My brother passed away today

Sorry for your loss!!

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Wow, man. very sorry for your loss. I have an older brother and we’re pretty tight, even in the face of various family turmoil he and I have always been allies. I feel you pain man, I really do.

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My deepest condolences to ypu and your family @MrHamilton :v:


Condolences @MrHamilton

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Thank you everyone for the kind comments. Like typical brothers, we had our ups n downs, but he was always my biggest cheerleader whenever I f-d up and needed support. I’m sure this will feel worse before it’s better, but I appreciate you all.


I and @MrsTJakes are terribly sorry for your loss, losing family sucks and especially so young to something that is almost never picked up on but takes our loved ones so suddenly… i cant imagine your grief, but we’re here to talk if you need us…

I get that. Everyone needs a sibling that disagrees with you on most things but will jump anyone trying to even think about talking shit about you. Im sorry you lost yours, but the OG community will be here to talk and help if you ever need it. We dont judge, we just like to listen… sometimes its all thats needed in these situations…

Im sure it will, but youll get through it…Right now you should focus on family and the memories… it’s ok to be sad, it’s natural… but try not to stay there too long, try to focus on the good times and have a few laughs remembering him.


I’m truly sorry man.


My deepest condolences @MrHamilton to you, your family and all those that knew your brother.



Condolences @MrHamilton
Our thoughts and prayers are with yourself and family.


really sorry for your loss, its a hard thing to process. hope this helped you vent.


Extremely sorry for your entire family’s loss. Dealing with losing an important loved one in our life can be difficult to deal with. I’m glad you’re able to come on here, share, and talk with others, but never be afraid for any reason to go talk to a counselor/therapist. Sometimes in situations like these family/group grief counseling sessions help. I wish your brother nothing but positivity and good luck on his journey to wherever he’s off to now. I also wish your family and yourself the best of luck dealing with this devastating loss.


So soo sorry for your loss. It’s healthier to grieve than to bottle it all up and let it destroy you on the inside. In time I hope it’ll be easier to deal with for you and your loved ones. :bowing_man:t2:‍♂


So sorry for your loss.


Dude, no words, I’m very sorry but just know he’s started a whole new adventure. If dmt has taught me anything its that this isn’t the end. Sad for all us that deal with it but we too will join them in the blink of the eye! You will meet again!


I’m sorry for your loss MrHamilton.


@MrHamilton, I’m so sorry to hear of your brother’s passing at such a young age.


I am incredibly sorry to hear about your brothers passing. My heart aches for you, your entire family, and what would have been your future sister in law. As a widow myself, I can empathize the pain she and all of you must be feeling.

I know we don’t know each other but feel free to message me if you need someone to listen. :heart:‍:adhesive_bandage:


Sorry for your loss.

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Thanks for sharing be well !

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Aww so sorry man. As someone who has lost an older brother, I wish you all the strength in the world.