Lagkitan sounds amazing as it is. I’d be super happy to find my chosen pheno of that one and keep clones of it going.


@Garden-Buddy - You should see if your buddy wants to poke his head in and see what I’ve got cookin’. I would love to see pictures of this triple mutant! It sounds like 1 in 200 must mean it’s a very different looking plant from everything else. I bet it’s fascinating and beautiful, just from growing the ‘foundational mutants’ strains.

I want to encourage you to join us in the breeding journey! It’s a learning experience. All it takes is 1 male and 1 female. You can be a hobby breeder too. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s nature :crazy_face: edit That said, if it’s highly illegal in your area and the risk is too high for you, just keep what you’re doing… but I think it’s worth the risk myself. ***

I figure, the more we learn about breeding… the more we learn about breeding. There’s only so much you can read. Hands on experience has always been best for me. I’m normally the book-nerd type but with canna I’ve always wanted to do more.

This Lagkitan has me stumped! It’s growing so fast, so awesome smelly, they’re beautiful vigorous and healthy. Starting to become my favorite ever plants. The thing is… I don’t even know what I have yet. I can’t get rid of any plants until I know what they are in flowering. I will probably keep my favorite male and all of the females until I’ve sampled their buds. I’ve really thought about breeding it into my mutants as the base level to increase vigor in the mutant genes once the F2 generation rolls around. I’ve really pondered for a good while what a BerryFreak x Lagkitan cross might look like in the F2 generation, and even in the F1s. :thinking:

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Ready to see some pictures? The wonderful Lagkitan! As you can see they’re really going for it.

Next we have the Drunken Bastard females, and one unknown Double Jam:

The individual picture of the Drunken Bastard female is the female I have with the largest leaves. I’m keeping an eye on her hoping that she’ll end up a fantastic yielder.

Drunken Bastard males removed and set outside:

I will likely chop them before seeing the flowers develop. I will use the tall male of the group. They all seem to be about the same in terms of smell and how far along into flowering they are. One of them has larger leaves than the other but the tall one was always my favorite. I could notice growth on it daily where the others not so much.

I will be taking clones from the Lagkitan & Double Jam later. I may post some more photos of that once it’s done.


Oh MAN looks at all those mutants. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Someday these seeds will get around. Can’t wait :slight_smile:

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Yes they are. Love hate relationship with ABC at this point… I can’t stand how slow they veg. But they’re soo pretty I can’t help but love them.

All in due time my friend all in due time.


Time for another update. Work schedule is crazy the next couple of weeks and uncertain into June. Not sure when I’ll be able to update. Either way, my babies keep on growin’ ! :grin:

First off, I cloned the Lagkitan today. There’s also 2 Double Jam clones from my Double Jam in the flowering tent. I took 2 clones just to keep it’s height manageable. This way, if it turns out to be an amazing female then I’ll also have a clone mom of her! I’ll know more in a couple months :rofl:

Then I trimmed up all the Duckweb/BerryFreak/Blueberry Muffin/Imperium X/Invictus/Double Jam.

Here’s a random one of my very beautiful and wonderful BerryFreak lady. The other clone looks almost identical.

The flowering Drunken Bastards and Double Jam are in dark mode right now so I’ll post pictures later.

So I’ve been really torn here. My male clones are starting to show. And regardless of whatever stage of veg they are in, a lot of them are dropping sacs or forming them. I’m thinking at this point I just want to cull all the males until I find a couple of really good females from all my current strains.

So far my only known keepers are BerryFreak and Imperium X. Everything else doesn’t have a permanent home yet. I still need to find my keeper Drunken Bastard, Quack Bastard, Invictus, and Duckweb. Blueberry Muffin will be culled if it isn’t purple. Lagkitan will be special and I will keep several phenotypes of stable females. I hear the landrace preservers screaming at me for letting go of my males but I plan on using their genetics to improve vigor in mutants, not preserve the landrace. As far as I’m concerned the company that’s making these seeds available to the world is doing the best job at preserving the strain. They have way more resources available than I do. I’m just going to do what makes me happy, and that is… grow mutants :smiling_imp:

I can’t decide what I want to do with my first planned cross. I have known male Drunken Bastards and Duckwebs but for some odd reason making the cross now just doesn’t feel right. Maybe it’s because I’m still missing a couple of mutants to begin with. I’m not entirely sure yet. As far as my flowering Drunken Bastards go the females are taking their time. It’s been almost 2 weeks now I believe and I’m just barely seeing signs of flowering in the females. I’m half tempted to throw in 2 Duckweb into the flowering tent and try to make my selection on those two lines before I search out the Lagkitan and Invictus. If I continue with this ‘cull all males idea’ then I’ll select all my mother plants from every line, and then when I finally have all my preferred mother plants (10-12 different ones) I can do the bonsai sultan method with a new landrace sativa that I have yet to germinate.

As always, nothing is set is stone. My decisions are fluid like water and change like the wind.


Just read the whole thing. This is so fucking cool. I love the leaf mutants so this was perfect.


where can I get my hands on these seeds … ? I’m east europe

@PetalPowered - Thank you! It’s taken some time to acquire and get them ready for my plans but I’m so glad others are happy to watch in my journey with these cool mutants. Stay tuned for some craziness as flowering on the Drunken Bastards is progressing as we go.

@Fanetilimanu - Which strains are you looking for?
If you can I would suggest Kaly seeds. You can get pretty much all the varieties you would want to play with. They have some various different berryfreak(freakshow) lines, different kinds of ABC, plenty of ducksfoot crosses which have chances to be variegated, and finally they have GPP which is Giant Pur Pur which is a lanceolate (single leaf) strain. Pretty much a one-stop shop for mutants there.

Got a few photos for everyone.

Drunken Bastards starting to flower! Will likely throw in a male Duckweb and a BerryFreak clone in there for a seed run in the next couple of days.


Brother, I’m sorry if I write incomprehensibly, I use Google translator. I read your thread, and felt the complexity and experience that you lead to the maximum. Do not stop, go forward and you will achieve the desired result. Watering so many plants, keeping an eye on each one, coming up with some ways to make your work easier and more efficient - this is a passion for your favorite pastime.

I myself am currently running a cycle for crossing Freakshow and Drunken Bastard strains from 7eastgenetics. And in addition I threw in CBD Dragon, CBD Panties, Malanabanana x Headstrong and Lowryder (all strains Regular). All this in three growboxes, 40x40, 60x60 and 70x70, in the same way divided into two floors like yours, while I keep a blog in Russian where I describe all the details. After seeing your report, I was glad that there are many such people around who are ready to work tirelessly for their hobby. Successful grow to you, and great luck in breeding. I will watch your show



That’s so cool! It looks like you’ve taken very good care of them. I hope you update us here as things continue, as I will continue to do so too.

Can you share a link here to your blog? I would very much be interested in seeing it! Hopefully the translator will be able to do us justice in communicating effectively. I would like to see your show too! And if it’s not possible from time to time update us on what you have going. I’m really inspired that there’s a lot of us like-minded people who love these strange plants. :star_struck:

And welcome to OG!!!


Hey all. Update time!


On the left we have 13 Invictus from AFC. ( :heart_eyes: this breeder). On the right we have 5 Quack Bastard, 8 Drunken Bastard, 1 Duckweb (think she’s a girl), and 1 BerryFreak. I removed all the Duckweb males (3 of the 4). The last one I’m not sure is even female it just refuses to show sex before flowering. All of the other males showed pretty obviously so I think this is a sign it’s a girl.
I’m on the fence about removing the last 2 Drunken Bastard males. The only reason I haven’t is they smell like blueberries. I doubt I’ll be able to find another mutant male which smells as good as they do. Another point to mention is that the Drunken Bastards don’t have natural purpling. They only purple with cold climates. I’m 95% sure of this. My Imperium X girl shows how purple she is right from the beginning of flowering. These are not doing that. Soo…I’ve thought about keeping my males to cross it to Imperium X. Still not sold on the idea though since both plants grow really short and stocky. Maybe the Lagkitan x DB cross would be more beneficial for my plans. Ah well… I’ll give it some more time to think on it. My problem is I have like 8 good strains to work with and it’s impossible to work with most of them since I don’t have a whole lot of room. This will be a slow journey!

I do have to say that while roots are beginning to form; I highly suspect long flowering sativas don’t like to clone. These have been going for 2 weeks already. In all my previous strains I’ve grown all of them have pretty good root systems growing by week 2. These are just barely starting to root. I also noticed that unlike the other clones, these actually seem to want nutrients. I gave them 500ppm nutrient water a couple of days ago and they’re nice and green now. They were starting to turn yellow. My hope is that the nutrients will give the plants the go-juice to make healthy roots. It looks like it’s starting so fingers crossed next week all will be ready for a seedling pot. Then I can switch them to flower and sex test the clones to see how many males I have.

And now the flowering tent. I believe I’m at week 3 right now. I really should have wrote down what day I switched them :laughing:

Double Jam just beginning to flower about 3 weeks in. :grin: Looks like it may be a more blue mountain leaning pheno with it showing sex right away (for a Jamaican 3 weeks is nothing). Hoping it will slow down a bit on stretch. My light is maxed out and normally too bright for most plants… the Jamaican takes it and keeps on climbing! Hopefully now that flowers are forming the stretch will slow down a bit. I still have about 2 feet before she’s going to need intervening. She’s coming up on it quick though, and growing higher every day.


What a beautiful garden we have here!, The mutants are going wonderful and the lagkitan…jesus, what a pretty one!!, Love to see good work in place! And that DJ is going wonderful!! Even leaning to the JBM its still a really pretty and nice plant so you will have a nice harvest to enjoy!!

Hello again friends! Oh sure. I run a telegram channel, in Russian, Telegram: Contact @growerstuffer.

Now out of 10 seeded bastards, 9 came out as boys and only 1 as a girl. I will pollinate her. I chose the boy with purple petioles, but the girl is all ordinary and green in phenotype, but let’s see what happens at the end of flowering …
The freaks are not so good, I had to remove the best boys and girls because they were germs. I don’t know what happened to these genetics, but they didn’t pass the stress test in the form of a downed light regime (I had a power outage for a couple of hours, I didn’t notice this, and for two days the plants went wrong day and night).
Now I have 1 freak boy and 1 freak girl from the first seeding (8 pieces) and 3 girls from the second seeding (5 pieces).
I hope to succeed in the next round, hehe.
I’m already starting to collect pollen from the boy.

Plants left for selection.

Boy herm.

These two beauties turned out to be herms ((


I have a line of fs I have stress tested for 2 gens now. Currently in a seed run with the most vigorous I could sprout out of my previous run and will send you some when they are done (in veg now). I will also be out crossing to my green crack bc1 male and working to f3 to make 2 lines for future work. I had the same issues with my original seeds of herms but I has calmed down in my selections. I have questions on russian landraces. Where is the best place to chat? pm?


@g11y - Sorry to hear about the luck with your power outage and several of them being herms. No fun! It looks like you maintained them very well otherwise. Sounds like you’ll have 4 girls to work with so that’s awesome too. They look like lovely plants! What kind of smells do you get from them?

At least your females will be stress tested so you know they’re stable. Your next round will be gold :star_struck:

@PetalPowerseed - Cool to hear you have some fs going! Any chance you might show us here what you’ve got to work with? Also curious on the outcrossing to green crack. I’ve heard that there’s a GG4xFS stabilized out there somewhere. If you find anything interesting out about russian landraces and it pertains to mutants feel free to post what you find here. Myself, I think Ducksfoot and Multileaf mutations come from CBD dominant hemp varieties in Russia and surrounding areas. Just a theory though. If you look at the listing of Giant Pur Pur on Kalyseeds website they mention a lanceolate landrace strain which comes from the Russian Chinese border “Amur”. It wouldn’t surprise me if this landrace is responsible for the ducksfoot mutation in some way. As for the ABC I haven’t a clue on that one…


Did this for references later.
Kwik Seeds - Double Jam F4

The Landrace Team - Lagkitan

Olympic Seeds - Duckweb

7 East Genetics - Drunken Bastard

Fygtree - Quack Bastard

Humboldt Seed Company - Supafreak


Now for the update well where to begin… I guess first off I’ll post some pictures of everything. Nothing has really changed much. I’ve had to trim back some plants to keep them manageable. This is where my bonsai experience is growing. I have some very large numbers considering the space I’m using.




Just the Quack Bastards:

Duckweb female:

BerryFreak female:

Flowering girls:

All I’m going to say as far as an ‘update’ goes is that I still can’t decide how/when I’m going to start breeding all these wonderful plants together. I’ve got so many different ideas in my head for what I’d like to do that I need to sit down and see which are actually feasible and able to do in the shortest amount of time possible. When I’m looking at working with a landrace sativa that will inevitably draw things out as flowering times are pretty extended compared to modern hybrids. My current dilemma is that I don’t want to remove any plants I might want later on one hand, and on the other I don’t have enough room to run everything I would like to. I’ll have to figure it out because they’re growing rapidly everyday!