My first time growing

Hello, welcome to OG! I wish you luck starting for the first time.

I’d say that probably for beginner I’d skip CO2, it really grows well without it and you need to get some experience so try to stay low and go with some easy and fail-proof setup.

Regarding bulbs, HPS is pretty much industry standard. For the smell you need to use Carbon Filter. Its size has to be chosen in relation to your exhaust ventilation. Choose the bulb wattage first, then vent and filter.

If you choose appropriate ventilation and supply enough fresh air, you can get great results without using CO2. I’d leave CO2 to professionals since there is only few percent of yield surplus. As a beginner you don’t need another thing to take care of.

What about medium and grow style? Have you got any plans about it?

BTW cabinet only 3 feets high? That is not much for flowering chamber.

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