Mutants Walk Among Us

@Large-Gastropod hit me up and ill share the info he’s shared with me. I cant put it here, its a pdf format.


I have been trying to get into gene editing because of these conversations! I’m a poor kid trying to get into the big boy game lol.

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Thank @Slym3r for finding Kaly’s youtube page!


I was reading an article about yeast producing cbg, cbd and thc and I was wondering if you could use that yeast, or a proportion of it with standard yeasts, in either bread making or beer making (use thc yeast and thc hops to really make it strong!!!)


Id be interested in reading that as well.

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Here’s a bunch of them. Multiple companies globally are doing it at scale.

I just want some of that yeast. Think, you have what looks like a sourdough starter, you just keep feeding it a little flour every week. Every so often you pull some out, roll it flat and let it dry. Powder it, then run a quick qwet and boom. You have a thc laden tincture. Or use it to make bread and you have a loaf of edibles.


Crazy town. Gotta give that a shot.

Any progress with attempted germination?

Yes how is the germination on the ABC going?

Those hops ones look huge, can you do a side by side next to a normal seed for comparison? The shell looks really thick and tough on them too, looking forward to see how they grow.


Three ABC Purple so far, no activity from the hops yet! I haven’t gotten around to germinating the others yet but hopefully soon, I’ve ran out of space for plants, rooms absolutely packed at the moment haha


Three out of ten so far, I’ve heard some of the seeds can take a few weeks! Yeah I’ll do a size comparison as soon as I get a chance, hopefully tomorrow! It should be another two weeks until the hops germinate, the wait already sucks haha


Awesome thanks man I’ll PM you now!

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Thanks for the update photo.:grinning: Looking forward to seeing the comparison pics.

All my rooms are packed at the moment as well, at least until I can get the big ladies outside that I’ve been vegging and training for months.


Tks for all of you ! Very proud to take part on this weird stuff .

Courtesy image of >>> Whorled (not polyp) Fenowheat and Duck F


that claim has since been proven false, check the cannabis current events thread for details.


Yeah I hope it starts warming up outside here soon, I’ve 120 tobacco plants and 74 kratom seedlings I need to get out into my garden before I plant anything else and as of a few days ago I’ve 23 quails in the room too haha. I still have about 30 mutant seeds to germinate so I’ll be posting loads of pictures in a few weeks, its gonna be a very busy summer!


That’s awesome man, I’ve always wanted to grow kratom. Growing a ton of tobacco this year as well, will be a busy one no doubt. It’s funny that you say quail cause my daughter was in the backyard saving a beetle from getting eaten by ants and asked me why I killed the birds. I was like what birds, Daddy didn’t kill no birds lol. She was like the birds last year, you killed them and ate them, I was like oh, those birds haha she got me there


Yeah I wanted to grow it for a long time, finding trustable seeds and clones in Europe was always really hard, I’m delighted I finally added it to the collection this year! Haha man I’ve been so hungry since they hatched, I’ve already picked out who’s for dinner first, my grill should arrive from China just in time! The rest of my family are sickened by the thought of it haha

Sorry I still haven’t gotten a picture up by the way I’ll post one tomorrow when I start germinating the other mutants! I finally moved all the tobacco out of the way, its amazing how much it takes to sustain the addiction haha


That’s nice you were able to find some to add to your collection. I haven’t had much success here in Canada but I will keep looking. I really love all the different plants from around the world, especially the entheogenic and medicinal ones!!:grin:

Yeah they’re good eating for sure, I know the feeling with the family though. Mine are the same way.

It’s all good on the pics, whenever you get a chance. Don’t forget before you plant them though :laughing:

Yes, yes!! The things we do for our addictions!!

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Gotta love growing that tobacco though instead of paying just for it to burn away…