My aquaponic adventures

Blueberry (far) and GSG (close) popping up slowly :grin:


I just realized in another post just how much the Afghanis have grown!

Afghanis are in the back

March 27


The female has about doubled, and the male has caught up to her!

The blueberry and GSG have also moved into their forever homes. The blueberry roots are a solid 4" long, big, white and super healthy! The GSG roots are bright white and bushy but not as big at only about 1/2". Since putting them in, their second sets of leaves have about doubled :grin:.


I grabbed a couple pics with my phone…


The male is taller than the female now

Blueberry in the bottom left, just added today, and a few drunken fog dogs coming along nicely

Girl Scout Cookies (GSC not GSG… Stupid fat fingers/autocorrect)

Oats x Rolling Thunder on top… She’s got some nice green going on the top, but she’s being demoted to the grow bed, like the xtreme haze and the other oats x rolling thunder.

I have a nitrate overload right now, so between water changes and keeping a few more plants in there to help eat it up, it’ll get under control. I think this was my big issue. The pH is still buffering back to 7.9-8ish so that isn’t it, but the nitrates are coming down a little, and the plants are loving life again!


Every is growing great… The Afghani female is starting to show pistols as of today :grin::grin:. The male is going to be coming out pretty quickly here.

The 3 Purple Nurples coming in are about 2" tall now, the 4th hasn’t popped yet… At this point I don’t really have room, so I’m not 100% heart broken, only 90% or so lol.

I think I’m going to put the male into the seedling area so I can collect the pollen as he finishes up. If anything, I’ve never collected pollen before so it’ll be practice for down the road :grin::metal:


Easiest way is to get a big metal mixing bowl where you can tip him over and tap him against the sides. The pollen also comes out of the bowl easy.

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Oh nice, I was thinking something like that, but thought I was being too simplistic, sweet! :grin::metal:

Hey @darkillusion, are those drunken fog dogs, autos? One of them appears to be shooting out CRAZY long white pistols :grin:

Edit: I was able to find other people growing em, yup, they’re autos :grin::grin:. Sweet!


Yes they are autos.

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Right on, thank you! I now have another reason to get that male Afghani out of there right quick :grin::metal:

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Ok, the male has been culled… I decided to move him to my seedling area and try some LST training, I have him a good shake and nothing came out yet, so I’ll keep him for a bit and see if anything happens. At least he won’t be hitting my females now.

In its place I put a Purple Nurple. I haven’t had a ton of luck with them so far. I got 4 wet, 3 popped and went into rockwool, 2 grew out but when I moved the first one the stalk broke right off… The last of those 4 is now in place though and hopefully she’ll be good to go :grin:

Full garden :grin:. Grow babies grow!!


My Mrs knows me so well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. My birthday present on Sunday :grin:


Happy B-Day…

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Sometimes, when you don’t feel like much is happening with your plants, it’s fun to look back a week or so :grin:

March 29th

April 8th

She’s in the back right corner


I love seeing growth every day :grin::grin:

Afghani auto is doing well, lot of bud showing up :grin::grin:

The drunken fog dogs are all doing well… 2 have massive long pistols, they have to be an inch and a half at least! Definitely the longest I’ve had. The third one doesn’t have any showing up yet, curious, they’re fem seeds and all started at the same time… I can’t wait to see how they turn out :grin:

(no pistols, trippy)

Blueberry is definitely growing, but is keeping quite short

GSC is keeping really small at the moment, not entirely sure what’s going on with her, they’re old seeds that didn’t always keep cold, maybe? 🤷

And oats x rolling thunder is making a pretty decent recovery, she’s grown a ton at almost 2’ tall

Lots of nice new green on her :grin:


Looking for some advice… This plant has come back strong and is growing daily, at the top at least. The bottom half doesn’t seem to be doing much. If I let it go, she’ll be into my lights before the rest start stretching, lol.

So, the advice…

A. Should I try to cut the top and try to get it to root, and see how the bottom of the plant does on its own? Essentially topping the bottom…

B. Should I cut the top, take out the bottom and try to root the top and plant it in the bag?

C. Leave it and see what happens?


I’d love some thoughts, other than my own :grin:

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It’s a photoperiod right? How about bending it over “supercropping” by crushing the stem so it can be at a right angle, it can turn to grow back upward again, and the bottom nodes may sprout too then.

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Yeah, that’s definitely an option! I might need a pair of players to get the stem to start bending, it’s bloody strong!! Lol. I’d be bending it at about 1/4 of the way up from the bottom, that isn’t too far down or anything, is it?

I’ve only (intentionally, lol) bent 2 plants like that, one stayed dwarfed 🤦, the other is the Afghani auto male I just took out of here

He’s bent right back up and is growing into the light in my little seedling area, lol


Yeah, that’s what I was imagining :slight_smile:

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So, I did a thing… She got bent. She went over a lot easier than I was thinking she would, but nothing seems broken :crossed_fingers:

By the end of the day, she did start turning up, we’ll see how she is in the morning (midnight)
