My aquaponic adventures

Doesn’t look like I have much to worry about :grin:. She’s bent right back up and was awaiting the light :grin:

After all this, this had better be a female, hahaha


Today I painted my first bud sight… Drunken fog dog x S+SC… A little YouTube and some common sense (hopefully, lol), and my fingers are crossed :grin::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

I was pretty careful to paint only what I wanted and not let any drop, so it’ll be interesting to see if any lower buds have beans too :crossed_fingers:

The far route, the tallest plant… I put a pipe cleaner around the buds I painted :grin:

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Well, if what I watched and read is true, I think the pollenation was successful. The pistols have thinned right out, like energy isn’t going there anymore :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

In comparison, here’s another bud, and this is what the pollenated ones used to look like


Hmm, not sure if this Purple Nurple is going to make it… The monster leaf to the left sprouted yesterday, she (:crossed_fingers:) is sooo top heavy…

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Moved clones out to the outdoor aquaponic system today.

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Yeah??? Any pics?? That’s awesome!

I went down to check out the tent last night around midnight, and was a little disappointed with the Purple Nurple… It threw one massive leaf out and fell over, leaning on the bag…

I went down again, a little after noon, with a little stake, ready to tie it up and help it out a bit… Man, this is a funny plant, not only was it standing up, but those two lil leaves had doubled in size :grin::metal:

The male has also been living away… I didn’t get a chance to catch any pollen, and I’m pretty bummed, but it is what it is for my first time 🤷. Not sure what I’m going to do with him at this point, but for some reason I’m not ready to toss him yet

I need to lower my light too, everything is looking really spindly


Took a bunch of pics today, but first, an overall one to compare with the post above :grin:

The auto that isn’t showing yet, still isn’t showing 🤷 in I think I see some nuts on’r, which would be weird as they’re fem seeds…

@darkillusion have you had any of the drunken fog dog refuse to show?

I think I see some nuts in there, but I’m not very good at sexing plants…

The other one that I painted some S+SC pollen on is looking to be growing some seeds :grin::crossed_fingers: and she’s definitely pulled in the hairs I painted, they’re all turning a little orange :grin: I wasn’t QUITE as careful as I should have been, or maybe it’s jyst impossible, but I think the buds lower down got some dust too, lol

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I can not say that I have had that happen to me or anyone else that has tried them.

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Cool, thanks for chiming in… I wonder what’s gonna end up happening here, I’m kind of excited actually :grin:

Its stopped stretching completely, throwing out branches and leaves, but no bud sites anywhere on it, it’s the damndest thing 🤷😁

The doc you have just increased my plant count, so I’m not in a huge rush to pull it just yet :grin: I wanna see where we’re going, haha

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Did some math (and need to write this down on the labels)… Afghani auto should be ready June 5th (90 days). Not sure how long the drunken fog dogs need, but they should be ready about a week later if they’re 90 day :grin::metal:

Everyrhing else is really kicking in.

The Afghani buds are rock hard and growing quickly.

The drunken fog dogs stretched a ton when I had the light farther away… It’s closer now and they’re bushing up really nicely. I still have one that hasn’t shown sex yet… It’s growing in a little different structure than the other two, I’m wondering if somehow I caught a bean from another of my strains… I dunno, I’ll eventually flip the tent and see if that kicks if off, lol.

Blueberry is doing really well… I topped her the other day and am trying to root the top, 2’s always better than 1, right? She’s recovered from the topping and is looking good.

GSC stretched a ton, so her lower node is super long and has 4 more nodes in the same space above it. I’m not sure how to LST this one, each of the bottom 4 nodes only have fan leaves out so far, so topping isn’t going to do much at the moment, and bending her over is either going to be a bed really high, or it’ll be crazy lopsided… 🤷

Happy early 4:20am :metal:


Ever seen an auto that gird back into Veg, but keeps em coming up budding?

3 days ago the tall stalks on the left weren’t there, even at the base, lol. And they’re throwing pollen!

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Wait what? Not quite sure what is going on there. Your saying that those stalks growing straight up just grew there in the last few days? Actually I think you broke the dominance of the main branch so the lowers shot up. The male flowers tho is concerning, but may be high stress. Im surprised she stretched so much under that light. :joy:
Also are there male flowers on the main branches to the right?
What the heck is that stretch?
How tall is that?
Dang I see nanners all over her left side

So, this is the original male I had, and pulled so I could attempt my first pollen collection (I failed, haha)… I bent him over when I put him in this environment, that was a couple weeks ago. Since, he’s shot his main kola up, and it’s still growing! Bending it must have pushed some growth hormones back down to the base to shoot up the new stems, but I never through after an auto had hit hard budding, it’d be able to come back like this! :slight_smile: Looks like I might get a second shot at collecting pollen, hahaha

This was 9 days ago, he’s bent, and no stems from the base and he’s already started ditching powder, lol

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So that’s a male? Wow. I knew the males were a little funny but that is straight :crazy_face:.

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Yup yup, he’s the male from the tent that I pulled a couple weeks ago. I could never bring myself to toss him, but couldn’t figure out why… Maybe this is it, lol

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Well he’s pretty hermed out, I could see a couple pistils on a male of this line but that is straight overkill. I’m no expert but that doesn’t seem good to continue honestly. Maybe someone with more knowledge can chime in. @Tracker @Rhai88 @ReikoX

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Why wouldn’t it be good to continue? At this point I’m not e pectin anything from him, more just a “what the hell is this plant going to do now” morbid curiosity :grin:

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Well. I don’t know honestly. I know you don’t want herms in females cuz you don’t want seedy sensi. But males?

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