My aquaponic adventures

Rub the last of the resin glands on your gums. Ole sckool it!!


I was gonna filter and snort it :joy: (joking, lol)

So, the wine fridge does a good job of slow drying a crop, but I’m impatient and after 10 days with purple nurple being in there along, it’s still 70ish%RH.

Last sumer I picked up a inkbird humidity controller for my tent. I have the humidity controller powering the exhaust fan, happily the temp stays within range going this way as well :grin:. So, last Christmas came along and I was asked what I really wanted, all I could think of was the wifi version of that controller, so I can view/control it on my phone… Guess what I got :grin:.

So now I have the tent connected to my phone, and an unused non-wifi inkbird humidity controller. Hmm, a thought comes to mind… If I throw the sensor in the wine fridge and power a little dehumidifier in the fridge from the controller, I can set it to 60% and it’ll actively suck the air dry… Combined with the 2 small fans I have in there, pushing air toward the walls so as not to hit a plant directly, that should work out nicely.

The dehumidifier could even be done in steps. A new plant goes in, regardless start at 70%(?). Let that run for a few days to make sure the plant is for sure at 70%. Next, step down a couple % a day for 5 days to hit 60%. Maybe another couple days running at 60% and you’re dry.

I believe I need to set this up, ASAP! Maybe after a hoot :joy:


Sounds like a fun experiment. Aren’t those super fancy professional dryers basically a refrigerator with a dehumidifier anyways?

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From what I can see, yeah… I mean, they’re built to remove the humidity a LOT quicker, from what I’m finding…

But yeah :blush:

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How to know you’ve found “the one” (lol)

My Mrs just went to a dispensary with a girlfriend. She has never bought from a dispensary before - she hasn’t bought pot in decades for that matter, she’s never even been into a dispensary before! She just came home with 5 big cone purple kush ultra doobs for me, “because apparently its good for pain, so maybe it’ll help?”

Ahh :heart::joy:. She’s a keeper


So, I left the wine fridge alone for 12ish hours with the inkbird controlling the dehumidifier. I’ve gotta say, I like how this is working. The inkbird is at to 60% and the hygrometers inside are reading 62% and 64%. I think I’m going to leave this at 60% now until it’s dry :grin::ok_hand:

The next few plants will be a big test, 3 plants in a small wine fridge… That dehumidifier is going to be working overtime :grin:


Dehumidifier, engaged :grin:


I just realized, today is day 70 for these girls! They’re coming down in the morning :grin::grin:. And that means the tent is available for the next grow! :grin::grin::metal::metal::metal:


Well, I couldn’t wait… but, there’s a slight problem, I need another wine fridge and I’ve only cut the mystery plant down! :smiley:

Here she is, her last stand:


She created a pretty nice pile on my desk too :smiley: :

The worms were a HUGE addition to the grow bags, this is by far the cleanest roots I’ve pulled… I didn’t clean these, this is straight out of the hydroton:

So, I need to find another wine fridge, tomorrow… and then another inkbird and dehumidifier…? crap… I need a full size wine fridge, lol.


rearranged the fridge and got Blueberry in there as well… I’ve also ordered an upgraded dehumidifier that should really help, it’s about twice as effective as the current one :crossed_fingers:


Well, I’m bored and can’t sleep, so the other 2 plants came down and are hanging in the tent for now :smiley:

BOxRT#1 really came through, I’m really happy the way this plant pulled through.

GSC finished up pretty nicely :slight_smile:

Super clean roots again too! Worms rock!


What a dream!

I love how you hung the traps lol.

Beautiful garden man. That LST is on point too.


Just going there was incredible… I’ve been building and rebuilding my own “if money wasn’t a object” garden for a long time and it’s always based on this place.

Thanks man, I appreciate that… Welcome to my grow :blush:


Well, the inkbird delivery arrived and I now have a wine fridge with a dehumidifier, and a mini fridge power controlled by an inkbird temp controller, and a dehumidifier in there on another inkbird humidity controller :grin::metal:.

Hey inkbird, wanna sponsor me? Lol

From the top down
Wine fridge:
Purple Nurple
Mystery plant
Mystery plant

Mini fridge:
Brooklyn Oats x Rolling Thunder #1



Oh, incidentally… My Mrs was down in my grow room and I opened the wine fridge, “HOLY!! I can smell the Blueberry now!!” :grin::grin::grin:

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A lil Brooklyn Oats x Rolling Thunder smoke report…

Surprisingly, it’s smokeable after only 5 days in the tent! No coughing, my Mrs and I are both finding it very smooth! Definitely a chem/gas taste, for those who like it :metal::metal:.

2 hoots and I can see my Mrs is feeling it, the rest of the doob and I’m definitely not going to be moving out of this chair for a bit :grin::metal:

Thanks @MikeyMeteor!! Definitely enjoyed growing those beans, and I’m going to thoroughly enjoy smoking the result :grin::grin::grin:


Cool @luxton I smoked all that oatz x rolling thunder up and it was refreshing and pleasant, mine smelled like grapefruit chem. nice aquaponics wizardry by the way


Grapefruit! That’d be the other smell I was getting! I’m as bad with naming smells and tastes as I am with growing in dirt, lol. I was wanting to save a little to have in my vape, but I enjoyed smoking it so much the tiny little lowest buds I pulled off all went up in smoke :person_facepalming::joy:

Thanks man, it’s finally coming together… Now I just have to tear it down and replace every component, and relocate the fish outside of the tent… So essentially rebuild the whole damn thing, lol. But I think I’ve finally figured out my longterm layout :grin::metal:


I have the next batch into the big tent, in 10ish hours, every plant is standing straight up towards the light… I’m pretty happy with that.

In the auto area, the critical purple cross is looking awesome!!

And then there’s my lil Harley Bear :grin: