My aquaponic adventures

Excessive stress will cause most plants to go into survival mode to make seeds. Makes sense for it to herm out if it’s been put through the wringer. I’m just catching up but if you have any females around I’d keep it away from them. Cool if you’re just seeing what it’ll do they’re plenty capable of living through a lot of abuse. Some better than others.


As long as Skynet isn’t involved, I can’t think of another reason to chop him, yet :grin::grin:

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If you keep messing with him he’s gonna take over your damn house. :joy:


Between the male and all my females is a curtain, 5’ and my tent walls… I’m really hoping that’s enough, but the odd seed wouldn’t be the end of the world


I’m definitely thinking his roots are DEEP into the tank below him, which isn’t great since that’s the sump to my 170g aquarium, hahaha. But, he’s got good food, and lots of it! Who knows the house may be his target, hahaha


It would be a good experiment for sure. See if it passes those traits to the females. Or at least that vigor

Man, if he gets pollen into the tent from where he’s at, I’m thinking those will be some super crazy kids!!

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I would cull herm plants.

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@Tracker this is an early pic of this, he doesn’t look like a herm at this point, but I’m horrible at sexing plants still… What do you think?

Can a male turn herm after budding? I don’t know exactly what I was expecting him to do after dropping his pollen, maybe die? But he’s stretched those new stems out and is back att’r.

I’m confused, curious and stoked to see what happens next, haha


I can’t see clearly what’s going on in the pictures. It’s a little blurry, and my eyes aren’t the best.

If the situation is herms popping out late in flower, I might keep females for consumption only, but i wouldn’t intentionally spread seeds around made using herm for either male or female parent.


I’m out of likes, but cool :metal:

I’m definitely not breeding him, just seeing what might happen in an area on all his own… Growing new stems was definitely not expected, same with starting to grow pistols at this point 🤷😁. I’m wondering if he’s going to seed himself maybe?

He seems to be a pretty damn strong plant… I’m curious what the buds will be like, might have to smoke them :grin:

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Update for today…

Topped Blueberry on both sides and LST’d everything… She’s nicely spread out and ready to explode

Still trying to figure out what to do with GSC… Her bottom node is really long and the tops are growing into each other, she’s going to be insanely top heavy no matter what I do… I need a single plant tellace for her maybe. Hmm does that exist! Helloooo amazon, maybe I need a 3D printer,lol.

Oats x Rolling Thunder #2 has really come back to life! I figured she was done after I supercropped her and saw very little growth, but damn, she has full size leaves and is looking good! I topped a bunch of spots on her… I’m figuring, while the autos are doing their thing, might as well grow the biggest possible regs :grin::grin:.

The 2 female drunken fog dogs and chugging along. I haven’t done any training with them, and at this point I won’t, but I’m still holding out hope I pollenated bud right on one of them, everything looks like it should, I’m just being nervous.

The other drunken fog dog got topped in a couple more spots. No idea what’s going on with this plant, but until it shows sex I’m going to grow her as big as I can.

Afghani auto is coming back nicely from being supercropped… I really shouldn’t have done that when she was budding, but she’s doing great and rhe buds and super tight… Might hurt yield a little, but maybe not with the better quality lower bud.

And finally, purple nurple is starting to grow some real leaves and not the mutant odd one or two it’s Bering throwing out so far. She has 2 sets of nice looking leaves and is strong enough to stand up on her own now :grin:

The plants on the outside have been growing toward the light, it’s really visible with GSC. So, I lifted the light 6" and turned it up to 50%.a few hours later and GSC already looks a lot better.

Oh! I also topped Blueberry and am still trying to root it… The rooting powder I picked up doesn’t seem to be helping much, or maybe I’m grossly misusing it, lol.

Outta likes but I’ll be curious if the fem Afghani throws out any nanners.

So far she’s just showing beautiful little nugs, still crazy dense too :metal:. I supercropped her the other day like a idiot (I ALWAYS do something to mess with a grow, I really need to stop that), but she’s handled it great! She’s totally recovered and everything is a nice even canopy with even buds all the way down… I’m super stoked!! She is starting to give off some cool scents on a stem rub too :grin:

Thanks again for the seeds!!

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Honestly putting them through the ringer is great. Won’t know what happens with things till you try things. :joy:

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That’s kinda my thought too :grin:

I actually just watched a Bill Ward vid the other night where he was talking about intentionally stressing autos out when they’re young, and getting another week or two of Veg out of em! I’m definitely going to work the next round more, get some lil monsters going :grin::grin::grin:

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Pic update

Afghani auto is budding up nicely, she’s definitely recovered from supercropping!

Purple Nurple is getting her leaves and is starting to look a little more normal

This drunken fog dog is doing well… Out of stretch and in full bud growth. She got tell tol

This one is in full production as well, but she didn’t get as tall beforehand, but she’s still getting buds :grin::grin:

GSC is loving the light, she’s really coming around

Oats x Rolling Thunder #1 has made a comeback in the gutter, out of nowhere!

Xtreme haze is coming back from the gutter too. It’s still a little dwarfed, but her leaves are starting to grt bigger :grin:. I wasn’t sure how they’d do in the “gutter” at the bottom of the grow beds, but they’re definitely rockin it!!

Oats x Rolling Thunder #2 is plumping after her supercropping. Her top is growing so fast I’m going to end up wrapping her around the bag waiting for purple Nurple to catch up a bit :grin:. Her lower leaves are defo growing, but they’re still a little small… That should grow out soon tho, I’m hoping.

Top view of Oats x Rolling Thunder #2

I’ve topped Blueberry in a couple spots and have some LST going on to spread her out a bit. I’d really like to be able to do this with GSC too, but I think she got too tall in her first node

And last bit not least, the drunken fog dog who refuses to show sex… I’ve topped her in a bunch of spots, and she seems to be loving it! If she doesn’t start showing soon, when I flip the lights for the others I imagine she’s going to explode in buds :grin::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

My garden :grin:


Wow, I didn’t notice the deficiency in the first drunken for dog and oats x rolling thunder #1 until these pics… Gonna have to look into that.


Check it out this is just an underbed tote the ridges are about 3 in deep with furrow down the middle sand is the media. They mainly just get fish tank water.


Very nice!!

The only thing I add is bone meal, cheated iron (which, now that I type that, I’m low on in there) and a little potassium bicarbonate… Other than that, just high quality fish food. What about you?? You have some killer buds there!

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