My bagseeds - hermies or stress?

Last year I grew my first crop. I had 2 plants that produced bagseeds and I will attempt to provide details:

Plant 1: GG#4 clone purchased retail
Outdoor April - October.
The grow was slightly unusual, the plant flowered early in late June, producing some stinky leafy buds that i eventually cut out and discarded. But the plant resumed vegetative stage and flowered a nice crop (albeit reduced due to 25% of the lower flowering sites flowered early). I do not know why it flowered early and then resumed, we have a cloudy june. I used soil and mostly organic/natural fertilizer and we had a cool summer and fall, and I got some of the normal yellowing of leaves in the flowering stage.
Yield: 7-8oz of strong bud, and found 1 seed in one of the nugs.

Plant 2: AJs Lemon Glue from non-fem seeds purchased retail (AJ’s Lemon Glue = AJ’s Sour Diesel ♀ x (Lemon Tree x Glue 75%) ♂
Outdoor May-October.
My coworker bought non-fem seeds at retail and grew a few plants, didnt have room, so gave me 4 little babies. 3 of them became male, so I blended them up into a nice smoothie. The 1 girl, I grew and harvested in October, it was a small plant never getting more than 30" tall and the harvest wasn’t spectacular possibly due to stunted initial growth waiting to be transplanted. The bud was potent enough and tasted fine.
Yield: a couple Oz, one or two of the lower bud sites had about 10-15 seeds. Did it get pollenated by one of the males? It is possible.

Fast forward this spring…I planted the 1 bagseed from GG#4 and 6 from the AJ’s. Everything is growing. I first planted the 1 GG#4 and 1 AJs about 37 days ago outdoor and they are 7.5" and 10.5" tall, respectively. Both appear female. The other 5 from AJs were planted a week later and are about 3-4" tall unsexed.

How likely, given the details i have provided, is it that the GG#4 seed is due to stress, and the AJs from pollentation, how likely is it neither are from hermied section of the plant or something weird?

If I got a stress seed from GG#4 what does that mean for its genetics? It is not a match for GG#4, correct?
Thanks for any responses!


Impossible to say really.


It means if it was a hermie that created the seeds, it has a bigger chance of doing it again.


I hate to say it but GG4 will hermie if you look at her wrong. Her offspring are even more prone to it.

I think it is unlikely that the Male pollinated anything unless it had open, mature, flowers when you pulled them.


I think this is your problem…


"ReikoXKnight of the BlackSvn1h
I hate to say it but GG4 will hermie if you look at her wrong. Her offspring are even more prone to it.

I think it is unlikely that the Male pollinated anything unless it had open, mature, flowers when you pulled them."

Okay, I will be watching her/him like a hawk… I guess there is a pretty good chance of this offspring going weird!

The AJs, I am unsure how the genetics would be affected if it wasnt pollenated by the male, so also hermie probability? This should be an interesting grow season…

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