My best strain for your best strain.......let's trade

What do you have to trade. Any old school Indica? Are you in Canada?

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I’m in Canada and wouldn’t mind running that. I got lots of indicas some old some new. I’m not home for a couple weeks but if your still interested when I do I can send you my list.

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I’d be interested in your Cap Junky S1’s
My favorite cross that I have is
Lemon Royale x Blissful Wizard
I’ve tested them a couple of years ago and am currently testing again


Well it’s taken almost 14 months but my supply of Cap Junky seeds is dwindling. As I type this I am filling 20 coin flips with ten (10) Cap Junky seeds in each flip. After these 20 flips are gone I will save what’s left for personal use.

If you would like to trade for a flip or multiple flips please send me a DM and let me know what you’ve got to trade. I’m looking for seeds that are as good as or better then the Cap Junky. Not wanting to trade down with these last packs.

Of interest would be auto seeds from Night Owl…new packs.

Bodhi Seeds strains
Jaws Genetics
Gnome Genetics autos
Tony Green autos
In House Genetics
SubCool strains

I like feminized but not a deal breaker.


whatever. not a good deal

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Seventeen (17) flips of the Cap Junky left.


Sixteen (16) flips of the Cap Junky left


I’d jump on these people… but I’m lucky nuff to be friends with LDA… so I have some… and not trading these away so… better grab dese… lol


Fifteen (15) flips of the CJ left.


Fourteen (14) flips of Cap Junky left.

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I feel like I need to grab one!! The pressure is increasing :grin:

Thirteen (13) flips of the CJ left.

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I wanna get in on this. Where do I start? I have some bangers in my garden/seed inventory and would love to trade for some fire. :relaxed:

Homemade seeds are the worst.

I wish I could get rid of this amazing taste and smell.

And they’re too sticky.


Mids at best. Bird seed


You offered reg’s yes?

Not many here that are more generous than my personal friend you seem hellbent on disparaging. He posted up that supply is very low on this strain, and it’s popular. Cant blame him for wanting to utilize the rest for a trade he feels is balanced.

sorry it didnt work out between the two of ya, but your just beating a dead horse now. Going for another deleted thread?


Here is my want list @CurtisCrosses if you have anything on my list send me a DM.

Jesus @Coda that second pic is amazing. You did a heck of a job with those two plants. Did you ever mention what they yielded? I don’t recall seeing it.

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10 zips off CJ1 and 11 off CJ2. I can’t remember how much insanely frosted trim there was, but it was a buttload.