My little grow tents

Went poking around codas cap junky s1 grow… looks like there are some real stretchers in those seeds. Hope I get a 1-2 tame ones.

Me too, I need to look into this more for the next run. At the very least I’m going to buy the jack’s 0-12-26.

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Little seed update

Got all 12 moved into starter pots and watered in at ~1.2EC/5.8PH right around ~180ppfd. High 70’s F most of the day @ 70+ RH for now. Not touching them for a few days. Only one helmet head survivor this time (top right).

Pretty boring at this stage :man_shrugging:

Have a good weekend!


You have options in the US. Customhydronutrients has the MB 0-20-42 for a good price, I think. If I recall correctly, MB made this formula (the original 0-12-26) for CHN and for the cannabis growing crowd, and then Jack’s said “oh, us too”. MB made some further changes, and made it more concentrated as 0-20-42. I’d compare prices, and take into account that the 0-20-42 is more concentrated, if you’re going to choose one of these “0 nitrogen” formulas.

Looks good.


Question for you and @Tripl3fastaction, and whoever else has similar irrigation setup. How much of your irrigation lines (hose, tubing, pipe, even fittings(?)) do you throw away and replace after each grow?


So far I haven’t had to replace anything for two runs with this setup (this is the start of the 3rd). However this weekend I’m going to check the flow rate of each dripper so I might have to report back after.

Seed update:

All chugging along for now. Walked them up to ~350ppfd, full strength veg feed @ 2.4 EC, tent is staying 80-82F at 70RH. Guessing 7-10 more days before I can transplant to 1 gallon bags and let em rip on the drip system.


Going for a little public shaming here, eh :grinning:?

18 months on my setup, pretty much running full time.

Other than a few clogged drippers, I’ve never changed anything. I clean my tent between runs, but that’s it. I’ve never ran any line cleaner or bleach or sterilizers. I wipe out my res with a paper towel on harvest day. Put new plants in and start over.

Not best practices by any means but it’s worked for me.


And you’re both using that “poly” tubing, that you pierce and insert the drip emitters, right?
Right now I’m still using some of that black vinyl tubing (hose), with basic gray poly fittings (like tees and elbows) and rainbird or similar brand 8 port manifolds, and then green floraflex 1/8" (or whatever it is) hose coming off of that. I’m wondering if the vinyl tubing is the issue.

I’m surprised to hear you’ve been going that long without replacing anything. That’s great. I just assumed replacing the hose was something that everyone did and would do, but not sure if that’d be just the poly tubing (the white 1/2" stuff), or the smaller 1/8" lines, and whether or not the emitters would also be replaced with that 1/8" line - if so.

Honestly, I hate dealing with all the lines and hoses. And the more plants, the more of it.
I’m about ready to give ebb flow serious consideration, as I don’t want to go full on hydro like rdwc (well I do, but I don’t - you know?).


1/2” poly as the main line then I use 1/4” vinyl for the distribution lines as it’s more flexible. I’m using Drip Lock manifolds and connectors. Only running 12 lines, 2 to each plant.

It took me most of a day to put it all together, if that was “routine maintenance” I’d likely move on too.

F/D, I’ve never tried. Guess I’m a little apprehensive about the recirculating nature of the nutrients, it just seems it would make managing the reservoir pretty labor intensive.

Edit to ask - all of my lines are black, yours are white. I wonder if the intense light somehow peeks through that white poly, creating buildup? Stretch thought I know …


Mine is also poly tubing; 1/2" mainline into 1/8" off the dripper. So far it has been fairly low maintenance. I do flush and fill the lines w/ HOCL at a higher dose and then let it sit for several hours after each harvest to help keep it clean, not sure how much it actually helps… the drip heads are alsoo supposed to be ‘self-cleaning’. The two filters I’m using probably help too :rofl: (dog hair… :disappointed_relieved:)

Still need to test the flow rates, but visually they looked good. Surprised all the gypsum didn’t gum them up at all.

What’s the issue? Just not holding up over time?

I do hate this, it’s drip line spaghetti for a while until the plants get a little larger. I started w/ 18 lines thinking I would do 9 plants w/ 2x drippers per, now I’m aiming more for 4-6 total plants so I could remove a bunch of these to clean it up a little.

It’s all netafim brand, they claim it to be “Fully UV resistant and completely opaque to prevent algae growth. This tubing is not coated or layered white; it is solid white for long-term durability.” :man_shrugging: It was about the same price as any other tubing, so figured why not. So far I haven’t noticed any build up inside those lines.


Been a strange couple of weeks here at, forgot to update this :upside_down_face:

Selected two of each CapJunky & Tk/Chem crosses and moved the remaining six into one gallon grow bags of coco. Played around w/ some really small irrigation shots (~1%, 2-4x daily) while they were rooting into the new pots to keep some nutrient/air moving through the container during the ~7 days of rooting in instead of just letting them dryback w/ nothing.
Today they’re rooted & ready for some real P1’s and to start to build up the substrate EC a little before
flipping them within the next ~7 days.

Here they are today. The CapJunky’s and TKxChemD are doing well, the Chem x TK have never been happy, but they’re chugging along. Ignore the algae bloom in the drain… I think it’s from foliar spraying kelp :shushing_face:

Currently they are all un-topped, Can’t decide what I want to do w/ them… bit worried the TKxChemD might blow up vertically in bloom. Have a trellis up already just in case.

All the Chem D x Triangle Kush plants were leaners from birth. Was odd to see all 4 do it. Chose the stronger 2 and they have mostly started to grow upright now.

Had a double node on a CapJunky, neat-o…

Transplant ball for future reference.

A little variegation on a TKxChemD plant, looks similar to some leaves from a ChemD clone I grew last year. Cool to see the trait pop up here, or it just got splashed with some nutrient :rofl:

I’ve been using athena’s blending line this time and it really makes me miss jacks when mixing a new reservoir. Messing with 5 1 gallon jugs is kinda a PITA, but I’m looking forward to seeing how it works out in bloom!
Feed is going in at 3.0EC/5.8PH. Environment has been 79~82F @ 65%RH at a VPD of around ~0.8~1.0. PPFD target is ~600.

Have a good weekend OG! :partying_face:


What kinda dripper set up are you using?

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They’re 0.5gph netafim woodpecker jr’s, the pump is a seaflow33.

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You make the setup all your self?

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I didn’t build anything, just assembled the pieces, but it wasn’t a kit either. Pretty easy, but I definitely learned a lot about how to properly seal a plastic pipe joint :smiley:

Are you thinking of setting one up?


Yeah I have been thinking about making a dripper kit and playing with coco, I’m gonna run coco first with some hand watering and then when I get that down gonna look into making a timed dripper setup. It’s all in the name of fun it play around with.


Heck ya. You’ll be in love with the coco :smiley:

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Crossing day 16 of 12/12, and everything is running pretty smooth :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: so far.

Last day of veg, looking a little scruffy.

Day 16F

Threw one of each variety outside as I was thinning them out in veg. They’re surviving well enough with little care. This is a TKxChem D I think, she’s getting a new pair of shoes this weekend hopefully.


Different angle than the usual lazy front of the tent shot. Really liking what I’m seeing from the athena blended nutrients, but really not enjoying mixing up 6(!!!) bottles each reservoir change, but it’s not that big of a deal at the end of the day. All irrigations are happening in a <2 hour window right now with runoff right in the range i’m looking for. Going in at ~3.0/5.9 (ec/ph) and coming out at ~7.5/5.8. Getting pretty predictable runoff volume/ec/ph readings which is a nice change for previous runs w/ this setup.

Starting to think about the next run, really want to check C99 off my wishlist. Leaning toward the brothers grimm C99 fems. I see FDM has reg C99 seeds… any other suggestions to check out?


Wanna say @JAWS had a Cindy 99 he put out that may still be around.


I didn’t know that, added to the list! Thanks!

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