My best strain for your best strain.......let's trade

How did you send your seeds? Are the received packages from the same region and maybe the others are across the pond for example? Hopefully someone can chime in and provide a SOP.

Happy they landed safe and sound.
Hope you have a ball with them! :+1:

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@LoveDaAutos are you interested in any trades for your cap junky fems ?

I have made a number of trades recently and waiting till the dust has cleared before I do any more trading.


sounds good man. if things change lemme know. cheers

now THAT I understand… I had to do the same bro because I was sending the wrong stuff to the wrong person trying to do 10 at a time… haha. plus some guy sent me shrooms and for a week i was lost…
ps. The dust never settles… muwahahaha


I wish I’d of seen this earlier, what a cool idea brother… So, I bet you think I’ve already sent you my best huh>?? Nah… Sometimes you just have to hold stuff back until the right time…
Molokai #4 x Triangle Kush from Goat & Monkey Seeds
Strain was never released and #4 was Matt’s favorite out of 3 pheno’s.

This particular Molokai Frost has been bouncing around the Hawaiian Islands for over 25yrs and is currently being worked by my buds over there along with my Oregon Kids Oger… crossing this to his main male Triangle Kush, that got it’s name from the 3 big kush cities in Fla… Jacksonville, Daytona and Tampa, thus the Triangle Kush… what a mix dude… topped her and she grew into this massive bush that filled my 2x2x6 tent to the max…

To this day the loveliest plant I’ve grown, the high was incredible thanks to the Hawaiian mix in her…

I have 10 fem’s, plus you know me… maybe a few extras… PM me dude


Wow. Nice. Im always curious as to what was a person’s fav. Sounds awrsome @Carty

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And it’s not really that easy when you have a bunch of strains you have yet to test for yourself yet.

Favorite of Mine I did… Gabagoo Auto coming in seed form near you soon… hahaha


I’m willing to trade seeds from my cherry tomato,s for whatever you .have. Now if you have some really good shit. Well then I’ll open up my stash of watermelons seeds. Yeah that’s right I got the good shit :grin: haha enjoy your day boys


I have Marzano tomato seed for trade.


My best is not very good at present @Carty But when I have a great one Im gonna come knocking for the Hawaiian.

I’m looking for beefsteak tomoto. But I’ll settle for seeds to make pasta sauce :grin:

@Billybob Have you ever grown Brandywine?

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Carty’s Gabagoo F5 Auto will be available soon and is not just a favorite of mine, but has it’s own following in Colorado… Argo’s Gardens has been running it for years now…

Gabagoo F2


Looks great how’s she like the outdoors ? Sept early oct finish?

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Is anybody growing out these S1s yet? Asking for a friend. Lol


Yes, I have two of them vegging now, will probably flip in about a month. :crossed_fingers:

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She’s been grown way up north by a friend across the border and she held her own quite well, as did my Miss Piggy. Reibsi hit both of them with his Auto Affy. come to find out, it was just a nickname for a fast finishing photo and I didn’t want any of the seeds really… The male was 8ft… Miss PIggy up in Mass grew above a friends 2 story home, neighbors could see it driving by … lol.

Both have been tested in the Mtn’s of Humboldt and thrived… 7-8ft for Gabagoo and 9-11ft for Miss PIggy. That crop got taken… idiots and guns.
lost 2000 seeds… trying yet again… lol


Awesome! Looking forward to updates.

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