My Medical Grow

Looks like ya have them all covered then when’s the jump to 1000 gallon going to be? Lol ru sharpening up your chain saw to take them mothers down this fall yet?


What kind of trunk diameter ru getting in those girls then ?

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Like a soda can .



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Holy batshit Robbin size large everything gonna be quite the show come harvest.


Trying to stay under the radar with new regulations when it comes to the personal cultivation of cannabis. The County has replaced the ability to grow 200 square feet (with one medical prescription or valid medical card), 400 square feet (with two medical prescriptions or valid medical cards in certain zones), or 600 square feet (with three medical prescription or valid medical cards in certain zones) with the ability to plant up to six cannabis plants outdoors on a legal parcel without differentiating between medical or recreational cannabis in all zones except Multi-Unit Residential. Alternatively, up to 6 plants may be grown indoors in any zone, including Multi-Unit Residential zones. No more than 6 plants may be grown per residence indoors or outdoors at any given time and any cannabis grown under the ordinance must be exclusively for the personal use of the residents of the parcel. Since may the 10 the sheriff has raided over a hundred grows and a lot more to come . Most have been large grows of a thousand or more a bit excessive even for N. California . This is how the regulations read this season . So with three medical cards its 600 square feet of canopy in my area seems to be enough weed for me lol . Also if your bucks up you can get a permit to grow commercial if you meet all the rules and have a 1000 feet set back from property lines so just the large property owners / or cartel . So after reading 13 sections my three cards are only good until Nov or Dec for the 600 sq foot of canopy after that its six plants total medical or personal my friends will just need to grow there own from now on .


Yay! Your the 1st person or one of the 1st I’ve been able to see who’s Actually utilized diatomaceous earth

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Holy ship! What the hell is that?! why is it pink? What the hell do I have to do to get seeds to that? I have never seen anything like that before ever. I think I just about shipped my pants

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That girl is fat! Are you coating the stem?

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Wow, that is a bit heartbreaking to hear. I’m hoping all the best things for you . Fortunately your grows are incredible. I’m looking forward to following along.

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So how are your bug problems going last season was a nightmare . So far nothing but an occasional grasshopper taking a nibble cropping by insect .


Trying to post an old photo my computer updated and now things are screwed . Gave up trying to hide this Blue Dream .PA104098


Wow! I got 2 blue dreams in the greenhouse and they are both monsters already!


I think they had a month or so to go in that photo the grey poles are 10 ft plus .


Wow thats insane. Do you have a space to dry all the material after?


A big barn .


Nice. What are the temps and humidity like?

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You sure do grow some monster plants over there, old man! My Blue Dream this year won’t be half that fat. Do you start your seeds indoors? How early do you start yours?


They get a little out of hand at times . I start seeds indoors in April when i grew in the ground they were average size plants . But when I changed to grow bags to combat gophers they started to get big . The blue Dream finished over ten feet hard to hide .


The Aphid war has started no such thing as a few aphids . I sprayed DoctorZymes OMRI last night and will spray again in a few days . This product works for mites / thrips / aphids / whiteflies / fungus / molds / mildew . No smell no taste lol and can be used right up to harvest . I used this last season to battle gifted plants loaded with mites and aphids worked great . I will update in a few days .