My aquaponic adventures

Purple Nurple is officially down and in the fridge… I can’t wait for her to be dry! Day 60 from flip

The other 4 still need another couple of days, which is totally ok since I - once again - missed my window to have the next run all ready so the tent is going full-out. Currently out of 16 seeds, only 2 have tap roots showing (which, really, they’ve been in paper towel for 2 days, that’s not a real surprise).

I need to sort out an area I can setup a bunch of shot glasses, where the kids won’t find them, so I can start seeds in those instead of straight in paper towel. Goals for my next run (along with starting them 3 weeks before plants are ready to come down!)


What smells are you getting? Mine are vegging outdoors

@Jimdoors, right now, not many… With the amount of pollen in the air, I won’t be smelling much for another couple weeks, lol. I can tell you it’s sticky as hell though! I only had a glove on my left hand, and my right hand only touched the stalk, and even the fingers on my right hand were stuck together :grin:


5 of the next batch are on their way :grin:

I dropped 2 of each strain… I’m limited on room so I’m on the “man I hope” side of getting a female, lol.

Both chocolate nightmare are out of paper towel and into rockwool. 1 NL#2, 1 Purple Lamborghini and 1 (forbidden x 24 k gold) x koaster kush (someone please correct me if I have that name wrong). Unfortunately, both (CBB x SG) x BBD waterlogged. I really want to try that again though… it gave me the most hassle with auto-naming in my Strain Tracker app, so it’s forever stuck in my strainer of a memory :grin:

All-in, I’m stoked!


Gah, these last couple weeks are soooo slow, almost as bad as drying and curing, lol


Gettin so close, and as usual, I wish I let these girls get taller, lol.

Mystery Plant


Girl Scout Cookies

Brooklyn Oats x Rolling Thunder… she’s by far the tallest. Her buds are all almost perfectly roumd and about the size of a golf ball… and the cherry on top (kinda literslly, her top bud) is the size of a softball

Critical Purple x Pineapple … I really hope she’s done stretching, the light can’t get any higher, haha

DCFD x S+SC and a second Critical Purple x Pineapple (probably)

I also have an Afghani auto and a couple grapefruit x grapefruit… I dropped a little bone meal on them to see if it’d help them out…it did not, lol. the afghami auto looks to have some nute burn even…doh!

And the next batch for the tent is getting ready :grin:


Gah, slow days! Lol… It’s like watching bread toast, you don’t realize how brown it’s gone until you look away and back… Now I just need to look away, haha

Mystery plant



Brooklyn Oats x Rolling Thunder #1

Finishing this grow up I’m realizing, this is the highest plant count I’ve had. I had 8 going at the same time (I know, not really much, but I definitely noticed the increase). This next grow I’m going to have 10 going in zone 1, at least three autos rotating in zone 2 and I’m keeping a Blueberry mom :grin:. Let’s see if my back holds up :grin:




That’s actually genius! I’ve been thinking of ways I could move these 20 gal pots around


Looks done with official stretch, but autos are likely to keep growing taller as they flower, and she certainly looks likely to gain another 6" at least. I recommend supercropping the main cola. That is, take the stem between your fingers and squash it flat for a couple inches between the nodes - in this case I’d do it where I put the red line. Once the stem is flattened, bend it over so the flat part curves until it’s flopped all the way down. That way once it straightens out a bit it will be about 90 degrees.
I think I remember you saying you needed lower light tolerant plants for this space, they look to be doing okay, but if you do have the option to turn that light up to higher intensity you would likely get bigger buds with less stretch.

Thanks for growing these and sharing pics! :heart_eyes::partying_face:


She’s definitely a tall girl! I was playing with the idea of supercropping her, but another node down from where you marked… I’m nervous to screw her up and hurt her yields, lol. I don’t think I have much choice though, the top of the tent is only 3-4" away from her top, haha.

I had an older light in there before, one I’ve frown with for a number of years, but when I tested it out this one actually thrrw more light more consistently. Seeing this stretch though, I think you’re right, I need a more powerful light in here.

It was smaller plants I was looking for in this space :grin:. But, a more powerful light should keep everyone a little happier.

It’s a trip with this plant, she refuses to throw more than 3 fingers in her fan leaves, when at the other end of the shelf, my Blueberry mom is getting the same nutes, and the same light (a little less actually, the light is angled and sitting over top of this one now), and she has 9 and 11 finger fan leaves :person_shrugging:. It’s cool to see the differences!

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There’s a lot of individual difference in plants for sure! Supercropping won’t hurt your yield, I wouldn’t go down a node lower because the stem usually gets so thick it’s harder to do. Better to supercrop each individual branch lower down. But I can’t tell for sure on your particular plant because of course I can’t touch it :joy: so go with what feels right to you. They’re really tough plants. I’ve had the stem split and the hard core pop out with bands of disconnected outer skin beside it. The plant just hardened up the area and carried on.

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I’ve definitely fim’d a couple when learning to supercrop, hahaha, but Ilthe past few have worked out fairly well… If you figure she’s still going to stretch a bit, I’ll 100% take your work and supercrop her today. The big question now is, do I fall her toward the light, or away from it?

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She’s been super cropped… It looks like the tips should all about line up nicely with the other branches of her, once they all stand up again :grin:

I have another of the same coming up here too :grin:

And a couple of your grapefruit x grapefruit :grin:


Blueberry mom got a serious defoliation due to thrips… All the pots in zone 2 got more predatory mites added, I’m getting more and adding them to all of zone 1 as well.

Mystery plant is chugging along packing on weight every day

Blueberry is thickening up as well

GSC too

As is BOxRT#1, she’s going to be a fun plant… Even with my horrible sense of smell, this girl smells like pure gasoline… Should be interesting on a vape, lol

Grow 2 is coming along. Purple Lamborghini was having some troubles getting out of her shell. I cleaned it off, but she doesn’t have much in the way of a tap root or leaves, I’m not holding out a ton of hope. However, a blue moon rocks seed has popped and is into rockwool, so my grow is still full. Unfortunately I don’t have 2 of each, in case of males, but I should still be fairly covered with a variety of bud afterwards :grin:.

The challenge with this grow is going to be allowing them to grow taller… Don’t be afraid of height, since they aren’t going to have a TON of room for width with the plant count.


Nice! Looking forward to seeing how they all do :green_heart::seedling::green_heart:

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Well, I’m working on building a better gif, but until then, here’s the fault growth for my girls in July, so far :grin:


Another day, another wait, lol. They’re still drinking lots of water, and the daily GIF is still showing them putting on weight. So, I guess I sit here and wait, and keep the next batch happy :grin:

Mystery Plant

Blueberry - lots of amber, but also a bunch of clear trichs…?

GSC - same deal, lots of amber, but also still lots of clear :man_shrugging:

BOxRT#1. Still chugging




It is a sad, sad day, lol