Mutant Madness?

Well now where to start… Let’s start with flowering ladies!
Almost week 4 now since the switch to 12/12 began.

Double Jam lady starting to get lovely! Not sure what to name her but she’s REALLLLLYY tall. Not sure what to do with her. Thought about topping it to keep it even with the other branch but I’m not sure I want to harm this gorgeous lady.

Here’s my favorite female.

Runner up. (better smell)

Top (left)/Bottom (right)

I kicked out the Drunken Bastards except for #1 and #9. #3 may come back depending on how good her flowers are. I also kicked out Blueberry Muffin and Invictus. The only normal plant in the mutant pile is Imperium X because of her wonderful purple flowers. So I have:
19x Lagkitan
5x Quack Bastard (#1 shows female)
2x Drunken Bastard
1x BerryFreak
1x Duckweb

The reason for the removal of so many plants… well in the last couple of days I’ve received all of the mutant variations. I removed them to make way for more mutants!
Stay tuned.


Those ABC hybrids are looking like they are going to produce plenty of flower!

Killer mutant set up! Always love the updates!

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have you gotten any purple drunken bastard?? and how drunken bastard compare to quack bastard??

@anhthormap - I believe they all will turn purple if exposed to late-flowering cold at night. Indoors, I don’t think it will turn purple at all. I have a strain which has naturally purple flowers even without temps, and these are definitely nowhere close to anything resembling purple. Maybe this strain shows purple colors late into flower and not throughout flowering like my other plant?? We’ll all find out at the end of flowering methinks.

As far as comparing the Quack vs Drunken Bastards… I can’t say. My Quacks are still too young for me to know what the flower structure is like. I just found one #1 is female about 2 days ago. I will clone them and flower the clones to see what’s what. What I can say is that they smell, drink, and seem just like ABC except they have these really cool webbed bastard leaves. They’ve really grown on me. Beginning to like the webbed version more :laughing:


It’s update time! I will start with the youngest plants first since I have some new additions! I was able to track down some of the mutants I was missing from my garden. I don’t want to go into too much detail here for privacy reasons… but let’s just say I have all the mutants currently available except one. And that is Mnogolistka/Multi-leaf.

Here’s a bunch of the seedlings just starting to grow into their first leaves. I feel like a proud papa! So far I have about 20 seedlings. 9 are V9 Tiger, 9 are GPP HK 2.0(Giant Pur Pur), and 2 are Subt 1 x Freakshow hybrids (F3s) a good friend of mine has been working on for a few years now. Since they’re still so small, I won’t take many closeups of them except for my own notes. I have too many plants and can only upload so many photos. I will take more photos when the plants show a bit more personality! I also have I think about 3 seedlings which may take off they’re just taking their sweet time. Either way I’m really content with what I was able to sprout up, so I’m really grateful. For those couple of amazing souls who’ve helped me along with this mutant journey… I can’t thank you enough!!! Anyways here they are:

Next we have the Lagkitan clones. I’ve left these in the cloner on purpose with a 12/12 light schedule thinking that I may be able to pre-sex each individual specimen before the time comes to flower time. Welll…they have appreciated their maiden light schedule of 12/12. They’ve continued to grow like crazy… but even after like 3 weeks of 12/12, they still don’t want to show sex. I will likely end up culling all these wonderful little clones since I don’t have room to maintain them while the Drunken Bastards/Double Jam keep flowering. In a couple of weeks I will probably take another batch of clones… this time to include Quack Bastards! They’re growing large enough to clone. Anyways here’s the beautiful Lagkitan clones:

Specimen #8 (the large one) looks to be female from my notes when I cloned them. Man those fan leaves are purdy!!! :heart_eyes:

Here are the parents, who are about to need another trimming in a couple of days.

then we have the bottom of the veg tent:

There are a couple not pictured here but most of the room in the bottom is devoted to seedlings right now.

Last but not least we have the beautiful Bastards and Double Jam flowering. First off I will post pictures of my Double Jam. Not really sure what to do with her at the moment; brainstorming ideas. She stretched to about 6 ft tall in like 2-3 days when I forgot to turn up my flowering light after watering them. So my light was on 15% power for 3 days and well… she stretched out good. The good news is that even though the limbs have fallen over from the weight, nothing has been broken. It’s bent naturally and doesn’t seem to mind. I have strung it up for the moment but that isn’t intended to be the long term solution.

If anyone has any ideas here I’m all ears! I’m thinkin tomato trellis somehow, or something homemade which will function the same. Anyways… here ya go!

Really loving the smells from the DJ. It’s like tropical paradise smelling. I can’t describe it any other way haha.

Here are some closeups from the flowering Bastards.

In the photo on the left you can see the front plant (#9) seems to be the furthest along into flowering. She’s putting out her second set of buds where all of the others are still behind. It appears like she may finish a week or so sooner than the other ladies… which honestly would be awesome for me! #9 is the female I chose for breeding because of her structure and terpene profile. If she turns out to be a week sooner than the others even better for me! Behind her is plant #3 which is the tall one. This girl is the most blueberry smelling odor I’ve ever smelled. It’s delicious. The middle photo are the two middle girls. They seem like a 50/50 mix between piney and blueberry. While not my favorites, I do have to appreciate them. The calyxes developing on all the plants is pretty good. I’m quite thrilled with these Bastards. Finally the picture on the right is the female behind the DJ.

I should also mention that my offgrid location still had 3 Duckweb males. Last time I was out to visit I grabbed some pollen (not sure how viable it was since the male was in veg). In the dark cycle I attempted to pollinate #3 with Duckweb pollen. I will be super excited to see some seeds come out of it, even if it’s just a few!


them bastards looking good :grin::+1:


Well now it’s update time! I just don’t know where to begin haha…

First off, I’m going to be quite busy for the next 10 days so my next update will probably be in 2 weeks rather than weekly like I’ve been trying to do.

That said, so much has changed and yet it hasn’t. Let’s start off with the flowering girls, 5x DB and 1x DJ (Week #6). Well the DJ has kind of taken over. It’s massive compared to the D.Bastards. I wasn’t going to hold onto this plant, but I’ve grown quite fond of it. The growth on the flowers is pretty insane honestly. In the 1 gal it was in, I had to water her right before lights out and again right when lights come on. I transplanted her into a 3 gallon airpot. I’m hoping this gives her enough root space to finish in the 3 gallon. The DJ is covering some of the other ladies from getting good light but honestly my light on max is almost too bright. The only plant that seems to be able to take it is this DJ beauty. I’m hoping the others won’t be compromised because there’s really not much I can do at this point. Additionally, one of my Bastard girls fell over (not literally) because the buds became too heavy for the limbs to handle. It’s #3 the tall girl. I bought a tomato cage for her which is going to have to suffice. I think I can make it work but I’ll have to wait until lights on before I can administer the solution. Light bulb :bulb:

First, a Double Jam pic while I was transplanting her. I tried to be gentle with her being about 6 ft tall. I believe all the limbs are intact without one snapping or anything so I hope no male flowers start developing.

Back in with the other girls:

I should have taken a picture of the Bastards without the DJ in there but sorry guys, missed my mind.
Here’s a shot of 4 of them at least:

#9 (maybe my favorite)

#3 (bent over)

Next we have the Lagkitan. I culled all of the clones since I don’t need them for another couple of months. Some specimens were about 2.5 ft tall and had massive fan leaves. Even being on an almost 4 week schedule of 12/12, they did not want to show me sex at all… even though theoretically they’re the same age as the parents who are showing sex. I think there may be some correlation between plant/root size and the plant being ‘ready’ to flower, at least with this variety. For example I’m not going to be able to do a SoG with this strain. Each plant is going to want to develop to the best of it’s ability. This is going to make flowering quite interesting if there aren’t many herm individuals to remove. Ideally I would like to have 2-3 different males and 7-9 stable females, with 1-2 of them being Scorpion or purple wheat phenos, 2-3 being purple resinous good things, and a couple mixed and maybe 1 pure green one. A guy can dream. With 19 specimens to select from I wonder if it will be possible.

The parent plants have shown sex in a few different specimens. Oddly they seem to be mostly females at this point. Really getting crazy though… in the best way.

For the seedlings, very interesting things going on!
The V9 Tiger have all taken off but 1. Not sure why it shriveled up and died. I have 8 of those, with 4 appearing to have early variegations.

Next we have the Giant Pur Pur HK 2.0. Sadly it looks like the middle specimen is going to be a duckfoot variety instead of Lanceolate (single leaf). A few specimens look like they’ll be lanceolate but I may germinate my remaining 12 seeds looking for a serrated massive growing lanceolate Pur Pur. 2 of the individuals some kind of different vein pattern and leaf texture. It’s like they’re crinkled or something. Really fond of those. Top left 2 if you’re wondering.

Last we have 2 seedlings from a beautiful female plant that a good friend is working on. I’m going to call this plant SubterFreak as it’s a combination of Subterfuge #1 and Freakshow. These seedlings are F3 generation with parents selected for ABC-type expressions. It appears my friend has done a fine job of mixing the mutants because to my eyes, they don’t look like Bastards and they don’t look like Freakshow. They look like something new and exciting :grin:

Last we have the remaining parents in veg with the seedlings chilling in with them. We have 1 BerryFreak mom which is really hard to see, 1 DB female (can’t see), 1 DB male (the tall guy in the back), 5 Quack Bastards, 1 Duckweb female, 1 Imperium X, and 1 Double Jam clone. I have decided no matter what sex Quack Bastard #5 is, that’s the one I’m keeping. It reeks like marijuana. For being a Bastard it really smells outstanding. I’ve considered letting the Quack Bastards sit outside since they look like a weed, as I will need a lot more room for the 19 new additions! That’s what will probably happen anyways.

Oh how interesting things will become in about 3-4 weeks. Bastards will be coming down, DJ will get turned to 10/14 and I will prepare clones for the flowering of Lagkitan!


Another good update. You have a lot going on in there, and you’re doing it all well.

For awhile, I really wanted some of these. But I’ll be content to live vicariously through you.


That Double Jam looks killer. Looking forward to how it finishes.



Those D.B. look like they do well inside! That’s some serious yield on those plants! Keen to see them in the next few weeks


Here’s another of the Double Jam beauty.

She smells as good as she looks. :smiley:


DJ looks interesting. i grew Apollo 13 Haze freebie from Mr Soul looked kinda that. where did you get them DJ seeds??

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@anhthormap - Jamaican Lambsbread x Jamaican Blue Mountain – F4 – Kwik Seeds

This was actually a freebie seed because I had 13 in my pack. I got lucky :grin: especially because she seems to be a nice female so far! Can’t wait to see what her flowers develop into in the weeks to come.

Seedlings growing quick.
The big one I’ve named Beasty. If it turns out male I’ll just call it Beast but I’m hoping it’s female.


Well… I said I wasn’t going to do an update for a couple weeks and here we are :rofl:
Flowering ladies: (Week 7)

A little info: #3 has been tomato caged for about a week now. When I installed the cage I broke probably 97% of the limbs on the plant. :frowning: Fortunately she seems to be stable for now.
DJ was upgraded from 1 to 3 gal pot. She’s just now starting to show new above ground growth. I suspect the roots went insane. She drinks a lot daily. In 2-3 weekw when Bastards come down, will switch lights to 11/13 for DJ to finish.

Lagkitan aren’t getting a photo this update. Nothing changed except I removed #18 (severe herm).

V9 Tiger: It appears the strongly variegated seedlings did not create enough green material to continue photosynthesis on it’s own. The yellow/albino leaves don’t photosynthesize so you have to have green growth for it to continue growing. I got 3 variegated specimens, with 1 being quite severe (but still growing on it’s own!!!). I also have 2 which may turn out crested or crinkled. Pretty interesting. 7 remain for now.

Giant Pur Pur: Ahh this plant… I’m starting to see it’s going to be a love/hate relationship. There’s a reason they call it Giant. It has insane vigor and the leaves are huge! This is going to be a problem for me I believe (space constraints). However, I am quite excited to begin breeding with the GPP. It’s so vigorous compared to the other mutants! It’s really no comparison. GPP is like normal weed where the Freakshow and ABC mutations are definitely slower to grow.

SubterFreak: They’re looking good to me but I wish they could keep up with the GPP. :roll_eyes:


Update time:
Day 61 today for the flowering girls. I was incorrect on my last post… it was actually week 8 in the last update. I have about 2 weeks left on the Bastards. They’re really smelling like piney blueberries and it’s wonderful. The Double Jam has picked up on flower growth so I’m hoping things just get better as we progress into the final half of flowering for it. I expect she’ll be done around the end of August.

Some highlights of DJ:

The jungle of Lagkitan! These will go into the flowering room after DJ comes down. Last week of August or no later than the first day of September. Really hoping for the scorpion phenos!

Here we have my keepers: Drunken Bastard male and female, Duckweb female, BerryFreak female, Imperium X female, Double Jam female, and I suspect 2 female Quack Bastards.

Here are the little guys (who are starting to smell):

The more crinkled/variegated ones are V9 Tigers and others are Giant Pur Pur. As we can see, I did not get that many lanceolate dominate phenos, most are Ducksfoot. I’ll probably run them out to see if I like them and want to keep them as keepers. In the upper right hand corner we have 2 (Subt 1 x Freakshow F3) plants going and they’re quite a bit slower than the GPP but I’m still enjoying them! They almost look like multileaf plants which is quite bizarre considering it’s ABC and Freakshow mixed. Who knows??

I’m on the fence about the next couple of moves I do. I’m tempted to throw everything outside. Once everything outdoors starts flowering I can take clones and keep those clones as mother plants throughout the winter. I don’t really need to do this but it would make my daily watering chore much much less of a burden. As is I’m at around 2 hours daily for plant maintenance & watering. If I could cut down to a half hour in the morning and a half hour at night with mostly everything being outside… that would be preferred. Not to mention less money on A/C (less BTUs from lights) less money on electric… you know. Lots of benefits.

I’m also tempted to keep things the way they are and do some seed runs in September. One would be the Lagkitan repro I’m doing. The other would be my Drunken Bastard #1 male crossed to about 6 different females, creating tons of F1 seeds to go through. On the list so far for the female side are:
Giant Pur Pur
V9 Tiger
Imperium X
Double Jam
Drunken Bastard #11 ***

There are a few obstacles I will have to dodge if I go this route, mostly with timing. The DJ will need to start long before the others if I want her to be pollen ready by the time the DB#1 drops pollen. I believe I will be able to do everything the right way but it doesn’t increase the odds that I screw something up.

*** The DB#11 cross would be DB F3 x DB F3 so it’s actually an F4. Both plants are from taller phenos which don’t grow as slow as ABC is known for. These 2 phenos grow much faster. If there’s some interest for these F4 seeds I may throw her in there too but if there’s no interest I’m not going to bother making them since I have the keepers already. The community will have to let me know if they want any of these F4 DB seeds.

I have also settled on a couple mutant crosses that I’ll be working over the next couple of years. The first one is BerryFreak x Invictus. With this cross I’m looking to focus on the minty terpenes from the Invictus side, while hopefully improving vigor, yield, and potency into the BerryFreak line. I’m going to call it MintFreak… real original I know :laughing: I will do probably a 100 plant search in the F1 generation for the ideal parents. I plan on finding the absolute best specimens to fit my criteria, so it may take several flower cycles before I decide on the the right parents. Once the F2s are made I plan on doing a very extensive search (100+ mutants) which may take 5,000 seeds to go through (since many phenos will be normal leaf cannabis). I will be searching for the absolutely best of the best Minty freakshows. It will need to check all the boxes.

The second is Jamaican Bastard. I plan on combining the ABC line with landrace Jamaican genetics. I want the vigor and flowering stretch from the Jamaican lines with the leaf structure from ABC. I figure ABC should tame the very large Jamaican and the Jamaican should vastly increase the size of the ABC plant itself. I will be selecting for blue mountain flowers (very large, foxtailing) while hopefully throwing in some sweet blueberry goodness from the DB#1. I don’t want to focus on the blueberry terpenes so I will try to select for Jamaican flowers and terpenes. Basically the only thing I want here is the ABC to tame down the Jamaican lines. I figure this plant will take ages to grow and ages to flower, but for those dedicated they could have a very high yielding Bastard with incredible sativa flowers. It sounds perfect in my mind, so I’m going for it! This blend is going to take ages to accomplish though! Maybe 5 years or more. Similarly I will be doing a very extensive F2 search to find a female that’s ABC in growth but flowers exactly like a Jamaican.

One thing I have not yet considered is a DB#1 x Lagkitan scorpion pheno cross if I do happen to find one. I’m sure some people would be quite interested in those too.

Would LOVE to get some community feedback on all my ideas and if there’s any interest in the seeds.


Man, you have big plans. But I actually believe you can pull it off. As long as you don’t burn out on it. I’m on 2nd generation ABC crosses and I’m already tired of how long it takes. One more generation to grow out and make seeds just to lock in ABC leaf type, then selection has to be made for bud. I just looked at how they made Drunken Bastard (Subterfuge x Sangria and Sangria x Subterfuge - then cross those), and I wonder if that would have been a better way to go about it. Doesn’t matter now.

Anyway, I don’t have much input as to what I’d like to see in terms of seed runs. I’m content to read your updates and see what you have going on. I’m quite impressed, so thanks for continuing to post these.


Thanks for the support. It means a lot. Really. :grin: You know… I don’t have a lot much else in my life to be proud of other than my plants. Some days when the depression really kicks in, they help get me up and out of bed… they give me a purpose each and every day. I nurture them in life, and once they’ve had a wonderful life, the buds nurture me. It’s a wonderful symbiotic relationship. Keeps me going. One of the funny things about me is, if I’m spending too much time watering… eventually I’ll spend a bunch more time researching options, and then I’ll do some kind of automated watering system, which will ease my watering woes. I’m a goofball that way :crazy_face: The way I see things with my plants… it’s always moving forward, or always growing up if you will. I can’t think about all the decisions along the way which aren’t ‘ideal’. Always moving forward through time unable to get back what has passed. Trying to make good decisions for me and my plants every day, and they definitely help with that.

As far as the (Sangria x ABC) x (ABC x Sangria) cross goes, it would seem to me like you should have more well rounded expressions in the F2s rather than just a straight cross (4 parents vs 2). I have not read any kind of research which shows the 4 parent route is better, but I’m sure there’s something somewhere. As a hobby breeder I don’t really have the room to be doing 2 separate runs of the same strain, so I have to go with the 2 parent route. I’m just going to make sure the 2 parents are really good. Would imagine most hobby people are going to be this way too. You’ll be fine with the way you went I’m sure. The F2 hunt is what matter anyways!

Again, thanks for the input. Appreciate your support!


I’m sure I’m not the only one interested in your DB F4. The variety you’ve got going is stunning. So much potential! Keep it up

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@RatsboggleBiological - Well fortunately for everyone I want to make them too! It’s going to happen. Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

And here we are! This is going to be quite the update. So much has changed/updated, been moved, died, grown, etc… there’s a lot to go over! First off, I recently had to leave all my babies for about 3 days. All the indoor ones did good but outdoor… some are crispy…

Anyways here we have Double Jam F4 at day 72 along with one Drunken Bastard which seemed a little on the slower side to get going and finish. She can stay in there a few more days but I’ll be chopping her when she looks more ready. The DJ lady just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I hope she doesn’t start herming after not getting water for 3 days. She was good and soaked when I left but she was used to drinking about a gallon of water per day by herself. I guess if she does herm I don’t have to worry about seeds or anything because she only has ~5 weeks to go. Super excited! In a couple weeks I may not be able to resist temptation and remove one of the beautiful lower buds. They’re about twice the size of the largest Drunken Bastard flowers.

Now you may be thinking… what happened to the others that were in there? That will come next post!

Next we have the only surviving mutants that got put outside. With the high temps we’ve been having they dried up and are pretty crispy right now. Dousing them with oxygenated water didn’t help any so the rest of them might be kaput. Can you tell what they are? No hints!

Now we have the clone chamber. I have a couple BerryFreak(female), DB#1(male), a Duckweb(female), Imperium X (female), Invictus (female), and DB#11 (female). The DB#11 I really need to root because the parent plant got torched outside. It’s a really good thing I took clones before leaving. Even if they don’t root I have a very large DB#11 growing outdoors offgrid. She’s almost 6ft tall and hasn’t even begun to flower. She’s barely showing any pistils out of the small calyxes that are forming. I’m most excited to make F4 seeds with the DB#1 male and DB#11 female because they both have a similar vigor and growth structure. The female smells more like subtle berries than strong blueberries, like most of her sisters. I’m REALLY hoping #11 is one of the purple colored specimen. I have not seen her flowers yet. Anyways, the clones.

The seedlings are Subt 1 x Freakshow F3 mutants selected for Freakshow expressions. I got 4 seedlings to sprout healthily but after being unable to care for them for 3 days… they may not make it. One for sure won’t and I have little hopes for the other 3. Sadly, seedlings are just too fragile to go without care daily, in my humble opinion.

Next the veg tent(which suffered hardly any loss due to haircuts/cloning all around):

Funny thing… that herm I culled about a week ago must have bust a nut because several of the females had formed seed pods and were pollinated and growing seeds! This actually gives me very high hopes that the remaining females are not going to herm. If they do, it’s not going to be right away. Of course this is just a hope but I didn’t see any signs of male flowers during this trim session.

Giant Pur Purs:

I’ve been tempted to cull the Duckfoot phenos because I do not really plan on breeding or keeping them. I have the Duckweb terpenes that I would like to breed with as far as Duck genetics goes. However much I may want to cull them, I’m falling for them. The smells are becoming very interesting on the nose, with several flavors coming through and all of them delightful. I will probably flower out the females and keep the lanceolate versions for breeding. I absolutely love the single leaflet specimens. I believe 3 of the 9 are pure lanceolate, 3 are duck, and 3 are lanceolate with up to 3 tips on the lanceolate leaves. If I wasn’t hindered by picture limits I would consider posting individual pictures of each plant because honestly they’re incredible.

V9 Tigers:

The little variegated one is definitely going to get it’s own treatment. It’s so far behind the others due to the extreme variegations which produce no chlorophyll. The others are all getting really interesting! As much as I like the Pur Purs I’m really liking the SWAG leaves! These are definitely going to be much smaller than the Pur Purs but I believe they’re going to be beautiful plants once they really get going.

Here are two Subterfuge#1 x Freakshow F3 seeds selected for ABC expressions. Grow little babies grow! They’re leagues behind the other mutants.

Last but not least we have some keepers in this photo! In the bottom left we have DB#9 who is going to be replaced with #11, sorry honey. Above her we have the butchered #1 male. I took 4 clones off him in preparation for my first official seed run. Top left is BerryFreak getting good. To her right we have the Imperium X mom who is going to be a crucial component in a few mutant crosses. On the bottom right we have my Duckweb mom who I haven’t seen completely flower yet but I have seen a few things. Early on in the flowering cycle I got Duckweb to bud and throw tons of pistils like normal. They weren’t pink/red indoors. I was bummed. So I took it, and a BerryFreak who was a sister basically, and threw them both outside. Well turns out at my offgrid setup one of the Duckweb males I had taken over there months ago threw a ton of pollen everywhere. I tried to salvage as much pollen as I could and I brought it back home. I attempted to pollinate DB#3 in the complete dark cycle, as well as the BerryFreak and Duckweb female that were outside. It looks like it was a success, but with some drawbacks. Since it’s still veg season… the DW and BF started revegging after being pollinated. The calyx was still forming seeds but leaves were starting to grow out again which was odd. Long story short I have 1 good Duckweb seed that I’ve actually created. 1 lol… I also have about 20 BerryFreak x Duckweb F1s but they’re very immature. None of them have a tan/dark color to them. They’re all mostly green. I don’t have high hopes but they produce a plant or two.

Lastly, here’s a shot I like to include every once in a while of both the top and bottom of the veg tent. To showcase to others that it’s possible to maximize your indoor space!


In this second part I will go over the Drunken Bastard females and some of my plans moving forward, of course which always change and grow with my plants.
First, the best boy in the whole universe! He’s my pride and joy and what gets me out of bed and helps me cope with life. Couldn’t do this without him.

Now the stud’s out of the way, make way for the ladies!

So I’m not going to be super detailed with the specimens that didn’t make the cut. Basically I kept #3, #9, and #11. Since #11 hasn’t flowered yet, I’ll show detailed pics of each girl, and then the runners up will all kind of be in their own group.

First #3, the most blueberry smelling of the bunch. She also grew the tallest, and may have a very good yield compared to the others, since there’s a lot more budsites. I’ve also already smoked 3 branches off her so I know she’s awesome! The blueberry taste and smell is amazing. Potency does leave a little to be desired but it’s just like BerryFreak I would say. The good nugs are absolutely fantastic while the larf is basically for hash or edibles. Enough gab, here she is.

Next #9, the biggest flower girl. She has a definitely blueberry nose to her but she stayed low and got big. Every nice nug foxtailed into nice resinous buds. Even though they’ll shrink quite a bit, this one will actually have buds that stand up next to modern hybrids. All of the others will be much smaller in comparison. The strain is definitely not a high yield variety in it’s current state, but it has a ton of room to grow into those shoes! This is my favorite girl from the bunch.

Then we have the other three:

So now that the pics are out of the way I wanted to discuss a bit about my plans.
I have some more seeds on the way so I’m not 100% certain what genetics I will use on the SWAG/GPP side of things. That said, I’m LOVING how vigorous the GPP are. I am tempted to breed them into the other mutants just to increase the vigor of all my mutants. They’re really special plants to work with. I feel blessed. Either way, the plants I will choose to breed with I haven’t decided exactly how I’m going to cross them together. I have decided though that some day down the road I will be a breeder and offer mutant varieties with terpene profiles completely different from each other mutant that I offer. For example I might have a mint Freakshow, a Quack Skunk, Sour/gassy Giant Pur Pur, a Jamaican Bastard, and so on. In addition to that I will also work to combine the mutant lines into new lines to find some interesting new plants.

In order to keep this update shorter I will say that the Lagkitan are set to begin flowering sometime in early September. Once my Double Jam finishes up I will begin working on a F1 seed run for these plants:
BerryFreak x DB#1
Duckweb x DB#1
Imperium X x DB#1
Invictus x DB#1
DJ x DB#1
DB#11 x DB#1

The Invictus and Imperium X I hope won’t get pollinated too heavily as I will try to mostly pollinate #11 female, BerryFreak, and Duckweb.

Last little thought I wanted to add which is kind of random. Quack Bastard is (Frisian Duck x ABC) F4. It’s quite difficult to find but the web+Bastard are possible, so the joining of the species to create a new mutant happened. My thought is I could cross my DB#1 to a GPP Duck variety female, and I may get much faster and larger growing plants than the guy who made Quack Bastard did. My plants would have completely different terpenes as well, so I’ve really been rolling that idea around in my head a little bit. Hope you guys enjoyed this update!