Mutants Walk Among Us

I’ve got one with 3 Cotyledons and 3 First True Leaves once before. Recently–a week ago–a volunteer sprouted with 4 Cotyledons and 2 First True Leaves:


It would be interesting to see if that’s something the plant continues to do, or if it was just the first set. I had one cross throwing 3 fan leaves and 3 bud sites at every top node… unfortunately it was a male that threw pistils (from a possible hermie mother).


I found that interesting too, but the shop looks a bit sketchy with half the standard text not set up. I wonder where you found the info on bank transfer?


I found it odd that this one didnt take off like Freakshow or ABC, but then again, they have both been around a while. Maybe because its in Germany? @anon93244739, did you order already? Seem legit?

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The imprint says it’s in Spain. I doubt the stuff – if real – would be legal in Germany.

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I had a powerplant do that. It would switch to normal growth at ten sets or so. I tinkered with it for a generation more, and found 2/100 would start with triples. If it has three leaves on side shoots and continues with this into flower, you may have something special. 50% more bud sites.


My crunch berry bagseed has double serrations on the leaves. Its been like that since first true leaves

Just noticed 2 of the stealth fighter, that are not webbed, are showing it sporadically too. The crunch berry is expressing it on every leaf.


I had an auto do that years ago, yielded the same weight as its siblings, but higher number of individual buds. I thought it was a really cool mutation.


I’m all for mutants, currently making selections for mutant breeding projects!

But from someone who has done a decent bit of reading on this topic previously, and has experience growing mutant inbred lines and multiple hops varieties I don’t believe the two species can be hybridised. Nothing is impossible although biologically I don’t see it happening. I’d be really happy if I was proven wrong and would only encourage others to have a go if they think otherwise. I think kaly seeds is making up the hops hybrid linage to increase sales…



It is a bit odd they claim doing that for 10+ years and nobody here seems to have heard of it before. Would be cool though.


I whole heartedly agree. Thats why I’m willing to shell out and see if its bullshit. And you best believe if it was true, that I’d be giving out hundreds of thousands of these seeds.


There was a video saw where the breeder of freakshow is talking about how he selected for it, and mentioned selecting double seration leaf plants to use and different varieties like pineapple express which showed double serations.

Makes me wonder if thats how you breed for it? Just keep inbreeding them and selecting for stronger double/multiple serations? If you extended that seration down further would it turn into leaflets like freakshow?

Can we develop our own OG freakshow? Completely independently?


Yeah wow, just the result of seeing a trait, running high numbers and selecting individuals displaying the trait the most for the next generation. I’d certainly be keen to see new mutant lines. Be curious if freakshow can be pushed further if the same work was put into it again


That’s what I was thinking.

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Did you end up ordering? I’m still willing to go in on it, even though it could possibly be a scam. As far as the two species being able to breed together, I don’t know. They are in the same genus I suppose theoretically it’s possible. The story about breeding this hybrid was very believable, because the guy mentioned that many of the first Generations were really screwed up like you would expect would happen with such a cross. If we can get a couple other gamblers to go in on this one with us, none of us would be risking very much. I think of all the fun that could be had if it was true, so it’s worth it for me to throw in 10 or 20 bucks.


I’m still waiting for an email back, I’ve never done a bank transfer. If someone has and wants to order, I’ll put 20 on it too.


One of the pictures I saw before, which I didn’t see this time when I looked at the site, although I didn’t look as hard, was of a hops cone covered in resin. It was an extremely good computer image if it was not legitimate. Look just like hops, but resin all over it. The dry hops cone photo they have on the website, it’s a little harder to see the resin. You have to take a screenshot and blow it up

Is that the only way they do it? Bank transfer? I might be a little leery of doing it that way myself. Nowadays, it would be so easy for them to set up a PayPal account, or do a wu transfer… or even cash. Perhaps this is why we haven’t heard about it yet. Maybe everyone else is a little nervous to order that way

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I’m a bit curious about the laws in this country. As in, how are they worded? I know in many states cannabis is still illegal, but is THC illegal?( probably, right?)Would a hops plant with THC on it be legal?

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I was able to find kalyseeds legitimo on seedfinder, and it lists some hybrids made with it. There’s also a few more pictures there to look at. I’ve never seen a male hops plant before, so I don’t know if that’s what’s in the picture, but it looks a lot like weed growing on a vine to me. Here’s the photos I found