My first grow photoperiod ladies INDOORS (and three autos ;)

Namaste and hi dear friends,

I had made myself rare a few years but now I want to be again with you all with a fine set of Ladies:


2 Malawi Gold from regular seeds
1 Sherbet Orange fem.
1 GSC fem.
1 Watermelon Skittlez



1 Kosher Cake
1 Lemon Pie
1 Strawberry Pie

all from Fastbuds, and these three are exceptional strains to me.

Lights: Pro Emit Sunbar 450

Soil for Autos: Organic

Soil for Photos: Lightmix, Cocos and Living Biochar. HORTISOL - Willkommen bei Kanamu-Pacha - Deine Terra Preta Erde

Wasser: Energized by Wassermatrix, Grander Water, Gemstones and Oxygene

Location: Attic, there is as well my gas heating from my house, thats good for enough CO2 so do I believe and CO2 Bags

Since my tap water is quite soft I use CALMAG from BioBiz every other day.

Now, seeds came into water in beginning December 2021, so you see there are already fine in the blooming phase…

So here are the pics for you:

Here you see the my autos in the back of the tent :wink: In the back is the Kosher Cake, in fron is the Lemon Pie and on the right you see the Strawberry Pie

The Photos:

Girl Scout Cookies

Watermelon Skittlez

Orange Sherbet

Malawi Gold

They are now since only two to three weeks in the flowering phase, so I would say, son of a gun, that will be good!

Autos need I think between 1 and three weeks :wink:

So I hope you like what you see and that you all are in a very happy and evenminded and grateful condition of consciousness!

I love you all!

God bless us and our world and all your loved ones!



They look like very good, healthy, happy plants. Good job.


Thank you Ace, I am doing my best with love, I speak in fact with em and they have divine chants and music all day long with Sathya Sai Baba, and it works so it seems :wink: I love the endless diversity of Marihuana Blessed be!!!

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I’ve got a few of those same genetics in the vault so I will be interested to see how these turn out. You’re off to a good start!

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Yo brother, I thank you for your acknowledgement, yeah soon you will see it :heart:

I will make new pics this eve, until then be blessed with power and love and light of God!

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Namaste and a fine eve dear ones,

here are the newest paparazzi pics of the ladies :wink:

Enjoy, like I do:

Wow, that uploading time is mind-blowing!! So fast :slight_smile:

and last but not least :heart:

I am so grateful, only God is doing all this … :pray:

A pro po bros, I want to confess to you that I have started again growing and taking Magic Mushrooms
:stars: And I have found my favorite and they are from Mexico called Mazapatek. I took last saturday 45 grams fresh shrooms and 1.8 gram dustdry ones, and boy or better SON OF A GUN I was even deeper and harder far out the my highest dry shroom intake of 7gr. and that was a total death of my ego, and I have changed even more… for they know me here, I am a spiritual Coach, and Devotee of Sathya Sai Baba. So became more soft, more happy, I know now that I am God. WE all are God in truth, but there is also our father Mother God, and GOD is one, God is truth, Gott ist Dharma, Prema and Shanti, and we share this identity with him … ok sorry :wink:

Now last saturday it was heroic, I had to take all my power and might sometimes not to vomit, so strong it was, but it was soooooo goood!!! I had orgasms in all bodies, unbelivable euphoric blissful feelings and a divine extasy ohh it is unbeschreiblich :wink: I have not the words to tell you this trip, this holy experience of my own holiness. It was such a glorious ride, man!

This is the music I heard then, I tripped from 4pm to 3am :wink:

Enjoy for its a true gem to me:

And of course a cried and chanted and sang with Swami, so if you will choose so dear brother or sister, let yourself betouched and your hear will be touched and peace and love can come:

Thank you for your time coming into world a bit…

I love you!

Jay! Joy to all of you! :heart:


New pics for you :slight_smile:

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Hi dear ones,

may this post find you well and happy and healthy :slight_smile: :pray: :heart:

Here some new pics first Orange Sherbet from Barney´s Farm:

Here we have the Girl Scout Cookies:

Watermelon Skittlez, Tadaa:

Landrace Ladies one and two Malawi Gold, wow what a Strain:

A whole lotta love:

NOW, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Autos!

Lemon Pie:

Strawberry Pie:


et voila la Madame Kosher Cake:

All together:

Many blessings and love galore to you all! :heart:

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My dear friends, here are the new pictures of my ladies:

The Autos are now already in the net, very smelly and sticky and so yummy mmmm! The Colors are awesome and the buds heavy and compact I am very happy with this grow!

The photos are developing wonderfully, they are really a cult in his own right, wonderful towers of divine joy blooming life in happiness :heart: :pray:

Blessed be all with love!

I am fucking in love with that malawi towering over the modern hybrids! Malawi is soo strong too. Verging the psychedelic edge.

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Hola Senior Lotus, merci, yes She is wonderful and soon ready to be cut :wink: Thank you for dropping some lines here :heart_eyes:

Hey here are the new pics, they are all at the pea and ready to go in the dark room:


Photoperiods rule! Is my humble opinion and autos are just spielerei like we say in german :wink: Much Love! AUM