Mutants Walk Among Us

Finally got a chance to post a picture!

Here’s the ABC’s next to a Lava Freeze seedling I germinated at the same time, the other ABC’s are beginning to swell now so hopefully there’s more soon!

You should check out Gardenshaman from Austria for kratom seeds, I’ve sent a few Canadians his way before! The guy has a seriously awesome shop going on with a lot of rare seeds, especially for South American species! I’ll probably make a thread soon to see how many other people here are growing ethnobotanicals too, it’d be nice to have a place to share more pictures of them! Haha definitely, I’ve saved so much money growing my own tobacco, I should’ve started years earlier!

Haha yeah I’m hoping they come around to the idea of it after they finally taste one!


Thank you @Large-Gastropod !!!

Those hops hybrid seeds are huge!! Look like pomegranates too, so cool.

Thanks for the link on the Kratom seeds. How does it come? The whole pod?

An ethnobotanical thread would be awesome as well, curious to see what everyone here is growing too.

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Thank you @anon93244739 for making this thread, since I was a kid I always wondered if there were mutant forms of Cannabis and other plants and to see them all in one place is a dream come true.

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Yeah they’re massive, they actually look smaller in the picture! For the standard size orders he does them loose seed in a baggy stuck between two postcards in a small padded envelope. I ordered 250 seeds and about a thousand germinated, they’re the smallest seeds I’ve ever seen haha. Here’s a cool picture I got of one of the trays!

Also to keep on the mutant buzz here’s a double headed Caapi seedling with an extra leaf per node, it actually had three heads but one rotted off, sadly It died a few weeks after this picture. It germinated with no roots and never developed any, It’s cotyledons were also really swollen and pointy.


They should’ve been called Slow Bastards haha. AD17# Vanilluna are beginning to germinate now too!


Lmao no kidding. Gonna have to rename them Slow Auss Bastards :joy:

They’re quite nice to look at though, in their weird way of growth and leaf development. Does the leaf feel how it looks? Thick and lush, almost like a succulent?

Wait, the Vanilluna from DJ short? The one with the really cool pic on seedfinder?


Haha yeah they have that almost rubbery texture to them, the node spacing is insanely short compared to any other strain I’ve seen too, they’re such weird plants!
I think Vanilluna was the basis for the AD17 project, I’ll have to text him and ask! I’m almost certain that it’s where he gets his Variegated genes from for his other strains too.


By the way everybody, when I was searching the Kaly website from European servers there was a load of information for most of the strains and few pages of general information about his work. Whats weird is that since using a VPN to connect through American servers all of that information isn’t visible at all anymore on the website, even when I use my own IP address to look it up again from Europe none of it will appear, but when I look it up on my phone that the VPN isn’t installed on it’s all still there! I always knew his website looked dodgy but was wondering why people always said his site looks like it’s under construction and that it’s missing loads of information, it seems that devices that have been connected to an American IP address cant see most of the guys information even if they change it to another country!


Just got the information! The leaf formation was found in an earlier PAC strain and then back in 2015 he crossed it with DJ Shorts Vanilluna and was stabilizing it until 2019.


A guy with the handle" mutant.strains" on Instagram is growing legitimo one from kaly seeds. I was also able to get some more information about how this hybrid was made, by another person growing one of these mutants. The Hops variety has to First be grafted onto a cannabis plant before germination. It does appear that these varieties indeed breed true, but germination can be tricky.

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Grafting hops on THC root stock to create hops with THC was some urban legend when I was young. I only looked it up a while ago and found it not to be true.


I found three people now that say it is true and that they have grown it themselves. One of the guys goes into detail about how he was able to germinate the seeds, taking off the exterior skin which reveals a harder layer beneath it, which he cut with a razor blade to help it germinate. It’s basically a hops plant with 17% THC
I’m a bit skeptical, but none of these guys I have talked to are selling the seeds. Just growing them, and they have nothing to gain by lying about it


Maybe they did their study wrong then? Not saying it can’t be true, I’d love it to be true.


That’s what came to mind as well. I’ve some strains in the past that showed the variegated gene that I’m sure would’ve passed onto their offspring had I bred with them.

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Are you able to post a screenshot for all of us on the other side of the world here to see?

Would really appreciate it😁

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Ugh, I want a variegated cutting to work with soooooooo bad. I did have a joti black candyland and a fantasmo cbg both show a single webbed leaf, in my current round of seedlings. I can snap a pic later tonight. Best believe I’m saving a clone of that BC to try and cross with a webbed plant.


That’s funny his Afghani did the same thing @sct2020

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Check out “mutant.cannabis” on IG. He has a lot of different mutants. Maybe he trades? His latest photo shows a variegated single leaf mutant


Here is a shot of the mutation that i mention previously. I took the seed from it and here is another seedling showing the same development as the mom. This is the only that came out like this. I’m calling her Medusa. That mom is some very serious smoke. These are autoflowers.

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I wouldn’t mind growing that at all…