Two seeds from a fem...!

Hi everyone, I took two seeds from my female OG Kush… Could that have been it hermied? In case it is yes, will it continue to hermie if revegetated? Got cuts from, but curious to know… Thanks!! :thinking:


It sounds like you had a nanner hidden in there somewhere. OG Kush (the original) was known to throw nanners later on, and people grew those seeds out to get all these other Kush strains that float around lol. Just a few seeds here and there is personally be ok with if the bud is outstanding. Also provides more mostly fem seeds, with chance of herms and nanners :sweat_smile:
Sometimes it’s stressed or light leaks that trigger hers/nanners, sometimes it’s just going to happen.


:upside_down_face: :thinking: Well, @Shadey kind of helped me in that regard, so light leak is the closest culprit!! Thanks!!


My gg4xogk will hermie if there’s a little light leak, that’s how my fire mix seeds happened, but other grows of the clones without a leak went fine, no nanners at all.