Mutants Walk Among Us


No worries about a wall of text if its a good post!

Super excited to hear that you have some of his work and have been in contact with him. Ive been skeptical of his work and would love to be proven wrong. There are a few of us who are really into the mutant strains here, so please post all your working on.


Yeah I’m really excited to try out his strains after wondering for so long, I’ll keep you’s all updated on it! He seems like a cool guy anyway, just hard to contact and takes a while to ship. I’m gonna start the chimera and ABC Purpel seeds tomorrow I think, just have to decide whether or not to use any Ga3. As for the others ill have to wait until I’ve space sadly, my veg areas filled with Kratom and Tobacco at the moment!


Send them to me lol.

Man I’d live that ABC purpel


I’m actually delighted I got them off him because I was looking for pure ABC for a while, luckily he had one leftover pack to give me! I’ll be doing a seed run with them so I’ll keep you in mind for when they’re ready, its really fucking handy he had these because I was originally going to order standard site 4 from CSI Humboldt and breed for the purple and auto traits anyway haha.

Haha If your in the EU I’ll send you a kratom tree in a month or two if you want, I’ve 78 of the things and had to throw out about 600 seedlings last week, its like a fucking Indonesian jungle here at the moment!

I’ll probably only use half of the AD17 and Skinny Purpel seeds so id gladly trade the others on here if there would be interest once I test the germination rates and build up some trust around here! I need some new “normal” genetics to play with haha


Yeah, lots of interest


That is one hell of an introduction and likely to net you many friends!

Heaven must smell like crushed hops cones and I can’t help but wonder what these plants smell like.
Count me in bro,


Hey! I also joined here after searching for more information on these elusive THC hops. Super stoked to hear the seeds have found some good hands. Will follow closely, very interested.


That is freaking awesome! I’m so curious to see how they are


Hey everybody! I think I’m gonna start germination tomorrow so I’ll update when I do and I’ll post a picture of the seeds then too, they’re very fat seeds. Hopefully we see life earlier than the supposed month it can take!
I’m gonna text him soon and see what the specifics are on the seeds I got sent, I’m really hoping they’re regular for breeding but I’ve a feeling they’re the feminised ones so hopefully reversal works on them or they take to cloning well. After so long of this mystery it’d be cool to see a surge of grows of it happening.

I found one of his hairs in a seed pack. Anybody here good at micro propagation? We can clone our own Mani Scmithz and harvest his secrets hahaha


Am I the only one here with a healthy dose of skepticism?

It seems like no one is addressing the basic inherent incompatibility of these two species. Hops can be grafted to cannabis, but this does not create hybrids. Hops and cannabis do not cross pollinate.

Think of a grafted stone fruit tree, you can graft branches of an almond tree to a plum tree. But this will not produce hybrids, and the flowers will not be able to cross pollinate. This is like the relationship between hops and cannabis- similar root stock and vascular structure, not similar biology.

Has anybody addressed the fact that all hops cones contain both male and female flowers? all hops flowers produce pollen and pistils. This trait is equivalent to what we would call a herm in cannabis plants. This trait would be very undesirable in cannabis or a cannabis hybrid, but it is an inherent trait in the biology of all hops plants.

If this any of this is true why hasn’t anyone even mentioned this?

Please use some critical thinking and break this down, I think you will all find that this makes zero sense if you look at it objectively.

Now, which one of you wants to buy my THC producing apple tree?


I very much am skeptical until I grow it myself, which is why I’ve been trying to buy some


Not possible naturally, but gene splicing kits can.


Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if some professor at some school somewhere decided to “divert” some grant money to a lil’ side project.


I’m definitely extremely skeptical, but I’m very glad I got some anyway because regardless of if it ends up being total bullshit or not the satisfaction of finally knowing the answer will be immense after so many years of this mystery floating around the internet!

The only reason I still have hope is that graft-chimaeras are a known and documented thing with other plants, and his story and earlier pictures of the initial cloned chimaera shoot and its weaknesses and switching morphology for years before stabilizing fits well with the descriptions of the development of other graft-chimaera.
So I don’t necessarily believe Kaly yet, but I do believe that a graft-chimaera is definitely a possibility between the two plants and could be cloned like how other chimaeras are. The hard bit for me too believe is about its stabilized morphology and ability to make chimaera seeds.
The problem is that graft-chimaeras are known to switch in morphology throughout their growth, so the shoots are a near equal ratio of looking either like one, the other or a mix of both plants in structure, with only the chimaera shoots being able to make a chimaera clone, but this in turn will put out the three variables in morphology again. This makes me very skeptical of Kaly’s stabilization of the plant and ability too get it to produce through seed.

He says he uses Humulus Japonicus by the way, which isn’t self fertile, both separate males and females are needed for pollination and herm’s are rare. Honestly hermaphrodite hops is quite rare in Humulus Lupus too, they’re a dioecious plant that rarely self pollinates and are usually propagated through cloning. Hops growers also cull their males for production purposes so the females don’t set seed.

Either way it’ll be interesting to see the outcome of the plants and finally put it all to rest after so many years!


Like @George has mentioned before you can grab maybe an old film canister or vitamin canister and line the interior with sand paper.

Give it a shake ( needs a lid) and it should score/scratch the shell of the seed. I have read that hops seeds are very hard, probably why they take so long to germinate.


I might do that actually, I’ll look for sandpaper now! The month wait would be painful haha


I’m putting the Hops seeds in the fridge now for some cold stratification for about two weeks, then I’ll sand them lightly and hit them with GA3. Already started germinating the ABC, I’m really excited about them!


You know you’re in the TZ when you get busted for Hops and not Mary.

“. I also found out while researching that in some parts of Europe it is illegal to plant a male hops because unfertilized female hops have a much better flavor in beer.”


Fraud or not, I will be incredibly excited to finally see what these become. For some reason, I do believe the guy. But I am gullible when I want something to be true. Welcome to Overgrow! What a way to make an entrance! Will you be making a different thread or using this one?


Hey thanks man! I think I’ll use this one for the Hops and AD17 and do another thread for the ABC Purple and the ABC/Frisian Duck cross. Yeah I’m really hoping he’s telling the truth, I’ve always held a bit of hope for it! I’m glad they were free too so if it is crap at least I wont feel ripped off haha