Looks like the waxing of the meat breath worked out. I will take a photo of it tomorrow! It has a “melted” look to it and not fail piles like the king tut.
The areas I left it thick, it is all flat but doesn’t look waxed. It’s definitely linked to the water and thickness of the layer of trichomes. Thick layers doesn’t work! I’ll let it dry out more before I study it, that’s coming up soon!
huh you know it didn’t work like I expected. Going to have to meditate on that one before I make the next batch. I think I know where it all went wrong! I think there was too much acceleration on the batch and too much water was extracted. Once it’s balled up I don’t think it changes back. I know I can do it with this hash because I did it before. I did go extreme on the water extracting and let it sit for a while. Bah! Oh well, I’ll get it sorted real soon! That’ll be fun! Those were all big bud batches I waxed up, but I know I can do it with this other shit.
For the super best friends I am watching a video…ugh by frenchy. He’s changed up his claims to be slightly more difficult to falsify. He’s getting tricky in his old age. Also, I am beginning to wonder if he knows the meaning behind the words he says. It’s almost like they are a non-sequitur.
He lived in a cave…man! Gonna take me a couple of days to watch it because of all the hash I have to rip.
lol! There’s actually this part where he starts bitching about posers but he calls them “green rashers” I think he means green rusher like people are running for money. I found that to be incredibly funny! I was going to pick up my torch when he started saying green rasher but man once I understood what he was talking about and it wasn’t just another rambling of a madman…ohhh fucking hilarious! He definitely nailed them.
lol! Apparently… a rasher is bacon? And… bacon can be green on the edge? Green rashers!? Well I’m done with the video, but I remain skeptical of his 20 point judging system. It’s easy to tell good hash, it fills up the bottle and makes me happy! Ok lemme get a photo of the hash I made.
yum! Despite it being a failed wax attempt, it’s really good. Way better than the king tut hash that failed.
I just got a set of 5 gallon bubble bags! Gonna have to study your thread again… and look at my weed with a microscope lol
well fuck me the 25 micron sack is frozen to the bottom of the freezer. So I had to take everything out and now I’m thawing it out. It could be related to the power outage who the fuck knows, or maybe I put uhhh errrr hmmm I dunno. I guess it was the power outage I can’t think of any other reasons.
Your packaging needs to be stoner proof, everything needs to be stoner proof
Well, that’s my working philosophy…
well, you’ll be happy to know I thawed out the freezer and dried it out. Hopefully it’ll be another decade before that happens again. I ripped all the freeze dried hash from the last batch! mmm freeze dried is definitely the way to go. So creamy! I’ll make that hash batch soon. I’m just finishing the prep work aka smoking the leftovers!
ok this time I made the hash, but instead I didn’t use centripetal acceleration to get the water out. Instead I dripped out the water and dumped it onto the parchment. It didn’t SEEM as difficult to make into a slurry this time. So we’ll see eh?
If that’s the difference between it working and failing, I’m going to crap my pants. Just sayin’
well I took several shitty photos. They were all out of focus, so I give up. Perhaps the surface of the water was preventing a good focus or the camera is crap or a combo.
Anyways if you like blurry images, that’s what it looks like. It’s not sludgy like the last one was, I have high hopes!!!
Maybe when you throw the bags back in the freezer you can put them either in a small bucket or a ziplock or something so that if they stick to one of those at least you can take it out and not have to thaw the whole freezer hehe
That looks like your best work so far but what do I know… what I do know is my long time smoking buddies love the hash I made, but also, they are no connoisseurs so not much feed back there…
I think I asked before, but I forget, how do you get it spread out so thin on the parchment and if it is really sticky does that make it more difficult?
I use some ice water from the fridge and an exact-o knife. It’s really really sharp! You pour some water on the hash or beside it and then start stirring the hash into the water. Then start spreading it out. Usually 5 TBsp of water does it. The hash should sort of float around as tiny particles and make it look milky but it settles to the bottom and leaves a sheen of water after you stop agitating it. You have to be careful not to slash the paper with the knife lol! I’ll soon know the exact mechanism behind it turning to wax, I’m on the trail.
ok here’s a better photo, it was difficult to take lol! PRobably by tomorrow the water should be mostly evaporated!
see how smooth it is no lumps! I’m definitely getting ready to crap my pants. We’ll see very soon if it works.
ok, well I guess it’s time to crap my pants. That was the answer all along! If you drain out too much of the water, it’ll never turn to wax. OK that’s nuts. The secret is there has to be water trapped in the hash still, enough to drain out and make a puddle if you put it on parchment. Then you add more water and just whisk it into the puddle. The it’s perfectly smooth! Otherwise it forms lumps you can never get out, and it’s ruined. You have to smoke it as regular hash. wow gonna meditate on that while I do laundry.