My aquaponic adventures

I’m using the cheapest fish food I could find because it’s plant-based. It’s sportsman’s choice catfish feed. I got it from tractor supply it was dirt cheap like 25 bucks for 40 lb or something. The reason I chose that is because tilapia can only digest something like 33% of plant-based phosphorus. When I first started this about a year ago I noticed some phosphorus deficiencies. About a month ago I did a couple feedings Jadam ferments because the fig trees were looking yellow. My fish tank stays perfectly stable at 7.4 so recently I started adjusting that down to 6.5 or so before feeding the plants with nitric acid. I’ve got really hard water from the city well comes out of the tap at like 8.3 tons of calcium carbonate in it.


Right on man, that’s awesome! Your tap water sounds like ours, 7.8-8.2 and seriously buffered.

Interesting about the phosphorus, I hadn’t read that before… Now I want to go check my massive tub of food, lol.

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Check out this blog Danielle was working on her PhD researching fish food. I’d like to see her final research.


Holy crap, thanks for the link!! Helllooooo rabbit hole :grin::metal:


@crunkyeah check out the link, I know you’ll rabbit hole as much as I am, lol

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I was supercropping a couple of these stems and I noticed something interesting in the older stem of the male… I believe he’s making buds! Now, of course, I could be entirely out to lunch, but… Anyone wanna chime in and throw out an idea?


My guess would be he’s actually a she, and that the original male flowers were just a stress response. I had one do that also, male flowers at first but once I improved soil parameters it went to female. Then back again when I applied more stress.


Couldn’t sleep, hello rabbit hole…

Long story short, I was adding blood meal before when I wanted to be adding bone meal, wrong package🤦. So, I added 3 tbsp of that to the system, along with another 2 tbsp of blood meal.

Also, I finally found my measuring spoons :grin:


It went back and forth?? I’ve heard of stressers in the soil forcing a male, but I havemt heard of a plant switching back and forth like that, that’s a trip!

I think he is full of seeds at this point too, so self germination…? Where the fun in that? :grin:


Looks like a magnesium deficiency. A little Epsom salt should straighten that out.

He/ she is making seeds. If it is truly a male he will make male only seeds. If truly a female, female only seeds on herself. If that’s a dude he’s frosty af. I have no idea what to make of it. :joy:


Are you sure about that? I thought reversing a male results in feminized seeds but I’ve never done it.

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No reversing a female produces female seeds. Reversing a male would be male seeds.

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Only way to know for sure is to try them out. this will stress certain growers out :joy: but as long as you keep them and anything pollinated separate and to yourself for now id say its a great experiment


Reversing a female makes female seeds because XX x XX can only result in XX… reversing a male is slightly more complicated. XY x XY results in 25% female, 50% male and 25% freaks of nature. :stuck_out_tongue: Still not entirely sure what happens with that last 25%, but I wouldn’t want to meet one in a dark alley, that’s for sure.


Unless it’s covered in resin and 10% terpines :slight_smile:

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In which case, Where’s my cutters? :grin:

I’m thinking the same… Funny that she’s the only one in the garden showing any issues, and she’s also the only one pollenated (on purpose, lol). I’ve added bone meal, blood meal and some iron, I’ll let that settled for the day and Epsom salts will be next. My salt content is pretty high at the moment, so I’m nervous about adding more, but no mag is baaaad… Ahh the joys of chemistry :grin::grin::grin:

Awesome, thank you for the confirmation, I appreciate it!!

Right?? I’m definitely considering keeping him around for a smoke afterwards now!!

Oh for sure. I’m not even sure if I’ll actually run the seeds, I just wanna see what gonna happen next at this point :grin:. I don’t need the space for another month or so, so I think I’ll just let him go, maybe long enough to get a little more indicia side, a lil couch lock never hurt anyone :grin:

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Random :grin::joy:


Afghani is stacking buds up nicely :grin:. She’s totally recovered from the supercropping and is holding herself up now, so it’s on to bud, bud, bud! :grin::grin::grin:

Purple Nurple is growing slowly… I moved her i to this system was too soon, she should have stayed in the seedling area for another week or two.

I topped everything I saw on Blueberry, she’s gonna be a BEAST here shortly. She’s tripled in size over the last week, at least, and all her stems are monsters, and very strong!

In fact, all of the plants in here are drastically stronger than they were a week ago, they were obviously missing the bone meal, oops (again)!

They also drank about 3 gallons of water in 2 days!!


Because I am going to lose this…

This is from somewhere on I got it off, they don’t link to the actual page though.

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