My first cannabis everything

Now I am on my computer with a 32 inch screen instead of my phone, I can see more details. I think you actually have nitrogen toxicity. Your leaves are very dark and starting to claw. The yellowing is what happens next. Your bacteria have probably started to get into top gear now and its too much for them. Some strains like high N some dont.

I have a G99 with exactly the same problem atm. I made up some soil, and it was too hot for 3 out of my 5 different strains I potted up atm.

If you google Cannabis Nitrogen toxicity pics you will see lots of similar looking plants.

If you are growing them big they will start to come back after a while, it looks bad, but mine is almost through it now, I put it into flower and when it starts to stretch and grow fast it should resolve itself soon I hope, otherwise it could affect my bud site development.


Close! I was at a Rural King! One of the smaller independently owned ones. I don’t know if they have those in Missouri. If you get a chance, the corporate owned stores are bigger, better and cheaper. I love farm and home stores.
Caseyville, IL has Rural King, one near Belleville (my favorite), if you happen by the area. The Caseyville store can take one into some dicier areas. Not sure if their prices compare to Bucheits, or if they use the same brand of popcorn or the same SMALL bags!


We got rural Kings to lol


Excellent, I do think that you are absolutely right. I think that this might be bad for my plants and possible yield. These are autoflowers, at 5 weeks. There is about 20% rabbit manure in these pots, aged, composted with other media and amendments.
I think that you are right, and that things are too rich for these particular plants. I thought I was going lighter…or lighter enough as opposed to what I grew herbs and veggies in.
There’s another 50 gallons of this same mixture on my patio which I will have to modify for the next plants. I have overdone things and now I am costing myself.
This is going to be a real drag. I live in a tiny condominium and will now have 2 or more 50 gallon trash bins full of less nitrogen rich substrate. I’ll have to figure out a way to be clever and decorative with it.


Things just went ok for these plants, despite nitrogen issues. For my first grow of these plants, I got just a couple of grams less than 6 ounces. But things weren’t good.
I had been tending these plants with a broken hand I was favoring, for about 6 weeks. Then I got a cast, which made things difficult, especially during trim time. Use of only one arm left me with a rotator cuff tear in the other arm. It really made trim time a bear. My cast hand and arm really got swollen and started turning colors with a lot of pain, and I could only think of that cast as a wick to the filth of the world, especially as a corona virus storage unit. I did not do well. I was literally bouncing off the walls, sweating profusely as I was trying to cut the cast off with a pair of tin snips.
I was in so much pain I simply hung my cannabis in my clothes closet where it dried too fast, made everything smell. It has been curing and smells like hay till it’s ground a bit. I put most of it in jars with 190 proof.
I can’t lift a pot now, and the zippers of tent give me shoulder grief, but I did get 5 more plants started, 4 of which are doing well. Nothing will happen with my arm or my hand for awhile. It is not an emergency, and I refuse to make the long trip to the surgeon. It is an area that has many, many more cases of the virus, and much more death. Two of my fingers are deformed. I am sure that I will be trimming more plants with hand and shoulder as is, but will make sure I dedicate more care to the drying. Growing cannabis is a little depressing and discouraging right now, until I see new leaves.

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That sounds awful and unfortunately you use your arms for everything. So sorry to hear this! I’ve had a shoulder injury for years and aside from knees they are the worst. Take good care of yourself. Speedy healing to you.


Thank you. Even turning lots is a bear, right now, and holding a phone. But, he has cannabis in jars! I am so happy for this. More on the way.


You are growing one handed and it’s your first time. I think you did great. You get better and better at it with each grow. Keep on growing!


Sorry to hear about your hand and shoulder, I get a lot of pain sometimes, I just have to try and find a comfortable position and not move, until I absolutely have to.You did a great job under the circumstances man. :+1:


It was a rather overwhelming start to the year. My anxiety had me shaking when even thinking about anything growing related.
It’s taken awhile, but I think that this year I will be able to relax and enjoy more. Doing lots of reading and just doing things, has been beneficial.
Getting ready to harvest, clean, and restart. I could not resist putting some of my other plants in here.
This is Sansevieria parva ‘White’. They have a real reputation for Death. After 3 years of languish, it loves being treated like an Autoflower.
One of my favorite tasks is taking everything out of the tent to clean it. It calms the nerves and always feels like a fresh start, or a do over.
We have lots on cannabis in jars, in the freezer, in oils! I am absolutely delighted!

Thanks for everything you post! I have had severe brain fog that would have rendered me absolutely useless for the task of growing Cannabis for him, if I could not keep checking in somewhere to get needed reminders.