My little grow tents

Into week 3 12/12, finally had some time in the morning to get in there and clean them up… that’ll teach em’ to transpire so much! :angry:


big de-leaf

big leaf

Group shot

The cap junky S1 has been growing crazy long petioles, they twist and turn themselves over to reach light.

The gorilla 1’ extension has 100% saved my ass this time, leaving that in for sure from now on. WISH IT HAD A FKIN ZIPPER IN THE FRONT THOUGH!! :rofl:

Still running a short 2hr irrigation window with ‘high’ runoff (like 15-20%) to bring down the substrate EC as they have mostly ( :crossed_fingers:) stopped stretching.

Thanks for reading, have a good day OG!


Looking nice!!

C99, I’ve been eyeing the FDM offering for a bit, I’d lean that way.

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Thanks man! What do they say about a blind squirrel finding a nut from time to time?? :smiley: These plants are just meshing up well with what I’m doing this time

From what I remember FDM has grown his out from the original c99 seed stock and brothers grimm re-created it? Tough choice… I’d prefer fem seeds. I have some more reading to do I guess.

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It’s always nice when it comes together, I’ll be anxious to see how they flower out.
Good to see them below the lights too :grin:.

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Day 38 of 12/12. Have to carve out some time to get in there and clean these up this weekend.

1 out of 4 runs isn’t so bad is it? Haha! This 1ft extension saved the day for sure, looks like I’m safe this time.

Pics between days 32~38


Nice, looking good! Time to bulk up.

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Those chem D x TK are looking nice! Way better stacking on the colas than the 5150TK x Chem 91 I grew from csi. TK seems to be quite the stretcher, stretch just kept going till like week 3 atleast, and I was in a 5 foot tent :joy:


Hope so! Watering them almost all day now.

Oh man 5’ would be rough! Did you have your fan/filter outside at least? I think the TK x chem D plants kept growing until week 4, the one I put outside is going to get me in trouble :rofl:. The Chem x TK plants are much more “tent friendly”.

She did stack up nicely , just hope they can stay mold free :crossed_fingers:.


I normally don’t grow in the summer, with Great Lakes humidity and all. This year, I just kept going.

But, for the first time ever, I’ve had mold in some of my tops the last 2 runs. It’s painful mulching those babies. Good luck!

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That hurts, hope you were able to salvage enough. I found little pockets of white mold inside the larger flowers last run… silver lining is that at least we found it before we smoked it!

Really struggling keeping humidity down in there, maybe the added silica will protect them :face_with_monocle:.

Looking forward to ‘indoor season’ myself.

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Yeah, I got plenty :slightly_smiling_face:.

I’ve always hung dry whole branches in the past, but I bought that Cannatrol and that forces me to break all the colas down when wet. I probably wouldn’t have noticed otherwise tbh.

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Oh ya!! How did you like the cannatrol buds? Can you shove a whole harvest into it at once?

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I’m just finishing my 2nd cycle. It’s true they don’t smell much coming out of the machine, but I smoke them more than I smell them so I’m just adapting to that. So far so good.

I usually grow 6 plants in my 4x4. I bought the extra Cannatrol shelves, but I can still only fit 2 plants in at a time when they are wet (plants are usually 4-5 oz dry). So that’s a major suck point, I’m not sure I can deal with staggered harvests. I like to chop them all, clean, and start fresh. Can’t do that anymore.

Wonder if my lack of thorough cleaning is contributing to the mold? Hmmm

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Yah luckily I did, had to take out the normal light hangers and zip tie the lights to the very top of the tent too :joy:

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Bro those buds are coming along perfectly